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Bonnie didn't think she could take much more of the smell.

She was in a ginormous pipe. It was the best way to enter the government building - there was no security. And Bonnie was beginning to understand why. No normally sized person could fit in the tunnel, for one, and secondly, the smell was terrible.

As she drew nearer to her destination, Bonnie weighed her options. On one end, she could go for stealth. Making no noise or distractions could mean success, but if she failed, and got caught, it would be a disaster.

On the other end was using force. She could use her fighting skills to overpower any guard she came across, making her path quite more direct. But if she was overpowered - by more than five guards, of course - it would also be a disaster.

She just wished she had brought a nose plug.

As she kept going through, Bonnie finally decided with the stealth plan. If she succeeded, there would be less evidence that she was ever there. But she would use force, as well - if need be.

Bonnie saw a light up ahead. It was the rim of a door, making it an outline of a circle. She approached the trapdoor, taking extreme caution. She slowly opened it.

She was in a dark storage room. The reason that the room looked lit from the tunnel was because the tunnel was almost pitch black. Crates the size of boulders littered the room, making it easy for her to hide.

Bonnie exited the storage room and found herself in a long, dark hallway. She maneuvered her way through the labyrinth-like structure, and surprisingly didn't encounter any trouble.

She eventually reached a dark, steel door. She used her special pocketknife to unlock the combination lock. When she finished she slipped inside. She closed the door behind her, and winced when it slammed a lot louder than she meant it to.

She was surrounded by a dim, red light. Pokémon off all sizes were in rows of cages that seemed to go on forever. She painfully looked past them in search of the two Pokémon she was sent to retrieve. And there was something... unsettling about the atmosphere.

When she finally found the two Pokémon, she sadly saw that they were unconscious. She picked up the winged creature with one arm and picked the bull-like Pokémon with the other. She was just about to put decoys in their place when she heard a clatter from somewhere deeper into the darkness; further from the door.

Bonnie's head shot up. She looked to see where the sound was coming from, and froze when she saw the bright beam of a security flashlight piercing through the darkness. And it was getting brighter.

Bonnie tightened her grip on the two Pokémon and bolted in the opposite direction. Heart pounding, Bonnie gripped both Pokémon even tighter while she pumped her legs as hard as she could. She heard shouting behind her, as well as footsteps increasing in speed and volume, but she kept running.

The sound of someone else running after her got faster and faster, louder and louder. She just pushed on, determined to escape with both of the injured Pokémon. Sweat poured down her face, and her grip tightened when slippery perspiration gathered in her palms. She twisted and turned, her path set for the dark storage room.

And she would have gotten away, too.

Bonnie was running down one of the dimly lighted hallways, the storage room at the end, when her foot got caught on something. She tumbled forward, towards the ground, both Pokémon spilling out of her arms. Both of her knees and hands were scraped, and scarlet blood leaked out of her and onto the cold floor. She painfully pushed herself up to look at what she had tripped on.

A thick, gray cord the size of Bonnie's wrist was sprawled across the ground. She looked to her left and saw an empty outlet. She continued looking, and saw that she had unplugged the cord that disappeared into a giant, impenetrable door through a small hole.

I hope that wasn't important, Bonnie thought.

She winced as she pushed herself off of the ground, pain shooting through the exposed cuts on her palms and knees. She reached for Touros with her injured hand, ready to carry it again, but never got the chance. A large, gloved hand grabbed her shoulder.

Bonnie's blood ran cold. She was too shocked - too afraid - to do anything. She came to her senses, though, but it was too late.

Her panic disappeared, but by then, about ten guards had surrounded her, not including the one that had her shoulder. That one sneered.

"Well, well, well," he taunted, a smile creeping onto his mouth. "What might we have here?" His face was mere inches away from Bonnie's. His breath is almost as bad as the tunnel, she thought.

"I bet you wish you knew," Bonnie spat back, louder than she would have if she couldn't hide her emotions. The smile fell from the taunters face, who growled. Her expression displayed no fear to her captor, but she was a nervous wreck on the inside. "Now let me go, before I do something I'll regret," she hissed through her teeth, so that only the one holding her could hear, with her most threatening tone.

However, the man just smiled again. "I'd like to see you tr-"

He was pinned to the ground in a matter of seconds.

Bonnie's hand hung in the air above his neck, ready to strike him with her knife. She could finally see fear in his eyes.

But Bonnie couldn't do it. She looked into his eyes and saw more than just a guard. She saw a life. She drew her hand back to her side, and dropped her knife, which clattered onto the ground, almost in slow motion. The sound echoed throughout the halls.

For a moment, nobody moved.

But the initial shock had to wear off eventually. Bonnie felt two guards grab each of her arms and rip her from the floor. These two, as well as two more of the ten guards, shoved her into the wall, not caring about how she felt.

Her entire body was being harshly pressed against the ice cold metal. Her legs were shoulder length apart, and each leg was being held down by a single guard. Her arms were stretched out parallel to the ground, each held by another one of two guards. Her head was turned to the side, and her cheek was being pushed forcefully into the wall, a hand of another on her back and head.

She was being pushed so hard into the wall that she could hardly bear it. She tried to adjust her head into a more comfortable position, but this resulted in all of the guards pushing about twice as hard. She could hardly breathe, and she was in so much pain that tears began spill out of her eyes.

They kept her there until they had permission to take her to a cell. This amount of time was too long, as Bonnie collapsed onto the ground when their grips finally loosened. They yanked her up and dragged her through the building, the unplugged cord forgotten.

Bonnie was barely conscious the whole time. When they finally reached her cell, she could hardly keep her eyes open. They threw her inside, slammed the door, and left her to herself.

A few moments later, Bonnie slipped into the darkness that surrounded her situation. 

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