Chapter 8: Broken and Alone

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Celia POV

After I had fallen on the ground, the person who hit me picks up my gun and walks over to me. I am somewhat dizzy and have to squint. I notice that the woman is our kidnapper, Brooke Mueller.

I hear footsteps in the hall. Then the door slowly creeks open. Spencer, Hotch, and Emily walk in. Brooke notices them and points my gun at Spencer.

I try to get up, but I immediately fall back to the floor. She goes to pull the trigger and I lunge at her. The bullet just misses Spencer and hits the wall instead.

Hotch knocks the gun out of her hands and arrests her. Emily goes over to get the girls. That leaves Spencer to help me. He hesitates at first, but then comes over to me.

“Are you okay?" He asks, helping me to stand up.

“Yeah, just a little dizzy." I answer. I hear sirens in the distance.

“Thank you." He says.

“For what?" I ask him, confused.

“For knocking her out of the way so she would not shoot me." He says, helping me out of the door.

“It was no problem, Spencer."

~later that day~

You guys can go home now, it has been a long day." Hotch tells us. We had just got back from Michigan and it is almost Midnight. I gather my things and head out to my car.

When I get home, I set my things down and sit on my couch. How did I even get this job at the BAU. It's not like I am important or special in any way. I am glad I got the job, but I have no idea why they gave it to me.

I'm nothing but a worthless piece of junk. At least that's what my so called ex 'boyfriend' Andrew, calls me. He broke me years ago. I thought he was a good boyfriend at first, until he stared abusing me.

And when I tried to leave him, he killed my family. Both of my parents and my sister and two brothers. He did not get caught though. But, he eventually did get caught for abusing me. He was sentenced to jail for five years. Three, for good behavior.

And almost three years later, I found out that he would be getting out of jail in six months. That's when I started searching for a new job and got one at the BAU. It is still four months until he gets out of jail. I just hope he does not find me.

When he abused me, he did not break me. But what did, is when he killed my family. They were riding in the car and all of the sudden, BOOM! The car exploded. I later found out that a bomb had been planted on the car. I was at work at the time. I just wish there was something I could of done to save them.

He is the reason my family is dead, he is the reason I fake smiles everyday, he is the reason why I cry myself to sleep every night, the reason I have nightmares, the reason why I have trouble trusting people. He is the reason why I am Broken. He is the reason why I am all Alone.

I am alone and broken, and there is nothing I can do but deal with the pain of having no one who cares about me.


What do you guys think? If I have the time, I will try to update again later, but if not, sometime in the few days. :D

                        Love you my Rieders,
                                                    ~Ellethwen <3

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