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Magenta stands outside of the Fertitta Center at the University of Houston along with their family and friends. The C.T. Baeur College of Business graduation ceremony starts soon. Genesis is officially done with his Bachelor's degree and will be getting his diploma after deciding to go back to school.

Waiting for everyone to arrive. Gen adjusts her 5-month-old son, Mazi, on her hip. She didn't want to bother with a stroller and the arena steps, but the infant is heavy. He looks half Gen's size on her side; he's nothing less than a big butterball.

Mazi's a growing boy that makes her wonder where the time is going so fast already. He's able to do so much it amazes her. He can now reach out for her to hold him and it makes her melt. He can roll over, and she anticipates soon he'll be sitting up and crawling.

Personality wise, Mazi is a happy baby. His baby talk and laughs are non-stop. He doesn't cry much, and he's extremely independent.

She celebrated her first mother's day a few days ago and it put things in perspective for her. He's what Magenta needed. All those doubts she had when she first found out she was pregnant or gave birth are gone now.

Five months postpartum and she's loving how she feels. Something inside of Gen changed for the better. She's more balanced. She feels like she can breathe again. For so long she was so wound up with anxiety and depression. She cried so many days thinking she wasn't worthy of the life she has now. When you see her smiling today, know the smile is genuine. Mazi has brought so much to the surface and she needed it.

"I'll take him," Cortlen offers seeing how heavy he is for his sister.

Mazi happily goes into Cortlen's arms. Naturally, the baby begins caressing Cort's ear. It's something he always does to him.

She can tell her son loves his uncles so much, and vice versa. It makes it much sadder that Choice and Seven aren't around to see how much he's grown in these past few months.

With no bail, it'll be awhile until they know what's to come of Choice's case. The prosecutors are trying to get him to give in and plead guilty. His top notch lawyer who has a record of wins says he can get a not guilty verdict with the lack of evidence. Choice is rolling the dice, especially when deep down he knows he did it.

And as for Seven, no one has heard from him in two months. He never popped up in Las Vega to turn himself in. He disappeared without a trace. All they could do was file a missing person's report and assume he went on the run. You don't want to assume the worst, but what else can you do?

Going into the stadium they find the best seats they can. Soon the commencement begins. Magenta has a bittersweet feeling seeing Genesis stand on the side of the stage waiting for his name to be called.

Gen can't stay mad at her husband for too long. After he shot those two intruders, she had to eventually get over the secrets he kept. They're married now. This isn't college where they can ignore each other until they're over it. It's not even when they were dating and they could live apart or take a break.

She stayed at his mother's a week then they eventually went back home. The fear of people from the mafia lingered then it went away as things quieted down again. That's what they do... They let them get comfortable then it starts all over again.

Destin's family got their retaliation. Choice was charged with murder. And Gen can even bet Seven's disappearance has something to do with them too. Everyone thinks he ran, but she has a feeling it's worse than that...

Anticipating Gee walking across the stage, all his family and friends stand to their feet. Gen holds up a big sign that's sure enough to embarrass him.

"Genesis Savon Wilson, Summa Cum Laude," the announcer says into the microphone. Despite all the drama and obstacles in his life, he was able to graduate with a 3.9 GPA and a degree in business.

Gee looks much different from the other students in his graduating class. They're going to work in stuffy offices where they haven't established their career. Meanwhile, he's the same man who had a successful business and worked at record labels.

With a fresh tattoo of his son's name above his left eyebrow it's obvious he's not worried about first impressions at job interviews. His plan after graduation is set in stone. He's starting a media publishing company as a joint venture with Gen's company called 222sworld.

It makes sense to add on the branch to make the business well rounded. Now people in media can come to them for multiple things without going anywhere else.

Gee wanted to get the degree in business just to show he could do it. Most of all to show his father he could do it. It took some time and roadblocks, but he finished like Genaro always wanted him to.

Watching him leave the stage after shaking multiple hands, Magenta recalls her own college graduation. She honestly wasn't ecstatic about the accomplishment. She was happy about finally being done, but something was missing..

Gee had to leave school, essentially leaving her alone. Juju was killed the year before and their friend group fell apart. Pop died after that attempted robbery. It was a lot.

She remembered graduating college and looking at all her peers who were on the road to being married after finding college sweethearts. After leaving that unhealthy relationship with Caleb, she knew she wasn't who she needed to be.

She can admit she didn't know why she needed to wait for what seemed so easy for everyone else. She just wanted a working relationship and love.

And that's how she ended up back with Noah. A relationship she gave too many chances and stayed in way too long so she wasn't alone.

Magenta's been in and out of relationships her entire adult life. Looking for the one thing she couldn't find because she truly wasn't ready. She wasn't who God wanted her to be yet. She couldn't find "the one" because she wasn't the one for herself.

It took trauma and tragedy for her to be reborn. For her to see the value in herself and what she needed. And it helped her fully see who and what she wanted.. The man who crossed that stage.

Maybe they didn't walk across the same year. Maybe some of the things they expected to happen didn't go as planned. Regardless, it's their story, and it played out how it was supposed to. Nonetheless, Magenta's proud of him.

Once the ceremony's over they all go outside trying to find Genesis. In the large crowd of graduates and families, they find him. Immediately, Cortlen and Colby are as loud as they can be to congratulate him.

"You finally did it!" Jux pokes fun as they embrace him.

"Don't knock my niggas hustle. What matters is he did it," Cort daps him up.

"Man, move. Where's my wife and son?" He pushes them aside. As soon as Mazi sees his father coming their way, he drops his toy reaching for him.

"Daddy's boy," Gen shakes her head before kissing her husband.

A week ago was Gee's 28th birthday. Most of the people who crossed the stage were 22-year-olds excited or worried about what's to come next. They're being thrust into real adult-hood. Meanwhile, he's married, has a child, a brand new house and land, a company, and now a Bachelor's degree.

Gee fixes Mazi's outfit examining him. "Why do you have my son dressed like a drug dealer? He look like he sells dope. You got on some shit though, dada. Got the Amiri jogging suit?"

He laughs at the track suit, a diamond cuban bracelet, and fresh Nike Air Force 1's. He also has on a Cartier Trinity cord bracelet – the same one Gen bought them as a couple for their first Valentine's day together.

Gee kisses his son's cheek while cradling him in his arms. Every time he looks at Mazi, you can see the love and pride in his eyes.

There's also a sense of sadness behind his gaze. Gee already lost his father, now Seven being M.I.A. has taken a toll on him. Magenta and Gee have switched roles. She finally gained all the weight back she lost after the assault, but now he's the one who's losing pounds due to stress. He's constantly in a state of worry causing it to weigh on him heavy.

All Gen can do is try to be there for him and reassure him everything will work out.

After taking a million pictures they finally go to dinner at a restaurant where Gen booked a reservation.

In the private space, they all sit around a long table waiting on their food. Magenta sits in between Genesis and Pandora who holds her god-son.

"He's so chunky. He has those rolls like you did as a kid," P tickles him to make Mazi laugh.

"Michelin man," Cort has to throw it in to make fun like he did when she was younger. "Hawaiian rolls for arms."

"Give me kissy, juicy man," Pandora says in his face as Mazi smiles from ear to ear. He's literally obsessed with her.

It's no surprise when Mazi grabs her face and pulls her in. His mouth latches onto her cheek slobbering all over it. It makes it even funnier that he makes noises and shakes his head while doing it. Every time he sees her, he tries to eat her face.

At first, they chalked it up to teething. It's one way babies learn about the world by putting things in their mouth. "I've never seen him do that to anybody else, I swear," Gee says watching the interaction.

"I can't wait until you two have a little chocolate drop," Gen leans forward to look at Jux who sits on the other side of Pandora.

"After a ring," he makes it clear only getting a facial expression of agreement from her best friend.

Magenta can't lie, she's surprised they lasted so long. Despite the origins of their relationship involving the entanglement with her, Jux, and Kross, they've been together years now.

They're happy, live together, and they're even dog parents. It's the most serious relationship either of them has been in. The next natural progression is getting engaged, and Jux has made it clear it's coming soon. Magenta's happy for Pandora.

Cortlen already took that next step in his relationship. He's proposed to his girlfriend on Christmas and now a wedding's being planned. Tempest is more than happy because one of her kids finally wants an extravagant wedding. She's been having a ball planning it.

Magenta smiles looking around the table. Her mother has a sleeping CC in her lap as she sits next to her partner in crime, Gee's mother, Misty.

Tempest made the full move from Dallas to Houston to take care of her granddaughter. That only meant more time for her and Misty to get into their shenanigans. It's cute to see.

Once everyone has food and drinks, Gen stands to give a toast speech for Gee. "I'm not good at speeches, especially because I don't want to get all in my feelings and show people I'm not a thug," she starts.

"No one thinks you're a thug at all. Like at all!" Cortlen emphasizes.

"Let's not act like when I came down the block in Dallas I didn't have the girls shook," she gets off topic making them all laugh.

"Where the fuck was I at? I don't remember this," Pandora looks confused.

"Don't listen to them. I know your body. I know what you're about," Gee defends her.

"Always have my back," they do their handshake. "Like I was saying... I'm so proud of you, Genesis. The way we picked up all of our broken pieces, put them back together and came back 100x stronger is a reflection of how genuine our love really is. You make my days brighter and my life easier by being so loving, caring, and patient. You'd use your last breath to encourage me and push me past my limits. We're mastering this journey together and I wouldn't trade it for the world!"

She continues, "You've grown sooooo much since I've met you. Your maturity, mindset, grind, and morals have set you apart from others. I've literally watched you work your way up to the top and still stay strong for us. I've watched you handle your own pain and mine. I've watched you fight through tough times. To watch the person you love accomplish their goals is probably the best feeling in the world. This year will be filled with many more memories, more growth, and more opportunities. Cheers to a new chapter."

Everyone holds up their glasses tapping them against whoever they come in contact with. Gen looks down at Gee who wears a smile. Leaning down she kisses him before taking her seat.

Magenta radiates with happiness as if the accomplishment is hers. She knows how far Gee has come. This is what a woman looks like when they're adorned with love and appreciation. He provides for his family, is hands on raising their son, and he protects even at his own detriment.

Yeah, he may get on her nerves when he thinks he can solve every problem on his own. It's always with good intent to protect the people he loves. Gen was already beautiful in spirit, but being with him made her grow. The same goes for him. They deserve to be here.

After dinner, Gee's celebration didn't end. Everyone continued the night by coming out to their house. The home had easily become a sanctuary of family gatherings and an escape for fun. They had everything someone would need for everyone to get together. Cookouts, watch parties, game nights, pool parties, birthday parties, you name it.

Gee looks around the buzzing backyard full of energy and laughter. He gives a weak smile at everyone having fun while music blasts. It's hard not to feel like something's missing. Between Choice, Seven, and his father, it's hard to be 100% happy.

Getting up from the patio furniture, Gee walks through the already open Weiland bi-folding doors. He strides through the open floor plan of the impeccably decorated home that anybody would be proud of.

When Genesis first went off to college at 18, he didn't know what he'd be doing in the future. He didn't know where he wanted to be. All he knew is he had a drive inside to do something and be the first in his family to do so.

He failed in his football dreams when that was all he ever knew. He didn't succeed in getting the degree. The streets were a dead end like he always knew they would be.

The only thing he knew was that everything he does is for his family. Even when it was just him, his mother, and father. He always wanted to give them everything and then some.

In this private view of their backyard that no one can build upon ever, he can see his mother blowing bubbles towards CC and Mazi. Their joy leaves him speechless. His heart is heavy and he's in awe.

It's funny because he's never done this at the other places he called 'home', but one can assume this is where his heart now lies.

Gee was 19, just a sophomore in college, when he touched his first $50,000. 30k of that went to saving his mother's home from foreclosure. Years later he started his business with Kross and Destin, and used the money to get investment properties. Bought his first house in Texas too. Right now he still has some of those places between Louisville and Houston.

Now he's a millionaire...

When Magenta asked what he wanted for a graduation gift he said another expensive watch to add to his collection. A Rolex, Audemars Piguet, Cartier, it didn't matter. Then he changed his mind instead asking for the down payment on another investment property. Something to invest into his future.

Without question, Gen made it happen like always. He could have whatever he wants considering he's the one who got her into the rental and Airbnb game. Because of him, she has 2 properties now.

He passes by the kitchen where bouquet of $2 bills sits on the counter – another gift from his wife. The card read, "Like the 2 dollar bill this love is rare and it'll be the two of us for eternity if God be fair."

It made him chuckle, but the meaning behind it is even better... 222, that dorm room that brought them together. 222, that dorm building that made them realize they're more than friends. Apartment 1122 and 2211 where it all imploded. They reconnected on 11/22/2021. They got into a relationship on 2/22. They got married on 11/11. Lastly, their son was born on 1/11 at 11:12.

It was the meaning that made it special, not the money. Angel numbers always gave them signs in their life and relationship. Right about now, Gee's wishing a sign would come from somewhere, anywhere.

Gee's whole reason for coming into the house was to get more drinks to put in the ice chest. Before he can grab them, his phone begins ringing. Seeing it's his lawyer, he answers hoping for good news...

He was so upset about everything transpiring with Choice and Seven, he filed a wrongful death lawsuit against the Dent family.

His attorney advised Gee he could win even if they're not found guilty during their criminal RICO trial. They're held to a lower standard of proof. For example, O.J. Simpson was found not guilty of murder, but during a civil case he was found liable.

The LMPD said they couldn't press charges on Kross for his father's murder. They had proof to link it to Destin and his father, Reuben.

He couldn't let them win. They needed to pay in some shape or form. Money won't bring his father back, but it's something. It was his last stitch effort at revenge.

They constantly talked about the cycle they've been going through for two years now. As much as he wanted to let it go, his pride wouldn't let him. If he can't kill them, he'll take their money. Use one of their moves. To him, this is thinking beyond the streets.

"Congratulations on graduating," his lawyer starts.

"Appreciate it, bruh. I hope you're calling with good news."

"Of course. I just wanted to let you know the Dent family lawyer reached back out. They're willing to do a settlement for a lump some amount. We're in the beginning stages of negotiating numbers and we'll go from there."

"Is it close to what I want?"

"They're starting below that, of course. That's standard, but I'm going to work the number up. They're starting at $5 million."

"And I asked for 10," Gee grumbles.

"Exactly. I'm going to try and get 7 or 8. We'll figure it out. Anyway, that's all I was calling for. Enjoy the rest of your night."

Gee hangs his phone up shaking his head to himself. He's finally able to grab himself a drink when Gen walks into the kitchen. "What're you doing in here? The party's outside."

He holds up the Calypso bottle for her to see. "I just got off the phone with the lawyer about the wrongful death suit."

Gen can't help but roll her eyes. This is another thing Gee's doing that she doesn't agree with. "And?"

"They're willing to settle," he smiles like he won.

"That easy? No fight? Nothing's this easy with them."

"Maybe they gave up," Gee shrugs.

"Or maybe they don't care anymore. They already won the war. This just a small battle that won't make a difference in their eyes. They're up on the scoreboard, babe."

"How you figure? They're all in jail on trial potentially getting 30 years to life. I'm free. I'm not in jail."

"But my brother is... And Seven was two seconds away from prison too, now he's gone. They did their job. They took damn near everyone from us. What is taking money going to do?"

"You gotta see my vision. You're thinking small when you need to be thinking big, bi–"

"Don't call me no bitch," she pushes his arm as they both laugh.

"I wasn't calling you a bitch. I was saying bitch in general. It can apply to anything," he chuckles only stopping when they hear a noise. It's letting them know someone buzzed the gate to get into their property.

Gee looks at the camera seeing there's a cop car at the gate. He groans assuming someone called the police. They have a few white neighbors who have made living out here unenjoyable. They probably made a noise complaint or exaggerated like they're having a rager house party when it's a very calm get together.

Pushing the button for the speaker, Gee says, "Yes?"

"This is the Houston police. We need to talk to Genesis Wilson. Does he live here?"

"Yes. May I ask what you need to discuss?"

"It's about your brother... Seven Wilson."

His heart immediately sinks, but he gets it together to buzz them in. The gates open to the estate-like entrance. The police car rolls down the long, straight road lined with trees before turning at the circular end of the driveway. Two officers get out looking around. Between the large home, land with animals, and multiple luxury vehicles there's a little envy.

They know about all the trouble the Wilson and Thomas family has found themselves in the past couple of years. All the deaths, shootouts, attempted robberies, court cases, and arrests.

They won't let the legit multimillion dollar businesses fool them. Something's going on over here. If they could arrest everyone, even the grandmas, they would. And that's not even why they're here...

Ever since Seven didn't show up for his flight, the Las Vegas police put a warrant out for him. Gee was told if his brother was ever found he'd be immediately arrested.

"What's going on?" Gee asks letting them in then showing them to the living room. Magenta is right by his side. She doesn't know whether to show hospitality and offer drinks or not. It depends on why they're here.

"Are you guys having some type of celebration?" One of the officers asks after looking towards the backyard through the open doors.

"Yeah, I graduated today," he brushes past it like it's not a big deal. "Wassup?"

"This might ruin the mood, but two things... Let's start with your brother. He's been missing and he was recently found. His body was," the cop clears his throat awkwardly. He's nudged by the other because that's insensitive.

"Seven's body was found in Austin. He's deceased."

Magenta immediately covers her face. Gee is quiet for a few seconds. The first thing he says is, "That checks out. The last time he was seen he was in Austin visiting his ex. Where was he found?"

"On the roof of a hotel building. From investigating we think someone chased him. He ended up on the top floor. It was a dead end, so whoever it was had him cornered. He was standing in front of a window. They pushed him out and it was 10 stories up. He landed on a lower roof level five stories up and plunged to his death. Austin police think the Mob got to him."

"They just found his body on that roof? It's been a few months.." Gee questions looking confused.

"It took them awhile to figure out Seven's identity. They found his cracked phone near his body. Then from there it took them awhile to get in contact with the last person he talked to. A girl named Haile."

"Alright," he shakes his head.

"His body was transferred to Houston. When you have time we need you to come identify his body. Then we can release him to you, so you can begin arrangements."

"I'll come later tonight."

"We're sorry for your lo-"

Gee holds up his hand. "You don't have to fake. I know the Houston PD doesn't like my brother, me, or her brothers," he motions to Gen.

"Maybe not, but y'all got rid of Big Bleak. His crew hasn't been the same since he was killed. It helped clean the Houston streets up a little bit. Especially when he was recruiting young guys like your brother and setting them up for failure. Y'all did us a favor," the officer says honestly.

Gee looks at him blankly not admitting to that. Not when Choice is still awaiting trial for it. "You said you came here for two things. What's the other one?"

"Oh, our detectives told us to give you a heads up... Watch the news later. It's about Reuben Dent."

"What happened?" Gee asks.

"Just watch," both officers stand up. "If you tell us what it is between your families and the Dent's we could protect you. They're the mafia and they're clearly after you. Your brother was about to turn himself in for murdering Destin Dent, their son. They tried to break in and you shot them. Your brother is found dead."

"We don't need protection. We're fine." Gen sighs heavily wishing he'd say something.

"We can't help with what we don't know. That no snitching and fuck the police attitude will fuck you over," one of the cops says before they walk through the front door.

Gee watches them get in their cruiser before closing the door behind him. Gen's expecting him to break down after the news of his brother, but his face is cold. Not saying a word he goes back to the living room to turn the tv on.

He puts it on the news sitting on the couch. It's takes sitting through 15 minutes worth of depressing stories before a breaking news headline comes across the screen.

Seeing Destin's Dad, Reuben, walking out of county jail, Gee rubs over his face. A news person relays that his charges for the RICO case were dropped. "Fuck!" Is all he can whisper.

They put a camera in Reuben's face to ask how he feels to be out. He looks directly into it saying, "I'm going to make sure the person who started this, who made false accusations, they're going to regret it. I promise that." His eyes are dark and evil.

"What do you mean by that?" The reporter shouts right as Reuben pushes through the crowd with his attorney to get into the backseat of an awaiting car.

Gee knows the message is for him. Magenta wants him to say something, anything.

"What're we going to do?"

"Give me some time alone," he says as nice as possible.

He's glad when his mother comes inside holding a sleeping Mazi. Gee takes his son from her taking the infant upstairs to his nursery to lay him down. He lays the baby down softly before softly caressing his cheek.

Before Gee's mind would immediately be on revenge. He'd already be cooking up a plan. Looking down at his son, he's filled with nothing but peace and solitude.

"You saved me from the streets. You saved me from my old ways. I'm not going back there for nothing or nobody," he says quietly as if Mazi can hear him. "No one. I'm gonna make sure you're safe. You'll never be like me."

Gee kisses his son's cheek before leaving the room. Needing time to himself, he goes outside roaming the land. After walking around for 30 minutes as his thoughts roamed, he stops at the enclosure for their horses.

He pets the Gypsy Cob he bought Magenta when he can hear footsteps coming up behind him. He slightly turns seeing his wife come his way. She's surprised to see a genuine smile on his face. It's not masking sadness or discomfort. The sight of her made Gee's shoulders relax and his jaw unclench.

"If you still need time alone I'll leave," she offers before stopping next to him.

"Nah, join me." He hands her the bag of horse cookies so she can feed her. Gee lets out a deep sigh from a place of peace instead of distress.

They now have two horses, an alpaca, ducks, and rabbits. That's just the start of what they want.

Since moving here they don't care about anything. Their life now is completely different of what it was. Before they were always going to those fancy industry events, parties, and clubs nonstop. They've both experience a lot of growth spiritually and mentally.

This is how they both wanted to raise their kids. Outside, walking, breathing.

"This is how my great grandparents lived," Gen says breathing in the fresh air. "The land is still in my family."

"Who has it now?"

"My aunt. Everyone else wanted to live in the city. My grandmother would tell me about shelling peas, apple orchards, buckets of mullberries. They traded that in for Dallas, the inner city... The place that ate my family alive."

"Crazy. People feel like shit like this is too slow and boring."

"Exactly. 'Urban' areas don't do anything for people like us. My mom, uncles, and aunts all were in the streets running wild. Gangs, drugs, prison. Then that created trauma. I want to break that..." she looks up at Gee trying to gauge his thoughts.

"I do too. I just... I don't know how sometimes. I think a lot. And I hope Mazi doesn't suffer from my sins when he's older," the emotions can be heard in his voice. "I suffered from my father's sins. Me and Seven."

"And my brother's suffered from my father's," Gen can relate.

"It's fucked up."

They both get quiet. They grab one another's hand walking through the grass to the front porch. They sit on the porch swing that Gee requested. It's the only thing he wanted and it was the most adorable thing to Gen.

You can hear the cicadas creating a high-pitched buzzing sound. You just know it's gonna be a scorcher when you hear the cicadas. They sound like summer.

"We've lost a lot of people," Gee reminisces as they swing back and forth gently.

Juliette, Fade, Kross, Destin, his father, Felicity, and now his brother.

A part of Gee blames himself for every last one of them. He doesn't know how but he found a way. Even when most of those people betrayed them.

It all goes back to him selling drugs in college...

Maybe if he never stole that weed from Magenta and asked her to take him to her brother.

Maybe if he never convinced Choice to let him sell for him.

Maybe if he never got into selling pills and the hard stuff with Fade.

Maybe if he never killed Kasino and shot Fade.

Maybe if he never got arrested... both times.

Maybe then he wouldn't have had to go back to Kentucky. He wouldn't have been on probation and still selling drugs. Then he wouldn't have gotten shot.

Maybe if he never went into business with Kross and Destin. His father wouldn't begin hanging out with Reuben. Genaro wouldn't have started gambling. He wouldn't have been in debt. He wouldn't have been killed.

Maybe if he never dm'd Magenta and they never reconnected... Then there's no beef with Fade being reignited.

Maybe if he didn't have Seven move to Texas to keep him out of trouble. Then Seven doesn't meet Fade or Big Bleak. That means Choice never has to kill Breon. Big Bleak wouldn't have wanted him dead then Chandrika wouldn't have died.

Choice wouldn't continue the cycle of revenge to kill Big Bleak and his men. He wouldn't be sitting in jail right now as we speak.

Maybe if Gee never turned in those tapes. Seven wouldn't have killed Destin. Then the Mafia wouldn't be after them.

It's all been a cycle, and to him it starts with something he thought was an innocent way to make money at 18.

"What's on your mind?" Gen asks with curiosity.

Gee clears his throat. "Just a lot of regrets with Seven. We were never close growing up. I wouldn't allow myself to be. I thought I was betraying my mama if I did. I wanted nothing to do with him."

"Because you didn't know the ins and outs of your parents relationship or how he came about. That's not your fault."

"I know. For so long I was jealous of him with our Dad. I felt like our Pops was way harder on me. Always criticizing, reprimanding, lashing out, and testing me. He made me feel the weight of every single mistake whether it was mine or his. He'd tell me it's because I need to be my little brother's role model when I never asked to be."

"I get that."

"Like now, I spent two years trying to protect him. Wrong or right. My baby brother. I didn't want him to end up like me... And he's dead. I thought I failed him before, but I definitely did now."

As much as Magenta wants to say he didn't she knows that's not what he wants to hear right now. "I know there's a lot going on, but we're going to get through this. I don't know how-" She stops feeling like her words are failing her.

"It's still not real to me. My father not being here. It's still hard sometimes. I tried to make it look easy, but still inside I'm broken. I'm hurt but I can't show that cause I still gotta do what I gotta do to take care of my family. I don't have time to stop because then I'll miss something. It's the same for right now," Gee vents with pain in his voice.

"You don't always have to put up a strong front."

"I feel like my Daddy did more for me when he passed. It's hard to explain. I can feel him more than before. I know when he's there. Same for Seven.. I can't even be emotional because I felt it months ago he was gone."

Magenta wipes the single tear that was allowed to roll out. She leans her head against his shoulder. Grasping each other's hands tightly they stare out at all of their acres. "Do you see us getting old sitting out here?" Gen asks changing the sad subject.

"Of course. I wouldn't have married you if I didn't believe and want that." They both give feeble smiles.

She gets quiet to listen closely. She's trying to decipher what music they're playing from the backyard. "Is that our song?" Magenta finally asks.

"I think it is." It's Love Story by Mariah Carey.

"You know we have to dance," she already standing from the porch swing. Gen extends her hand being waved off by Genesis

"Right now? Here?" He looks around as if people are watching.

"Yes! You told me you'd dance and sing with me anywhere as if no one's watching."

"I said that? That sounds real poetic. That doesn't sound like me."

She chuckles. "You put it in one of those letters you wrote me. You said, so you have to do it. Don't be a stick in the mud!"

With a groan like an old man he stands to his feet. They both get in the stance as Gee's hand goes to her lower back. She puts her arms around his neck. Swaying to the beat they look into each other's eyes. It always felt like she could see both her past and future in them.

"You know how I always write you those letters or put my words in a card?" He asks.

"Mhm. I love them."

"I feel like I should say this to your face.. It's just most times I don't know how to express to you the depth of my love for you. What I do know is, through marrying you, I have never known love until now. I have never really known myself, until now. I have never really known family, until now."

Magenta smiles letting him go on. "Being with you, marrying you has been everything and more. Don't ever think I won't choose you and our son. I don't know what's to come with Reuben out of jail, but know that. Protecting everything we created is my top priority. Know that I love you."

"I hate when you talk like that. It makes me think something bad is going to happen."

"Nah, I feel that way on good and bad days. I want you to know I carry you with me everyday and every second. Even when we're not together, even when you're away. I hope- No, I know we'll find each other in every lifetime, in every universe. Know that."

With a smile, Magenta can only say, "I love you."

She knew every word Genesis spoke was the truth. They both do. The look in Gee's eyes as he gazes at her has never left her. From the day he came up to her on college move-in day until now.

A decade later they both realized the right person will never leave you...


And there's the last chapter! I know you guys are feeling like there's still some unanswered questions, but that's how life really is. They might get answered in the epilogue, they might not🤷🏾‍♀️ Regardless, I enjoyed writing this book. It was a rollercoaster.

Thoughts on Seven being found dead?

Destin's dad getting his charges dropped?

Overall, Gen & Gee's story and relationship?

Thank you guys for reading. I appreciate everyone who voted, commented, & stuck it out. I started this at the beginning of my Master's program & I'm finishing it when I'm done 2 years later lol. Comment / Vote. We're out❤️

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