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2015: March, Spring Semester

With her backpack on her back, Magenta maneuvers across campus. She can't believe she's been a college student for 7 months. Her freshman year will be over before she knows it. When people told her to savor the experience because four years flies by, she believe it now.

The Fall semester she was able to stay focused enough to get all A's in her four classes. She had to get a certain GPA to keep her scholarship and Honor student status. She hopes to keep it up this semester, but her math and foreign language class are kicking her ass.

With headphones in her ears she enters the Willis Library. Between here and the Union it's always busy with people. A table of boys stop their study group to gawk at her in the formfitting dress with one of them trying to get her attention, but she doesn't hear him.

Magenta walks through the first floor going to the stairwells that are hidden towards the back. She hates how they made it because someone could easily get attacked the way they tucked away the stairwells. At night it's especially creepy. She goes up to the third floor where they actually keep the books.

Walking through rows of bookcases, Gen looks for her sister who she's supposed to be meeting up with. She's about to call Felicity, but finally spots her so she walks in that direction...

"Found you." Magenta stops in place and she's immediately trying to catch her breath. Walking anywhere on campus is a workout. It shows how unfit you really are. And the stairs..

Her rigid breathing makes Felicity chuckle while looking up at her sister. "You're late," she adds as if being out of breath isn't enough.

"Am I? No, I'm not," she looks at the time on her phone.

"Yes, you are. We said we'd meet 30 minutes ago."

"Really? Sorry, I was in class then I went with Gee to the Union. You could've called or text me." Gen holds out her hand to help her sister stand up.

"I swear you're always with him. I never see you and we're at the same school." Magenta thinks about the last couple of months. She's glad they've been drama free to an extent. Apart of that is because she continues to stay to herself and her small circle of friends she's made on campus. She still has relationship drama, but that's another conversation...

"You're acting like you would want to hang out with me. You have your own friends and life. You used to act like I didn't exist in high school. Now you wanna be besties?" Felicity picks up the books she has handing half to Magenta to hold.

"We're older now. We should be closer," Felicity shoots a smile at Gen only to get a half-cocked one back.

Magenta and Felicity never had a super close sister relationship. Felicity was always focused on boys and superficial shit like clothes and her looks. It's still a wonder that Felicity made it to college the way she could care less about school and grades.

Felicity's a Fashion Design major with a minor in Merchandising. Some people told her she doesn't need a degree to get into fashion, but she wants it to fall back on. Plus, she's been making connections and a name for herself on campus. Already she's known to make outfits for girls whether it's birthday dinner outfits or a graduation picture get-up.

They're only two years apart, but Felicity gave Magenta the annoying, younger sibling treatment for so long they couldn't get close. She hated having to drag her sister around. She hated feeling like Gen was her responsibility because she's older. Although, Magenta was always the more mature one. Gen was the one cooking dinner every night and doing the chores. She was too busy chasing niggas. Tink would put a dude before anybody including her family...

Walking down an aisle of bookcases Felicity comments, "I just think it's funny how you can make time to see me when you need help with a class, but hey." She shrugs as Magenta runs her hand across the spine of the lined up books.

"I mean, you've taken the class before. Work smarter, not harder," she grins getting an eye roll from Felicity. "One day we can go out to eat or shopping. When you have the time," she suggests.

"Why? So I can buy you food or clothes? You're not slick," Felicity points her index finger.

"You caught me!"

"You're such a user," she laughs while shaking her head. Going to the middle of the floor where they have tables they sit the books down then both sit down.

"Down to business. Before we get to the assignment though. Have you met with an academic advisor to do your degree audit?"

"Yup, did it at the beginning of this semester. I'm on track with my degree plan." Felicity nods as Magenta pulls out her laptop. They spend the next thirty minutes talking about her assignment. Felicity gives her websites she can potentially use, which is helpful for citing sources.

Once they're Gen closes her laptop putting it back in her backpack. Felicity slides an envelope across the table and Magenta smiles knowing what it is. "Happy early birthday."

"Thank you," she opens it moving the multiple bills to the side to read the message. Her birthday's a couple days away and she doesn't know if she's excited or not. She's not quite the birthday person.

"I hope you have a great birthday," she begins packing up her own stuff.

"Am I not going to see you on my birthday?"

"I have to work. Sorry."

"Last I checked you work in the General Admissions Building. Since when have they been open passed 6p.m.?"

"I got a second job at Hooters. I have to help Choice pay back these student loans one of these days. Might as well start saving now."

"A Hooters girl? Hm, okay! First Bone Daddy's, now this. You love working at a breast-aurant."

"Did you just make that word up?" they both laugh trying not to be too loud since they're in the library. "I get amazing tips. I could get you a job," Felicity smiles.

"I couldn't do it. The skimpy outfits and probably drunk customers."

"You do wear barely anything for free," she shrugs.

"Haha." Magenta taps her pen on the table then looks at her sister saying, "Can I get your advice about something?"

"Depends on what the topic is," she chuckles. At the same time Felicity's happy because Magenta's never been the advice taking type. She keeps things to herself and finds her own solution. She doesn't like people judging her situations.


Felicity nods already knowing where this is going. "There's only so far a relationship can go in two different states."

"But I can't seem to be completely done with him," she refers to Noah.

"Why not? Because Mom keeps telling you how you're going to be an NFL trophy wife?" Felicity laughs with a scoff. "I love Mama, I do, but don't let that be the reason you stay. I know the thought process. That if this degree doesn't get you above middle class at least you'll have Noah to fall back on. I get it. Wanting any way possible to make sure you don't end up back in the hood or projects. To save our family."

"That's not why I'm with him."

"What? You're in love with him?" Felicity laughs. "You barely wanted to introduce him to anyone at your graduation. You didn't even invite him. He came because he still had friends at your high school. He had to stand around awkwardly until you said who he was. You don't like him like that. You're sold on what he could be and what he could get you. Daddy issues coming to play..."

"I don't have Daddy issues," Magenta says with a stern voice. "Why did I ask you for advice," she looks off to the side.

"Settling isn't just referring to ain't shit dudes. You're settling for comfortability."

"Coming from someone whose dated drug dealers and groomers alike. Just like our Daddy," Magenta mumbles. "You don't have the best choice in men, but I'm settling?"

Felicity wants to stand up with an attitude and leave, but she doesn't. She knows that stubbornness. "You're about to be 19. This is your time to do what you want. Date multiple guys, keep your options open, then make them prove they deserve to take you off the market. That's all I'll say."

Magenta watches Felicity stand up from the table gathering all her stuff. "I didn't mean to offend you."

"You know, Twinkle, I may fall in love easily. I may make mistakes when dating, but–" She swallows not even knowing what she wanted to say. It's probably because she has no business having an opinion herself. Her love life has been in shambles too. They're both right in a way. "Never mind. I have a class to get to."

She watches her sister disappear before standing up herself. Magenta snatches up her backpack grabbing the books she needs to check out then leaves too. She has decisions to make...

March 12th, 2015

Every Thursday their group of friends has game night at their friend, Xavier's, apartment. It's going to be no different on Magenta's birthday. She's officially 19-years-old.

Regardless of it being her birthday she still had to go to class this morning. She was flooded with calls and texts from friends and family wishing her happy birthday, so that made the day better.

After class she walks across campus getting on a shuttle bus heading straight back to her dorm. She doesn't let anyone stop her, distract her, or talk her into going to the Union to hang out.

While Magenta grabs her shower caddy wanting to get a quick one in, Gee's at the grocery store with Colby and Destin. In the floral department of Tom Thumb, he stands at the counter talking to the employee.

"I want a bouquet of only Sunflowers. None of those other ugly ass flowers to fill it out. I've been to three stores," he explains to the woman.

"I can do that. You want a vase or a bunch in craft paper? A vase will make it about $100," she mentions because she can tell he's a college student.

"It's fine," he says with no hesitation. He's just glad he found them. The big ones too.

"Lucky lady," she does a small smile before beginning to make the bouquet. Genesis only smiles when he can hear Jux and Destin's loud voice. Looking over his shoulder sure enough they're coming his way with the shopping cart.

"Y'all get the cake?" He asks looking in the buggy making sure everything is spelled correctly on it. The woman hands over the bouquet making Destin and Jux exchange a look. "Aiight, let's go."

After checking out and watching Gee pay, Jux comments, "You must be selling that good gas." He's watched him shell out hundreds of dollars in hours all for Magenta's birthday.

Gee folds up the receipt as they walk out. "Is that a question? You should know. You buy from me. You smoke a hell of a lot of it too," he responds in a monotone voice.

He wouldn't say he's in a bad mood today, but he has been in deep thought. He's conflicted about a couple things...

As they cross the street towards the parking lot he looks behind him at Destin and Jux who walk at a slow pace. "Man, come the fuck on," Gee rushes them knowing they're on a time crunch. He needs to get this stuff to Xavier's apartment so Juju can set it up. They already went to Party City and this is the last stop.

"Nigga, don't rush me," Colby does his best to make sure he doesn't drop the cake in his hands or the grocery bags hanging from his wrist. Destin crosses the street to put the cart up.

Gee can only shake his head wondering why he asked them of all people to help him. When they reach Destin's car he hits the button for his trunk to lift on his Jaguar SUV. "Bro," Gee watches two balloons of the bunch drift out of the trunk into the air.

"Oh, shit!" He tries to catch them, but it's too late. "My bad," Destin quickly pushes the others back in before they can fly off.

"Tie them around the headrest," Gee holds out his arm like it's obvious.

"I don't understand why we're the ones running around like lunatics for Magenta's birthday," Jux says while sliding the cake into the trunk.

"Juju got all the other stuff for tonight. I had to get the rest." And he also wanted to do it.

"You're doing infinity and beyond. Buzz Lightyear head ass. Balloons, a cake, a gift," Jux lists.

Genesis stretches his neck forward. "Isn't that what you get people on their birthday? Mine is in a month, so you niggas better be getting me this type of shit on my day. The fuck kinda friends are y'all?"

"Shit, I'm broke. I'll see what I can scrape up by then," Jux huffs. Gee knows how irritating that broke shit can be. He couldn't stand it.

"You have a couple weeks to save. Maybe cut back on the weed. That's what's eating your money up," he pats his shoulder.

Jux smacks his lips like that's hell on earth to him. "And you lose out in business? You know I gotta support a Black business," he says making them laugh.

They all climb into Destin's car and while he drives towards Westin Apartments, Gee's phone begins ringing. Seeing it's his father he asks Destin to turn down the loud music of Stoner by Young Thug before answering.

"Wassup, old man?" He looks out of the window.

"You called me? I was working and missed it."

"Yeah. Ay, you think I can come home for Spring Break?" He asks hoping he's going to hear what he wants.

"No can do," Genaro gives the straight up answer making Genesis' face fall in disappointment.

It's only been two months since Christmas break, but the next one other than Summer is Spring. Gee already knows he's not going home for most of the summer. He's taking a summer class for the first month then he has to lock in for football in July. He got good news that his coaches weren't just filling him up with false dreams all year. After patiently redshirting, he'll be starting if he continues to show improvement this summer break. He has a lot of work to put in.

Gee clears his throat. "If it's about money, I have the money to pay for my own ticket."

There's a pause of silence which is never good with Genaro. It means he's thinking. "And how do you have it? I don't remember you mentioning a job."

Gee leans his head against the window. He can't lie to his father. He's never been able to. He could easily say he tutored someone or found a hustle that's not illegal, but his father's no dummy. It's hard to be when you know all the tricks of the trade and Gee learned them from him.

"I just have it. It's not that much. The ticket's like two or three hundred dollars. I got it."

"I'm going to ask how you have it? I just have it isn't an answer."

"Why you doing all that?" Gee tries to deflect from answering. "You're not tryna see your son? Maybe I just miss you and Ma."

"Genesis, I'm ya Daddy. In the history of you ever having money you did something you had no business doing to get it. You got sticky fingers. If you didn't take it, you had to pass something through hands to get it."

"It ain't even like that," Gee takes a heavy breath knowing it's exactly like that.

"When I did my couple of years, what do you remember about that?" Genaro asks with seriousness in his voice.

"You were saying how you'll never go back. That you'll always be there for me," Gee recalls the few years his father was locked up. It was a very faint memory because he was young, but Genaro never lets him forget it. You would've thought Big Gee did a 30-year bid at a maximum security facility the way he reminds Genesis he went to prison.

He does it because he doesn't want his son going down that same road.

"And I kept that promise. No one was taking me from you again."

Because you only made sure not to get caught again...

Just like his parents didn't hide anything about their marriage, they didn't hide anything about his father. Genaro wasn't about to fake like he was going to a nine to five. He made it clear you got those Jordan's and new bike from street shit. Genaro wasn't into lying.

That life was something he just grew out of. You can't do it forever. That transitioned into him working random jobs. He finds himself working at a warehouse lately so he can have a retirement plan, good insurance, and a pension.

"Since you were little I showed you what to do and what not to do. I showed you if you want the money, women, cars, clothes, jewelry, the house... Sell drugs if you want to, but all that comes at a price. Prison, death, rats, snakes, hate. So I really hope you're not down there doing anything you don't have no business doing. I would hate to see it."

Translation: I would hate to whoop your ass if you are.

"No, sir," he listens to the speech. "I guess I won't be coming home for Spring break," Gee mutters with annoyance.

"You won't. I'll see about me and your mother coming out there to visit you. I don't know if I can stand a 12-hour car ride with your mother again."

Genesis chuckles thinking about the road trip they all took to move him into his dorm. That was the biggest headaches he's experienced in his life.

"It's all good. I'll see you when I see you."

"I know your upset, but you're down there for a reason. Don't you pop up here after I said no. You're coming home during the summer to get your car to drive back to campus for sophomore year, so I'll see you then. Only then."

"I won't. I'll talk to you later." They end the call with I love you's and Gee sits there thinking. Something isn't right. Why don't they want him to come home so bad? Most parents are begging their kids to come home from college. He sighs letting it go as they pull into the parking lot of the apartments.

"Where are your clothes?" Amil asks while entering the dorm room. She looks at Magenta funny as she stands at her full-length mirror finishing her makeup. She looks down at herself not seeing anything wrong with her outfit.

It's finally getting warm and it's a day where it isn't raining in Texas. She wants to take advantage of it. She had a dress on earlier, but knowing how rowdy their game nights get she opted for shorts and a crop top so she'll be comfortable.

"On my body," Magenta answers nonchalantly.

Her and Amil have somewhat gotten back cool. It was hard to stay mad when someone's across the room always trying to talk to you. Eventually you end up talking again and before you know it all is forgiven. Not forgotten though. Magenta now knows not to go anywhere with her without another female because she can't entrust her safety to Amil.

It took the university making an announcement for students, particularly women, to be careful walking on campus at night. There had been reports of a white van being parked around campus, kidnapping girls and putting them into sex trafficking. That should've been common sense for Amil that night.

Amil makes it hard for Gen to be cordial with her because she's always making sly comments. Magenta's so unbothered that she can't even find the energy to go off on her or argue. She lets it all roll off her back.

There's a knock at the dorm door and Amil goes to open it letting in Juju and Kiara. They're the only two reasons Magenta's willing to even be acquaintances with Amil. They're a friend group and she's not going to make them choose.

"You look cute, birthday girl!" Juju compliments. At 4'11" she has the spunk and personality to fill any room. Kiara's more on the shy and quiet side, but she's what balances the group out.

"Thank you," Magenta smiles putting on her NYX Butter Gloss in Ginger Snap. She rubs her lips together turning towards her closet to figure out what shoes she's going to wear.

"If it was my birthday I would've gotten my hair straightened or a bomb ass sew-in," Amil comments innocently while putting on her own shoes.

"I didn't know there's some rule not to wear your natural hair on a special occasion," Magenta settles on a pair of Jordan 9's to keep it chill.

"I'm just saying. It looks more presentable. You look like you always do," she says like that's a bad thing. As if Magenta walks around looking tore up 24/7.

"Damn, bitch. Way to make your friend feel good on her birthday," Juju comes to her defense turning up her lips. Magenta definitely wouldn't consider her a friend. At least not a real one. People use that word too loosely. "You look good, girl. Don't listen to her."

"I wasn't," Magenta rolls her eyes putting door knockers into her ears. She feels good today and no one can take that from her. She got her nails done yesterday and that's all she really needed. Birthdays have never been a big deal for her. Her family usually just did cards with money in them and called it a day.

Some people take their birthday really serious, but she's not one of them. She's never been the extra type mainly since she doesn't like a bunch of attention. Amil on the other hand did the most for hers in January. She wore a dress and heels the whole day. She had one of the guys she's fucking in a fraternity let her throw a big house party in the frat house.

Amil apparently grew up spoiled with a mother who threw her big birthday bashes every year to the point everyone looked forward to her parties. Her first birthday while away from home was actually disappointing to her even though it was a crazy party.

"What? I ain't mean no harm," Amil wonders what she said wrong. "Anyway, I got some of my homeboys coming through. Gen, I'ma put you on with this dude, Elijah. He's on the basketball team. Fine as hell and his family got money."

"I do–" she starts but gets cut off.

"Don't start bringing up Noah. He broke up with you, so you can do what you want on your birthday." She actually wasn't going to mention him. She was going to say she doesn't need help being put on with guys. At least not the ones Amil decides to pick. After Trion, it's a big hell no.

Magenta rolls her eyes at the mention of Noah. After the stunt he pulled on Thanksgiving, they broke-up. For all of a few weeks because by the time Winter break rolled around they were linking up. That lead to them making up through sex. They were back together and things seemingly went back to normal. As normal as they can with Noah going back to school in Colorado.

But once they were apart the problems started again. Noah had a fit of jealousy anytime she went out or looked to be having any ounce of fun. It's no secret he's possessive. So it can only be assumed he lost it when he found out Magenta was talking to another guy on campus because he had a high school friend who goes to her school spying on her. It was nothing more than texting and studying sessions, but he couldn't take it.

He broke up with Gen two days before her birthday. She has a feeling he only did it because he didn't have a gift already in the mail. After she went all out for his sending him his favorite things.

Whatever the reason, it's proving their relationship is a mess. She knows she was wrong, but Noah thinks he can do what he wants and she can't. She likes that he's so mad. It serves him right. He went looking for something and found it.

"Whatever. I'm not thinking about Noah. Y'all ready? Let's go." Magenta makes sure she at least has her wallet with an I.D. and her phone charger. She doesn't need much.

All four of the girls leave in Juju's car. When they get to Xavier's apartment they know Gee, Jux, Destin, and a few others are already there. Juju knocks and seconds later the door swings open with multiple people yelling, "Happy birthday, Twinkle!" Magenta steps in wearing a smile with a hand on her chest taking in the decorations as some of them hold up their phones to record. Jux blows a party blower hitting her in the cheek making her swat it out of her face.

"Y'all really love me!" She closes her eyes putting her hand by her nose acting fake emotional.

"Stop," Juju waves it off. "But don't stop. Shed a couple tears because my wallet did getting this stuff." Gen hugs Juju with a kiss to the cheek in appreciation. At the same time she takes in the big number balloons that say 19. There's a bunch of balloons that hang towards the ceiling, a banner hanging on the wall that says happy birthday, fringe curtains hanging up, and streamers.

"This was so nice of you guys. Thank you." She comes further into the apartment hugging anyone who's here already. She saw multiple people post they're having a game night for her birthday on Snapchat, so more people are coming later.

"Mostly thank Juju and Gee," Jux gives them credit.

"Yeah, cause what we not bout to do is act like this was a group project. We did all the work," Juju boasts waving her hand around the room. Magenta looks around and her eyes land on Genesis and they both smile.

She thinks about the text he sent her this morning wishing her happy birthday. Her favorite part was him saying she was one of the best things about college. She almost wanted to cry reading it, but then again she's a cry baby.

While the others go to sit on the couch to set up the games and crack open bottles, Magenta looks at the little set up on the dining table. Gee stands next to her saying, "We got ya cake, the bottles, flowers, ya feel me."

Seeing a bouquet of sunflowers she gets excited. They're her favorite flowers. At 19 so far she only has two tattoos: A crown on her shoulder and a sunflower on her forearm. She knows Gee's the one who got them. Knowing he paid attention to that detail about her makes Gen extremely happy. It's nice when someone notes the little things.

Gee coming to Thanksgiving with her family only made them get closer. Neither of them could really explain it. They just understand each other. They have mutual interests and respect.

"You didn't do all this on my birthday," Amil has an attitude of jealousy lurking from the couch. Both of them pay her no mind. Mainly because her and Gee have been having sex on and off since they started in October. That doesn't mean much because they're both single. They're not exclusive.

Xavier turns the music up making Fuck Up Some Commas by Future fill the empty space. That quick they're all sitting around the coffee table to start a game of UNO.

Maybe an hour later even more people came making the drinks and fun flow. There's a knock at the door and Xavier says, "Open it, Gen."

"This isn't my spot," she looks at him with confusion. She's too comfortable sitting on the couch and doesn't want anyone taking her spot.

"Go open it," he reiterates. She tries to reach her arm back and open the door while still sitting down, but it doesn't work. She groans then gets up unlocking the door, swinging it open. Seeing Pandora she looks shocked.

"What are you doing here? You came!" Magenta pulls her into the apartment to hug her.

Pandora laughs. "Hell yeah! We haven't spent a birthday apart since... Shit, we haven't and we're not going to start now."

Magenta didn't want to ask Pandora to make the hour drive just for her birthday. It wasn't that serious to her, but Gee told her to come when he saw her at Choice's house.

Even though Magenta didn't go far for school, she worried she'd grow apart from her old friends. She never wanted to seem like because she got an opportunity to go to college she needed to leave them behind. That she was better than them..

Pandora would never hate on Gen for leaving and bettering herself. She's proud of her actually. Pandora always wanted to go to college. She played basketball all throughout high school and wanted a scholarship, but it ended up not being in the cards for her. That's just how life works.

"Now that she's here, let's cut this cake," Juju suggests.

They all gather around the table and Kiara lights the 1, 9, and sparkler candle. They turn the lights down low before they all begin singing happy birthday terribly. Magenta sways back and forth with her hands clasped wearing a wide smile.

After, Magenta sits at the dining table opening a few of her gifts. She starts with the one from Pandora. Pulling out the designer clothes she looks at her. "Where'd you get this from?" she asks knowing they used to go in Neiman Marcus and Saks to steal. Magenta stopped because she felt it was too easy to get caught.

"Don't worry about that," Pandora tries to fast-talk her.

"Ra, yo ass better not call me from no jail cell for stealing. I'ma wear it though," she hugs Pandora putting the clothes back in the bag. She grabs the next bag seeing it's from Gee. "I'm opening yours," she grabs his attention from talking to Destin.

Gee makes his way over to her watching her open it. He wears a cheeky smile making her laugh while asking, "Why you looking like that?" She pulls out the box of Jordan 4's first. She would definitely consider herself a sneaker head. If she has a pair of sneakers and a simple outfit she's content.

She pulls out a smaller box next. Opening it she sees an 18k gold necklace with a 222 pendant. It wasn't until Magenta looked up at him that she noticed the same necklace around his neck. It's right above his pendant of his initial that he always wears. The only difference is that hers has little butterflies adorning the numbers

"What is it?" Pandora asks. Magenta holds it up showing her, while Amil's able to get a look too.

"Aww, cute! Matching BFF necklaces. Where'd you get 'em? Claire's? Icing?" Amil says passively aggressively coming closer to see what else he got her.

"Back the fuck uppp," Pandora says it so calm you would be crazy getting rowdy with her.

Amil rolls her eyes going to sit back down. "This is so nice," Gen still stares at it before looking up at Gee. She stands up hugging him inhaling his Giorgio Armani cologne. She always loved hugging him because it's like a teddy-bear.

Genesis takes the necklace out of her hands putting it around her neck. He adjusts it to lay straight. Instead of looking up, she keeps her head down feeling the tears welling up in her eyes. She can't even stop herself from crying and Gee's not even surprised.

"This is the best birthday ever!" With her head in his chest he runs his hands over her curly hair. Both him and Pandora do silent laughs knowing she's extremely emotional. She can cry at the drop of a dime.

Magenta's used to birthdays being just another day. Nobody really cared to do all this. Maybe because they couldn't whether it was lack of money or time. She hasn't even had a birthday celebration since elementary school.

On the other hand, Gee's used to stuff like this. His mother, Misty, made sure to make every birthday special even if she had to scrape together her last. She felt it was the one day only you can feel special on your day.

"It's alright, G. Chill out. Your makeup." He lifts her head and Pandora's already extending a napkin. He takes it wiping her face carefully with a chuckle. "You so damn soft."

Magenta sits on her knees concentrating hard as they play a game of Jenga. Whoever knocks over the Jenga pieces has to take the shot.

Gen has been trying to get a piece out from the middle for a good 5 minutes but can't get it. She taps the piece with her index finger moving it out more as the last two people in the game stare waiting for her to fuck up.

"Lemme get your number," Jux says in Pandora's ear making Magenta lose concentration. She's trying to listen while at the same time get her piece. She's observed Colby flirting with her all night. It's surprising because he usually goes for the natural hair, rubbing crystals together, vegan type chicks.

"Boy, I'm not your speed. I'll have you crashin'," Pandora turns him down once again.

Magenta gives her best friend glances seeing how he'll respond to that. "Perfect. Cause when we collide I bet you'll fall in love." Gen smiles like he said it to her. She can see Pandora fight a smile before turning in the other direction.

"Bye!" she puts her hand in his face making Jux laugh showing he can take rejection.

"You'll come around," he licks his lips.

Once it's sticking out enough Gen tries to pull it out, but it sends all the pieces toppling over onto the table.

"Ohhhh!" Destin and Xavier rejoice at her loss throwing their hands up. Magenta smacks her lips as Juju quickly pours her a shot. She takes the shot with no hesitation. No bitching, wincing, or trying to babysit it. Straight to the head. Mostly because she's had so many it no longer does anything to her. It doesn't even burn her throat.

"Oh my gosh! You took that like I take dick," her friend, Selena, slurs in amazement making them laugh.

There's a knock at the apartment door once again and this time Magenta opens it with no argument. A couple of them wanted weed, but Gee sold everything he had. So she had one of her homeboys bring it.

As soon as Gen opens the door Amil starts doing the most. She's either the most drunk or pretending she is. She eyes the weed guy down as Xavier goes to get cash from his room.

"Come in!" Amil tries to pull the 22-year-old guy into the apartment despite him standing outside of the door waiting.

"I'm good," he brushes her off standing outside. "It's hot in there."

"I know," Magenta fans herself wishing the AC would kick in. Amil's drunk ass prances across the living room dancing to the music, but she's still in view of the guy standing in the door. She bends over trying shake her butt on Kiara who only tries to make her stop.

"Sorry. Drunk," Gen mouths to him and he nods figuring that much.

"You wanna stay?" Amil tries to get him to come in once again. She's clearly in need of attention since she's not getting it from Gee too busy joking with Destin and Jux.

"Nah, I'm good," the guy responds crossing his arms over his chest.

"You have somewhere else to be?" Amil leans on the open door basically pushing Gen out of the way.

"Someone get her," Gen looks around the room.

A couple people look at Gee, but he pays her no mind continuing to play UNO. "Don't y'all have something going on?" Jux furrows his eyebrows nudging him.

Gee shrugs. "She ain't my girl."

Xavier comes back with the rest of the money handing it to Magenta who adds it to what's in her hand. She hands it to the guy saying, "I know you drove all the way from Dallas. Here's an extra 20."

"It's all good. Your Choice's sister. Plus, I heard it's your birthday," he hands it back.

"It is!" She throws up her one arm still hanging onto the door. "Thanks for coming all the way out here."

"No problem. Enjoy ya night!" He throws up his hand backing away from the door leaving.

Once it's shut, Amil grumbles, "He must be gay."

Magenta says nothing giving the the weed to the smokers to have at it. Thirty minutes later it's after midnight and most of them are drunk or high as if some of them don't have class tomorrow. Gee's probably the only sober one because he doesn't smoke and he's stopped drinking to get disciplined for football.

At this point no games were really being played anymore. It was only Jux and Juju playing Heads Up by themselves, but it's not going too well in their high state.

Magenta lays on the floor and Gee lays on top of her as they chuckle at Jux and Juju. "No, bitch!" Juliette says in frustration at Jux not getting the answer. You would've thought they were actually playing against other people.

"It's not my fault you're giving dumb ass clues," Jux argues.

Magenta looks down at Gee who's clearly comfortable. She traces the end of her long nail that are nude ombre'd into an aqua color over his eyebrow. "Your eyebrows are perfect. Why do boys always have better eyelashes and eyebrows than girls?"

"Ask God," he mumbles with his eyes shut.

Gen looks across the room at Amil standing on the couch twerking. Everybody else was relaxed and tired, while she was still on one.

Booty me down
Take it to the ground
Bring it back up

"Why you looking at me like that?" Amil stops directing it at Magenta.

"What're you talking about?" she replies with a sigh.

"You lookin' at me like you gotta problem." Gen turns her lips up. Amil is a drunk who wants to fight and fuck. She becomes aggressive in all aspects.

"I'm wishing you would sit down somewhere and slow down on the drinks. I'm the one who's going to have to deal with you when we get back to the dorm."

"Are you my Momma? If I wanna get drunk, I'll get drunk!"Amil steps onto the table then onto the floor. Completely disrespecting Xavier's apartment, but he's high and can't find a care.

"Alright, so when you're throwing up and having a hangover tomorrow don't say anything to me. I'm not cleaning up behind you either."

"What's up? You wanna fight?" Magenta only laughs used to Amil's behavior. Others have the 'hear she goes' lip smack.

"Who is she talking to?" Pandora screws up her face. When she hears the word fight she immediately gets into that mode whether you're talking to her or not. She especially gets defensive when it comes to Magenta.

The whole night Pandora's been sitting back observing. She's come to Denton a couple times to visit Gen, but for the most part she hasn't been around her new college friends. Pandora doesn't know how to feel, especially when it comes to this Amil chick.

"Amil. Wasn't nobody acting a fool and being negative on your birthday. Sit down somewhere and act right," he says like he's her father. That's all it took for her to sit her ass down. Pandora's glad someone said something because if it was her, she'd be putting hands and feet on the girl too knowing her anger.

Eventually, they all got hungry and agree to go to IHOP. The group of 8 go down the apartment stairs to the parking lot that's lit up and quiet since it's 2 in the morning.

Gen walks Pandora to her car because she decided it's time for her to drive back to Dallas. They pull apart from a hug and Pandora's eyes are on Amil who walks across the parking lot. "Ay, I do not like that hoe. You need to watch her," she warns her bestfriend.

"Who? Oh, Mil?" she looks over her shoulder. "That's how she is. I don't know. She just says whatever the fuck's on her mind without thinking first. No filter," she shrugs.

"Yeah, and that no filter gon' get her fucked up. You can keep letting that slick shit slide if you want to. She's only going to keep trying you."

"I don't think she's trying me. She not cut like that forreal."

"This college shit may be different," Pandora looks around. "You never been no one's fool. That's how you got here. You're smart as hell, so I know you see it like I do. Just don't let her keep playing in your face."

That's always how their friendship has been. Pandora always saw the fake from real. She always had her back. Gen was a really optimistic and trustworthy person when she was younger. Then she kept getting done dirty, especially by girls she considered friends. Pandora was the only solid one.

Maybe Gen thought she could revert back to her old ways. Being closed off you can't make friends in college, so she decided to take a new approach. She likes her friend group so far and she doesn't want to be the one to mess it up. She notices the way Amil acts though.

She's the type to make a joke on you in front of others at your expense. She acts different when she gets around certain people, especially the opposite sex. They've known each other 6 months now. Magenta would've been told her off a long time ago, but for some reason she's been trying to keep the peace. They still have to live together. It's going to boil over eventually...

"And, you like Gee?" she asks while at the same time telling Gen.

"What made you ask that?" Magenta screws up her face.

"Or he likes you," she shrugs. "The gifts, him knowing so much about you, you crying. You don't cry for no reason." Magenta's eyes shift trying to find a response. All Pandora does is hug Gen again. She didn't need to say anything. Right now at least. "I still don't know how I feel about him getting that best friend title so easy. All my life I had to fight!"

"Girl, bye," Gen laughs. "There's enough of me to go around. You're my girl bestie and he's my male bestie."

"I don't know. The way y'all look at each other. That nigga would eat the pussy if you let him. He looks like he eats good box too," she does a body roll against Magenta since they're still embracing.

Gen backs up. "Goodnight, Pandora," she opens the driver's door to her Honda watching her get in. "Love you. Text me when you get home safe." She steps back watching Pandora's car pull off.

Everyone was waiting on Magenta so they could leave. She gets in the car that has space, which is the Elijah dude that Amil invited. He's been cool the entire night from the few conversations they had. He seems like a nice enough guy. At the same time, she's not looking to get involved with anyone knowing her and Noah will get back together.

Magenta gets in the car with Amil, Gee, and Elijah. Amil practically forced her into the front passenger seat so she would be next to him, while in the back with Genesis. She wasn't lying when she said Elijah came from money. He drives a brand new Audi that was a graduation gift. She also noticed a gold Rolex on his wrist. Must be nice at 18.

"Did Noah text you happy birthday?" Amil asks. Magenta looks in the backseat wondering why she brought him up.


Elijah asks, "Who's Noah?" He's trying his hardest to follow the 20 miles per hour speed limit that's implemented inside the campus. He wants to speed, but knows there's cops around ready to give tickets even this late.

She doesn't want to think about men. Him. She wants to be happy on her day.

Magenta's going to answer 'nobody', but Amil beats her to the punch. "Her boyfriend."

"Ex," Gen corrects her giving a hard glance to the backseat.

"Girl, you know you're going to get back with him. You always do." She can see any interest Elijah may have had in her quickly dissipate. Gen rolls her eyes. Why the fuck did Amil invite him for her if she was just going to sabotage it? Gee acts like he's busy scrolling through Instagram, but he's actually annoyed.

Once they got to IHOP they all were seated at a long booth with multiple tables. All those shots and the alcohol had finally hit Magenta as she found herself sitting in the corner leaving Noah drunk voicemails. Juju tried to stop her, but she had already left three.

From his spot across the table sitting in between Destin and Kiara who flirt like he's not there, he wears an irritated face staring at the whole ordeal with Magenta. He stirs his ice water with the straw before resting his arms on the table. He fiddles with the crumpled up straw wrapper dropping it. Having to keep his hands busy he then pulls at the rubber band on his wrist.

"You good?" Jux asks from directly across from him making Gee look at him.

"I'm tired," Gee shakes his head. People laugh at him, but he goes to bed at 9p.m. sharp. He got used to waking up early for football practice or school.

After they ordered and ate, Elijah was nice enough to pay the tab for everyone. It was also obvious he was rushing so he can call it a night. It is late.

Elijah didn't ask for Gen's number, social media, nothing. There were multiple factors that came into play. Elijah observed the way she interacted with Genesis then the red flags about her ex. He was good. Magenta really wasn't interested in him either, but it's the fact Amil ruined her having any chance at all.

He was nice enough to drop them off at their residence hall. Walking down the hallway, Magenta's walks in front as Gee helps Amil. He knew she wouldn't want to deal with Amil alone. With Amil's arm draped over his shoulder he helps her walk straight. Her weight leans on him and she sways causing him to say, "You gotta help me out more than this."

Magenta has an attitude as she digs through her purse for the room key. How is it her birthday, but she's having to babysit someone else?

They get into the room and Gen throws her keys down. She's immediately kicking her shoes off as Gee helps Amil towards her bed. Gen grabs her pajamas going into the bathroom to do her nightly routine and change. When she comes out Gee is still trying to help Amil.

Once he gets her into the bed and puts a trashcan near her, he says, "Aiight," as if about to leave.

"No, stay. Sleep in here," Amil practically begs him. Clearly she didn't get enough attention from him all night.

"Do you mind?" He looks at Gen who's putting her hair up in a pineapple getting ready for bed.

"I don't care." And she really doesn't. She climbs in her bed getting comfortable.

Magenta's about to set her alarm, but she already knows there's no way she's waking up for class in the morning. The class is one where the professor gives a quiz every time during the first fifteen minutes. If you're late or don't come, you miss it. Gen feels like she can miss one day.

With a sigh she flips over turning towards the wall. Halfway through the night her phone dinging with a text slightly wakes her up. Luckily, her phone's in the bed so she feels around for it with her eyes still closed. She probably won't reply, but wants to see who it's from. With her eyes squinted she rubs them when her phone screen's brightness attacks her.

Seeing it's a long paragraph from Noah she rolls her eyes. That's when it hits her she left him a bunch of drunken voicemails so this is probably his response.

While reading the text from him, she freezes hearing very low moaning in the distance. She can't even bring herself to turn over. Are they really doing this right now?

She rolls over seeing there's nobody in Amil's bed. She looks towards their attached bathroom realizing they must be in there. Her suspicion is confirmed seeing a stream of light coming from the crack of the door.

Magenta grabs one of her pillows putting it over her face lightly screaming into it. She kicks her legs under her covers too. Is this my life? She should be the one getting dick on her birthday.

Gen snatches up her headphones that are under her pillow. She couldn't unravel the wires fast enough before plunging them in her ears playing music loudly trying to go back to sleep.

Some birthday...


Thoughts on Magenta's birthday? The gift Gee got her?

Do you agree with Pandora?

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