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It's November 11th — a Friday morning that should otherwise be overwhelming. Magenta's not. Instead she woke up on her wedding day flooded with peace. The decision that her and Gee came to a couple weeks ago to wed secretly was set in stone. Neither one of them changed their mind, so they're moving forward with it.

Magenta's surprisingly calm as she wand curls her 28-inch water wave. There were days leading up to both the engagement and wedding that she was filled with worry and anxiety.

She worried that his was too good to be true after everything she through. She worried that she wasn't worthy or deserving enough. She worried this was the wrong decision. Not because she doesn't love Genesis, but because she wondered if love was enough.

Gen constantly struggles with wondering if she'll be okay. One day she is then the next she's not. Her mental health is a swinging pendulum. Right now she's in the "right place", but tomorrow it can be the opposite.

However, on her wedding morning, she feels the presence of love so close. These last couple of years have been trying for both of them. Regardless, it's been beautiful and freeing. She's more in love with both herself and Gee than she ever has been.

When she first woke up she spent the first hour alone to write her vows. It's then that she cried because she knew the day was going to be one of the best days of her life because she gets to marry her best friend.

Gen would like to think she can be an overly emotional person, but she never cried as much as she did in her life than she did this morning. It was for good reason though.

When it comes to Gee, she'll cry on a random Thursday as soon as she sees or hears him. She could cry because she heard lyrics in a song that made her emotional. She could even get overwhelmed with feelings because she saw a cute video or picture of them together.

Sitting down and writing how she felt helped make her day so stress free. She knows she's making the right decision. She'll always remember today as light and sweet.

Magenta knows their family and friends won't be happy they weren't invited, but it's not about them. They wanted to do what works for them. They refuse to appease or impress anyone with a big wedding they don't want.

She honestly didn't want to go through the stress of planning a wedding. They already went through a gender reveal and they're about to have their baby shower. As extravagant as those are nowadays, how many events can you have? They're all the same anyway. It's about gifts, food, friends, and family.

There's so many other things they can invest that money into. The house they're currently building, another investment property, a trust fund for the child they're about to bring into this world, you name it.

Gen and Gee want a marriage, not the wedding. They want to take full ownership of their relationship, not what others think they should do.

That's why they're secretly getting married in a park with only an officiator. No pressure from their mothers, social media, or society. They got their marriage license 4 days ago then planned everything else with no one else's input.

They're already going against most traditions for the day, so right now is no different... They say the groom seeing the bride before the wedding is 'unlucky,' but the couple has no choice as they get ready at a shared hotel room.

After finishing both her hair and makeup, Magenta grabs a lotion bottle. She starts on her arms, but when it gets to her legs she already knows what she has to do. "Gee!" She yells since he's in the bathroom getting himself.

Moments later he comes into the room asking, "Yeah?"

She holds up the lotion bottle and he already knows what she wants. "Can't reach those feet, huh?"

She immediately whines feeling helpless sometimes. "I'm sorry," she pouts.

"It's okay," he laughs taking the bottle beginning to moisturize both her feet and legs for her. "You're lucky I love you. I hate feet."

"Speaking of feet... You haven't gotten cold feet yet?"

"Nah," he shakes his head with no hesitation. "You?"

"Nope," she gives a small smile.

"Look at you... The person who swore they didn't want to be proposed to while big and pregnant is now getting married with a big ass belly."

"Look at me getting over one of my biggest phobias," she agrees as they both laugh. With a sigh she adds, "I'd marry you with one leg if I had to. Anytime, anywhere. It doesn't matter."

"I'm glad. I can still make you an 'honest' women before this baby is born," he jokes.

"My granny's going to love that," Gen laughs. "Alright, are you done. I need to finish getting ready." She looks at Gee who's enjoying rubbing her legs a little too much. His hand goes up the length of her legs to her thigh only to get smacked away by hers.

"Aiight. I need to quit playin'," he backs up knowing they need to be on time today. "You're gonna be calling me right back in here to zip up that dress."

She rolls her eyes knowing he's right. "You did this to me."

"Mmm, if I'm remembering correctly, you got on top and did that one move."

Magenta laughs hitting his arm. "Stop. Everyone knows having a boy means that man put in all the work. Come on. Out." She shoves him towards the door shutting it behind him.

Grabbing the garment bag hanging on the door she places it on the bed and unzips it. Gen had her eye on many dresses for the big day, but she never got the chance to go shopping, let alone try on any. Soon after the engagement she got pregnant and didn't feel like it.

That's why she settled on the first one that fit her body and personality. Of course, with this being on such short notice she had to pick the first one that caught her eye. Regardless, she's happy with her choice.

Gen's able to get halfway into the gown before calling for Gee to help like he said. For a second while he zips it up she wishes her mother or Pandora was here to do it. At the same time she could imagine some drama seeping into their big day if they invited everyone. Somehow, someway.

Once into the dress she puts on the long veil and her jewelry. Sitting down on the bed she refuses to call Gee for more help. He's getting ready himself. Instead she holds her leg and foot up on the other knee to put on her shoes.

"Are you ready?" Gee yells from the second floor of the townhome.

He stands in the staircase holding onto the rail with one hand. His other is occupied with her wedding bouquet as he looks at the watch on his wrist.

"Coming!" She makes sure she doesn't forget anything before exiting the bedroom. Stepping into the staircase she smiles. "You put on a suit for me," Gen says with excitement.

"You know I only put a suit on for one of two occasions-"

"Court and funerals," she nods finishing his statement. She chuckles as he reaches out his hand to help her down the remaining steps. "Well, lucky for us we haven't had to go to either of those in awhile. It's a happy occasion."

"Lucky for us," he kisses her cheek looking her up and down. "You're definitely looking like Mrs. Wilson."

"Been," she cheeses before kissing him.

Heading to a park that they purchased a special use permit they meet up with the person officiating. The couple didn't need much to make today special. They got a few decorations to make the area look nice and hired a photographer. That's the most important thing to them. After the ceremony all they'll have is the photos to remember.

Standing in front of one another they hold onto each other's hands. "We are gathered here today to join Genesis and Magenta in holy matrimony," the officiant starts. "The number 2 conveys the meaning of a union... A man and woman, though two in number, are made one in marriage. Today you will become one."

From there the officiator allows them to exchange vows. Of course Gee had to write his down or they wouldn't get done. It's the easiest way for him to express himself.

"In the past, everyone that left took a piece of me. But you, you've filled those gaps, and I'll forever have you in my heart. You saw a light in me no matter how dark it seemed. And while my picture was still developing you stuck around waiting to see what I'd become..."

"Someone once told me we both deserve unconditional love. That before you meet someone, you walk with two eyes open. But when you have your person by your side you should be able to close one. That she always felt safe with me. I want you to know that I've never had a problem closing one eye when I'm with you too. And you know I have a bad eye, so that means something," he makes them both laugh.

Gee continues "...I would say 'til death do us part, but our bond is so strong I know our souls would find each other in any lifetime, in every universe. Me and you knew we're going to always be with each other. I'll never leave you..."

"You stole mine," she whispers through a sniffle. He can see the tears welling up in her eyes, but she quickly pulls it together because it's her turn to read hers. Magenta clears her throat beginning, "While I could write a book on love and how much we are learning about love... I'm simply grateful. Not for the monetary things and the romantic gestures, but to experience a love that's causing me to evolve and mature. Our relationship flourishes because we both make an effort. I made efforts to change the parts of me that threatened us, the stubbornness, the attitude, the baggage. We grew because we wanted us to work. Love is easy when the effort is mutual..."

"When I look at you, I can feel it. I look at you and I'm home. In all the world, there is no heart for me like yours. In all the world, there is no love for you like mine. Wherever you are is home...I choose you today and every day until death because there's no one I'd rather do life with than you. For the past couple of years I've spent everyday with you. For the past 10 years even when we weren't in the same room, city, or state, you were with me. Even when we weren't together we were together. From 18 until now you never left me, and I pray that you never will."

"You got some bars," she says in a hushed tone making Gen feel better. For days she kept ranting and raving saying she's not as good as a writer as Gee. He told her just write from the heart.

She chuckles as the officiant leads the ring exchange and declaration of intent. "With this ring I take you to be no other than yourself. Loving what I know of you, and trusting what I do not yet know. I will respect your integrity and have faith in your abiding love for me, through all our years, and in all that life may bring us," they take their turn saying while putting on the other's ring.

Gee can't help but comment, "You gotta nigga right." He looks at the iced out band before looking at the officiator to apologize for his use of the n-word. "I didn't mean to say that."

He brushes it off with a smile finishing it off with the pronouncement, "By the power vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife! You may seal your union with a kiss."

And just like that they sealed one of the best days in their life.

After their wedding Gee and Magenta went for happy hour tacos before their 15 hour flight. They already had their bags packs in the trunk, so it was straight to the airport for their 8-day honey moon. On top of celebrating their new nuptials this trip will be doubling as a baby moon.

It'll be their last vacation before the baby comes. It's time to sit their asses down somewhere and prepare for the birth.

The first half of their honeymoon was spent in Antalya, Turkey, the largest city on the Mediterranean coast. They were at absolute peace without a care in the world as it was full of exploration.

They kept the energy going when they arrived in Mykonos, Greece, but in a much more relaxed way. The second part of their honeymoon has consisted of more poolside lounging, eating, hot tubbing, and shopping.

They both chose a destination and did the planning for their selection. Gee always wanted to go to Greece for some reason. You can tell by the upscale hotel they're staying at that this was his choice. People think it's Gen who's the "boujee" one when it comes to travel, but it's really him.

It overlooks the Aegean Sea providing stunning views. The views will take your breath away, especially during sunset. But they haven't stayed much in their room this half..

Now is no different as they leisurely walk through Mykonos Town stopping at the cutest European shops and boutiques after eating gyros for lunch. The maze of narrow streets, cubic whitewashed houses, beautifully colored windows, doors, and balconies bring charm.

While walking around they stumble upon Matogianni Street. Gee stands patiently waiting as Gen holds up one of her many cameras taking pictures. She's always going to capture a memorable moment.

He can't blame her. He went from being on probation to hitting all his dream destinations in a short period of time.

He does shake his head at the shopping bags in his hand since he wasn't expecting to buy so much. "I think it's time to go back to the hotel."

"One more shop."

"You better pick a good one," he grabs onto her hand as they continue down the pebbled street. Looking at his phone, Gee sees all the unanswered text messages and unreturned calls. "When do you think we should tell our people we tied the knot?"

"When we're ready, I guess," she shrugs. With a hiss a realization comes over her. "I'm a little scared to tell our mothers though."

"Me too. I would've thought their excitement for the wedding would died down after the first month, but naw. They had outfit ideas, speeches, first dance songs picked."

"So, Tempest and Misty are gonna kill us? That's basically what you're saying."

"You know what, they can be mad all they want. It's our life and we did what made us happy. We're grown!" Gee puffs his chest out.

"Grown as fuck!" Gen agrees holding her hand out to dap him. When his phone starts buzzing with a call her vibrato decreases to look at his screen. "Is that one of them?"

He chuckles saying, "Nah, it's work, even though I told their asses I'm on my honeymoon. They're not supposed to be bothering me."

Gee wears a face of aggravation. He still works as an executive at Capitol Music Group, but his mind is no longer there. Mentally, he's on his way out of the door.

He's been over working in the music industry ever since his management company with Kross went under. After Magenta quit because of their treatment towards her things were never the same. It was the typical office tension.

It didn't get better once Caprice was found guilty. All the people at the label who whispered and gossiped about Magenta or them as a couple didn't stop. No one apologized either. They rather proudly wear egg on their face for being wrong than do that.

Gee wants to leave, but he wants to have something set up first. Plus, it's not the time. You don't leave a job when you're building a house, having a baby, and now getting married. He can suffer a little while longer at a job he hates.

He's lived many lives and has had many titles, so he's not worried that he won't find something else to do.

Walking up on a small, local shop they're both pulled in by the souvenirs being sold. They're immediately drawn to the various forms in which they sell glass, blue evil eyes.

It reminds them of the tree they saw at the pop-up café on their road trip. He remembers the woman whispering, "For he will order his angels to protect you wherever you go."

The words meant a lot to both of them. Since then Gee's been carrying the one he got in his pocket. Magenta tried to commit suicide right before that. Ever since she's kept her evil eye in her purse. The talisman is said to ward off jealousy, bad luck, and misfortune.

Even though a lot has happened since then the mantra and charm must've worked.. They made it out of a lot situations with neither going to jail or being harmed.

They both think about how far they've come individually and together.

Gee told her to 'stay one more day' when she thought about taking her life then it can turn into years — He was right.

"Reminds me of that café," Gee says what they're both thinking as they look around the shop at all the items.

"Remember when you said we're going to get a ranch, alpacas, and a son?" she laughs at the recollection. He pretty much spoke it into existence that day.

"And we're halfway there. We have our land and son on the way. Just need to get the alpacas."

They both smile at one another sharing the same thought... They sat in the dark together and now they're happy in the light.

Looking at Magenta who holds up an evil eye pendant on a gold chain, he asks, "You want it?"

"Yeah, and I want that for the baby's nursery," she points at a hanging wall decoration. He nods and she grabs them both along with a hanging wind chime they can hang outside their new home once it's built.

After spending so much time walking around Mykonos Town they both needed some time to reenergize. Taking much needed they both still lay in the crisp white sheets. They know they need to get up and start getting ready for dinner seeing as their starving, but they can't budge. They're too comfortable.

Gee has his hand on her belly. He does it every evening dubbing it 'alone time with Daddy.' That could include talking to the baby, reading a book, whatever.

Right now he's talking to him, which causes the baby to kick to the sound of his voice. Even when Gee's hands are on her belly he kicks. He only does it for Genesis. It's the most beautiful thing someone can experience.

At the same time, Gen's exhausted making her say, "You're making him kick his two feet into my ribs. Your big ass baby."

"What're you talking about? I saw your baby pictures. You were fat as fuck. I was a small baby and got bigger later. If he's big that's on you, Biggie Smalls," he pokes fun.

"Maybe so, but you gave my baby a big ass head," she rebuttals.

"I'm looking at your head right now and seeing you have no room to talk." They both chuckle at the small roasting session.

The laughter's interrupted when Gen's phone starts ringing. She flashes her phone screen towards Gee showing it's a Facetime from Pandora. "Should I answer?"

"Might as well. If we keep ignoring them they're going to put missing persons' reports out."

"True, considering everything we have going on in our lives. They probably think the Mob got us and we're swimming with the fishes."

Their entire honeymoon they've been invading calls from their mothers, siblings, and friends. At that Magenta answers the call.. "Girl, where the hell are you at? I've been callin' you!" Pandora immediately starts. "Got me worried sick about my nephew. You haven't seen on the news pregnant women are getting killed and kidnapped."

"I'm fine. I'm on vacation."

"Vacation? You still could've told me. Where are you at?"

"Greece with Gee. We're kind of on our honeymoon." She bounces her eyebrows up looking past her phone at Genesis. She knows she's about to get an earful.

"Honeymoon!?" P starts laughing like a psycho trying to take it in. "See, in order to be on a honeymoon you have to have gotten married. Do you mean babymoon?"

"No, honeymoon. Me and Gee eloped."

"See, my hearing must be bad. Maybe your signal is bad in another country. Are you breaking up? I know I'm not hearing my BEST FRIEND since toddlers got married and didn't tell me. That she didn't invite me when I'm supposed to be the fuckin' maid of honor. We didn't have the bridal shower or bachelorette party when I'm planning it. So you wasted my time?"

"That Sagittarius is about to Sagittarian," she mumbles to Gee as they laugh under their breath.

"This shit ain't funny," Pandora shouts through the phone.

"I'm sorry. We can still do all those things after... when I'm not pregnant. We wanted to get it over with."

"I'm really hurt. I'm just letting you know as you're friend that's fucked up. Really, we don't have to be friends anymore because I wouldn't do that to you."

Magenta rolls her eyes at the theatrics. She knows how Pandora is, so she says, "Okay, that's cool. It's really not that serious. It's my life and you're being dramatic."

"Okay, we don't gotta be friends no more. Nearly two decades down the drain. Fuck you!"

"Fuck you too," Gen snaps back. "Ay, I gotta go though. We have to go to dinner. I'll call you tomorrow. Don't tell anyone, by the way. Not until we're ready," she goes back to regular conversation.

"Alright, bring me back a souvenir. Like a purse or shoes and I'll forgive you. I love you."

"Love you too, bitch," Gen hangs up. He can only shake his head at their antics.

"Something is wrong with you two. Know damn well you'll never stop being friends," he gets up from their bed.

Once they've both changed clothes they head to the waterfront in Little Venice of Mykonos. It's said to be one of the most romantic places on the island.

They go to one of the many bars and restaurants housed in the colorful buildings. They sit at a table enjoying both their meal and the sunset view. The whitewashed edifices against the backdrop of the azure Aegean Sea set the mood as music plays. There's an air of nonchalance that disarms you to relax no matter what.

After eating, Gee laughs at the way Magenta uncomfortably sits in her chair. She pulls at the fabric on her maxi dress as if to make room for her stomach. "You don't understand. The way I get so uncomfortable in my body and clothes after eating is crazy," she tries to explain.

"The same way you can still be hungry, but stuffed at the same time?"

"Yesss, I feel so stuffed in my own body sometimes. I have to use the bathroom too," she quickly gets up from the table. He laughs at her waddling. Mostly because she only does it half the day so far. She'll start out okay, but can hardly walk by the end. It doesn't help they've been walking a lot while on this trip.

Gee sits at the table quietly looking through all the pictures and videos he's captured on the trip. He smiles to himself because this is the happiest and at the most peace he's been in awhile. He's not even stressing the fact his brother's about to take a plea deal for murder. It is what it is and nothing can be done about it.

His smile continues when Magenta comes back from the bathroom. Instead of coming straight back to the table she's sucked into the dancefloor by an older white couple. He can't help but capture the moment on his phone while thinking to himself...

He thinks about how a lot of people get this idea that to demonstrate a true love for someone you must try to fix them. That you must be good enough to nullify and annihilate what has hurt them or haunts them. It's not true. Really it's about being near someone. Not fixing them, but tending to them in their times of need. Being mindful. Being present. The gesture is not going to be grand and polarizing all the time. Love and healing most of the time is just about being there, even in silence.

That's what they've done for each other throughout the years and now they're here.

When Magenta waves him over he hesitantly flags her off. She continues to urge for him to come wearing a bright smile that practically lures him out of the seat to her. Once he's within a few feet from her, Gen grabs his hand pulling him in.

A sunset in Mykonos, Greece, a newly married couple, and a live saxophonist make for the perfect recipe to end another night of bliss.

If someone would've told them the two kids from two walks of life attending college would be here they probably would've laughed. But to know the future is to know they have a one of a kinf love story.

What's even crazier is that they've been through so much, yet it's only the beginning. Through that they've learned that love isn't about the perfect days with sunsets and overseas vacations. It's about sticking through it on the worst. From arguments and fear of the unknown to starting their own family together they will never regret saying I do.


Thoughts on Gee & Gen getting married? Any ideas of what's in store for their future?

4 more chapters y'all🥺 Whose ready? What're you expecting?

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