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At the 'Ill Minds' headquarters, Magenta looks around her office making sure to get anything she's going to need during her time off. Usually, all employees are off from Christmas until the first week of January. For Gen she'll be starting off with a month long mental health vacation, but she can see herself taking two.

At first she was opposed to it because Felicity's basically forcing her hand. It's actually perfect. When the incident initially happened Magenta only took a few weeks to herself before coming back to Texas where she acted like nothing happened. She also hasn't been to therapy since her last trip to California. Now she has a therapist in Houston courtesy of the company and she plans to start going back to the survivors support group. Anything that'll help her get back on track towards healing.

Scanning her eyes around her office she grabs what she needs placing them in a tote bag. When her phone begins vibrating across her glass desk she grabs it before it falls off. Seeing it's Noah calling her she declines the call. He's been trying to get in contact with her since her event. He can kiss her ass. With that thought, Gen blocks his number and on every social media platform.

Magenta sits in her desk chair checking her texts, emails, and voicemails. She smacks her lips seeing the investigator or D.A. on the case still haven't gotten back to her. The closer it gets to the first court date in the trial the more she feels out of the loop. They started off calling to give updates, now it's fading. She came to realize once you've given your account, you're not a part of the lawsuit. You're only a witness to a crime done to you. No one has to call you and update you on what's going on. You're not an important part of the case. It's the state versus the defendant.

All she knows is they have the video of her leaving the studio where she clearly looks to be in distress. They also have the medical information needed. The rest of her case heavily relies on witness statements from people their that night. Amil could be the biggest witness outside of Magenta herself and Caprice, but according to the investigator Amil's not corroborating any of Gen's claims.

She gave Amil's name months ago for them to question her, but she wasn't cooperating. Gen fighting her at the club didn't help. She has a feeling Amil's going to take Caprice's side. If she gets on that stand and lies, it'll greatly affect the outcome.

Magenta's taken out of her thoughts and phone screen when she hears her name called. She's a little thrown off because she thought no one else is here due to the holiday break. Looking up she sees Colby standing in the doorway. "Hey, Jux. What're you doing here?"

"Accidently left the tablet I need to finish up a project," he holds it up. "Can we talk?"

"Yeah, come in. What's up?" she asks as he sits across from her.

"There's money missing that can't be accounted for," he starts making Gen's face frown. "I first noticed when I was preparing everything for the holiday bonuses. Then after the yearly business audit it was clear. The auditor said it was used for legal fees. It was put under our emergency fund, which you know we keep for a rainy day in case we have to sue a client or someone sues us. We haven't had a lawsuit yet, so why is that money being used?"

"Are you serious?"

"100%. I think Felicity's paying the legal fees for that rapper boyfriend of hers with money from our business. That nigga stays in and out of jail and court so much his label probably refuses to pay anymore."

"How do you know that?"

"I asked her assistant cause you know Rita gotta motor mouth. She said Felicity has had her go give checks to a lawyer downtown several times because she couldn't. Checks amounting in almost a million. I know that's your sister, but she done lost her damn mind since she got with that jailbird."

"Wow," she says breathily. It's one thing to continue dating him or even not believe he did it. But paying for his legal team, which from what she saw in articles is worth six figures, that's going too far.

"Then when we were discussing the business plan for next year, I noticed she wasn't mentioning or including you. I asked her wassup and she said you'll be taking a step back to take a much needed break and focus on other endeavors. What's goin' on?" Jux asks crossing his arms over his chest.

Magenta's not surprised she relayed it so vaguely rather than admit she's the reason Gen's taking a break. Felicity was pissed Gen told the matriarchs of the family what's going on. Tink's extremely close to their grandmother. Despite Evelyn revealing those harsh truths about her granddaughter, she was still always grandma's baby. She was her obvious favorite.

After Gen told what's going on, Evelyn has been giving Tink nothing but speeches of disappointment. Felicity was so upset her grandmother looked at her with let down eyes she left a voicemail cursing her sister out. Gen doesn't care. Why should she protect Felicity's snake ways?

"I'm taking a break from the company. Right now it's only a month, but who knows. However long I need. I, um, I need more time for my interviews and I want to do some other things. On my own." That's the best she could come up with.

Even though they're in business together there's the other aspect of keeping Jux out of their personal, family business. He had become family over the years, but this is too deep to get him involved. It's not fair to him because their issues affect the company.

"Damn," Jux blows out air. "I thought 2022 is going to be our year. This was our first year bringing in 7-figures. We could turn those profits to go even harder." He smacks his lips with a huff.

"We're still going to have a great year. Trust me. Let's figure out together if Felicity's really using the company's money. Once we come with hard evidence we'll have a meeting with her. If she's doing that it's not fair to us. It needs to be addressed." He agrees and they both leave the office.

Magenta goes straight to the address Gee sent, so they can meet for lunch. She's glad telling him what happened didn't change things or the progress they've made.

Once she spots him already at a table waiting she makes her way over. She chuckles at the fact he moved the chair from being across the table, but to where it's right next to his seat.

Taking off her jacket, she hangs it and her purse on the back of the chair sitting beside him. "Hey. Hope you haven't been waiting a long time."

"Naw, not too long. You look good though. I like this color on you," he smooths his hand over her hair fixing any pieces out of place.

"You like every color on me," she chuckles.

"Then it's clearly you and not the hair."

"Hmm, tell me more," she smiles while resting her elbow on the table letting her chin relax on her fist.

"You look like a chocolate covered strawberry and your name could be Trina or Trixie."

"What?" she giggles naturally falling into him as he kisses her forehead. She quickly pecks his lips wiping away any lip-gloss residue left behind. The waitress comes to take their drink order leaving them alone once again. "What did you do today?" she asks.

"Wrapped up everything business-wise for the year. Signed a couple new deals and agreements. New Year's is in a few days, so we're looking at a good year. What about you?"

"I just went by the company office to get some stuff in preparation for my leave. Jux was there and apparently Felicity can get more grimy than she already is. He thinks she's paying for ol' boys legal fees with company money," Gen reveals deciding to eat some of the bread on the table.

Gee hisses. "He might be right. Destin was telling me how dude's other lawyer asked to be taken off the case."

"I read that on a blog."

"Yeah, Destin also said his girlfriend will be paying for it once they find a new one... Felicity."

Magenta shakes her head. "Why would she take emergency money for a guy? You know she makes the most money between me, Jux, and her. Not even because she owns the biggest percent. She styles and designs for a lot of big celebrities on top of the business. She's got it to pay out of pocket herself."

Tired of talking about this, she's glad when they order their food and it comes. She's starving since she didn't eat breakfast. When she hears Gee groan she looks at him. "What? Is the order wrong? I can tell the waitress," she assumes.

"Nah, my ex..." He looks to the left, so she looks in that direction too...

"I've seen her before," Gen comments narrowing her eyes trying to figure out where.

"Pandora's birthday dinner," he fills it in for her.

"That is her. Kelsey. She makes music, right?"

"Yup, and she's coming this way." His body language makes her assume it was either a bad breakup or she's a 'crazy' ex. Please, don't let her start any shit or cause a scene, he's thinking.

"I didn't even know you dated her," Gen comments. She's gone to a couple events and parties where she was in attendance. She's acquaintances with Pandora, but Gen doesn't know her like that.

"We had to keep it lowkey with me being her manager and all," he mumbles right before Kelsey reaches the table.

"Hey, Gee," she puts a hand on her hip looking down on him with a smile.

"Hey, Kels." Kelsey's eyes land on Magenta who sits there awkwardly.

"I'm Magenta," she sticks her hand out to introduce herself.

Kelsey purses her lips, but gives her hand for a shake. "I know who you are," she points trying to put her finger on it.

"We know some of the same people."

They release and Kelsey now stares into Gee with a glare. "Funny," she says faintly. "Folks around here seem to move on fast," she comments making Gen's eyebrows raise. "I have a lunch meeting I need to be at. I'll see you around, Genesis." Kelsey's filled with attitude as she readjusts her purse on her forearm strolling away.

"She seems a little upset," Gen points out the obvious.

"Knowing how her mind works she probably thinks I was already dealing with you before the breakup," Gee stabs into his food putting it in his mouth.

"Are you sure you're already ready to date again?" She really wanted to ask herself that.

"I'm good. I'm not going to pop up one day and want to get back with her. It's over. For good," he assures her.

"You don't still have feelings for her?"

"It's like what you said about your ex... I was trying to make something work that just wouldn't. It wasn't real. It was two people playing a role hoping one day it will."

"Okay," she nods in acceptance.

"I was thinking... About how you said you're going to be off from work. And how you wanted to start branching off on your own. I never brought it up because I didn't think you were interested, but my artist, FML Gravedigger–"

"Torrance, but continue," she corrects making him lightly laugh.

"Yes, he wanted you as project manager or creative director of his next tape after the ideas you came up with for his music video. You made a good impression on him. If you're interested I can have you meet with his team. They'll tell you what the job entails and the pay. It's perfect because it's part time and it isn't permanent."

"I'd actually like that. I'll need something to keep me busy and still moving while doing my therapy and self- care." She pauses then looks at him to say, "Thank you."

"No problem. Anything else I can do to help you? How can I help? Through the whole process and while you're off work..."

She smiles a little. It was something they asked of each other often in college. Back then the answers would usually be help studying, homework, or going out to the movies... What she's going through now is on a different level.

It was a loaded question, so she thinks on it for a few seconds. "Um, I guess I just need to feel normal again. I want to get back to the real me. Support. Someone who's there for me. I don't know," she shrugs.

"Then I'm there." She smiles before looking down bashfully pushing around some of her food on her plate. It was a relief to hear, but it also brought an immense amount of fear. Fear that he wouldn't be able to live up to the statement...

Later that night Magenta travels down the hallway with a basket of warm, clean laundry fresh out of the dryer. She sits it on the couch beside Gee who came over after finishing his day of work. She was starting to get used to him being at her house everyday.

With the Apple TV remote in hand he says, "I just remembered something... After I left school you didn't have to change the password to your Netflix. That was fucked up."

Magenta busts out laughing while taking the folded dish towels to the kitchen. "You thought I was gonna let you watch movies on my dime when you couldn't answer my calls and texts? Hell no, nigga."

"I was right in the middle of a series and couldn't remember what episode I was on," he smacks his lips.

"Oh, well." Opening the cabinet she grabs her bag of Pepperidge Farm Chessmen Butter Cookies. Realizing it feels light she opens it and sees there's only half of a row left of the three. "Did you eat my cookies?"

"No," he denies it.

"Yes, you did! You ate all of them then gonna leave three like you're being nice."

"I didn't eat that hoe. I put that on my Mama," he holds up his right hand to God.

"Just admit it," she argues.

"What I gotta lie to you for? My mama's all I got. I don't play like that with God."

"On Ms. Misty? I don't believe you," she laughs.

"Well, I'm not in the business of you believing me right now. I don't even eat cookies, forreal forreal. You must've had some other nigga over here who's part Cookie Monster 'cause it wasn't me."

"What?" she asks as if aghast.

"So you don't deny you got other niggas?" He squints.

"Don't flip it on me." Then Magenta realized she actually is blaming the wrong person. She remembers seeing Pandora eating them the last time she came over here. It's either keep blaming him because you're in too too deep or admit you're wrong. "Never mind, it wasn't you," she takes it back walking into the living room.

"Told you. But my apology?"

"My bad, gang," she gives the half ass sorry. She immediately laughs at the stank look Gee gives her.

"See that's why I'm finna stop coming over here."

She chuckles sitting on the couch beside him. "Boy, please! You love it here."

"Real shit though. I might have to cut down on how many nights I sleep over."

"Why? I was kidding," she says in a sympathetic voice making him smile.

"Calm down. I know Seven's not a little kid, but I need to watch his slick ass. I think he's been going out in my cars in the middle of the night. I had to start hiding my keys, including the spares."

"Going where? Does he know anyone out here?"

"I don't even know. I took him with me to the studio one day. Him and my artist who's the same age immediately clicked now they've been kickin' it, but that's it."

"That's a good thing, right? He has a friend who has a good career going."

"Uh, I don't know. DB Bouttabag is another street rapper."

"These rap names are going too far now," she laughs. "I've gotten used to you sleeping over though. But if it's about your brother, I get it."

"Plus, I kinda miss my bed. I gotta go see a chiropractor from that daybed you got down there, so don't be surprised when you get a bill," Gee jokes with slight seriousness.

"I feel bad... I kind of have a guest room upstairs with a nice Queen size Tempur-Pedic. Don't kill me," she drags out before scooting over.

"You've been holdin' out on me this whole time?"

"I'm sorry. I felt more comfortable with you down there. The guest bedroom is right across the hall from my room. I didn't want you to hear my nightmares and–"

"I get it. You don't have to explain."

"You can sleep in my room tonight if you want."

"You sure? I don't wanna make you uncomfortable."

"It's fine. We used to sleep in the bed together all the time," she shrugs going back to folding the rest of her laundry.

"Bruh, in that little ass full bed in the dorms," he makes them both laugh. "Knowing our big asses needed space. My feet used to be hanging off the end. Never had a good night of sleep knowing the monsters could get me."

"I can't get over the fact they really give legal adults those small beds." She shakes her head not missing that part of college.

An hour later Magenta walks out of her connected bathroom after doing her nightly routine. Now wearing pajamas she goes to her bed already occupied by Gee. Even though she said he can sleep in here, she's a bit unsure now.

That's obvious by her getting under the covers on the empty side, but she's nearly on the edge. She props her pillows up to sit up against the headboard fluffing them extra hard and loud that it grabs Gee's attention.

"You know this is your bed, right?" He asks looking at how far she is. He can tell she wants to scoot over, but she isn't sure how comfortable she is with that. Her perspective on space and boundaries are different now. She's never been a clingy, touchy feely person unless she's really comfortable around someone. Even that's changed.

"Yeah?" she responds in a confused tone.

"You tryna watch a movie?" he asks.

"Not really. You're just like Choice and my mama. You talk too much. Can barely even hear what's going on," she grumbles honestly.

"You're rude." With a smile she grabs the remote beginning to look for one just to please him. "You can get closer. You might as well put a pillow between us how far you are," he decides to voice his thought.

She looks at him then the space in the bed. "Give me a minute. I got used to sleeping alone." He nods doing just that.

45-minutes into a Marvel movie, Magenta now laying on Gee's stomach. "Why can't you be a normal person and lay on my shoulder or chest?" He asks after swatting her hand away from his belly button.

"Cause I like it. I like when you breathe and it goes up and down. It's relaxing. When you laugh and it vibrates from the convulsions... Even better," she looks at him with doe eyes making him chuckle. "See," Gen smiles wrapping her arm around his abdomen.

"What the fuck is wrong with you? You're a weirdo." Once he stops laughing she looks at the scar on his stomach from getting shot.

"Does it hurt?" Gee laughs making her say, "What? My cousin, Pissy, said her bullet wound would hurt when it rains."

"Alright. Who is this Pissy character and why is that their nickname? She done got shot, busted her face ice-skating.."

"She used to pee the bed. Nobody ever wanted to share the bed with her when we had sleepovers at my granny's," she shrugs.

"And she still lets y'all call her that?"

"I really don't know her real name. I don't think anybody does," she comes to the realization. "That's not the point. You didn't answer the question..."

"No, it doesn't hurt. Not anymore. My eye bothers me more than anything."

"You got shot in the eye? I knew you got shot, but-" Her voice fades thinking about it. They had stopped talking to each other at that point. She remembers checking on him, but that was it.

"It's no big deal. I mean, now it's not. I honestly thought I was going to die when it happened. I've never been scared of death though. It's a part of life. God just said it wasn't my time and I'm here."

"Hm, I don't know how I feel about death yet," Magenta looks up at the ceiling.

"Sometimes I feel like Frankenstein." He plays with her hand and she looks at the scar from when he got grazed. She vividly remembers him coming to her dorm room and all the blood.

"The creator or the monster? The scientist was really Frankenstein, but you know how people change shit over time," she circles her index finger around his.

"Hmph," he turns up his lips never thinking about it like that. "Both, I guess."


"Sometimes I feel like the person creating the monstrosities in my life. Other times I feel like I'm only the monster everyone and everything around me created me to be," he details.

"But who's to say Frankenstein was aiming to create a monster? It's all about perspective."

"When I got shot I knew I created that reality for myself by my actions. Selling drugs, running with certain people, stuck in my ways. At the same time I was a product of my environment. So many people tried to tell me who I was that I believed it."

"True. The creature looks scary, but just because something looks scary doesn't mean it is. The monster's actually intelligent, doesn't want to harm anything, and only wants to be accepted or loved by another being. It's the way humans treat the monster that drives him to kill. He was also abandoned by his creator from conception leaving him to fend for himself. He only knew how to survive, not how to love. Sounds familiar."

"So then it makes you pose the question, who is the real monster of the story?" They both sit in quiet thinking on it. "I feel like people overestimate themselves and underestimate the universe. I had a purpose and I wasn't supposed to leave yet. I'm not going anywhere until I do it, I guess."

"I wish I could've been there for you when it happened." Gee looks down at her shaking his head.

"Nah, you wouldn't have wanted to see me like that. You didn't need to go through that with me. I know you. You feel what I feel, so that would've been torture." Just like what she's going through now is torture for him.

"I miss the old me before the trauma," Magenta sighs.

"I used to say that... Then I realized I don't even know who or what that is. I was always living in trauma even as a kid. I thought it was normal because I didn't know anything else. I was a happy kid who didn't realize the stuff I saw or went through wasn't the norm. I didn't understand the world around me and now I do."

"Damn, that's true. I guess we're both on a journey of healing."

"We're in this together. You know you can trust me..."

Gen nods saying, "You can trust me too."

"And if anything I do bothers you or triggers you tell me. Even if it means you need space. We can take things as slow as you want. I want us to be together as long as it's healthy for the both of us."

She nods, but deep down she doesn't want him to grow impatient with her. They go back to watching the movie in silence, but Gee eventually falls asleep. The Iron Man movie has now become background noise as Gen watches him sleep like he's the movie.

A million questions cross her mind. She also has an immense feeling of guilt. She feels like she should apologize for who she is right now. He's finally back in her life, but he came back to her at the worst time possible. She feels bad for having so many issues and extra baggage. Magenta wonders if he's sticking around out of pity. It comes down to having deep insecurity that she's not deserving of being in a relationship or loved right now. How could he want to be with her? Gen feels permanently broken...

Sitting in traffic, Genesis readjusts himself in the driver's seat looking at the highway filled with cars. Kross sits passenger side and Seven sits in the backseat. When the Icewear Vezzo song pauses because his phone starts ringing he looks at the screen to see Caprice's name.

"Why's he calling me?" Gee looks at Kross who shrugs. He didn't get a call first meaning it's not because he can't reach Kross.

He answers and Caprice immediately says, "What's up with you?"

"You might wanna pipe down. Use your words," he says like he's a little kid.

"You haven't been answering my calls or texts. You gotta issue with me? You need to do your job."

Kross looks at Gee for him to keep it cool. "We don't really have anything to talk about."

"First of all, my whole vibe was you weren't fuckin' with me. After that first meeting of you showing interest in signing me, we don't talk or communicate. After you came to Cali with me for my court date, I'm calling you and you not answering. I called you to setup my studio time because that's what manager's do. You told me call Kross and hung up in my face, nigga."

Gee rubs his eyebrow wanting to get in his ass on the account of Magenta. He's trying to remember what she told him. "I'm not your manager though. You're under Kross, bro. We have certain artists we work closer to and you're his problem. Not mine."

"Aiight, so don't be looking for percent's of my profit. With or without you I'm gon' do what I'm gon' do."

"That's no question. Stand on yo business and I'ma stand on mine. But let me remind you, that's not how a contract works."

Kross intervenes to say, "This is Kross... I know we're from a certain background and sometimes we don't always understand the ethics of business. The nigga ain't tryna come at you with aggression. I just think we need to better communicate."

"How can it be better communicated with no communication?" Caprice asks.

Gee speaks to explain, "Let me tell you something, from December 10th to January 17th the year is over within the industry. The books are closed and no business is being done. We on holiday break, so don't call my phone. Especially not about setting up studio time when you can do that yourself. You thought I was going to pay for it, that's what it was. You're in album mode. Your label should be setting that up. Not me."

"I don't give no fuck about industry rules or the holiday. I'm workin', nigga!" Caprice gets loud.

"Don't call my phone on that tough shit tryna talk over me. My version of being respectful is choosing to keep my distance. We can talk business, but all that extra shit you can keep it," Gee asserts.

"Man, Kross, talk to this nigga."

"Kross nothing," he maintains. "Right now you bad for business. I'm not spending a dime until you got shit back on track. You got some other shit going on and no one has a plan to fix it. I don't think you can fix it. If you think you're still putting out an album in January and it actually sells you crazy as fuck. Not now one of us is going to make any money off it. It needs to be pushed back. You got bigger shit to worry about."

"Am I supposed to postpone it because I have court cases? Everyone knows trials can take months, sometimes even years. I need to make money from streams and doing shows, now!" Caprice keeps arguing with more aggression. "We both know what your real problem is wit' me."

"What!? Say it," Gee eggs him on.

"Cause you fucking the little bitch accusing me of this shit. My P.I. showed me the pictures. Pussy got you whipped and willing to fuck up business because of what you think I did. How about you do your fucking job, bitch ass nigga."

Gee didn't even let the remainder of bitch come out before he's talking over him. "Your bum ass don't have money for studio time talkin' big shit like we don't get you money and opportunities. Whether you make a dollar or a million you still gotta give me a percent of that. I hope your broke ass can remember that. You got your girl paying your lawyer fees like a bum. I've been straight since I was 20 with money. I don't work for you! Next time I see you I'm smacking the fuck out you–"

Kross reaches over hanging up the call looking at Gee like he's crazy. "Bro, what're you doin'? Didn't Magenta tell you not to turn up on him and there you go threatening him? And now that you said it, you're going to do it 'cause you that type of a nigga."

"I don't care. He brought it up first. Ain't no nigga 'bout to talk to me crazy on the phone I pay the bill on. The fuck you thought?"

"Yeah, I'd whoop that nigga's ass," Seven hypes it up from the backseat.

"Sit back. Be quiet," Gee looks at him.

"This is too much," Kross rubs his forehead looking out of the window. "I know you want to protect Magenta, but you can't go on like this when it's dealing with business. Even with Destin of all people. Accusing him of knowing. You hurt his feelings."

"I hurt his feelings?" Gee asks in a dumbfounded tone. "We grown ass men, c'mon."

"That's your friend too. Bruh, Destin would take a bullet for you. The man gave us half the money to start this management company just so he wouldn't see you in jail again. You need to apologize to him. And–"

"If you say apologize to Caprice you got me fucked up," Gee cuts him off.

"Hell no. Fuck him! He has a major mouth problem and doesn't know how to talk to people. I just need you to slow down and think... Do you really want to keep dealing with Magenta now that you know?"

"What kind of question is that?"

"I'm just saying. It's only going to continue being an uphill battle. That P.I. was right. Dating her and Caprice being signed to us is a conflict of interest. There's always going to be dissention. On top of that, dating a woman who went through that isn't going to be easy in itself. It's not as simple as love. I know..."

"What're you talking about?"

"I dated a girl who told me about some things her stepfather had been doing to her since she was 16. While she was trying to heal I ended up being the one left broken down. I was just a passive participant in the relationship following her lead. In the end she still pushed me away, shut me out, and sabotaged what we had. If you're really going to do this you need to be committed. Don't back out when it gets hard. Imagine putting your business at risk and it doesn't work out with her."

"Maybe that's a risk I'm willing to take," Gee sighs looking out of his window.

"Cool, then stand on that. I'm rocking with whatever because I know what you're standing behind. Just don't let your anger get the best of you. Steer clear of him," Kross makes clear and he nods.

That night, Genesis stands in a parking lot of Ruth's Chris Steak House with Magenta, Pandora, and Kross. Magenta's older brother, Cortlen, is officially home from his prison bid and Choice asked everyone to come out and welcome him home. He got out a few weeks early, but regardless it's a call for celebration.

Cortlen aka CEO Cort, Big C, or simply Cort and sometimes Cory; the oldest of the Thomas clan. Before his longest stint he had been in and out of the Juvenile system for arson, petty theft, vehicle theft, and robbery. Since a preteen he didn't have a year where he wasn't in trouble or getting arrested. Now at 32, he's finally ready to let his past be the past. If he can help it...

Over the years Gee has heard a lot about her brother. He became sort of like an urban legend. According to Magenta she was 13 when he got locked up, so there's a lot of time to make up for.

Their mother went in for Fraud to serve three years. While she was in they lived with their grandmother, which was a burden in itself. So Cortlen did what he knew in order to help out. He robbed a series of cashing check services after Fade presented the idea. On one of the robberies Fade got mad at the person working who wouldn't comply and shot them in the shoulder, which wasn't a part of the plan. They always said don't hurt anybody. Don't shoot, don't nothin'. Cortlen ended up being the one to go to prison for the first-degree robbery.

It still didn't make sense how Cortlen was pointed out as the shooter. Him and Fade look totally different. They were covered with ski masks and gloves, but the two men are different skin tones which was visible in the eye area. Fade is only 5'10 while Cort is 6'2" and 215 pounds.

Gee's curious to see what he's like. He also wants to see what this will mean for Breon who was still sneak dissing Gee every chance he got.

Gee looks across the parking lot noticing Fade standing next to a black BMW amongst other men. This time he was made privy to the fact he'll be here beforehand. "You good?" Gen asks making him look down.

"I'm straight." He can see the look of concern on her face. It's mostly because he's been quiet since he picked her up. She asked him to come with her, so he didn't want to say no. "I'm good," he puts his arm around her shoulder pulling her closer. Looking around her he makes sure to completely watch his surroundings.

Right at that moment his view of Fade is blocked when a glacier blue Mercedes Benz G-Wagon pulls into the empty parking spot in front of his Lamborghini Urus. He can see it's Felicity even though she doesn't get out.

"I think they just pulled up," Pandora points at a black Suburban. Sure enough they see Choice and his wife, ChaCha, climb down moments later. Right as the backseat door opens and a man comes out Magenta rushes over hugging him.

They hug so long the rest of them are able to take their time walking towards the car. "Michelin Man. Finally lost that baby fat, huh?" he pinches his sister's arm. "Man, I missed you," he closes his eyes as they embrace tightly.

"You look good," Gen looks at her brother. Choice daps Gee right as Cortlen lets go of his sister.

Cortlen moves to Pandora next looking at her with shock. "I know that ain't little P Thang. You still skinny with a big bobble head, I see. How are your peoples?" he hugs her.

"They're good. My brother gets out soon too."

"Damn, man. I still remember your big brother stole my bike then rode that shit right in my face saying it wasn't mine. He was a mutha fucka," Cortlen laughs.

"Him? I remember you let it slide for a week then you just went off. Hit him in the head with a baseball bat and had him seeing stars," Pandora recalls.

"We were some bad ass kids," he chuckles until it fades as he looks at both Gee and Kross who are having a side conversation with Choice. It makes Gee look at him...

"Who is this?" Cortlen's trying to figure out if he knows them, but his memory's just fuzzy.

"Oh, this is... my friend, Gee," Magenta says first not knowing what other word to use. "And Kross."

Choice may not be on the overly protective end on a threatening scale of brotherhood, but Cortlen was and still is. All someone had to say is 'you know that's Cort's sister' and it would send people running.

"Friend, huh?" His mug cracks into a smile. He extends his hand to Gee and he takes it. "I feel like I've heard that name before."

"Me or Choice probably mentioned it a few times," Gen looks at him as they releases hands.

Cortlen narrows his eyes in realization from conversations with Choice. Gee's name registered as the nigga who shot Fade. "Oh, I know exactly who you are. I'll tap in with you later tonight."

The mood changes when Felicity joins the circle sprinting up to hug Cortlen. "Stinka butt," he calls her by the childhood nickname.

Magenta rolls her eyes at Felicity's appearance. Choice can feel the tension from her presence alone. He's also the only one out of the loop. "What the fuck is going on? Everybody was treatin' Tink like she put raisins in the potato salad at Christmas... What the hell did she do?" Choice whispers.

"It's nothing. Catty sister bullshit. You know how we get sometimes," Gen answers brushing it under the rug.

Before he can reply Cortlen's saying, "Let's go inside. A nigga is hongry and ready for good eats."

They agree heading across the parking lot. Seeing more people who came to celebrate his release Cort stops to show them love. When he notices Fade, his jaw clenches and there's a long pause. Everyone watches in suspense as the two men have a short standoff.

In a quick second Cortlen swings punching Fade square in the jaw. "Here we go, gentlemen!" Choice takes the last puff of his joint flicking it to the ground stepping on it.

Everyone watches Cortlen and Fade fight in the parking lot of this nice restaurant. "You better chill," Fade continues to throw punches fighting back to defend himself. They both get punches in before Cort scoops Fade and slams him to the ground. You know his back is going to hurt in the morning.

"You got me fucked up," Cort breathes hard as Fade has his arm tightly wrapped around his neck. They've both always had hands so it's neck and neck. "What the hell are you doing here?"

"I told you it wasn't my fault," they have conversation mid-fight.

"When I needed you, you were nowhere to be found." They both have each other wrapped up so much on the ground neither can swing anymore.

"Alright," Choice pulls at the back of Cortlen's shirt. "Let go."

"At the same time, nigga," Fade sneers. They both countdown, "1, 2, 3," releasing the other. Cortlen stands to his feet fixing his clothes.

Fade gets up too touching his aching jaw knowing it's going to be swollen. He spits out blood saying, "It wasn't my fault. I tried to help get the money for a paid lawyer and before I looked up you had a public defender and took a plea deal."

"I did twelve years in jail behind you. Twelve. Over a decade of my life taken. Meanwhile, you were free on probation. Your bitch ass ain't write or visit once. Ain't put a dollar to my Ramen noodles, but you show up to welcome me home?"

"Before you went in we had that big blow up and you made it clear you weren't fuckin' with me. I figured you didn't want to hear from me," Fade makes the excuse.

"Fuck that! You were supposed to make sure your people's are straight. That's the protocol of street shit. You left me hangin'. You owed me. I lost everything!" Cortlen grits.

"You act like I didn't lose shit too.."

"Y'all boys done? Y'all get that out of the way?" Choice asks looking between them.

Cortlen looks at Fade saying, "I don't know if I should fuck with you, let alone trust you."

"We all don't trust each other," Choice says. "We all need to take accountability for our part. We were all in the streets being young and dumb on a paper chase. We made mistakes that cost us shit we can't get back. Time we can't get back. We're not getting any younger and I think it's bout damn time we do something right with our lives for once. We gon' keep it cool and cordial for the sake of me? On some grown man shit?"

Choice looks at Gee including him in it too. They all exchange stares that could kill before agreeing. "Good," Choice nods.

"Penitentiary rules in effect. I'm gonna respect me and I'm gonna respect every individual around me," Cortlen makes it clear. "And I want my restitution. You owe me some payments for taking your time, nigga. Twelve years worth of duckets should help me sleep at night," he looks at Fade.

"Enough of this pow wow. A bitch is hungry. I ain't ate all day," their cousin, Chinka, complains. The tension comes down and they decide to go into the restaurant.

As they're being taken to their reserved table Magenta grabs Gee's hand as they fall behind the group. "Things are only going to get worse from here. You were better off staying away," Magenta says lowly.

"Nah, I'm not leaving again. I'm not going anywhere," he says firmly.

"You came back at the worst time. Be careful with Fade. I still wouldn't trust him."

"Who said anything about trust? Strike the shepherd and the sheep will follow." He can see her looking at him with confusion so he explains, "Trouble always has a source. If you allow a person like that to operate you have to neutralize their influence. Strike at the source of trouble and the sheep will scatter. Your brother's bringing him back to the herd then he's going to isolate or banish him."

Maybe even kill him. Gee finally figured out what Choice is trying to do. He wants everyone to see Fade's true colors. It's a setup waiting to happen and he gets it. They want to get rid of a common enemy they all had...


It was mentioned that Felicity's paying Caprice's lawyer fees last chapters. Thoughts on her maybe using money from the business?

Gee & Gen's growing relationship now that he knows?

Cortlen being home from prison? Thoughts on him so far?

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