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Looking around the venue, Magenta wears a satisfied smile that everything came together. The decorations perfectly embody the best elements of Winter made to enthrall guests with enchanting and whimsical portrayals of a snowcapped, icicle dreamland. There's glistening white and blue hues, crystals, and fairy-like lighting. It also has all the classic features of a high school formal with a splash of adulthood by way of an open bar flowing with alcohol. It personifies 'Twinkle's Winter Wonderland Formal' perfectly.

All day a team of people had been helping her setup to prepare for doors opening at 7p.m. She also had people like Pandora, Genesis, and Colby nice enough to lend a helping hand. They only left to go get ready for attending the party later. It's getting down to the wire and everything seems to be running smoothly. The DJ Gee helped her find is setup and ready to go. But as the host, Magenta wasn't even dressed herself.

Going to the back room where she put her things, Gen looks at her bag that's supposed to have everything she needs. She pulls out everything to do her hair and makeup before looking around. She's expecting to see her dress hanging up until it dawns on her she didn't bring it. She can picture it laying right on her bed where she left it after deciding she didn't want to wear what she had initially planned.

Gen calls Pandora asking her to pick it up for her on her way back. Right as she hangs up there's a knock at the door making Gen pauses from beginning her makeup. "Who is it?" she calls out. In response one of the people working tonight's event responds, so Gen tells her to enter.

The door opens and a girl standing at only 5'1" comes in with her top half being blocked by a huge bouquet of sunflowers. A smile so big spreads on Gen's face as she helps her put them on the vanity. "Who are they from?" Gen asks with an excited bounce even though she already knows.

Looking at the card it's simply signed with 'Gee' and a heart knowing that's all that needed to be said. All week Gee had been helping her finish the last touches on this event. Even if that meant coming over after his long days with his artists. He'd come to her house and that usually led to him spending the night on her daybed. She really appreciated it, especially after getting out of a relationship where the person didn't support her career and endeavors.

Gen does a giddy dance saying, "What another nigga won't do, another nigga will. Glory." She does the sign of the cross from her forehead to both sides of her chest. It's the fact he still remembers her favorite flower and he got a hundred of them. She hugs them to her body not being able to contain her joy.

A part of her hates she's been so happy. She knows it won't last forever nor will it last long. She also feels guilty in a sense. It's a feeling she can't explain. She was so prepared to be distrustful, cold, and distant from men after what happened to her.

She remembers sitting in those meetings for the survivors support group hearing about the women and men's opinion on dating after it happens. She hasn't felt any of that. Maybe it's because she already knew Gee.

The only thing she thinks about is telling him or Genesis finding out somehow. She's heard how it can ruin relationships and friendships. People aren't equipped to support someone through something like that, let alone the person actually going through it.

Magenta's taken out of her thoughts from Pandora sending a text that she's back. She leaves the room to find her, so she can get her dress and finish getting ready. When she sees Pandora she takes in her attire for the night saying, "Is that a bad bitch I see?"

"I try, I try," P waves her off digging through the bag she brought everything in. "I brought a dress, other shoe options, a clutch, jewelry, and accessories. I feel like you forgot about the other stuff the way you been runnin' around here like a crazy woman."

Gen gives a small smile. "I was definitely going to throw on the dress with heels and call it a day. I had to get this dress at the last minute, so I gave up. Thank you for bringing me it," she says as Colby walks over to them. She takes in his outfit and of course he had to add his eccentric flair. "Lookin' sharp!" she compliments him.

Jux smiles showing off his opal and diamond grill that compliments his outfit perfectly as well as the icy decorations. "Had to throw a little pimpin' on it," he touches the lapel with a cocky sway of his body making them laugh.

"Is this a date?" She points between the two wanting confirmation.

"Not exactly, but you know we're going to turn up together. I'm treating this like prom since I didn't get to go to mine. If you see me drunk and barefoot on the dance floor throwing ass from east to west just let me do my thing," Pandora stands up hooking her arm with his that's awaiting.

"Well, you kids have fun. Doors open in..." Looking at her Apple Watch she sees she only has 30 minutes to finish getting ready. "I need to hurry up."

Magenta rushes off to switch outfits. Opening the door ready to join the event she's now wearing a silver dress and heels. Not even a step out of the room she's bumping into someone. "Sorry," she starts until she realizes it's Felicity. "What're you doing here?"

"I was once invited seeing as I was on the guest list and let in," she gives attitude. "But I was bringing you the dress you had me make specifically for this event. You never came to get it."

Magenta looks down at the dress they designed together in Felicity's hand. She knows it's going to look amazing on her and fit like a glove. Felicity may be an idiot, but she's talented with designing.

"I don't need it anymore. I found another dress," she motions to the one on her body.

"I spent weeks on it and I didn't even charge you for it. I did it because you're my sister. The least you could do is wear the damn dress," Felicity extends it. "Plus, that one looks cheap and tacky."

"No, thanks," Gen brushes her shoulder against hers trying to get around her.

"Then you need to pay me for my time," Tink insists.

"I think it's the least you owe me. I take it you're not staying at the party based on your own outfit, so you know where the exit is." Gen leaves her standing in the hall making her way into the main ballroom.

Pushing a curtain of icicle lights to the side she's submerged into the Winter Wonderland now filled with the likes of the public figures, influencers, and celebrities she calls 'friends'. Houston's creative community has turned out in the thousands to celebrate the holiday season at the formal. She smiles at the couples lined up for prom style photo ops in front of the cute setup.

The annoyed mood her sister gave her is lifted when she spots Genesis. Coming up from behind him, Gen tickles the side of his neck making him squirm. She laughs when his hand flies back right before he turns around. "Gonna get your head bust sneakin' up on folks."

She chuckles leaning in to kiss his cheek once he fully turns around. "I got the flowers. Thank you, kind sir!"

"No problem," he smiles.

In an instant Felicity comes in their direction grumbling, "Bitch!" She flounces by with the dress in hand towards the exit making Gen roll her eyes.

Gee furrows his eyebrows wondering what that was about. "Are you and your sister having problems? If it's because she tried to kiss me I'm not tryna start any problems."

Magenta honestly forgot about that. That was so miniscule to the other stuff Felicity has been doing. "It's not that. It's bigger than that." Looking up she sees Gee wants to say something. She notices sometimes he looks like there's something he wants to say, but he doesn't.

Thirty minutes later, Gen's making sure to work the room by interacting with guests. She's glad her party turned out not to be the typical industry party where people only come to network. They always end up feeling transactional. With no shortage of star-studded parties, the influencer culture has a well-deserved reputation for being jaded. Everyone has this entitlement based on their following and it can be so so cliquey and high school-ish. Her party has an authentic atmosphere.

Usually, the ones she attends are boring and no one dances. The multiple BeatKing songs being played back to back by the DJ had an opposite effect. There's ass being thrown from left to right as people sweat while filled with liquor. There's nobody standing around thinking they're too cute or tough.

She wanted to take it back to when she went to house parties, teen clubs, and school dances in Dallas. One thing they were going to do in the Triple D is dance and she wanted to bring that out tonight.

Magenta laughs watching Pandora twerk on Jux who's being held up by a group of guys. They're in the center of the dancefloor as everyone cheers them on to Club Godzilla. Despite the song saying, "I hate skinny bitches. Skinny hoes get no love. I see a group of skinny hoes, I call'em Bone Thugs. Throw that ass back," P still dances with no care in the world.

Scanning her eyes around the room she stops and squints. "Are you fucking kidding me?" She whispers to herself throwing her drink down her throat. Sitting the cup down she makes her way over to Noah who stands in a group of professional football players in attendance.

As soon as she approaches they all stop talking. She smiles awkwardly looking at her ex. "I didn't know you were coming..."

"Had to come show love."

"Oh, really?" Magenta nods to the side and he excuses himself to follow her. "You gotta stop. It's over."

"Why does it have to be?"

Gen can't even fake like she's not irritated. She scoffs and rolls her eyes right in his face. "Oh, please. Stop!"

"Since when did you and that guy become friends again?" Noah asks sipping from his drink.

"What?" she asks in confusion.

"The one from college..." She follows his eyes seeing he's looking at Gee across the room. "I haven't heard you mention him in years nor has he been around." She can't believe the jealousy still drips off him about Gee all these years later.

"He lives in Houston." She doesn't mention they're friends again nor in the beginning stages of dating.

"I didn't know that. How long?"

"Since like 2018. I don't know. Why are we talking about him?"

"That long? Is that why you didn't want to move with me to L.A.?"

Gen laughs touching her forehead. "Or I didn't want to move to L.A. because you wanted me to quit my business and be some kept woman as if I couldn't still do it. As if fake ass L.A. wouldn't be the perfect place for my profession."

She's not about to put her everything into a man to end up lost or destitute. She's also not going to be completely dependent on a man she's not married to yet. Feelings change everyday. She's seen it happen before.

"Why are you so scared to let a man take care of you? You don't have to work."

"You've been traded almost every year you've been in the NFL. I don't want to move there and get comfortable only to have to start all over again."

Noah acts like the comment on his career didn't hurt going on to say, "You know what your problem is? You're so fuckin' stubborn. You didn't use to be this way."

"Used to, used to, used to. That's all you say. I was like 14 when we met, 18 when we finally dated, and 19 by the time we broke up. You don't know the new me and you didn't make an effort to meet her when we decided to get back together. Even 23 me fresh out of college isn't the same. I'm 25. You either need to realize that or don't, but it's not changin' anything!"

"Fine. Keep doing your business, but move to L.A. We have to merge our lives at some point. Our relationship is always long distance and that's why it doesn't work."

"There won't be any merging. We're going our separate ways. I'd rather gouge my eyes out then move to L.A. The only moving I'm doing is moving on," she talks slowly like he's a child.

"Is anything going on between you and dude? Let me ask this... Was there ever anything going on between you two?" He nods towards Gee.

She wants to scream that he's back on Gee. She just decides to answer his questions hoping to satisfy him. "Yes, but it was never during you. We just became friends again. I know you're probably thinking I must've been seeing him here in Houston, while you're in California. I wasn't."

"Even back in college?"

"No, we were strictly friends when you and I were together. Anymore questions?"

"Have you been with anybody else since we broke-up?"

"You can't be serious right now.. What kind of question is that? If I have I can do that. We've been broken up since June." She could've said no. Gee was the first person she made it past three dates with. That's only because they went on two lunch dates during the week.

"June? We weren't broken up. We were on a break. Then August you moved your stuff out after only one phone conversation. You didn't even try to work it out."

"Is there a difference? And because I don't want to!" She says a little louder. People are too busy dancing to the loud music to notice their bickering.

"Regardless, don't you think it's a bit soon to be dating after a two-year serious relationship?"

"Was it serious? Because every time I looked up I felt like a big ass joke for claiming you."

"You? And people telling me you're in L.A. studios with rappers is any better?!"

Noah hates the fact she's constantly at parties, events, clubs, music video shoots, and the studio with rappers and singers. It doesn't matter whether it's for fun, rubbing elbows, or interviewing them.

So she finally decided to end it. As a woman she had hopes he'd be the one she marries and has children with. She rather kill herself than settle down with Noah. It would be exactly that... Settling for unhappiness for the sake of saying she's wife'd up and started her family before 30. She's more focused on getting her career to where she wants it to be.

"What're you talking about?" She asks because she only went to the studio one time in L.A. and it was after they broke up... She blinks asking, "Who told you that? Who told you I was in the studio with rappers?"

"It was getting back to me that you fucked this rap nigga. They thought we were still together and it was some cheating going on." It's the same rumor Felicity was told.

"Does no one think to ask me if something is true rather than run with it? If I did have sex with someone after we broke-up I don't remember it. Okay? Is that the answer you want?" It flies out.

Her eyes widen seeing Noah's face falling in realization. "What?"

"I'd like it if you'd leave my event," she says quickly hoping he can't think too long on what she said.

"No, explain, Magenta. Did something happen to you?" She tries to walk around him, but he grabs her wrist holding her in place.

"Please, stop. I really don't want to get security on you," she says lowly.

"You were r-raped," he says with realization like this isn't the first time he's heard it.

"I didn't say that. That never came out of my mouth," she tries to recover. There's something about the r-word. She can't accept that one.

"No, that's why they came to ask me questions.."

"Who?" Her eyebrows raise.

"An investigator interviewed me about our relationship. He asked a bunch of questions about how you are as a person, our history, what our relationship was like. I, uh, I-I'm sorry." It wasn't a pity sorry, but more of a guilty sorry.

"For what?"

"I was angry about the breakup. I think I might've given information that's not exactly in your favor. I didn't know what it was for. I signed something."

"Signed what?" she leers into him.

"To go on the stand as a witness."

"Are you serious? And say what?"

"You know I don't have the most positive things to say about your career and the lifestyle it comes with. I pretty much confirmed your job requires you to be around certain types of men. I may have also mentioned not liking the way you dress or interact around those men."

"I can't believe you," Magenta snatches her wrist from his hold. "I've known you ten years and that's the shit you do to me?" It's betrayal left and right.

"Is everything okay over here?" They hear a male voice making them turn in the direction of an approaching Genesis.

He had secretly been watching and listening at a distance for awhile. Back in college he always made it known that he noticed and didn't think she had a normal relationship with this guy. It was obvious why guys like Caleb weren't shit. There was something about Noah he couldn't quite put his finger on. They didn't quite fit together. At first Gen thought he just liked her and wanted them to breakup, but she always internalized it. She always thought about it in the back of her head. Gee was always right.

"I'm fine. He was just leaving," she looks at Noah moving to Gee's side. Seeing his hand go to her lower back, Noah notices looking between the two of them. He rubs over his face walking away from them not arguing it.

Before Gee can question anything the employee managing the door comes up to inform Gen, "We still have 3,000 people in line waiting to get in and our RSVP system just crashed."


"And there's this girl who keeps insisting on getting in. She's giving the security a hard time making a scene even though she's been turned away. She keeps screaming about followers and trying to show her Instagram as some form of ticket to get in. She'd be a Karen if she wasn't our people."

"That would actually work at some parties. Let's figure this out. I'll be back," she says to Gee leaving to go with him. Once outside Magenta smiles to herself not surprised to see it's Amil arguing with the security. "I'll handle it." Gen walks over looking her up and down...


"I asked for the person throwing this event," Amil starts then it dawns on her.

"I'm Twinkle," she gives a petty smile pointing at herself. "I see your eye's better. That or your makeup is really good."

"You gonna apologize?"

"Apologize for what exactly?" Gen stretches her neck back.

"You attacked me for no reason."

"If it hasn't sunk in why I did what I did... You left me. You set me up. And don't try to deny it either. You took me there on purpose. What was the reason?" Gen asks seriously wanting an answer.

Amil only looks at her with a blank stare. "You're the Jane Doe," she pauses then clears her throat. "I don't know what you're talkin' about."

"That's on your conscious. Let it eat you up. You're not getting in, by the way." She gives a spiteful wave going back inside.

To be honest, Gen hasn't gotten to enjoy her own party. She hasn't danced and only had one drink. Work Work Don't Stop by Yung Nation blasts as she looks around for Pandora. For the first time of the night P's not on the dance-floor. She's on the side of the photo line watching as Jux and Gee take pictures in front of the backdrop.

Magenta laughs at Gee holding his trophy for 'Manager of the Year' with ultimate pride as the camera flashes. She announced the winners for her yearbook roster earlier in the night. Gen had to make it clear he won the award fair and square. There was no favoritism or bias because she knows him.

Even before they got back on good terms she admired what he was doing. She knows what it took for him to get here. His story's one that's commendable... College football player who doesn't make it to the league, gets caught up selling drugs, could've went to prison, didn't finish college, gets shot but survives to see another day, then goes on to have one of the biggest Hip-Hop music management companies right now. No fancy degree and no connections to a rich family, just hustle. He truly turned his life around for the better. That deserves an award.

Both Gee and Jux smile wide to show the ice in their mouths making Gen shake her head. The next song plays and it makes Pandora look around. Noticing Magenta, they both start doing the South Dallas Swag dance while coming towards one another.

"Hit that hoe, P Blast!" Gen uses her old nickname making them both laugh. It brings them back to being Freshman's in high school, the one year they went to high school together. Once they reach each other they give one another a side hug while laughing.

Gen stands next to her then leans her head on Pandora's shoulder with a sigh. "You did your thing this year, G Do Wurk." They chuckle remembering the stupid Facebook names they really thought were the shit.

"Hopefully, I keep it going every year and it gets bigger and better."

"You will. I'm proud of you," she kisses her temple with an added 'muah'. 

Magenta does a content sigh staring at Gee still taking pictures. "I love you."

"You say it to me, but it seems like that's intended for someone else," P points out.

"What? No. I was thinking about how I wish he was getting a different me. The one who's not screwed up right now."

"I think you're not giving both him and yourself enough credit. He's going to like, love you regardless. He's not going to care what you've gone through since you two have been apart because I'm sure he's been through shit that affected him too."

Jux rushes over to them grabbing Pandora by both hands interrupting their conversation. "Are you two just going to stare and gossip about us or get in these pics?" P's dragged with a laugh and Gen follows.

Jux and Gee's first extinct is to squat down to do jail poses in the front. Pandora turns slightly poking out her butt and Magenta comes up right behind her. The camera flashes as the photographer gets the shot. They switch up the poses multiple times before choosing the traditional couple prom pose for the last one. Both pairs stand side by side with the women's hands on the guys' shoulders and there's on the waist. Wearing smiles the last one is picture perfect.

An hour later a Fire Marshall, Police Sargent, and the GM shut the party down because there was so many people in the venue. Regardless, the night was a success to Gen.

As Gee drives Magenta home, she sits in the passenger seat staring out of the window in deep thought. The car ride is unusually quiet as music plays. At one point, Gen even wants to ask Gee what he's thinking about, but she can't bring herself to do it. She's too scared and doesn't even know why.

Like he can read her mind Gee turns down the music to say, "I overheard some of your conversation with your ex..."

Her entire body goes stiff. The only appropriate assumption is he heard the end of their argument about him being a witness. What other reason would Gee bring it up? That conversation definitely wouldn't lead to him thinking they're getting back together or that he should worry. That leaves one topic...

"I really don't want to talk about this," she spouts out faintly.

"I need to ask you a question and I need you to tell the truth..." He pulls into her driveway.

Gen looks at him with absorbent eyes. "I'm all out of truth giving tonight. It's already been a long night. I really just want to go to bed. You sleep at your house and I sleep at mine. Just leave it alone. Leave it be. Please," she begs.

He doesn't even have time to argue because she's flying out of the car. She couldn't even face the look of pity on his face. She's tired of that face from people. She's tired of explaining what happened. She's tired of the repeated embarrassment and shame. She's tired of being reminded that she's now a victim.

She grabs her bag and the huge bouquet he got her from the backseat balancing it as best as she can. Before he can offer help she's slamming the car door going to her front steps disappearing inside.

Shutting the door behind her, Magenta leans against it closing her eyes. Her heart's beating a mile a minute. She takes in a deep breath wanting to break down crying, but she couldn't. Hearing a loud bang her eyes shoot open.

She nearly drops the bouquet hearing, "Gen, is that you?" She furrows her eyebrows when her Mom pops from out of the kitchen staring down the long hallway. "Good. You're home. How do you work these newfangled things?"

Swallowing down the forming lump in her throat she asks, "Mama, what're you doing here?"

Going to the kitchen she looks at Tempest in confusion. "I'm staying with Felicity until Christmas. I thought I'd come over and help out by cleaning your place. I was also going to cook, but I couldn't figure out how any of this shit works in here. I know you've been busy with work."

"First of all, you cooking? Please, I don't have time for a stomach ache," she lets it slip out but it's the honest truth. Gen sits the flowers and her purse on the counter before ripping her heels off.

Tempest gawks. "I've been practicing. Ever since Choice retired me, I've had free time to learn my mother's recipes. I'm getting better. Where's the faith?"

"If you say so, but I already ate at my event. You should've come. It would've been nice having you on the dance floor."

"I leave that for you young folks. I don't want anybody calling me Granny Bernice and accusing me of still trying to be young."

"Mama, you're not even 50 yet. You look good. You're still look young. You can party with me."

"Thank you. I just wanted to hear you say that," Tempest smiles. She eyes the flowers grabbing the card from it. "Gee?" Her eyebrow arches. "Hm."

She can tell her mother's choosing not to be nosy. Magenta had to tell her she's too involved with her relationships and ever since she took a step back. "Did Tink let you use the spare key I gave her to get in here?"

"Yeah. Why?"

"Can I have it? I'd like to give it to someone else. Someone I trust to have it and someone who's more dependable. I'm going to give it to Pandora," she says vaguely. "I might as well tell you now. I probably won't be at Christmas either."

"Why not? Now that y'all moved out here I barely see my kids. Holidays are family time."

"I'm not really in the mood to be around a bunch of people, especially Felicity."

"What's going on between you two? I thought you would be closer by now. You went to the same college, have a business together, and live in the same city. Me and my sister's always had each other's back."

"Trust me, I know. I still remember y'all jumping that lady in the Big T Bazaar parking lot," Gen chuckles.

"You mess with one, you mess with all," Temp gives playful attitude.

"I wish Felicity felt that way."

"What were you two getting into it about at Choice's wedding?" She remembers.

"I think we should sit," Gen motions to her living room.

"What's going on?" Tempest wears a concerned face.

"Mama, I need to tell you about what happened to me in August..." She needed to get it out and tell someone.

A few days later, Genesis finds himself at Choice's new home in Katy, Texas helping him move in. Fresh home from their honeymoon, Choice is ready to start his new life in his new house with his new wife. Gee wants to help a friend, but he's regretting it because he has so much shit. His only hope was for Magenta to be here after what happened the last time they saw one another.

"Nigga, you ain't tell me it was going to be all this. Gahdamn!" Gee gripes sitting down his end of a table.

"Bro, I'm 30. Y'all are younger than me. I should be the only one huffing and puffing or complaining about body parts aching," Choice looks at Gee, Colby, and his cousins that came to help out.

"You could've hired some more professional movers," Jux emphasizes in a grumble under his breath. "All the shit you got 4 niggas wasn't enough."

"That's why I have you guys," Choice laughs as they all catch their breath.

Staring from the living room they're standing in, Choice looks at Gee's brother who's carrying a box through the foyer following his wife's directions. He shakes his head because Chandrika can be bossy. "How old is he?" He asks about Seven.

Gee got him from the airport two days ago and now they're getting adjusted to him being in Texas. He doesn't know how long he'll be staying with him, but he'll allow him for however long he needs. If it keeps him out of trouble then he has no problem with it.

"18. Looking like he's going down the same path as me. He won't admit he's not taking our Daddy's death very well." At that point, everyone else had left to keep bringing stuff in while Gee and Choice take stuff out of boxes.

"I remember you always speaking of your Pops so highly. I'm sure it's not easy for him if he had the same bond with him."

"Yeah, he was always there for both of us. He made some mistakes, but he tried. I understand why he did certain things now that I'm older," Gee speaks about his father. "I couldn't imagine not having my father growing up."

"Shit, I don't even know what it's like to have one," Choice admits blowing out air.

"When does your father get out?"

"I have no idea. I lost track. He probably has like 5 more years. I don't even know," Choice shrugs.

"Y'all cool?" Gee asks out of curiosity. Mostly because he remembers Magenta trying to build a relationship with him, but it not working out the way she wanted.

"Eh. He tried his best to raise us from a cell, but there's not much you can do. Those phone calls and visits were only good for speeches and advice. We were still going to do what we wanted out in the outside world. Cortlen was more of a father figure to us, but he was always in and out of juvenile and jail himself."

"You think he's going to get out and be changed?" He asks about Cortlen.

"I hope so. I also know he's majorly institutionalized. He's used to not having opportunities then having to make his own. That's why I'm going to let him work for me. If he fucks that up I can't do anything else for him."

"There's only so much you can do for a person," Gee looks at Seven texting on his phone. Gee doesn't even think he wanted to leave Kentucky. It was his mother's idea.

"Exactly," he agrees. "I've also been thinking about hiring Fade to work for me..."

Gee stops what he's doing to look at Choice like he's crazy. "Now why in the hell would you do that?"

"He keeps mentioning how he can't find a job with his record. I could hire him to work for me. Then I become his source of income and when someone can feed you-"

"They can starve you," Gee catches on quickly. "I don't know."

Once again his mind is veering to the negative. He feels like you can't break bread with the enemy because that makes people question your character. At that point it's like you're funding the opps. How can you break bread with someone who tried to do you harm? And how can you trust someone who doesn't understand that and how it affects things? Human nature is to think some snake shit is going on.

Choice begins explaining, "It's better to have him in a position where I can watch him and tell him what to do. If he sees I'm living down here newly married and I'm clearly still cool with you, while he's still on the outside... We're both successful doing our own thing and he's fresh out of jail with nothing. It'll only make him brew with more envy and anger. Revenge is on his mind."

"You're also giving him resources that could be at the very detriment of you and me. Weapons or hiring shooters. Last I checked he has a reason to want me dead more than you."

"You think he doesn't want me dead?" Choice laughs to himself. "At the height of us selling pounds I cut that nigga off because he was doing too much. We literally had Dallas on lock with the best exotic bows you could get. Granted I met Pop and got us the connection, we both sold for him. We both were under him, but I'm the one he left everything to. Then from what I inherited I turned it into a six figure legal company, while he was sitting in jail for the very thing I'm making millions on. Oh, not to mention I survived being shot."

"You ready to invite that energy into your world?" Choice silently nods and they go back to unpacking quietly.

Gee watches men from a furniture store bring in Choice's couch, so he stands back. Staring into the distance he can see Magenta in the kitchen with ChaCha, Tempest, and Pandora. All they have said to one another was hello today and that was it. She's clearly avoiding him once again. Her shutting him out is getting old now.

"I always wondered why you and my sister never got in a relationship back in the day," Choice speaks up making Gee snap out of his staring.

"Really? You never said anything," he furrows his eyebrows. Choice was the one person who ignored the fact it was obvious the two have feelings for each other.

"I try to stay out of my siblings romantic business."

"You wouldn't have had a problem with it? Me working for you back then..."

"Nigga, I met you 'cause of her. This ain't an urban novel where I want to kill you 'cause you fucked my sister. I'm not that type of brother overstepping my boundaries under the guise of being protective. That's weirdo shit. If you were someone I grew up with maybe it'd be different. I know you good people though. You always tried your best to treat her right. So?"

"So, what?"

"Why didn't y'all get together?"

"We tried... A lot. Too many times. We were just two ships passing in the night," Gee shrugs like it's not a big deal.

"When the fuck you get so poetic? You fasho in love talking like that," Choice laughs. He pats Gee's shoulder to say, "You'll figure it out. This is coming from me. I dated ChaCha in 4th grade, 8th grade, senior year, and when she was in college. We just got married."

"I don't know if I have the time or patience for that," Gee frowns admittingly.

"If you really love someone you will. Whatever it takes to get it right. It falls into place eventually. Either way, I'd support it." Choice gives his piece of guidance with a smile before walking away.

Gee decides to approach Magenta who's alone for the first time today. "Hey, I was wondering if we can go somewhere to talk after we're done here?"

"Umm," she looks around as if trying to find an answer. "I actually have something work related to do after. I'm sorry."

"So we're just not going to talk about the other night?"

"It was nothing," she insists hoping he'll drop it. Gee knows what he heard though. She can't dismiss it.

"Doesn't seem like nothing."

"I don't feel comfortable talking about it, yet."

"With me?"

She doesn't want to hurt his feelings but says, "Yes."

"Fine, I won't push. I hope one day you feel comfortable telling me things like you used to. I'ma always be here."

An hour later, Magenta's the only one who's not around anymore. She left to whatever it is she had to do, while everyone else is eating the pizza Choice bought to thank them for helping.

Only Pandora knew that she really left after a bad reaction to being around the hired movers. She got paranoid at the fact Choice's house is so big that she could be left alone with one of them. She has periods where she's terrified to be around any man, especially strangers. She feels threatened and either lashes out at them in anger or has a panic attack. She was on the verge of the latter and had to go...

Gee gets up heading for the kitchen to throw away his plate after finishing eating. He needs to get out of here soon himself. He's about to round the corner when he overhears Pandora and Felicity having a heated conversation. Felicity showed up at the last minute when they were nearly done and even then she didn't look dressed to help.

"You're foul as fuck and you know that," Pandora scolds Felicity.

"Why are you talking to me?"

"Because you're like the bats of the world. You're destined to never fit in. You fly, but you're not quite a bird. Or are you? You're also a mammal, but you're banished to the dark," Pandora goes in. Gee stands in the doorway not even being noticed.

"See, this has always been my problem with you. You don't mind your business, always inserting yourself. You're just my little sister's little friend."

"Then why do I act like more of a sister to her than you? You've always been jealous of that girl even when y'all were little. You were jealous she was everything you weren't and could never be. Still are. Don't forget it was me and Gen helping your no friend having ass when you were getting jumped. When you had beef with bitches, your little sister and her little friend were coming with you to have yo back. These niggas won't save you, even today. Remember that!"

Pandora storms off exchanging a look with Gee walking past him. Him and Felicity hold the same awkward look while he's throwing away his plate in the trash. Neither says anything to one another.

The confirmation's are coming back to back. The argument between Magenta and Noah. Gen and Felicity clearly having problems. It all ties into what Caprice said about the alleged victim 'lying' because he dated her sister...

Hours later, Gee's laying in his bed tossing and turning. He got used to either talking on the phone with Magenta or sleeping in her craft room. It was better than being in this house alone or waking up to nightmares. Even with Seven here now he still can't sleep.

Like it's on cue, his phone begins ringing. Looking at the time he sees it's nearing 2a.m. and that means it can only be one person. Seeing Gen's name across his phone screen he answers saying, "Yes, night owl?"

"I can't sleep. Can you sleep?"

"Not really," he stares up at the ceiling.

"I need your opinion on something I'm working on. I'm lonely. Are you lonely?" she says honestly making him chuckle. "Can you come over? To keep me company..."

Gee sighs. He's exhausted and not even from today. He's tired of the push and pull. Instead he finds himself saying yes and getting out of his bed driving to her place still wearing his sleeping clothes.

Ten minutes later he arrived at his place and they spent the next hour talking for an hour, but avoiding any serious topics. It was only joking or talking about work.

He eventually fell asleep, but found himself waking up feeling desperately thirsty. He decides to climb the stairs and go to the kitchen. He gets a glass of water standing in one spot chugging it down feeling like it's the best thing in the world.

He freezes because he swears he hears faint voices in the distance. He looks around wildly mumbling, "Hell nah. What was that?" Hoping he's hearing things he stands completely still as if it'll make him hear better. He heard it again. "I know she don't got ghosts.."

Gee already finds her place a little scary and creepy. Townhouses have too many floors allowing you not to know what's going on in every part of your own house.

He has to hype himself up not to be a punk and follow the sounds. It takes him upstairs which is the floor Magenta's master bedroom is on. He's never even been up here. They usually stay on the main floor or down to the lower level to her craft room.

"Damn," He smacks his lips realizing he should've grabbed a weapon. "Lord, don't let this be my last day. We already talked. I repented for stepping on that nigga, but he had it coming. Don't hoe me on letting me into the thug's mansion," he refers to heaven.

Making it to the top of the stairs he starts calling Magenta's name still hearing indistinct noises. It's clearly voices. He knocks on her bedroom door, but no response. He can hear someone repeatedly saying 'no' so he just decides to open it.

Gen's clearly having a nightmare by how wildly she moves in her bed. He tries to wake her up, but immediately regrets. He probably should've went in more cautious because he startles her out of her sleep. Gen forgot Gee was spending the night, so she freaks out and her first reaction is to start swinging. "Ah, damn! It's me!" He yells when her fist harshly knocks into his lip.

His head flies back and holds his mouth right as Magenta snaps out of it. She quickly turns on the lamp seeing Gee groaning in pain. "Shit." He doesn't even need to tell her she was having a bad dream. She buries her face in her hands out of embarrassment. "I'm sorry. I forgot you were here."

He says nothing sitting on the bed as she scoots closer. She grabs his hand covering his mouth saying, "Let me see." Once it's moved Gen can see his lip is clearly busted. "I'm so sorry. Let me get you ice," she flips the covers back."

Gee only sits there and a few minutes later she's coming back with an ice pack putting it to his mouth. She had repeated sorry a million times only because he still hadn't responded. "You said that already. It's okay. I shouldn't have come in like that. Damn, Money Mayweather," He jokes. That's just what he does in uncomfortable situations.

"That's why I stay up all night working. I can't sleep, I wake up at the same time every night on the dot, or I have a nightmare," she admits with embarrassment.

"You too? I was waking up every night at 2:22a.m., so then I decided to start working until then. It didn't help."

"Me too. That's some scurry shit," she quotes Brenda from Scary Movie. "We have like Twitches twin witch synchronized powers," she chuckles adjusting her bonnet nervously.

They both exchange a look. She smiles and he tries to return one, but his lip hurts too bad. "Ow."

"Keep it on there." She grabs it holding it for him. The small exchange was nice for them to open up a little bit.

The Next Day...

"Who beat yo ass? Kelsey's crazy ass came back on some domestic shit?" Kross asks as they enter a Chanel store in the Galleria mall. He looks at Gee like his lip is horrible, when it's really not that bad. It's way better than it was initially.

Gee left Magenta's house early this morning because he has things to do today. He wants to finish Christmas shopping and he has meetings that him and Kross need to attend. "Magenta and it was an accident," he follows Kross' lead as he looks at bags. "What're you in here to get?"

"If you're being beaten you can tell me, bro. We can get you help," he touches Gee's shoulder only to be shaken off. He laughs to himself before answering, "I'm tryna buy a bag. I need your opinion."

"This for your mama?" He asks examining one on the shelf.

"Nah, I got her a different bag. This is for Pandora," he says casually making Gee screw up his face.

"You just met this damn girl. It's been two seconds. A Chanel bag, bruh? Don't you think it's a little soon for that."

"It's Christmas and I'm in the givin' spirit," Kross shrugs.

"No, you're in the trickin' spirit," Gee laughs shaking his head.

"Look, I gotta step it up. Other dude took her and her niece for pictures with Santa. He's getting in good with the family."

"And how do you know that?"

"I heard his voice in the background of her Instagram story when she posted it. And I know someone in her close friends. They said they saw him on it."

Gee can't help but laugh. "Sounds like you stalkin'. Why you trippin'? She was honest and said she's going to be seeing both of you. I'm sure you haven't cut off all the hoes you had. You're only makin' things harder for other niggas like me by getting an expensive ass bag after a few dates."

"That's the point. I gotta make it harder for a nigga...Jux."

"It affects the whole collective of men not just Jux. You can't get her a Coach bag or somethin'? You know, start off slow. You gonna have women thinking we should be trickin' out the gate. Damn!" Gee complains making Kross laugh.

"Look who's talking. You used to be taking Kelsey on shopping spree dates."

"And I learned my lesson. You must really like her or is this more of a competition thing?"

"She's super cool. I like her so far," Kross keeps it simple.

"Well, hurry up. We gotta meet with Destin soon," Gee looks at his watch.

Kross has one of the employees help him pick a bag then they get it wrapped up and ready to go for him. They go to one of the many eating places at the mall waiting on Destin's arrival. When he does show up he has another older white man with him who wears a suit.

"Who is this?" Gee asks after dapping Destin and they both sit making it a party of four now.

"We have a problem..." Destin looks at the man.

Finally, the guy speaks saying, "I'm Michael McAllister. I'm a private investigator. I was hired by Caprice and his team. He currently has a case where he's accused of rape among other allegations. I was asked to look into the alleged victims past love life, relationships, and romantic partners."

"Why?" Kross asks with an unsure face.

The private investigator goes into his briefcase pulling out pieces of glossy paper spreading them across the table. Kross leans in further and Gee grabs one. Seeing pictures of him and Magenta at the ice-skating rink, out to lunch, and even his car parked in front of her house, he looks at the man with a slack jaw.

"This is Magenta," Kross points out the obvious.

"You're dating the girl accusing Caprice," the P.I. states as Gee flicks the picture to the table. He feels sick to his stomach. There's no more being in denial about it. It's confirmed right here in his face. He would've much rather preferred for Gen to tell him. Not find out this way. "That's a conflict of interest."

"Conflict of interest?" Kross asks since Gee can't even seem to find his voice.

"He can't date her and work for Caprice."

"I don't think he knew," Kross looks at Gee trying to get him to say something.

"You know what? You can work in our favor..." The P.I. has this smug cheeriness in his voice. What the hell is happy about this? He slides a bag across the table.

"What's this?" Destin asks.

"Money. A lot of it. $1 million and it's just the start. That's what you need to tell her when you offer her a payout to drop the charges," he looks at Gee who wears a lost expression.

Gee rubs over his facial hair before a faint laugh finally escapes his lips because he's so uncomfortable and in disbelief. He's not the only one. Both Kross and Destin are stuck in shock. How the hell did he get in this predicament?


Magenta's ex popping up? Telling Noah? Do you think he could've potentially ruined her case?

Gee finding out for sure Magenta is the Jane Doe? The offer made?

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