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But I don’t wanna die anymore
Me, who used to be sad
Me, who used to be hurt
It’ll make me more beautiful
- Answer : Love Myself, BTS


Y/N came out towards the front of the boat and realised it was evening now as the sun cast long shadows on the ground. The slanting rays of the setting sun gave a warm orange tinge to the sky giving it a heavenly look.

She shivered a little as the cold breeze brushed against her bare shoulders so she rubbed them together and her gaze fell on the boys she was looking for. She smiled to herself and made her way towards them.

Taehyung saw her coming and waved towards her, “Hey Y/N!!” He waved with his hand in the air while showing that priceless boxy smile.

Everyone looked in the direction when Taehyung shouted her name and saw the beautiful girl coming towards them.

“Um…H-Hi!” Y/N got nervous feeling all of their seven eyes on herself but the boys couldn't help it, their eyes just got stuck at her breathtaking figure. That pretty midnight blue dress, revealing her left shoulder, her milk like white delicate skin shining, those silky chocolate like hair falling down like a waterfall.

“Come, have a seat.” Jimin patted the space beside him and she gladly accepted walking towards him. She sat there between the boys, smiling towards them, waiting to start a conversation.

“Hi, I'm Kim Namjoon, you can call me joon or joonie, whatever you prefer sweetheart!” Namjoon took her hands in his before placing a quick peck on it and smiling afterward showing his dimples.

“Aww, your dimples! Mind if I poke them once? Please~” Y/N pleaded like a little girl asking for a candy and Namjoon couldn't help but give in.

Even Y/N herself didn't know where she got such courage. But she just didn't feel afraid or something with them, they seem to be genuine and good human beings to her.

Wonder why?

“Go on~” Namjoon smiled more as his eyes just disappeared and Y/N poked the dimples with her index finger.

“So cuteee~” Y/N giggled and faced the other boys as they started introducing themselves one by one.

“Kim Seokjin in your service my lady, Call me Jin!” Jin pecked her hand as well and Y/N blushed. He was too handsome to be a human being, they all were but this man held some real charms that literally made her blush.

“Min Yoongi, you can call me yoongi or suga.” Yoongi did the same and burst out into his gummy smile.

“Hi, I'm your hope I'm your angel, I'm Jung Hoseok, call me hobi!” Hoseok showed his hearty smile.

“Hi beautiful, I'm Kim Taehyung, you can call me taetae!” His legendary boxy smile showed up.

“I'm Jeon Jungkook, the youngest here, you can call me kookie!” His eyes disappeared forming wrinkles around the corner as he burst out into that bunny smile looking cute as ever.

“Pleasure to meet y'all guys, all of your smiles are uniquely beautiful.” Y/N said and they all chuckled.

“But Y/N, you kinda looked scared inside there, is everything okay?” Yoongi asked with concern lacing his voice.

“Maybe she just felt uncomfortable around a lot of people? That was so suffocating there, to be honest.” Jimin let out while loosening his tie.

“No Jimin, we also stopped her from almost suiciding yesterday.” Jin frowned while looking towards Y/N.

“You know how it feels when you're looking fine from outside, but inside you're suffocating...Dying day by day but no one's there to notice, no one's there to help you, or at least listen to you...”

Y/N let out all of a sudden looking into nothingness and the others worriedly looked at her, their eyebrows twitched in confusion.

Suddenly she felt a hand on hers, giving it a gentle squeeze, making her feel an essence of safety she never felt before. She looked up to meet those chocolate brown orbs of Namjoon staring into hers.

“You can share it with us, we're good at keeping secrets, you'll feel light hearted.” Namjoon smiled while nodding, waiting for her to speak.

Y/N looked at the others and they had the same expressions. Don't know why she doesn't feel like hiding anything from these boys. She bit her lower lip trying to gather some courage before proceeding.

“O-Okay…” Y/N breathed out as they scooted closer to her, looking attentively, “So I was 6 years old when my father died…” She paused, balling her fists.

“And because of that, our company had to go through a very big loss. I was just a little child at that time. I knew nothing about such things but mom told all this to me.” She scoffed.

“And to compensate for this loss, my mom and her friend, Haesong's mother, allied. The price was me, She signed a 'contract' which said that I and Haesong will be engaged when I'll turn 18. And it happened ofcourse!" She started playing with the ring in her ring finger as all the boys looked down at her hands understanding the situation.

“But Haesong had to complete his studies so he went abroad.” She breathed out, “You know what, my father treated me like a princess, but my mom treats me like trash.”

A lone tear rolled down her cheeks which Jimin noticed and wiped it gently as she continued, “She said it's all my father's fault and I'll be paying the price now, she abuses me day and night.”

“I cry and beg that mom please stop but she doesn't listen. I don't know how a mother can do this to her own child!”

She burst out into a flood of tears which rolled down non-stop over her cheeks, soaking them wet and her chin trembled like a child. Namjoon's reflex was quick enough as he engulfed her into his arms while gently patting her back to calm her down.

All the boy's eyes got teary at her story as they wiped their tears from the corner of their eyes and Y/N slowly pulled away from Namjoon.

“I-I'm sorry..” Y/N wiped the remains of her tears and looked down feeling embarrassed from sudden burst out.

“Hey, it's okay, no need to be sorry.” Jungkook softly stroked her cheeks with the back of his hand.

“Look at me Y/N, look at us.” Jin gently placed his hand under her chin making her look at him. Her eyes were still brimming with tears but she didn't want to cry more. Now she wanted to listen to him, listen to them.

“You're strong okay? Going through all of this isn't easy I know. But you did love and you should be proud of it. Be proud of yourself. Hmm?” Jin smiled and caressed her hair.

“Listen, No one can make you feel inferior without your consent, so don't give up. I know it will be hard for you but it's not impossible and I also know you'll go through it.” Namjoon squeezed her hands gently and lovingly.

“You'll shine like gold refined from a mine. Remember, If life is playing with you, then it means you're a good player, and trust me you'll win.” Taehyung said while holding her shoulders as he was sitting in front of her and rubbed her arms down providing them warmth.

“If you've come far till now then you surely do have the will to do more and you will, trust me. Just don't lose your hope please!” Hoseok cupped her cheeks in his big palms, wiping the tears away.

“Where there is no struggle, there is no strength, right? And you've got that strength, I can see it in your eyes. You're too young to be broken like that by this world.” Yoongi just patted her head lovingly.

“You can do more than you believe you can. You can be no more than you believe you are. You can never know what you're capable of doing until and unless you don't try.” Jungkook smiled placing his hand on hers.

“You're a very strong girl Y/N, at least from all the girls I've seen till now. You just need a friend, a companion who can listen to you.” Jimin tucked her hair behind her ear while saying.

“And we're here for that. We understand your problems. You can talk to us anytime you want.”  Namjoon said and Jin added, “We'll try to solve your problems, and if we couldn't, we'll listen to it.”

“Because you'll never walk alone, at least until we're with you.” Hoseok comforted and Yoongi completed the sentence, “And we're never gonna leave you…”

“So don't ever think of suiciding again! Your life is precious girl!” Taehyung, Jimin, and Jungkook shouted together as Y/N let out a giggle through her teary eyes, seeing these boys' sparkling eyes and listening to their encouraging words.

No one has ever said such a thing to her ever, she was always alone. But their company is something her heart isn't able to deny. That safety and feeling of being cared for and loved she always missed, this is what they're making her feel.

“Thank you guys, thank you so much! I'm really glad to meet y'all...I promise I won't ever do such stupid action again.”  She smiled at them and all of them clapped together.

“Now you're on right track!” Namjoon patted her head as if she was some little girl.

“Now c'mon guys it's enough of being sad and emotional! Cheer up!” Jimin tried cheering everyone.

“Jungkook, go and bring my guitar, hurry!” Yoongi hurriedly gestured Jungkook and he nodded vigorously before rushing inside the ship to bring the guitar.


After some minutes Jungkook showed up and handed Yoongi his guitar.

“Come!” Jimin grabbed Y/N's hand.

“Woah where?”

Giving no time to her Jimin stood up and held Y/N's hand making her stand up as well and took her towards the empty space.

“What are you guys waiting for? C'mon!” Jimin shouted and all of them laughed as they all stood up and made their way towards them. Yoongi started playing the guitar while coming towards Jimin and Y/N with the other boys and Y/N laughed.

“Don't tell me you're going to make me dance now!” Y/N looked at him with wide eyes.

“Exactly!” Jimin winked and wrapped his left hand around her waist pulling her towards him, their faces were inches apart, his breath fanning on her cheeks and Y/N suddenly felt so nervous. But as Jimin started moving his body with the melody, she forgot everything and just went with the flow.

Suddenly she felt another pair of hands and before she could even process, the next moment she knew she was in Jin's arms. She smiled as she placed her hands on his broad shoulders and next, Jin spun her around as she burst out into laughter before landing in Taehyung's arms.

And that's how they all had fun together that day, enjoying each other's company and forgetting each and every problem, leaving it far behind.

That day she feared nothing, not her mom, not her fiancee, nothing. Just her, those seven boys, and their happiness mattered.

That was the day when she laughed wholeheartedly. Who knew these seven boys can have such an effect on her?

But it is said, “We don't meet people by accident, they're meant to cross our path for a reason.”

And their reason to find each other was maybe this? Each other's happiness?

Well, whatever it is...

It was the best for them...


Author :
*cries in a corner* .·´¯'(>▂<)´¯'·.

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