Chasing Bakshi Series- Part 5

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Recap- Divorved and Pregnant, Anika runs an NGO owned by Samarjit Malhotra who is getting over the death of his wife Chandanu. Together, with Anika, he is trying to punish his wife's childhood abuser Bakshi and help Anika find her little sister.

Part 5

Anika loved running after the kids at the orphange. After all, it made for good practice. Now, that she was pregnant, she wnated to get comfortable around kids as much as she could. For the longest time, Anika had hoped to have a family and now she was going to have that. A baby of her own whose father happened to be someone she loved with every fibre of her being. She knew that she could.never tell Shivaay the truth- she was afraid that he'd take away the baby.

Anika realized that noone could ever provide for the baby as good as her ex husband, not just in terms of financial security but in terms of protection as well. And she wanted her child to have that. So, she went back to pinky and asked her to let Anika back in her son's life.

Absolutely not roared Pinky at Anika's request. Don't think that you can blackmail me by feigning this pregnancy and come back in my son's life. That is never happening.

You are the one whose blackmailing me. You have separated me from my husband and now you are denying my unborn baby the right to ever know his or her father.

I don't care. Besides, how can i be even sure that it is Shivaay's baby. After all, you have been spending so much tome in the company of other men such as Ragini's brother. Mark my words- your chold will never have what you could never have- Naam, Khoon and Khandaan.

This hurt Anika's ego.

Pinky fat, i have takem enough crap from you but not a word about my baby.

That night Anika sat in a corner of her room crying her eyes out...until yhere was a knock on her door. It was samar.

Why are upu crying Anika?

Because apparently I'll he giving birth to a bastard.

What do you mean? It's shivaay's baby

Not according to his mother. She is never going to let me amd my baby into his life.

Did you talk to his brothers?

What's the point? If she tells Shivaay the truth, he'll break and all of this would have been for nothing.

Don't worry. We'll figure sometjing out but right mow i need to talk to you about Bakshi.

What about him? Asked Anika as she cleaned her face.

He is going to be at the charity drive organised by the Kashyaps. I think its a good plave to start. We know he knows the whereabouts of chutki.

Then we should go there.

But Anika you should know the Oberois will be there and in this condition.

I am not showing yet. I want to come. I cant hide from them forever. Was Kabir able to get the divorce papers?

Not, he wasn't. But don't worry, he's going to.

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