Dinner party- part 7

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Warning -18+ contains elements of bdsm.

Anika couldn't believe that she was actually wearing a skirt. She felt like a schoolgirl. On the other hand Shivaay was damn excited for their first lesson.

Making her way to the study table Anima was half convinced that Shivaay was going to make her call him sir .

As soon as Anika entered the room Shivaay stood up.

Ah! You wore the skirt..you looks so hot in it.

Are you sure its appropriate to say that to your student sir?

Probably not..so take a seat Miss.Anika ordered Shivaay.

Now here are the rules that you should know Miss. Anika and i advise you to adhere to them strictly. Rule no. 1- our three hour session will have a 15 minutes break so that you can relax . However during the rest of the session i want you to be completely focused on your lesson. No use of phone during the classroom. Rule no. 2- your attire should always be neat . Rule no 3- you will be assigned homework and i will be checking it everyday or ask you to recite it...i expect you to finish it flawlessly..if not you'll be punished..also there'll be a test after every 3 days and if you score less than expect to be punished. You can address me as Mr. Oberoi or Shivaay sir but not as Shivaay. Any questions?

Anika couldn't help but laugh. Her boyfriend / ex husband sometimes took their games too far though she knew the next few days she was going to have a lot of fun along with many punishments .

What so funny Anika?

Well shivaay..

Its Shivaay sir

Then its miss .Anika

I can call you whatever youwant ..you on the other hand cannot..now tell me what's funny

I was just wondering how will you punish me?

Well there are many ways but the most prominent one will be through this said Shivaay retrieving a cane from the desk which make Anika take a gulp.

Standing up Shivaay walked over her holding the cane in his hand.

You want me to use it..

Not now..only when i need to be punished

Hmm okay...let's start our elsson for the day. We'll begin with the wren and martin said Shivaay as he handed  over a copy of the book to Anika.

Open the chapter on grammar rules..page 68. For the next hour Shivaay really did teach Anika seriously until Anika poured herself a glass of water and started drinking it. A drop of it fell down on her chest moving towards her cleavage. It was so distracting for Shivaat but after suppressing his desires he continued with the chapter.

Anika now i want you to memorize the rules and after forty five  minutes i expect you to recite them with sentences as examples.

But can't i do it tomorrow please..as my homework

No we have plenty of time ...now get on with it ...as soon as you can finish we can have dinner.

As Anika tried her best to memorize all that Shivaay had taught her Shivaay fired up his laptop and working. Finally after 45 minutes he shut his laptop close and called out Anika.

Anika..its time . Close the book.

Without saying anything Anika closed the book.

Okay so now shall we start said Shivaay walking up to her. Finally he sat himslef down beside her .

I will ask your questions and write down the ones you answered wrongly properly with the use of that cane. So be careful for everyone answer you will be caned .

Okay Sir said Anika clearly excited withthe prospect though a bit scared .

The next half hour Shivaay asked Anika atleast 30 questions out of which Anika forgot many.

Ahh this is not good for you pretty little ass baby. Now get up ...i want you bent over the desk.

Anika said nothing but complied by bending over the desk exposing her buttocks .

Remove your shirt but let the skirt stay on. It'll be easire that way ordered Shivaay as he picked up the book and kept it on the desk in front of Anika.

Anika was now standing in her bra and skirt bent over the desk.

My my ! You are wearinga gorgeous pair of panties aren't you said Shivaay as he pulled up her skirt completely exposing her ass.

Answer me Anika.

Yes sir i am replied Anika.

So now you had some problems in a few questions i think in 17 so be prepared said Shivaay picking up his cane. I will however give you a chance to rectify your mistake by asking you the questions again and give me a correct answer.

Shivaay asked the first question which Anika got wrong.

Picking up the cane he ran it across her crack through the panties  teasing her.

Shivaay delivered the first stroke making anika yelp.

By the next five question her ass had completely turned red.

Now give me an example of an abstact noun Anika asked Shivaay as the sixth question but Anika failed to answer miserably earning herself another stroke . Anika could feel herself getting aroused by the moment. Her pussy was soaking wet. She didn't wnat Shivaay to know but there is no way he hadn't observed.

Finally her caning came to an end after a few strokes.

Anika's panties was visibly wet by now much to Shivaay's delight.

Look at that! Were you enjoying your punishment missy said Shivaay ashe made Anika sat on his lap amd squeezed her ass making her moan.

Yes sir maybe i was.

Now that's a naughty thing baby..i am going to have to take care of this arousal of yours said Shivaaya s he cupped her buttcheeks.  Pickimg her up in his arms Shivaay carried her to their bedroom which was not that far away and placed her on their bed.

Taking off his pants he too got in the bed and started playing with her pussy . Finally after some times he removed her soaking panties and started fingering her. What followed next was an hour of the most passionate fucking they had had in a while.

Let me know what you guys think!

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