one shot - the return of Mahi

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This one shot is based on the current track . Anika and Shivaay are fighting over Tanya. Mahi makes an appearance.

Anika felt beyond infuriated . Her husband had crossed all limits today. First he bought home some stanger and introduced her as his wife and then he had the audacity to question Anika for being jealous.  She knew that she she should have kept an eye on shukla and she did most of the time but the way Tanya taunted her and claimed Shivaay as hers provided a feeling of deja vu to Anika. It made her feel the same way she did when she saw Shivaay with Tia. She remembered how hard it was for her to see them together back then . But what was happening now felt 100 times worse.

Anika was astounded at how insensitive Shivaay had  been towards her recently. She knew he was being blackmailed but it was no excuse for him to act like this. Did he really expect her to be okay with the fact that another woman was  sleeping in their  bed. She knew if the roles were reversed he would not tolerate it even for a second. But being a hypocrite was her husband's forte. It had always been.

Anika knew that she was in a dire need of a break . And she knew exactly the person who could help her . Anika hadn't seen mahi ever since she came back to Oberoi Mansion. And when the truth that Mahi was not Shivaay's brother came out it had a profound impact on their friendship. Being with Anika reminded Mahi of the family he never had but thought of as his so he decided to cut ties off with Anika. Anika wasn't keen on it but agreed. She adored Mahi but she also knew that Shivaay wouldn't take them being friends lightly. Mahi had provided Anika solace during her dirvorce and helped her out financially many a times. Moreover they both shared a common link- that if a tragic childhood. All these factors had contributed to them hitting it off immedietly. Now Anika started regretting her decision of letting Mahi  walk away. He was the only friend who could soothe her at this moment .

Anika left the house informing dadi that she was going to stay over at a friend's place. As much as she wanted to tell her husband where she was gooing she did not want them to fight further. Shivaay would end up asking her a million questions and if he found out she was going to meet Mahi he'd accuse her of trying to make him feel jealous. But this was far from truth. Anika and Mahi's relationship had never been of that sort. Atleast never from Anika's side and Mahi had also always made sure to not cross any limits under the garb of friendship. He thought of her as his sister in law for three months and treated her with the same respect she got from Om and Ru.

Anika reached Mahi's house with paav bhaaji in her hand. She had picked it up on the way. It was their favourite dish. Whenever they were both out of money in the past they'd someone manage to buy that cheap tasty paav bhaaji.

Anika knocked at the door . A dishevelled Mahi opened the door.

Anika ? What are you doing here..asked Mahi shocked

I know that we decided not to stay in contact anymore but i had no ther option. I needed a time out and some time to think things through. Please can i stay here?

Did you tell Shivaay you'll be spending the night here? Asked Mahi sceptically.

What do you think?

Then no Anika you cannot. And before you ask why the answer is because its wrong.

Mahi i just told you..

You are a married woman now and i don't want to be the cause of problems between you and Shivaay.

Don't worry...Shivaay is too preoccupied right now with other things to worry about me. So can we please devour this paav bhaaji and hang out like old times pleaded Anika .

Fine but promise me you'll tell him that you came to see me.

I will eventually said Anika heading towards the kitchen and emerged carring two plates.

Now shall we begin. They both sat in silence and finished the paav bhaaji.

So tell me what's wrong mrs. SHIVAAY SINGH OBEROI?

I am not ready to talk about it.

If you didn't want to talk about it you wouldn't have come here. You could have gone to Chanda's house but you chose not to because its something that you want to share only with me.

Since when did you become so mature? The Mahi i knew used to get drink and dance with numerous girls at the same time.

He realised that he couldn't do that all his life.

I know the truth about you and Shivaay..

Anika its okay. I am fine if not better. I have finally accepted the fact that i am an orphan and that i have no name. You were the one who always told me that there was nothing wrong with being an Orphan..that we can make our own identities on our own right. Now tell me what's wrong.

Not tonight . Tomorrow maybe. I feel sleepy.

Take the bed. I'll sleep on the couch.

No there is no need for that.

Anika its okay ...go inside the room and sleep. You look tired anyway.

At Oberoi mansion

Shivaay made his way towards the guest room only to find it empty. He wondered where his wife was at that time of the night.

He started asking the servants around .

She is sleeping at her friend's place billu came dadi's voice.

What ? Why and when did she leave ..she did not even inform me.

You need to ask that question to yourself puttar.

What does that mean daadi.

It means that you  acted very wrongly with her tonight . You need to control your anger billu...she is your wife not employee said daadi before making her way towards her bedroom leaving behind a speechless Shivaay.

Shivaay had never felt more guilty in his life. But what else could he have done. He was in a tough spot already and Anika wasn't helping. He had to save his family from this unknown foe who was hellbent on destroying them but then again Anika was a part of this family too and perhaps Shivaay ahd underestimated how much him being with tanya was affecting her. He decided to go and apologize to her in the morning and bring her back.

Mahi's place

Anika woke up with a terrible nightmare in the middle of night. She was again dreaming about chutki. Her screams woke mahi up and he inmedietly rushed to her side.

Anika are you okay...why are you crying ?

I saw her again Mahi..i saw Chutki..they took her away from hurts so bad. Please make it stop.

Sshh...Anika its okay. Its in the past now . Let it go. Concentrate on your future with Shivaay. You have the family you always wanted now amd a man who loves you.

If he really loves me then why is he sleeping in the same room as another woman?

What the hell are you talking about Anika.

Anika told Mahi how Shivaay was being blackmailed and how she had to live under the same roof with a woman who claimed to be her husband's wife.

Anika he is being blackmailed...he has no other option . Look you've had a few tough days . Just try and get some sleep. I am right outside okay.

Mahi was exactly afraid that this might happen. He knew why Anika was acting like this. Three months ago he had found Anika in the middle of a street crying. It was a few days after her divorce from Shivaay. He found her in a terrible condition which made his heart melt and take her to his place. Thus began their friendship. Anika had confided in him her fears of abandonment which had only intensified after her divorce. She had also told him about chutki and how dhe was looking for her on that road. It was the same road which appeared in her dreams and somehow Anika had managed to find it. Mahi had taken pity on her and arranged for her to see a therapist . He hardly managed to make both ends  meets but somehow managed to arrange some money for her. Going to therapy ahd greatly helped Anika but she had to quit is midway because of all the drama going on in her life.

Mahi knew that Anika still hadn't told Shivaay about her past but he had to make sure that she was taken care of . He had always cared about her deeply and wanted her to be happy. Mahi decided that it was time for her to start therapy again lest she end up again on that road .

I need to get her to talk to Shivaay about all this thought Mahi before going to sleep.

Shivaay proceeded towards Chanda's house to pick his wife up. But to his utter shock Chanda told him that Anika was not there.

Shivaay was worried now. If his wife never came to Chanda's house,then where did she go. He asked Chanda if Anika had any other friend with whom she could spend the night but he already knew the answer . For as long as he had known her , Anika had never mentioned any close friend other than Chanda.

Shivaay immedietly called khanna and asked him to trace his wife's location. He was growing impatient by the second.

Khanna traced Anika's location within a few minutes and sent it to Shivaay. On seeing her location, Shivaay was more confused then ever. What could she be doing at good luck chawl...the only person who he knew that lived there was Mahi but what Anika could possibly be doing there. Was she in danger? With these thoughts running through his mind Shivaay got into his car and started driving towards good luck chawl. He had to get at the bottom of this.

Let me know what you guys think!

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