One shot -the reunion

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This takes place after pinky is exposed and Shivaay's proposal.

Shivaay Singh Oberoi knew that he had made the biggest mistake of his life by not trusting her. Even though she had tried her best to make him hate her , he should have seen through her act. Never in his wildest dreams could he have imagined that it was his mother who had orchastrated the whole damn thing. All the pain and separation was  for nothing- it was all a web lies - one which she had conveniently woven to throw his wife out of his life.

But now he knew the truth . He swore that he would never let her go again no matter what . He could feel himself get restless whenever she was out of his sight.

Where is this girl ? She was supposed to be here by now thought Shivaay as he continued pacing in his room .

Finally the door opened and the one person who he was desparately waiting for entered the room. She looked so innocent yet sexy at the same time. She was wearing a tight body hugging yellow kurta which accentuated her curves and made her bosom appear enhanced.  Oh how he wished to run his hands against the smooth skin of her breast and tease them.

What took you so long ? asked Shivaay his impatience clearly evident.

I was stopped by gauri on my way. She wanted to talk about something. Anyway why did you call me hear in the dead of the night ?

Because...said Shivaay inching closer towards her and pulled her by her waist making her slam against are my wife and this is your bedroom too.

Shivaay ...Anika stuttered ...but don't you think we should wait till we get married again.

Anika knew what this was about. Even they were married for months they had never conssumated their relationship. And when they both finally wanted to they were separated courtsey Pinky Singh Oberoi. And as much as she wanted too , it was all a new territory for her. She had never  had a boyfriend  before whereas Shivaay was quite the ladies man.

Are you ok? Is there something wrong? Asked Shivaay as he cupped his face.

Yeah i am fine. I just don't wanna get caught.

We are not some teenagers Anika and don't worry we won't get caught. I made sure of that. Right now Rudra and Bhavya are with dadi making sure she doesn't come here so don't you worry about that.

Aniak was so happy to hear that. The truth was that she too craved intimacy with her husband. She wanted to talk to him all night long though she doibted he also wanted to 'talk'.

They both sat down by the pool talking about the past three months. They even had dinner by the pool . They talked about how much they missed each other and before they knew it they both were engaged in an intense conversation.

You should have never left whispered Shivaay as he pulled her closer. I had no other choice was all she don't know how hard it was for me...everyday i used to wake up hoping that all of it was just a bad dream but it wasn't Anika...don't over do that again ok...said Shivaay..i won't said Anika

Shivaay pulled her even more closer to him. Before they knew it they both were kissing each other. They broke apart after some time gasping for air.

Its okay if you don't want to continue this further said Shivaay

Really don't mind if we wait a bit longer said Anika surprised.

I really don't...i want it to be special for both of us and most importantly i want you to be more comfortable around me before we take move forward in that way in our relationship.

They both went back inside the bedroom and talked about everything and anything.

I used to come to your chawl regularly just to catch a glimpse of you. It was the best part of my day you know said Shivaay encircling his hands around her waist. They both were lying on the bed . I never thought that i would have you back in my arms like this again.

Really? I had no idea but then again those three months were a blur for me . I spent most of my time interviewing for jobs which i couldn't get . I repeatedly thought about what we would be doing if we were still together..all of being together seems like a which can easily be shattered said Anika with a tear escaping the corner of her eye.

No i won't let it. We are together now amd whatever it is we'll face it together. Nothing can take this away from her. You don't have to worry about anything okay i promise.

They both fell asleep in each other's arms. It was the most peaceful and relaxing sleep they had had since three months.

The next morning they both headed for the brrakfast hand in hand much to dismay of mrs. Oberoi amd delight of everyone else.

Dadi finally let the 2 feet rule slip by. How could she not? Her billu was finally hapoy with his billi and she did not want to delay his happiness in any way.

After breakfast everyone was engaged in some work or the other. As much as Shivaay did not wnat to he was practically pushed out of the house by his wife to go to his super important meeting. She had heard him on the phone him cancelling his meetings for the day to spend the day with his wife . She did not want him to incur any loss because he was too busy tomancing her. He was Shivaay Singh Oberoi afterall. He had a reputation to maintain.

So Mrs. Anika Shivaay Singh decided to spend the day with her friends . She had promised Chanda that she would help her in arranging her wedding but she had failed to deliver on her promise. Also she had promised her friend Rohit halwai that she would help him set up his new shop.

With a view to help them , she proceeded towards the chawl. She had the best day ever with the two of them. Her friends were really there for her when she needed them especially Chanda.

She got so engrossed in gossiping with them that she lost track of time .

Oh no its 10 o clock. Everyone must be looking for me. And if thr baghad billa comes home and i am not there , he will literally kill me.

Bidding a quick farewell to both of her friends , Anika quickly rushed outside to go home only to find a pair of kanji eyes staring back at her with a fury that she had never seen before.

Phail gaya raita was the last thought on her mind before she was scooped into his arms and carried inside the car.

After reaching Oberoi mansion

Shivaay had not said a single word to Anika during the entire car ride. She was officially getting worried now. On reaching home everyone enquired of her where had she went that too without informing anymore. In her hurry she had forgotten to tell anyone where she was going and no was at home anyway.

Puttar you should have told atleast the servants..don't ever do that.. you don't know how worried billu got..don't ever do that again admonished dadi.

Anika really felt guilty now. The last thing she wanted to do was to make anyone worry about her especially him. She wondered why he had not said a single word to her.

What followed was the most awkward dinner she had ever had. Rudra kept make jokes about how he thought Shivaay was going to erupt like a volcano and Bhavya and Omkara kept sending him stares to shut him up. Gauri tried her best to make the dinner less awkward but even she could feel the anger radiate off her bade bhaiya.

The only question was when would he erupt could have been anytime soon.

Let me know if you guys liked this one shot. I may add its sequel later on. Keep commenting and voting people.

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