Part 7- Broken Hearts and Unlikely Alliances

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I have officially named this series as Broken Hearts and Unlikely Alliances. I won't be creating a separate story. It will fall under Never Let Me Go.

Anika and Samar arrived at Kabir's residence to discuss the legal matter. Though Kabir was at the charity event, they thought it best to not publicly mingle due to the intense media scrutiny.

You should know, Shivaay called me. He was pissed off. Was asking a lot of questions why the legal counsel of your company is going pro bono for his ex wife.

What did you say asked Samar as Kabir handed him a glass of whiskey.

Anika, will you have a glass of anything? Wine, perhaps.

No, thank you.

What are you pregnant or something?

No, i just don't drink said Anika. Though she really did not drink, the look she shared with Samar did not go unnoticed by Samar.

Don't tell me you are really pregnant. Shivaay will go beserk if he comes to know of this.

That is a personal matter reolied Anika.

It will end up becoming a legal matter. He won't let you have the custody of your nephew. What do you think he'll do when he finds out you are carrying his child. It is his, isn't it?

Of course it is, interjected Samar. We'll cross that bridge when that happens.

As your legal counsel Anika, as appointed by Samar, I am letting you know right now that I grew up with shivaay. We were classmates. I know for a fact how arrogant your ex husband can be and I know that you are awarw of the fact.

But he divorced me. All I am asking for is the divorce papers.

I know, which is why I am trying my best to get them so that you can finalize sahil's adoption. But this could backfire. Just to spite you, Shivaay could ask for Sahil's sole custody.

He wouldn't do that.

But if he does, you won't win. He is in a better financial position and has a family. No offense, but your current residence is a chawl that your ex husband is trying to buy. And engaging in a legal battle means that you'll be interacting with him thus exposing your pregnancy.

I understand that. What were you saying about the chawl?

Didn't you tell her Samar?

Shivaay has been trying to buy that chawl for some time now. We are in a legal battle with him explained Samar.

There must be a way around this, Kabir.

There is. If Anika proves that she can support Sahil with the same reosurces as Shivaay, she can win. After all, he is her brother.

I don't have any of the resources that Shivaay does. I barely make emds meet but doesn't mean that I am unable to take care of him said a very emotional Anika.

Look, i have a suggestion. If it comes to worst, you can always prove that you have the resources to raise Sahil and your unborn child.


By claiming that you are marrying someelse said Kabir looking at Samar.

But Samar and I are not together reploed Anika.

I know that but after today's event, the world doesn't. Use it to your advantage. I am not saying you shoumd do this but if it comes to worst, this will be your safe bet.

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