Random drabble

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Planning a wedding was hard especially hard if it was an outdoor wedding and it kept on raining. But it paid the bills and helped Anika make enough that she could ensure that her basic necessities were paid for. Working for samar had not been the part of the plan. When she had been thrown out of the Oberoi house , she though that she would have no trouble finding a job. But she hadn't taken account of the fact that it was an Oberoi who threw her out - a wounded and vengeful ex husband who'd do anything to ensure that she came crawling back to him begging for help. Her self respect forced her to sleep hungry sometimes still she could never ask Shivaay for any help. Three months had gone by and she had managed to not run into him anywhere.

But working for Samar made it a bit difficult.  She knew that Samar was a rich guy and the parties that he threw often had Oberois on the gueat list which is why she was afraid of working for him. But with no other source of income , she had no other choice.

Given her job background , one would think that she worked as a wedding planner for Samar Malhotra but that was far from the case. Though she did help him arrange events from times to time , her real job profile was something that had to be kept a secret from the rest of the world. You see Samar Malhotra was an alcoholic who had lost his ex wife Chandini to suicide. Chandini was a sweet girl who was friends with Anika and lived in the same chawl as Anika did. The grief made Samar visit the chawl from time to time and eventually he became friends with Anika. He knew all about the Oberoi divorce - how could he not ? It was all over the news. But he had his dead ex wife talk of Anika with utmost respect and theredore he refused to believe that Anika was the villian that she was painted out to be.

So he gave Anika one job - of helping him with his alcoholism. At first , Anika refused. She knew the represcussions of getting involved with rich people but then Samar had begged and seeing the poor man's condition , Anika had at last agreed.

You know Chandini was quite the dancer Anika said Samar one night after he came to the chawl drunk.

Have you been drinking Samar.

Yes i have...come have a drink with me Anika .

Come on inside Samar...you have had enough. I'll call ypur driver.

You are so good at your job..i am going to give you a raise.

If i was good at my job you wouldn't be drunk at my doorstep in the middle of the night samar.

Is that so said Samar as he made his way in.

Did Chandini ever spend any nights here ?

As a matter of fact , she did replied Anika.

What did she do ?

She babysat Sahil for me . I used to get late sometimes and she'd often cool for me.

She made the beat food didn't she ?

Yeah she did.

Samar you need to stop doing this.

Doing what ?

Can't you see...your attempts to connect with Chandini are driving you mad ? I know what its like to live with memories of people who you have lost

Except Shivaay isn't dead Anika. He is  aliving breathing man.

Its not just Shivaay who i have lost. I used to have a sister named Chutki. When i was staying at the Orphanage , she was taken away from me. I have spent years looking for her but no success.

Is is the same Orphanage where Chandini also stayed asked Samar.

Yeah..that's how we met in the first place.

Will you take me there sometime Anika..i want to be at a place where she was. I want to feel her essence again. She used to tell me that a male warden named bakshi used to torture her. Is he still alive ?

Bakshi used to torture everyone. Last i heard , he somehow ended up making a lot of money and now manages a chain of orphanages.

Well i am going to find him and kill him Anika slurred Samar.

Of course you will Samar.

The next morning Anika called Samar 's driver amd sent him on his way. It was a sunday which meant that she was going to spend her day peacefully

On the other hand , Samar hadn't forgotten the promise he had made. He was going to find Bakshi and kill him for torrurimg his dead ex wife. He had called his provate investigator and asked him to find gather any information her could.

Within a few days , he found out that Bakshi through his corrupt practices had risen through the ranks and now looked after a number of ngos that were run in the name of none other than Tej and Jhanvi Oberoi.

You know i finally found Bakshi Anika

Really? I though you were bluffing about findimg him.

I never bluff about anything related to my Chandini. You wouldn't believe who he works for .

I doubt that is of any interest to me.

You seem very chill about a man who tortured you as well ?

What are you talking about Samar ?

He used to Sexually assault little girls. Its the same reason why Chanda was so afraid of physical intimacy and the smae reason that you are afraid of the dark and of being touched by any man.

Samar why are you bringing up Bakshi right now ?

Did you never talk about him with your ex  husband ?

I never used to discuss these things with Shivaay Anika as she continued to chop the vegetables.

So you never slept with him ?

That is none of yoir business Samar.

There is no way you slept with himw ithout confiding in him about your fear of sexual violence which also means ylu are virgin

You have no limits Samar.

How do you think Shivaay would have acted  ?

I homestly have no clue and i don't appreciate you comimg into my home amd brimging up old memories about a man who i despise. I hate hearing Bakshi's name and don't want anything to.do with him.

You know my PI told me that Bakshi jsed to overlook the files of kids being adopted. He also made quite the money by selling young children which is how he got risk.

This had Anika's attention.

What are you saying Samar ?

I am saying that there is a possibility that Bakshi knows what happened to your sister.

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