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Got this idea from the ongoing ' police arresting pinky track'. Don't worry it'll still be about Shivika. Also takes place after the separation when Anika is back in OM. Enjoy!

Shivaay Singh Oberoi was sipping his tea by the poolside. Yes tea- he no longer drank coffee anymore . How could he - it always reminded him of her. Though it was harder to forget about her now more than ever considering she had moved right back in as the 'owner' of his house- the grand Oberoi mansion from which he had thrown her out mercilessly three months ago. He knew he should have thrown her out again by now but how could he? The thing he had been wanting since that wretched day had been handed to him on a silver platter- she was back and he didn't even have to ask so it was actually an ideal situation for him.

Now he could still keep an eye on her and find out about that fiance of hers that he detested even though he never had the opputunity to meet. One thing was clear to him now - there was something shady going on that everybody else was aware of except him. His efforts to trace the man Anika had gone to meet at the restaurent had gone down the drain and Rohit turned out be a halwai . Also he had caught OmRu and Anika talking in whispers the other day and he could have sworn he had heard Rudra singing the billu song with variations but Anika had quickly punched Rudra in the stomach making him stop not to mention the grin and the smirks the three exchanged with each other . It seemed to him as if they were in cahoots and purposely hiding something from him.

Shivaay was broken out of his trance when Bhavya came rushing towards him clearly worried.

Shivaay bhaiya you need to come with me now downstairs..some inspector Shekhawat is downstairs and he wants to question the Oberois.

Hearing this Shivaay immedietly rushed out of there making his way downstairs.

Mr. Shivaay Singh Oberoi...finally you are here . I am ACP Shekhawat and need to ask you and your family some questions if you don't mind.

Regarding what? Asked Shivaay . By now every one what gathered in the large living room including Anika.

The investigation for Gayatari murder case has been reopened. I understand that your brother in law was in charge of it but now the investigations have been handed over to me due to the conflict of interest. I hope you and you family will cooperate with the authorities.

I have already given a statemnt about this before. I am sure you can refer to it.

True i can but however it is not yours i am interested in said Shekhawat walking towards Anika.

Miss Anika or shall i say Mrs . ex Oberoi you wer ethe one who came forward as Alibi for your boss at that time.

Mr. Shekhwat you have no right to walk into my home and question my wi...Shivaay stopped himself.

Anika had already given her statemnt regarding this . And the next time we'll be speaking to you is with our lawyers in the room.

I am sorry Mr. Oberoi but there is nothing and noone above the law and not even you. Miss Anika you have to accopany me to the police station to give your statement.

How dare you Shekhawat...take one more step and then see what will hapeen. You do not want to get on the bad side of Shivaay Singh Oberoi.

And if you really need to ask bhabhi the details you can ask her here interjected Bhavya not knowing what really the details were.

Well i was not questioning Miss. Anika for the sake of her modesty but if you say so then why shall i hesitate?

So miss Anika according to your statemnt your then boss at the spent the night with you at your friend Chanda's place and you also presented the video as a proof. Correct?

Shivaay looked at Anika with uncertainity in his eyes. Was she going to stand up for him after everything that had happened between them and di he even want her to be subjected to these vile question just for his sake.

You are absolutely correct Mr. Shekhawat. Shivaay and I spent the night together on the night of Gayatari's murder.

So you stand by what you said? How weird is it by the way that even though you are divorced now you are still living in your ex's house and what makes it evem more fishy is that you are still standing up for your husband even though you are divorced.

I am merely stating the truth and the fact that we are divorced is irrelevant. And as for me living here well that's our personal matter Anika was quick to reply.

Hmm ...is it true mrs. Oberoi that you did not receive any alimony from your husband when you got divorced and you never even filded a plea for it.

What has that got to do with anything? Asked Omkara now before Shivaay could knowing fully well taht Shivaay's way of asking wouldn't be nice enough.

It has got everything to do with this case. But first please answer the question miss Anika.

I never felt the need to ask for alimony so i never filed or claimed it.

Hmm..interesting considering you have been jobless despite going to various interviews inspite of your excellent catering experiemce in the past. Also you have a brother who happens to be disabled don't you? Didn't you need the money to pay his fees.

Before Shivaay could say something Anika ahad already replied.

I was raising by differently abled brother and sending him to school long before Mr. Shivaay Singh Oberoi came into my life so i don't see any reason why should stop doing it now.

Really well ...isn't it true that you were engaged to mr. Obeori's former best friend Daksh?

Okay Shekhawat...none of thse things are relevant. Don't mistake my silemce for my weakness. You have asked enough but not any more. I don't care who the hell you are. I want you out of my house right now.

Fine Mr. Oberoi next time i'll be coming with an arrest warrant and your ex will be saying all this on the stand in front of the media amd if you are going to use you influence and call a high fovernment officual then let me remind you that Gayatri case has already been in the media in the past amd it will be imposiible for you to halter its proceeding so let me propose a alternative- the three of us can have a this conversation privately or i can go right now and you and your ex wife can be called to the station for questioned later today.

Are you threatening me Shekhawat?

I am merely extending an olive branch.

Okay i will talk to you and so will Shivaay said Anika looking at Shivaay pleading him to calm the hell down.

What option did Shivaay have then to agree. If she herself had no qualms about being questioned then who was he to try and stop her.

Her husband snickered Shivaay's conscious which he tried to suppress as usual as the three of them made their way to a separate small but still grand living room .

Sitting down on the chair Shekhawat began his questioning as Anika and Shivaay sat across the table from him.

Is it true miss Anika that your marriage with Mr. Oberoi was a contract because his fiance miss. Tia Kapoor had ran away on the day of their wedding.

Yes it is replied Anika.

Why did you agree to marry Mr. Oberoi if you weren't getting any monetary gains out of the deal.

Shivaay had looked away now as memories of that day flooded back- the very same memories of how he had blackmailed Anika out of his sheer stupidity.

Because i had gotten close to the Oberois.

You mean to mr. Oberoi?

No i mean all the Oberois...i was really respected and accepted by every member of this family and i wnated to help them out.

Huh..so your marriage was essentially a  compromise?

Anika and Shivaayblooked at each other not knowing how to respond.

No it wasn't replied Shivaay this time. Over time we came to accept our rleationship and decided to continue it.

And then suddenly both of you got divorced...was it mutual?

No it wasn't replied Shivaay meekly as if he was ashamed of something.

Who divorced who?

Like you don't already know Shekhawat asked Shivaay sarcastically.

Of couse i do but i have to be particular now don't you think.

Shivaay divorced me said Anika softly avoiding looking at him.

Why didn't you challenge it in the court?

Because i didn't want to said Anika

Why not..i mean you must have wanted some explanation?

No i didn't actually..what Shivaay did was the right thing for both of us saod Anika even though it killed her to say those words aloud.

Shivaay looked at Anika with a pain stricken face after hearing her  response.

What was the reason for divorce?

Shivaay was at loss of words now. He himself hadn't been able to figure out why the events of that day had transpired.

Because we were incompatible replied  Anika in order to save him from the pain of pondering about it. Shivaay looked at Anika silently thanking her with his eyes.

Incompatible how?..incompatible as in bed ...

Mr. Shekhawat said Shivaay standing up slamming his ahdn down on the tabel in anger. 

How dare you ask my wife that?

I thought she was your ex wife mr. Oberoi.

Still doesn't the fact that you can ask her this. This conversation is over as far as i am concerned and if you soeak another word i will sue you in the court.

You are the one under suspicion mr. Oberoi not me so i suggest you sit down because these questions other wise will eb asked in a courtroom under oath to your dear ex wife and it will me just as much humiliating for her if not more.

He is right Shivaay sit down its okay said Anika her eyes pleading him to agree with her for once.

But Anika..

Sit down please begged Anika..i don't want to go tjrough this in a court

Finally Shivaay sat down trying hard not to break everything the room including Randhawa and except of course Anika.

So where were we? Yeah..

It wasn't sexual compatibility. Mr.oberoi and I come from differnet backgrounds. He is the heir to the Oberoi empire and I a middle no a lower middle class girl. From teh beginning there wa sno match between us. Our values and beliefs are in sharp contrast to each other so we are no longer together.

Shivaay was shocked.  Did she really think that that  was the reason...if only you hadn"t done and said all those things that day Anika thought Shivaay.

Okay i am almost done except one last question? The night Gayatri was murdered , you were with mr. Oberoi right...i want you to say that you were indeed with him that night and what activities you engaed in that night  unambiguously.

I had gotten fired so i called him in a bid to make him give back my job and he ended up staying the night said Anika swallowing her pride for the sake of the man that she loved.

What do you mean by spent..

Shekhawat i dare you to complete that sentence and see what happems said shivaay his eyes red due to his anger.

Fine i'll go for now but you may be called alone for further..

Don't count on it Shekhawat ...you won't be talking to her under any circumstance alone..now get the hell out of my house before i have security throw you out.

Thank you miss Anika siad Shekhawat leaving the room.

Om my mata see because of this girl you are in trouble now said pinky entering the room after Shekhawat had left. Tell me Shivaay did she try to do something to really get the job back..i don't want media to know or Ragini for that matter that my son was having such relat...

Mom that's enough shouted Shivaay to shut his moyher up.

Why shoukd you bear the brunt of this bachalan..

Mom yelled Shivaay..Anika has done nothing but save mw today and you are..

So what Shivaay..doesn't change the fact that that she is a characterless woman who would do anything for momey? Don't you remember what she did ? First she tried to break thsi house and then bought it using her new rich fiance's money. I am  sure she must have..

That's enough choti ma said Rudra a she entered teh room followed by Omkara.

Just because Anika bhabhi is silent doesn't mean you can say whatever you want.

A tear stricken Anika started getting up as Pinky left the room mumbling a bout her character only to be stopped by a pair of hands on her waist.

OMRU please give us some privacy requested Shivaay.

Why did you asked them to leave Shivaay? Its nothing they don't know.

Anika i am sorry for what mom said and

Its okay Shivaay.

But what you did back there for my sake..after everything thay has haplened between the two os us i didm't expect you to ...

I didn't do it for you Shivaay. I did it for your family.

How is is that you can do something so selfless for them and yet be the preson who has been so selfish towards them? Did you not ask me separate from my family three months ago Anika then why now? After all this time..

I have nothing to say.

You can't walk away today Aniak said Shivaay pulling her towarss him talking her one hand and twisting it against her back.

Answer me please begged Shivaay.

You haven't changed a bit have you Shivaay . You still treat peopel as your proprety even though they aren't yours and as far as i remember you have no right to hold me anymore soad Anika all the while pulling herself away from him.

Is that so huh? Are you really trying to question me about my right huh?

I shoukd have shown those to you back when i had the chance but no problem ther eis always today to rectify that mistake said Shivaay picking her up in bridal style and carrying her towards his room.

What are you doing?

Reminding you of my rights?

I am somebody else's fiance okay..

Is that so...do you relaly think these childish games that you plan with ridra work?

Shivaay put me down ?

Only when we reach the bedroom wifey.

Wifey? What the hell was wrong with this man .

Phel gaya taita thought Anikka as she was put down on the bed.

Let me know what you guys thing . Comment and vote people!

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