In your eyes

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She blends in with the background, never heard of and never spoken of. Her face, blank like her thoughts. Her eyes, dual and emotionless. Never smiling, never frowning, never has any expression at all. Only blank. She passes by everyone, everyday. She is in everyone's class, and is a 'straight a' student.
The teachers would praise her if they remembered her. She is in the room, you see her, but once she leaves, no one remembers her. As if se never existed at all, just a shadow.
But it was only like that for a little while you were told. She was ignored and only a figment of everyone's imagination until you came.
The first day you saw her, she was noting more than a goddess you suppose. Her eyes were bright and sparkling like the night, her scales were cave crystals, only needing to catch the faintest light, and even then they would glow a thousand times brighter than any Icewing's dual scales.
Your eyes couldn't leave her, she was a magnet your heart was drawn to. It's wrong of you to look at another female that way, a sin, but you couldn't help it, she was beautiful.
You made it your destiny to make her yours, you would draw her away from her mindless flower plucking at free time after eating your meal of burning, bubbling, poisoned berries your own accessible amount of venom couldn't help but make. She would look at you expressionless as you blurted out how you loved her, how she was beautiful, how she was even more beautiful then the rainbow of water and mist.
Her poker face never wobbling, never threatening to make her smile a shy smile or a blush or something showing that she heard you. Your eyes would brighten and your forced closed smile would grow so big that the corners of your mouth would open and venom would seep out just enough to stop before your jaw line.
You lover her and she had to love you too! You know it, by the way her eyes would shine only to you, by the way she would stand there near you, a little past normal. The way that her talons would brush over yours, her wing not pull away when you would brush it just the slightest.
No one else could tell, but you knew how she wanted to feel, and to you, she showed it so easily.

Hollow had a heart and emotions in your eyes. No one could tell you different.
Haha, here are my precious babies again. I'm sorry, I don't know how to write a one shot for them because there are so many stories I have in mind for them.. So this will just turn out to be a bunch of one shots.. Hope you don't mind!

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