The Devil's Children/Giving The Devil His Due.

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Brie and I packed for a two to three week honeymoon in Nassau, Bahamas. We left Birdie in the capable hands of Nikki and Artem. Once we arrived in the Bahamas. We rented a silver Dodge Challenger and headed to The Ocean Club Resort. We were the only Americans there as a couple of conventions were happening.
Once we got the keys to our private villa, we headed to it. For the next week or two we went horseback riding, swimming, took long walks on the beach. The last night, we had the most passionate and very intense three hour round we've ever had.
"I can't believe you have to go back to work a week after we get home. But I know. You want to be a fighting champion. And I admire you for it. But you promise that in the last four months of my pregnancy. That you'll come home and ride them out with me." She slid her right hand over my cheek.
"I promise baby." I replied.
We had another two hour round that went before we fell asleep.

The next morning, we woke up, showered, packed and headed home. When we arrived at the airport in Phoenix we were met by Nikki, Artem and Birdie.
"Mommy!" Birdie yelled as she ran to Brie. I had to smile as I watched Birdie hug her mother and Brie returned her hug.
"Hey Birdie baby." Brie smiled.
"Birdie? What about your step-dad?" I asked.
"Sorry daddy." Birdie cutely said.
"Ohh, it's okay princess." I said rubbing her back. "Were you good for Aunt Nikki and Uncle Artem?" Birdie nodded. "Good girl." I kissed her forehead and we all left for home where I spent the last week of me and Brie's honeymoon with my new family.

In the following weeks, I defended the WWE Championship at Stomping Grounds, Extreme Rules and I dropped the title at Summerslam to Seth. Got to hang out with Trish Stratus who lost to Charlotte in a face off between the Queen's.
Trish smiled as she said, "So, congratulations on your marriage and your impending arrival. How far along is she anyway?"
"At the end of this month, five months."I told her.
"I'll bet your excited." She smiled.
"You have no idea." I grinned.
"Actually I do. I do have two boys." She giggled as I smacked my forehead.
"Sorry, please let me remove both my feet from my mouth." I apologized.
"It's okay. But you are actually going to be a daddy in four months. And in case I don't see you guys in a few months. Congratulations." She hugged me.
"Thanks Trish." I grinned as I hugged her back.
"Your welcome. I gotta go, Daniel. Say hi to Brie for me." She said as she walked away.
"You got it." I headed to my locker room and got packed up and headed to the hotel, only to get the rest of his bags and caught the next flight to Phoenix and went home.

When I arrived home arrived. It was 5 am. Maya was there to pick me up. "Daniel. Good to see you." She smiled as she hugged me.
"Hey, Maya. Good to see you doing well. Enjoying college?" She avoided my gaze.
"I'm not sure if I will go to college." She answered.
"You might want to. Just in case." I told her.
"Well let's get you home. I'm sure Brie and Birdie will be happy to see you." She grinned.
"Well I need a coffee. So I'll treat it. If you really think about going to college." I grinned.
"That's blackmail." She tried not to laugh or giggle.
"Why do you think they call me the Devil?" I replied.
Maya picked up my suitcase and I carried my arena bag. "Let's go." She led me to her car and we got in. Went to a coffee shop and I paid for our coffees and arrived home.
Maya and I got in the house and Brie smiled from ear to ear.
"Thank you, Maya." Brie smiled as she hugged and kissed me. Maya left the room and went to the guest room. "It's so good to have my Devil home."
"Good to be home. And," I rubbed her stomach. "I can't wait to meet our little ones."
Brie smiled and giggled, "As am I baby."
"Let's go to bed." I said.

When we got to our room, we found Birdie laying in the bed. "Little Birdie has been sleeping on your side of the bed since you went back to work."
I grinned as I walked to my side of the bed and gently nudged Birdie awake. "Hey princess."
"Daddy. You home for good?" She asked.
"Well I'll have a few months to think about it. But I think so, baby girl." Birdie hugged my neck tightly. So tight that I couldn't breathe. I gently tapped her arm and pointed to my mouth and was barely able to say, 'Air.'
She let go, "Sorry daddy." She hung her head.
"It's okay little one." I grinned as I kissed her cheek.

Over the next few months, everything went by the numbers and at the six month ultrasound appointment, it was a real interesting time.

September 16, 2019.
We had arrived at the obstetricians office and were waiting for her name to be called.
"I'm so glad you came with me honey." Brie smiled.
"As am I baby." I kissed her forehead.

When her name was called, I followed her into the ultrasound room and I sat next to the examination table. I held onto her hand and she relaxed as the doctor came in.
"Hey guys, my names Samantha Beck. And you must be the elusive husband I've heard so much about at the three month appointment."
"Yeah I am." I shook her hand.
Brie smiled, "He's been away working. And I couldn't be happier than to have him home."
"Good to hear, so let's see how your baby's are doing." She grinned as she put on rubber gloves and squirted some ultrasound gel on Brie's stomach then the wand. "Okay." She slid the wand a few inches and a heartbeat came over the speakers. Followed by another one. "And there they are." I looked at the monitor and saw two kids. I couldn't help but smile as I watched them move around on the screen. "Congratulations Mr Boyce. Your going to have fraternal twins." I grinned as I kissed Brie and she smiled.
After the appointment we headed home and continued with our lives, even filmed Total Bella's, and she even had me appear on her and Nicole's podcast.

On December 24, I rushed Brie to the hospital and left Birdie with Cassie and Alex before heading into the delivery room.
Two to three hours of finger breaking and her cursing my existence. The twins arrived.
They checked them, cleaned them off and handed the boy to Brie and the girl to me.
"Looks like it's name time." Brie smiled.
"Agreed. How about for the girl. Kasey Nikole Boyce?" I asked.
"I like that. For our little boy. Daemon Thomas Boyce? "She asked.
"That's perfect baby." I grinned. "Kasey, this is your brother Daemon."

Once we were taken to a private room, Birdie, Cassie, Alex, Nikki, Artem, Maya, John, JJ, Kathy and Jess came in to see the newest additions to the Boyce family. They took photos of the new babies and to my surprise Alex tried to hold Daemon and Kasey and actually enjoyed it. Once everyone went home. Brie and I kissed Birdie goodnight and she went home with Nikki and Artem.

After a few days in the hospital, she was released to go home. She took it easy for a couple weeks and I tool care of everything. Bills, meals, etc.

Brie and I opened our home to Nikki when she was pregnant with her first child with Artem.
After she had the baby. I took to the home gym to get back into fighting shape as I planned on returning for one more match at WWE Payback. I would be added to the Universal Championship match between Roman, Strowman, and the Fiend. One day I was climbing the salmon ladder when Matteo, Kasey and Daemon came in. I smiled as I saw them, "Hey little ones. Come to check on your dad and uncle." I grinned. Then Nikki all but flashed in.
"I'm so sorry, Daniel." She said apologizing.
"Hahaha, it's okay, Nikki. I'm actually done for the day." I told her.
I picked up Daemon and Kasey as Nikki picked up Matteo. "Brie told me that your last match will be the Universal Championship match at Payback?"
"That's right. I'll be going out on top if I play my cards right." I said.

A week later, I reported to Orlando and filmed vignettes for my last match at Payback. When the day of Payback arrived, and it the match was up. I made my way to the gorilla and waited for my cue. When the match was about to start, 'Being Evil Has A Price' started playing and here I came down to the ring. Roman wasn't happy to see me, neither was Braun and The Fiend.

50 minutes into the match, Braun and The Fiend were out cold on the outside of the ring courtesy of repeated chair shots by Reigns. I was in the corner as Reigns was gloating until I kicked him in the gut and set him up for Original Sin, performed it and went for the cover and got the win and the title. I smiled in disbelief when the ref handed me the Universal Championship and a mic. "Well, I came back for one last match, and not only did I do it and win, but I am going out on top." I laid the Universal Championship on the canvas of the ring. "I'm so grateful for the support of the fans, my friends and more importantly, my wife of over a year, Brie Bella, my daughter Birdie, and our little ones Kasey and Daemon. I just want to say thank you for everything guys. Birdie, Kasey, Daemon, Brie. Daddy's coming home." My music hit and I made my way to the back and was greeted by everyone from every brand as they said their goodbyes and once I was checked out for the last time I headed home to Phoenix.

8-9 months later...
They were finally going to hold the induction of the Hall of Fame class of 2020 along with the class of 2021. Which it just so happens that I was part of. But Nikki and Brie never got their night last year due largely to the pandemic. So it was a night for me and them, but mre them than me. When we arrived at the ceremony, Maya held Daemon and JJ held Kasey while Birdie sat on Kathy's lap. Brie looked beautiful in her off the shoulders strap sparkling red dress getting her plaque and ring. And that was after we arrived. I loved seeing how happy Brie was getting the recognition she deserves along with her sister. When it was my turn up and they may not have gotten Tom Ellis. But they got James Woods to induct me. I was both honored and disappointed, honored to have James induct me but disappointed that Tom wasn't available. But I was happy nonetheless. When I finished my speech, and shook James hand. I went backstage to Brie who was so happy for me, not as much as I was for her. We went to both nights of Wrestlemania and they had Brie's class parade on night one and mine on night two.

Now I'm focused on being a writer, Brie's having fun with her line of wines, her and Nikki's podcast, YouTube channel and of course Total Bella's, I make regular appearances on the podcast and Total Bella's. Our kids are doing well and Birdie is enjoying preschool. All in all, I wouldn't trade my life for anything.

The End.

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