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"If you leave this room, you take Triss or Ciri with you," Geralt ordered.

"I'm not a baby!" I snared pulling on my leather coat.

"Well if I'm not around, you need someone to take care of you," he said.

"Fine'" I whined and walked out of the room Ciri tailing me. "Go away," 

"Nope," she replied. "Geralt requested you an escort and here I am." 

"Fine, see if you can keep up," I giggled changing into my wolf form and lolloped down the stairs and nearly stumbled. Once I managed to get my paws on the straight and narrow I bolted out of the door and into the street, nearly being trampled by a horse I growled in laughter as the beast cut me and Ciri off, she could no longer get to me. I ran and ran in the opposite direction.  I ran to the armoury as the captain wished to speak with me.How wrong I was, guards stood with chains and ropes before me. My instincts kicked in my lower half-lowered to the ground, my hackles rose along my back, my lips lifted over my teeth, my claws extended, my ears pinned to my neck. A loud growl ripped rough me. "Stand ready men!" 

I leapt at one who was holding the chains, I pushed him to the floor using all my weight and he fell with a thud. I dug my claws into his shoulders my jaws gaped g over his throat, my saliva dripped from my lips I flicked my head to the side flicking it on to his face. My claws dug deeper, I lifted my head and howled loudly. I dug my fangs into his throat, they buried deep within his throat my fangs dragged against his trachea. His blood filled my mouth and washed around my teeth. The blood dribbled onto the floor. I looked up at the frightened men, they all stood around me, shock on their faces, they had dropped their weapons the men then fled. A hunt! Just what I wanted, one after the other I slaughtered but the captain I saved for last, I backed him up into a corner, my hackles were still high along my back. "P...please I'm sorry," he begged almost crying, he shook with fear and raised his hands to try and stop me.

"Too late !" I snarled. I reared up onto my hind legs, my bones clicked into place. I growled lowly, I sniffed his neck before going up to his face, he closed his eyes. I sunk my teeth in without warning, he chocked on his own blood as he attempted to rest his hands around my neck and attempted to strangle me but his grip weakened as I bit deeper, I pulled his trachea free and he dropped at my feet.

"Phoenix!" A voice exclaimed. I turned and all I saw was red I pushed the person to the floor and just before I ripped their throat out my vision cleared and it was Triss.

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