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When I woke up I was swaying a little from side to side. My eyes adjusted.  I'm in a carriage with Geralt. He was laid next to me, his throat healed. I nudged him in the shoulder, he gently patted my head. "I. . .i forgive you." He said. I laid my head on his shoulder mustering the best smile I could with my snout. We had been travelling for what seemed like hours. The carriage came to a halt. Ciri helped Geralt out but I refused and attempted o bite Triss. I stumbled up and fell out the back. As I looked around I saw we were at our old home.

"You will both be safe here, just while you heal," Yennifer said. I glanced at her and weakly dragged myself to the door. Geralt shared a look with Ciri, Yennifer took care of him while Ciri attempted to get me to turn to human to help me walk. All her gentle encouragement paid off as I finally turned back as painful as it was. Geralt and I had always shared a room. He was laid on his bed and I was laid on mine near the window.

My wolf totems glowed with my presence, they healed me quicker and removed the dark wolf deep within me. A couple of days later I was back to myself. I placed my wolf totems around Geralt hoping they would heal him just as quickly. I left the room for most of the day, I kept to myself. I watched our horses play with each other in the field. The only person I let close was Ciri she comforted and, was a sister to me. "Don't blame yourself for what happened," she said sharpening her sword.

"The wolf had never been that strong before! Perhaps I should've fought harder, allowed for the wolf to be separated," I said.

"Yes, and you would have died!" She exclaimed.

"My point," I said and let my head drop to my boots.

"I wouldn't want that, neither would Geralt. How about Triss? How about her? We need you, we all do," she said.

"Doesn't feel like it at times," I confessed, looking at her from the corner of my eye.

"Phoenix believe me when I tell you this, but you are very dear to Geralt. You are the daughter he never had he wants you close," she said. "He's only harsh on you because he cares, and besides you do know how to get yourself into mischief."

"That I do," I smiled."Come, now that you're human for a bit we should train. You need to remember what it is to fight like one," She said and stood up. I followed her, we trained till the evening, I realized how much I had forgotten. I relied too much on my wolf form, before Ciri bought her sword down on my head I blocked it, our blades sparked. I was distracted as I saw a figure leant on the threshold of the door, it was Geralt.

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