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"Geralt come on!" Ciri moaned as we galloped up the hill. We were both at the top, a smile appeared on the witcher's face as he trotted up. Geralt had become very protective over Ciri and me. We trotted through a swamp, our horses were about fetlock high in water. We reached the other side when Ciri pulled her horse to a harsh halt.

"What's wrong?" I panicked.

"The Wild Hunt they are here!" She exclaimed.

"We need to ride closer to one another, they will try to split us up" Geralt proposed, he took the reins of our horses and led them. We galloped as fast as we could but Roach tripped and threw Geralt, he let go of our reins, and both our horses kept galloping wildly, they soon stopped as The Wild Hunt stood in front of us.

"Ciri, Phoenix" a deep voice announced us, but the voice came from a skeletal figure, his horse decorated in thick armor almost making it look like it had scales. Ciri and I both exchanged glances, we panicked but none the less we calmed ourselves and pulled the swords from their scabbards. "Your worthless steel won't stop me!" He exclaimed and threw Ciri back, I was going to run after her but she was out cold, there was a group of soldiers around me pointing their spears into my throat. I  rested my hand on my sword. "You don't heed warnings do you!" He exclaimed and broke my wrist causing it to hang limply from the joint. I cried out earning a glance from Geralt, I shifted into my wolf form and stood up on my hind legs.

"Phoenix no!" He exclaimed. The leader grabbed me by my neck and threw me next to Ciri earning a pine to escape. I raced up not giving in to the pain and kicked the leader back, him to stumbled back and his eyes shone with surprise. Geralt joined me and took it upon himself to clash iron with the armored skeleton. I roared loudly as I transitioned back onto all fours, Geralt stood at my side, his trusty sword held tightly in his hand.

He nodded at me and I backed down. A loud growl tore through me, my hackles stood up along my back and my razor teeth on show, I managed to balance myself on three legs. I  began to pant as my strength was sapped away. The leader turned back to us I had scratched his helm and made a deep mark in it. "This is not over!" he exclaimed and disappeared with his army.

My paws buckled under my weight and I collapsed while Geralt went to take care of Ciri. The wind picked up, Yennefer and Triss walked through a portal, Yen ignored me but Triss knelt down to me, being my sister someone had to take care of me. "Oh Phoenix what did you do?" she asked collapsing next to me. She noticed my paw and was about to take it in her hands, but I pined and found my feet and hobbled over to Ciri who was still out. I nudged her in the shoulder softly and she soon came around and wrapped her arms around my neck hugging me. I had to sit and managed to return the hug with one paw around her back.

"You're brave Phoenix but stupid," Geralt glared at me.

"I got rid of him though didn't I?" I asked in a huff.

"Yes," he nodded. We moved to a place where we could all be undercover but also so we could tend our wounds. Triss attempted to heal my paw but I just kept crying out in pain. Yen saw to Ciri and Geralt. Triss started a fire and I laid down with my head over my paws and my back facing them. Geralt always knew something was up when I did that. I heard someone walk over but I tapped my tail against the ground violently and the person retreated back. We slept through the night and we were going to carry on the next day. We all needed rest.

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