Chapter 2: Making The Plan

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Kari's P.O.V.

Riley and I crawl through the vents until we reach the outside. We take off running, deciding stealth is out of the question now with the alarms going off. We keep running until we reach the very end of the complex and into the grassy fields.

The tall grass provides cover from any TIE fighters that may try to find us. I turn to her in my crouched position, "how many did you get?" I ask.

She pulls the blasters from her jacket and side bag. "Five. How many did you get?"

"Three." I reply. I look in the direction of the complex before looking at her, "that gas wasn't poisoned right?"

She scoffs, "do you really think I could afford poison gas? Besides, even if it was why do you care? If those people were thieves like us then that means we just got rid of some competition." She replies.

"I'm glad it wasn't." I tell her. Realizing there aren't any TIE fighters in the sky we stand and start walking towards the city. We go our separate ways, she goes to the city while I go to my 'home'. 

I look down at the blasters sticking out of my side bag, tomorrow I'll take them to McNashers and trade them for credits. McNasher is the leader of a group of thieves I'm a part of. We steal and he gives us money.

He takes in orphans and trains them to be thieves. I wasn't trained to do anything, I learned to steal on my own. He's offered me a place to stay in the building he resides in more than once. But I always turn him down. Don't get me wrong, I don't particularly like how I'm living now but it's better than living with a bunch of stupid teenagers, not that I'm any better.

I reach my campsite, it's the one Ashoka made for us all those years ago. I haven't left in hopes that she'll come back, I sigh as I enter the tent. My stomach growls but I ignore it, it's completely dark in the tent. The only light is coming from the moonlight shining through the holes in the tents cover. I take off my top shirt, leaving me in my black tank top and pants. I take my hair out of its braid sending it down in waves. I remove my side bag and lay it beside my sleeping mat. I lay down on my mat and pull my old blanket over my body.

Sometimes when the weather's nice I take the cover off and just stare at the stars. But because it's a little chilly outside, I'm just staring at the tent cover. I close my eyes and turn on my side. I reach into my side bag and pull out the coin Ashoka gave me.

I open my eyes and stare at the strange symbol, running my thumb over it. Why did you give me this Ashoka? I think, I close my fist over the coin. The cold metal rubs against my palm as I think, why did you leave me here?

With this thought I close my eyes and doze off, the coin being held tightly in my clenched fist.

The next day....

I'm walking through town. It's noisy as usual, people are walking the streets chatting and buying things at vendors. I bump shoulders with some wealthy looking people on purpose, apologizing as I pick their pockets.

So far I've gotten a few credits and some old tools. I sigh, looks like I'll just have to hope these blasters are worth a lot. Or else I'll go without dinner again tonight.

I finally spot a sign that says in big letters,


I walk into the pub. It's busy as usual, there's people of multiple species sitting and talking with each other as they eat or get drunk and there's a band at the edge of the place with a red twi'lek singer singing a song in a language I don't understand.

I go over to the bar and take a seat. I immediately draw attention because of my age, I roll my eyes, I'm almost fifteen alright? Quit staring. A bartender comes over to me, "what would you like?"

"Anything." I answer, keeping my head down.

"Anything, huh?" He turns.

"And I'd like a drink with that." I say. He stops and turns to me. I lift my head up and he examines me before he comes closer and says, "follow me." I get up from my seat and follow him behind the bar and into the back room. He opens a door and I walk through a dimly lit hallway packed with boxed food and drinks on shelfs lining the walls.

McNasher works in the black market hidden from the Empire. So whenever someone wants to do business with him they have to say a code. The code for us thieves is 'I'd like a drink with that.' It varies depending on the business you want to do with him.

I reach stone stairs and walk down them until I reach the underground base of operations. I place my hand on the curtain leading to McNasher. I pull it aside and find him reading something while sitting in his chair. There are other thieves situated here and there, talking to each other, bragging about recent scores they've made.

I spot Riley sitting alone on a crate. We connect eyes before I look away, focusing on McNasher I clear my throat which successfully gains his attention. He looks at me, "hello Rider. What is it?" He has dark skin, piercing blue eyes, and a bald head. He's wearing all black clothes.

I pull the blasters out from my side bag and place them on the table, "I'm here for payment." I say, I cross my arms.

He sits up and picks up each of the blasters, examining them before putting them back down on the table. "Five credits each." He states, he takes the money out and places it on the table in front of them. I take them and put them into my side bag as he leans back into his chair and continues what he's doing.

I spin on my heel and walk out of the room and up the stairs. I've almost made it out of the hallway before I feel a hand placed on my shoulder. I turn my head and see Riley standing there, "how many credits did you get?" She asks.

"Five each." I answer, turning to face her.

She huffs and rolls her eyes, "he only gave me three credits each for mine! I swear he favors you." She says.

I scoff, "yeah right. This money will barely last me a week."

She gives me a smirk, "how about we fix that?"

I raise an eyebrow at her. Her smirk grows, "the Empire is having food delivered to one of their academy's."

"So?" I say.

"So, I'm gonna need some help getting all that food. You in?" She asks, holding out her hand for a shake.

I think about the measly amount of money I have and how I don't want to go to sleep hungry tonight. I look at her with a smirk, "I'm in." I shake her hand.

Another thief walks by us and we move out of the way. "When is it happening?" I question in a whisper.

"Noon. At the edge of town near the bridge." She answers.

I nod, "see you then."

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