Chapter 4: The Strange Objects

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Kari's P.O.V.

I follow Ezra, staring at his back I question, "who's this person you're taking me to?"

He looks back at me, "Hera. She's our pilot." He looks ahead again. We go through a hallway where I count four rooms that we pass, two on each side. We come to doors that slide open, revealing a loft like space.

I see a female green twi'lek sitting on the couch which is attached to the wall, I'm guessing this must be Hera. She looks very much like a pilot, judging by her attire and the goggles resting on her head. She looks like she's scrolling through prison records.

"Hera?" Ezra says her name, which confirms my guesses.

She looks up at him before her eyes flicker to me. "Who's this?" She questions.

"I'm Kari." I state, trying to sound a little more confident than I am. Meeting all these new people is so uncomfortable for me.

Ezra gestures to me, "her shoulder got shot. Can you patch it up?"

She stands up and walks to stand in front of me. "Let me see it." She says.

I turn slightly so she can see the wound better. She takes a second to look at it before she looks at me, "it doesn't look too deep. Should be easy to patch up." She gives me a small smile.

I look away from her. She looks to Ezra, "Ezra. Go help Kanan check those crates we picked up today." He nods before he walks out of the room.

She walks over to a sink, "sit down and I'll fix you up." She says as she opens a cabinet. I do as she says and sit down. She comes over with a bottle of disinfectant and a rag. I take off my upper shirt and lay it on my lap.

I turn so she's able to sit down behind me. She sits down before she soaks the rag in the disinfectant by tipping the bottle slightly onto the rag until the tip is soaked with the strong smelling liquid. "This is going to sting a bit." She says to me.

I only nod. I feel cold liquid pressed onto my wound, causing a sharp sting to spread throughout my shoulder. I squeeze my eyes shut as I wince, she holds it there for a second before removing the rag.

"So." Hera says, obviously trying to start conversation while she applies a bandage to my shoulder. "Where are you from?"

Might as well be polite. "Born and raised here on Lothal." I answer.

I'm guessing that makes her smile, because she says, "well, as soon as we land we'll get you back to your parents."

I frown as painful memories flood my head. "I don't have any parents..." I mutter sadly.

She pauses for a moment. "Oh." She whispers, she finishes bandaging the wound. "I'm so sorry." She says to me as she puts a hand on my shoulder.

I shake my head, snapping me back to my calm composure, don't be weak Kari. I whisper to myself in my head. I stand up, "thank you for fixing me up." I say as I put my top shirt back on. I look back at her, "just take me to the outskirts of the city and I'll go from there."

She nods and suddenly it feels like the entire ship is jerked to the side forcefully. Hera shoots up and goes to the door on the far side of the room, it opens and she seems to be glaring at someone, "Chopper!" She yells with her hands on her hips.

Growing curious I walk to stand behind Hera and look over her shoulder. I see a old C1 droid and I'm guessing he's piloting the ship at the moment. He turns to face Hera, waving his little metal arms around while making irritated beeps and whirrs.

Hera huffs, "well, go tell Kanan that the next time we change courses that he needs to tell me first!" She goes over and sits in the pilots chair as the droid, who I'm is guessing is Chopper, pushes past me. I just awkwardly stand in the doorway before I notice that we're surrounded by stars.

Hera starts moving the ship forward. I walk forward a few steps, the awe evident on my face. There are so many stars, it's like an endless abyss that I would have no trouble getting lost in and it's absolutely beautiful. I've never seen so many stars. I think to myself.

"First time in space?"

I look down at Hera when I hear her voice. She has amused look on her face as she glances at me. I shrug, "yeah." I answer simply, "I've never been off Lothal. So this is all new to me."

She switches her gaze to the stars ahead of us, "hm." She presses a few buttons on the control panel, "you might wanna take a seat." She says.

"Why?" I question. In answer the ship jerks forward and I have to hold on the co-pilots seat to keep from falling over. "What was that?!" I ask.

She keeps her gaze forward, "we just went into hyperspace." I notice that the stars have now been replaced with a bright blue glow, it looks like we're speeding through a moving blue tunnel.

I blink before switching my gaze to her. "Okay. Uh.... I'm just gonna go back in there." I gesture to the door with a jerk of my thumb before walking in there. It's empty, except for Chopper who's angrily garbling about.

I sit down on the sofa like couch and lean my head against the wall. The ship is steady, it doesn't even feel like we're flying. Hera's a good pilot.

I hear the door open beside me and see a what I recognize as a lasat walk out of it. He stops and glances at me, "oh. You again." He grumbles with a roll of his eyes.

I cross my arms, "nice to see you too." I grumble back. He snorts before he walks to the cockpit with Hera. I lean my head back and close my eyes and find myself dozing off before long.

3rd person P.O.V.

A little girl is sitting on the rock hard ground. She's watching her older friend, Ashoka, as she makes a rock float a foot off the ground. Ashoka is meditating, concentrating on keeping the rock above the ground while keeping it steady.

"How're you doing that?" Little Kari asks with a curious look on her face.

Ashoka gives her a small smile while maintaining her concentration. "I'm using the force." She answers.

"What's 'the force'?" Kari questions.

Ashoka opens her eyes and looks to her young friend, "it is the energy in the universe. It lives and breathes through us." She says. "Or at least that's what I was taught."

"Woah." Kari inquires in awe. She suddenly perks up, "are you a Jedi?" She asks.

Ashoka blinks at her, before she closes her eyes again and maintains her concentration, "you could say I was going to be one."

"What stopped you?" Kari asks.

It takes Ashoka a moment to answer, "I made a choice. I left the Jedi order."

Kari folds her hands, "my mom used to tell me stories about the Jedi and all the amazing things they could do."

Ashoka seems to smile at this, "yes. They were all great warriors. They were all kind and compassionate." Her small smile seems to fall, "But towards the end of the clone war, people doubted whether they were peace keepers or activists of war. And that's when everything took a turn for the worst." Ashoka finishes saying this with a grim look on her face.

Kari's face wore a sad look for the rest of that afternoon.


I open my eyes. Why'd I dream about that? I haven't thought of that day in years. After a few moments, small smile comes to my face, it was good to see Ashoka again, even if it was just a dream. I sigh, I hope she's okay.

"Oh! You're awake!"

I look over and see Sabine pouring something into a bowl. She looks at me, "I was wondering when you were gonna wake up." She picks up the bowl and walks over to me. "I heard your stomach growl while you were asleep." She holds the bowl out to me.

I slowly take it. There's a spoon already in it, it looks like some kind of vegetable stew. "Thank you." I say to her. She nods before going back over to get herself a bowl.

I start eating and it's pretty good, very warm. I swallow before I ask, "how long was I asleep?"

She walks back over and sits down on the other side of the sofa. "A few hours. We're heading back to Lothal now." She puts a spoon full of the stew into her mouth.

I look down at the bowl of stew in my hands, "you all have been so kind to me." I whisper.
"Minus the lasat." I add.

She looks at me, "we help people. So it's not new for us to help you."

I think for a second, and glance at her while I think. All of those news casts about a band of rebels on Lothal.... Could these people be the rebels?

I decide to ask her, "are you guys... rebels?"

She pauses for a second. But before she can answer Hera emerges from the cockpit, "Sabine, we're heading down." Sabine nods before she gets up and walks out the door.

Hera walks up to me, "would you want to help us Kari?"

"Help with what?" I question.

"You'll see." Is the last thing she says before she walks out the door, leaving me alone in the room.

I bite my lip, it's the least you can do Kari. They did help you. I groan before I get up and run after them. I climb down the ladder down to the hangar room. I see them unloading the crates they took earlier along with a few new ones.

"What do you need me to do?" I question as I walk over to Hera. She glances at me before pointing behind me. "Help Ezra with those crates." I turn and see Ezra leaning against a crate, staring into space.

I nod and walk over to him with an amused smirk. He seems to snap out of it when I reach him. "Hera told me to help you with these crates." I say, pointing to the crates.

He nods, "okay." He activates the levitation sequence on his crate and mine. Hera opens up the hangar door and we all walk outside the ship. I look up and see a small village, probably no more than six houses and I see a few people walking around.

We arrive there and I look at the people's faces. There's no happiness or hope, just sadness. I feel a pang of something in my chest but I push it aside. The people look up and see us and their faces instantly light up.

We walk until we get to what I'm assuming to be the town square. Hera looks around at the people before calling out, "okay everyone! I want you form lines in front of each crate and wait until you receive your food."

In answer the people all form lines in front of our crates. I let Ezra give the food to the people, while I just stand beside him. I allow myself to space out, if only for a moment.

What these people do... it reminds me of what Ashoka and I used to do. We would always give our extra food to those who couldn't get it themselves. I understand why Ashoka did it, she told me the Jedi taught her to be compassionate. But why are these people doing it?

My thoughts are interrupted when I feel a gentle tug on my sleeve. I look down and see a little girl, probably no older than six, she has short black hair and brown eyes. She looks up at me with a timid gaze before saying, "um.... d-do think you could spare some food?"

I blink at her, before I reach into the crate and pull out two large melon like fruit. I give them to the girl, she looks down at the fruit in disbelief before looking up at me. A huge grin sprouts on her face, "thank you so much!" She says before walking off.

I watch her and see her go to a woman, who I'm guessing is her mother, she gives the woman one of the fruit and the mother gives her a smile.

I feel that pang again in my chest. I look at Ezra, "I'm going back to the ship." I tell him. He looks at me and nods before going back to what he was doing. I start walking back to the ship. There's a breeze blowing through the air so I wrap my arms around myself to keep me warm.

As I do, I remember something Ashoka once told me.


3rd person P.O.V.

Ashoka and Kari walk hand in hand back to their camp. They are returning from a small settlement just East of the Capital city.

Kari looks up at Ashoka, "Ashoka?"

Ashoka looks down at Kari, "hm?"

"We need food right?" Kari asks.

Ashoka nods. Kari tilts her head to the side a little, "then why do we give some of our food to other people?"

Ashoka smiles down at her, "because Kari, we need to help those who can't help themselves. So if we have some extra food, we should give it to those who may need it."

Kari nods in understanding. "My Mom and dad used to say that! They would say 'we need to help those who can't help themselves'."

Ashoka nods and they keep walking in a comfortable silence.

Kari's P.O.V.

I've arrived at the ship. I'm sitting on the hangar door, my knees are to my chest and my head is down. I'm so confused. I look up at the clouds, I wish I knew what to do... just give me a sign. Something. Anything. Would do.

I wait a moment. But nothing happens. I sigh, and put my head back down, I knew it.

Suddenly, something happens. Something that makes me lift my head up. I felt something, something different. After a second I feel it again. It's like something is pulling me, calling to me. I turn around, something is pulling me towards the ship.

I decide to follow the feeling and stand up. I walk into the ship and the feeling gets a little stronger. I climb up the ladder and walk towards the hallway. The doors slide open and the feeling gets even stronger. I walk down the hallway, walking past the rooms.

But I stop at a certain room. The pull is very strong now. I rest my hand on the door and it slides open. I walk into the room, it looks to be someone's quarters. Whatever the feeing is, seems to be pulling me towards a drawer beneath the bottom bunk. I kneel down to the drawer and open it.

A blue glow meets my eyes, illuminating the room. I look down into the drawer and see a strange cube and the hilt of a sword. I pick up the cube and stare at it, the blue glow fades away. I then examine the hilt. I look at the strange object. I hold it in both hands and smile. I notice a button on the side, something is telling me to push it.

So I do, and the room is suddenly lit up again with a blue glow. My eyes widen in awe at the glowing blade, it shines a bright blue color. "Woah." I inquire in awe. I slowly swing the blade in the air, to the left and then the right. It's actually kinda pretty. I think to myself.

"What do you think you're doing?"

I nearly jump out of my skin when I hear that voice. I turn around and see Kanan and Ezra standing there, both looking at me. I glance at the blade in my hand, I quickly press the button again and the blade retreats back into the hilt.

Kanan walks towards me. He holds out his hand, "I'll take that." He gestures to the hilt. I place the hilt in his hand and walk past him. "I'm going back to my home. Goodbye." I tell them. I give Ezra a glance as I walk past him.

I leave the ship. I look back only once before I take off running back to my camp. Hopefully, they don't realize before I get to far, that I took that strange cube. And I can feel it moving in my side bag.

But for some reason, I feel like this won't be the last time I see those people.

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