Chapter 6: The First Mission

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Kari's P.O.V.

It's been a few days since I've joined the team. Hera and Kanan find little jobs for me to do around the ship, Zeb just ignores me which I don't mind because I do the same to him, Chopper shocks me in the leg whenever I see him, Sabine and I warmed up to each other rather quickly, and Ezra and I are warming up to each other too.

I'm in my room right now. Just laying down on my bunk, looking at the different pieces of art on the walls and ceiling. Okay, I'm gonna be honest, the reason I'm in my room is because I kinda put a paint bomb in Zeb's clothes drawer. So, I'm hiding here until it explodes.

After a few minutes I hear a crash followed by a shout. I hear running footsteps and then banging on my door, "Kari! Open this door!" I hear Zeb shout from the other side.

I smile in amusement, before I hop off of my bed and walk over to the door. I unlock it and open it. I hold back a snicker at what I see, Zeb from the chest up is covered in pink paint. I can't hold it back any longer and I laugh.

He's fuming, "I'm gonna get you!" He yells. He swings his arms at me to try and grab me but I duck under his arms, run past him, and out of my room. "Get back here!" I hear him shout as he runs after me.

I run until I reach the loft space, Kanan and Sabine are sitting on the wall couch, while Ezra is sitting on the floor, working on some kind of trinket. Sabine looks up at me with a raised eyebrow, "what did you do now?" She questions.

Before I can answer the door behind me slides open, revealing a pink fuming Zeb. I turn around to face him and hold my hands up in defense, "take it easy Zeb. It was just a joke." I say nervously.

Before Zeb can do anything, Kanan steps between the two of us. I silently thank Kanan for intervening, seeing as how I might have been pounded into juice if he didn't.

"Alright, enough." Kanan says, seeming a bit irritated. He looks between the two of us, "the Ghost is too small for this. I want the two of you to form a truce."

Zeb points at me, "she's the one who put a paint bomb in my clothes!"

"Hey! I think pink might be your color Zeb!" I tell him with a smirk, earning a laugh from Ezra. Zeb shoots a glare at Ezra before Kanan groans, "enough!" He shouts. He looks between the two of us as he says, "we're about to head out on a mission. You two had better have this worked out before then." He tells us.

He turns and walks away from us, he goes into the cockpit with Hera, probably to talk over he details of the mission. Zeb grunts before he goes back into the hallway and towards his room.

I roll my eyes at him before I sit down across from Ezra on the floor. He's concentrating on whatever he's fixing so I just watch him work. He must notice my staring because he says, "I honestly thought Zeb looked funny." Ezra tells me, starting conversation while not looking up from his work.

I chuckle, "yeah. To be honest, the idea was inspired when Sabine gave me the paint bombs." I look over at said girl, "and as you can see Sabine, I put them to good use." I tell her with a small smirk.

She just laughs. "Don't drag me into this Kari." She says in a joke.

I look at her, "hey. You're the one who gave me the paint bombs. What did you expect me to do?" I tell her with a smile.

Before she can reply the door to the cockpit slides open. I look up and see Hera standing there, she looks over at us, "team meeting. Now." She says before walking over to the little table Sabine rests her feet on and activating the holographic sequence. Sabine moves her feet off the table and looks at the hologram, "an imperial supply factory?" She questions Hera.

The twi'lek nods, "yes. We need the food and medical supplies kept there, we're running low." She tells us.

I sit down on the couch and look at the hologram. It looks to be a very tall building, with two towers at the very top of a rectangular building. I look at Hera, "how are we getting in? We won't be able to just fly inside." I tell her, leaning back and crossing my arms.

She looks at me and Kanan walks out of the cockpit, joining us and sitting beside Hera. "That's where you and Ezra come in." She says, gesturing to the two of us. She zooms in on the image of the building until a ventilation system can be seen. A red dot flashes and she points to it, "you and Ezra will sneak in through the ventilation system until you find the supplies. We'll follow you after that and meet you there."

I nod and we finish the meeting, making a plan. Hera sets a course for the factory. Hours pass and we finally arrive. I load my blaster with new ammo before leaving my room and heading down to the hangar. It's my first mission as a rebel and I have to admit I'm a little nervous. Yes, I've been on hundreds of missions on my own, but that was different. I didn't have anything to lose then, but now I have this team to worry about.

I slide down the ladder until I hit the hangar floor. I see the rest of the rebels are already there. Sabine is wearing her helmet so I can't see her face but I do notice when her head turns in my direction, "hey Kari." I turn my head to look at her and she gestures for me to come closer to her. I walk over to the mandalorian girl and she gets five small bombs from her side bag, before giving them to me.

I look down at the bombs before giving her a questioning look. She points down at them, "use those wisely. They're very strong." She tells me. I nod and put them into my side bag, I look back up at her. I take in her helmets appearance, it's a dark magenta color with an antenna looking device on the side, there are patterns over the eyes of the helmet and below them as well. It's very impressive, so much so that I comment, "I like your helmet Sabine."

She seems surprised at my comment at first before she nods, "thank you Kari." I can hear the smile in her voice when she says, "I made this myself."

I smile at her, "well, it's very impressive." I tell her. Before she can reply, Kanan clears his throat, gaining everyone's attention. I look over at him and he says, "okay. Remember, get in, get the supplies, and get out. Got it?" He asks us. We all nod and Hera opens the hangar door. We are hovering above the factory, hidden within a plume of smoke.

I walk over to Ezra and he gives me a nod before we jump down to the base. We land with soft thuds and I stand up and look around for any Stormtroopers. Ezra, without my signal that there are no troopers, gets up and begins walking towards a vent cover.

My eyes widen at him, "Ezra! What're you doing?!" I whisper to him loudly.

He looks back at me, "c'mon Kari, look around. There's no Stormtroopers here." He tells me with a small shrug of his shoulders.

I roll my eyes at him and just start to walk over to him when I hear the familiar scratching of a Stormtrooper helmet communicator activating. And sure enough I see troopers approaching, they'll spot Ezra if I don't do something.

I run over and tackle him to the ground behind the cover of a wall. He looks at me in surprise and I put a finger to my lips, signaling him to be quiet. He stays silent and the Stormtroopers walk past the wall we're hiding behind.

I look down at him and my cheeks flush in embarrassment when I see how close we are to each other. Our noses are inches apart and my chest is pressed against his which just makes my cheeks flush more. I roll off of him and sit up, "sorry." I tell him.

He sits up and gives me a stunned look, "d-don't worry about it." He stutters and I notice his cheeks are red as well. I clear my throat and stand up before peeking around the wall for any troopers. There are none, so I go around the wall and pull the vent cover off.

I look at Ezra, and see him still sitting on the ground. I wave him over, "hurry Ezra, before more troopers come!" I tell him.

He shakes his head, snapping himself back to reality before he stands up and walks over to me. He looks into the vent, "you first." He tells me. I roll my eyes at him and hop into the vent and start crawling forward.

I hear shuffling behind me and I know Ezra is there. We both crawl silently through the hot vents, I avoid placing any exposed skin on the metal of the small space in fear I might burn myself. I hear Ezra huff before he whispers, "why is it so hot in here?!"

I blow a piece of hair from my face, "because the Empire is trying to cool down the factory, so they use these vents to funnel out a little bit of the heat. And in doing so baking us." I finish with a tone of annoyance, finding the heat quite suffocating.

I come to a drop off in the vents and I stop before looking down, I see another vent cover below me that looks like it opens up to another room. I jump down to it, my feet landing roughly on the cover, knocking it off and sending it clattering to the ground. I land outside of the vent with ease on my feet.

I look around for any troopers, seeing none I look up at Ezra, "all clear!" I tell him. I move out of the way as he jumps down to me. We walk stealthily through the hallway. I see a large and obviously thick door with the words, 'Compartment 23' written in bold type across the front.

I walk over to the lock controls, "I think this is it." I take out my blaster and blast the lock. The doors open and I see the supplies in large amounts sitting on the far side of the room. We walk inside and I hear my com go off, "Spectre 7?" That's me. I take my com from my belt and bring it up to my mouth. "Yeah? What it it?" I ask Kanan.

"It was a trap the whole time. They knew we were coming." Once he says this I take notice of the blasting sounds in the background as he talks.

I glance at Ezra, who looks around the room in alarm. I press the button to respond, "what do we do?" I ask him.

"Get out of there now!" He tells me, "they're sending reinforcements your way! Hurry!" He tells me in a haste.

Ezra and I sprint out of the room after hearing this. Before we can get to the vent cover we're met with the sight of a least a dozen Stormtroopers. "Wrong way!" Ezra exclaims as they start blasting at us. We turn and run in the opposite direction.

I remember the bombs Sabine gave me and take one out of my side bag. I press the button and it starts to beep. I throw it behind me and quicken my pace to avoid the blast. We just manage to get out into the open before it explodes.

The impact of the blast sends us flying towards the ground. The wind is knocked out of me when I hit the cement and my vision blurs for a moment. I lift my head up as my vision clears to see a small fight going on between our team and some Stormtroopers.

A laser is blasted my way and I roll to the cover of a crate. I get out my blaster and set it to stun. I come up from the crate, I shoot at a trooper and he falls to the ground as he loses consciousness. I look to my right and see Kanan blasting at some troopers from the cover of a pillar.

"Kanan!" I shout. He looks at me as I say, "a good plan would be appreciated right about now!" I shout to him.

He huffs, "I'm working on it!" He shouts to me as he blasts at a few troopers.

Before I can reply I hear a loud thud as the ground shakes. My head snaps up and I'm met with the sight of an AT-AT, stomping towards us. I growl, "karabast." I mutter to myself. Think Kari! Think! I remember the explosives Sabine gave me and a plan quickly hatches in my head. Kanan is not going to like this plan. I tell myself.

I stand and run to cover of a pillar beside Kanan. He notices me and raises an eyebrow before he blasts at the AT-AT. I ready my blaster and take a deep breath, closing my eyes. I can do this. I come out from the cover of my pillar and run to the AT-AT. "Spectre 7!" I hear Kanan shout behind me.

I ignore him and run beneath the gigantic machine. I get out one of the bombs from my side bag and stick it to one of the legs. I take out the other bombs and quickly attach them to the other legs. I activate the timer of one bomb and run away from the AT-AT, knowing that if one explodes it will start a chain reaction with the others. But despite my running the impact of the blast flings me forwards. I slide until I'm at the very edge of the factory and I fall off, I grab a pipe to avoid falling. I can feel my face pale as I see how high I am hanging from the ground, it's at least fifty feet maybe more.

I look up and see a shadow in the smoke above me. My eyes widen as that shadow points their blaster at me. My heart is pounding in my ears and I'm half tempted to let go of the pipe. Killed by a Stormtrooper. That's not how I pictured I would go. I think with a small scoff.

I hear a growl suddenly and the Stormtrooper is knocked over. My wrist is grabbed and I'm yanked up and set back down onto the cement. I look up and am shocked to see Zeb standing over me, still holding my wrist. He releases my wrist and starts blasting at the troopers.

"Watch it kid!" He shouts to me. "You're no good to us dead!" He finishes.

I give him a small smirk, "aw. You do care." I say to him, a mischievous gleam in my eye.

He growls at me in response but continues to fire at the troopers. I look up and see the Ghost flying overhead, Hera is piloting the ship and she fires at the troopers ahead of us. When the troopers have dispersed into the side lines Hera quickly lands the ship and opens the hangar door. I see her waving us towards her rapidly, "hurry!" She shouts.

I jump over the crate I'm hiding behind and make a mad dash towards the ship, the others not far behind me. I run into the ship just as the troopers regain their bearings and start blasting at us again. Hera closes the hangar door and yells up the ladder, "Chopper! Go!" I feel the ship shoot up into the sky and we leave the planet.

I let of a breath of air in relief and sit down on a crate. Just as I do this Kanan walks over to me with a scowl on his face. I look at him as he approaches me, oh he looks mad. I think to myself.

He stops in front of me, "just what were you thinking?" He asks with an angry tone.

I decide to play dumb, "what do you mean?" I question.

He crosses his arms, "don't play dumb with me! You could've gotten yourself killed running under that thing!" He says, very close to yelling.

I roll my eyes, "I knew what I was doing Kanan. Besides, I'm okay." I say, gesturing to my still intact body.

He clenches his jaw and looks down at me. I meet his hard gaze with one of my own. After a moment he sighs and uncrosses his arms. "You're right." He says. I'm kinda shocked at his statement, from what I've gathered from Kanan so far, he can be stubborn.

He gives me a small smile and pats my shoulder, "good job kid. Not too bad for a first mission." He tells me, before walking away and going up the ladder.

I smile and look down at the floor, yeah. Not too bad. I chuckle to myself, but maybe next time I should avoid the legs of a giant killing machine.

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