Dont Loose Yourself!

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Calsite's POV
I grinned as I made my weapon. The sun was just rising, so the timing was perfect. I walked up to the crystal temple, and destroyed it with my weapon. I laughed, as I knew Steven was becoming weak, and Jasper wanted them to loose themselves into becoming me.

Garnet's POV
I gasped. The way Jasper fused, could hurt Steven, and possibly, just possibly, kill him. Calsite screamed as she destroyed another building. We tried our hardest to fight her, but she just couldn't be beat. She laughed and laughed. But suddenly, Steven was in control but only for a second.

Steven's POV
I fought for control. "Guys! Go!" I shouted, still fighting for control. "No Steven! We're not leaving without you!" Garnet yelled. "But I'm not me! Me and Jasper are now Calsite! Go!" I shouted again, before loosing control.

Pearl's POV
I gasped as Steven lost control. Calsite grinned again. "Time to finish you off" She said again, aiming her weapon at us, laughing. She shot a beam of energy at us, as we fell. She then laughed. "Guys. We have to now. If not, Steven won't be here, nether will Jasper, we need to stop Calsite Now."

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