You Forced Him!

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Amythest's POV
Calcite roard. "Why'd Steven do this anyway?" I asked. "Well, the choice was pretty tough, or maybe he didn't chose and Jasper chose for him." Pearl said. "And she chose fuse." "But forcing him to fuse..." Garnet said, worried. Calcite go out her weapons

Garnet's POV
I knew something wasn't right. If Jasper chose for him, he didn't choose, and he didn't say yes. This was confusing. Calsite combined hr weapons, making a sword with a shield on the other end, strange weapon for both of them.

Calsite's POV
I roared as I crushed a building with my sword, leaving it in rubble. I knew I was a forced fusion, so I made the best of it. Jasper was the one in control, but Steven tried to fight. I destroyed another building as the gems came up to attack. I pushed them out of the way, and roared again.

Pearl's POV
"We need to split up the fusion!" I shouted, shooting three energy balls at Calsite. She shouted as they hit her. Amythest then used her whip to trip her, forcing them to split up. "Steven!" We shouted. Going up to him. "She-She forced me!" Steven said.

Steven's POV
I hated Jasper now. I hated her so much. "Thank you for fusing." She said. "But I'll be back." She smiled, showing all her sharp teeth. She went got into the ocean, and swam away. "I-I tried, but she forsed me." I said. "It's OK, Steven." Garnet said. "Jasper's bad anyway." It was already dark outside, so I went to bed, even though I dont need to now.

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