A Smile on Revali's Sour Face

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I follow Impa's car until she takes a left into a parking lot by the beach. I park next to her and Revali parks intentionally far away, leaving at least 5 empty spots between our cars.

As I approach the bar with Impa, I'm struck by the vibrant energy that surrounds the place. The sky is dark now and from the outside I can see neon lights illuminating the sign, casting a colorful glow on the pathway leading inside.

The sound of laughter and chatter spills out onto the street, and I can feel the bass of the music reverberating through the walls. The lively atmosphere makes it clear that this bar is indeed a hotspot for college students and younger crowds.

No turning back now.

Impa is visibly excited that I'm here with her, which eases some of my doubts. I just hope we won't get in trouble for being here.

Revali and Mipha have caught up with us. He has his hands buried in the pockets of his shorts, letting everyone know that he is too cool to be here. Mipha snakes her arms around one of his, and although he is fairly good at hiding it, I can see how it affects his mood because his frown turns into something that, although I wouldn't call it a smile quite yet, does no longer emit dark clouds of annoyance.

As we step inside, the first thing that hits me is the warm, salty breeze coming from the nearby beach. It mingles with the scent of salty snacks, beer, and sunscreen, creating an interesting and peculiar blend. The interior is dimly lit, with strings of fairy lights crisscrossing the ceiling, casting a soft, enchanting glow that adds to the atmosphere.

The walls are adorned with graffiti-style murals and photographs of past performances and guests. The wooden floor beneath my feet feels slightly worn, a testament to the countless dancers who've moved to the rhythm of the music. The bar itself is bustling with bartenders skillfully mixing drinks and patrons raising their glasses in celebration.

The stage is at the far end of the bar, and as I glance in that direction, I catch a glimpse of my friend's familiar face. Pik's eyes aimed at the crowd, I wonder how much he is able to see and if he would ever be able to spot me from the far back.

"Look, it's Pik!" Impa shouts through the loud music.

"I can see that," I shout back.

"He's good! I like his music!"

She bobs her head as we move closer. Pik has taken over the stage with an undeniable presence that demands attention. Despite his blindness, he exudes a confident aura, owning the spotlight effortlessly. And his voice... his voice is something truly remarkable. It's the kind of voice that reaches deep into your soul and stirs up emotions you didn't know you had.

This is so different from the song he sang to me in the auditorium last year. It was just him and the piano, and although I had heard that song a million times before, the emotion that flowed through the air alongside his melodies gave new meanings to the lyrics.

The song he is playing tonight is more alive, more vivid. It's everything his illness has taken from him. Or tried to take, because the lyrics tell us that he is fighting to get back what has been taken from him. With an electric guitar in hand and a drummer in the back, he sings for the crowd:

I put on mismatched socks, it's my style, you see!
Walked out the door, hair all wild and free,
I tripped on a pebble, but I played it cool,
Cause life's too short to follow every rule!

The room is alive with the sound of conversation, laughter, and the occasional shout-out to friends across the room. I admit, there's a part of me that feels a bit out of place in this lively setting, but as I see the happiness in Impa's eyes and the enthusiasm of the crowd, my initial reservations start to fade away. I take a deep breath, trying to soak in the moment and embrace this new experience.

We'll do the chicken dance, the funky monkey too,
No need for perfection, just be you!
Let's laugh at ourselves, it's okay to be odd,
Embrace the weirdness, it's our squad's applaud!

Impa orders a cocktail with her fake ID. Revali, Mipha, and I decide to order non-alcoholic drinks instead. The bartender serves me with a smile. He doesn't look much older than us and he's wearing HU merch. I suppose this really is a college bar. I wonder if Father is aware that this place exists.

"Pretty cool, right?" Impa asks the group but Revali just shrugs, Mipha nods, and I am distracted by Pik's guitar solo and the chorus that follows:

Hey, hey, join the laughter train!
Forget your worries, let go of the strain!
We're dancing in sunshine, no need to explain,
Come on, let's get goofy, join the laughter train!

The guitar fades and the drummer hits his final note. The crowd claps and cheers for a few seconds, and Pik thanks them and prepares for his next song. I want to go up to him and say hi, but I don't know if it's appropriate to approach a performer when he's not done yet. Maybe I should wait until his last song has been played.

"Let's go say hi!" Impa suggests, having read my mind. 

This is the night I want to step out of my comfort zone! I give her a nod and follow her to the front of the stage.

"Pik!" I call up to him.

His dimpled face instantly lights up with a smile! "Zelda!" He exclaims, pure joy in his laughter. His happiness is contagious, and I can't help but laugh too. "You came! I'm so excited that you're here, wow!"

"What about me?" Impa asks with a teasing smile, unaware of his condition. He hasn't made eye contact with either of us, which isn't a good sign.

"Impa, you're here too?!" I didn't think it was possible, but his smile grows even larger! I look at Impa to see her reaction to his words. She seems confused but doesn't question it. "I'm so happy you guys came!"

He kneels down to get closer to us, his hand reaching out, probably trying to get an idea of the distance between us. When his hand finds my shoulder, his eyes look directly at me, yet they can't see. Still, I offer him a smile, somehow believing he can feel it.

"Stay until closing time, I wanna catch up with you later!" Pik says as he gets back up and lays the guitar strap around his shoulder. "I gotta keep playing, but stay and have fun!"

This is our cue to go find a table and enjoy the show. Revali and Mipha are already seated at a small booth in the corner, holding hands over the table. My instinct tells me not to bother them but Impa's instinct tells her to grab me by the wrist and pull me into the booth to bother Revali as much as anyhow possible.

"Anyone wanna play a game?" Impa asks the table. "I can get us some cards."

"Let's play the quiet game," Revali suggests with a smirk.

Impa purses her lips. "What are you? 85?"

"80 years older than you," he chuckles and receives a childish smirk from her.

I take a look around the bar to see if I recognize anyone. Most people that I know from Hyrule University are either at the frat party or not into parties to begin with, or they are sitting on this very table. Then again, I don't know that many people because I mainly keep to myself. I ask Impa for my phone back so I can check in on Link, but she refuses. I expected as much.

Impa and Revali continue to bicker while I try to drink my Non-Alcoholic Old Fashioned without pulling a grimace. It's so bitter, blah! I ordered it because "old-fashioned" just sounded like me, you know? Old literature, old languages, old fashion. But it's not at all what I expected. There's a taste of citrus after every sip, and I am still deciding whether it makes it easier or harder to swallow it.

Pik's song plays on in the background, his lyrics telling a story that catches my interest. I listen to his cheerful music to distract myself from the aftertaste of this grotty drink.

There once was a thief with tricks up his sleeve,
He'd steal your heart and then take his leave!
Oh! What a brat! With your toe-curling crime
But we can't help but love you, because you fail every time!

This is another upbeat song and I wish Pik could see for himself how many hearts he is stealing from the audience.

First, a jewel heist, so meticulously planned,
But he tripped on a wire, alerting the whole land!
Next, a grand museum with priceless art,
He dressed as a statue, playing the part,
Holding his pose but not holding his fart!
No way, you fool!
The guard plugs his nose and the cover is blown,
He's caught in the act, his plan now unknown!

The people, at least those who are actually paying attention to the lyrics, are laughing along while Pik sings the outro to his song, so much energy and glee in his voice that you can do no other but tap your foot along to the beat.

He's dancing with danger, oh, what a sight,
In his whimsical world, he's the star of the night!
From museums to banks, he tried every caper,
But fate had a way to outwit the would-be taker.

Surprisingly, I'm starting to enjoy myself. The environment is infectious, and the sense of camaraderie among the college kids here is heartwarming. It's a reminder that life isn't just about following rules and studying, but also about creating memories and sharing experiences with the people you care about.

Impa begs us to take a polaroid picture with her. She wants to hang it on the wall of the bar, for everyone to see. I have to scoot closer to Revali to fit into the picture. On the other side of the booth, Impa places her arm around Mipha's petite shoulders, posing with a peace sign as she grins into the lens. 

A quick flash illuminates our little corner, and when the picture has developed after 2 minutes of worrying whether I had my eyes open or closed, we finally get a look at the very first picture in history that captured a smile on Revali's sour face.

I suppose I found the one smile that can compete with Pik's smile, and it's so rare that this very picture should be hanging in a museum behind bullet-proof glass instead of a college town bar.

"You should keep it," Impa says to me. "As proof that going to a bar can be fun!"

"I don't need proof. I believe you and admit that it was a great idea to come here tonight."

"Keep it anyway. Put it next to the other pictures on your desk. Or write about it in your journal!"

I give her a happy nod. "Thank you, Impa! I'll keep it safe!"

In the end, I'm glad I took the chance and came here tonight. It's a small step outside my comfort zone, but it was definitely worth it. I get to see Pik play his favorite songs, Impa and Mipha are bonding over sports, and Revali smiled, even if it was just for the duration of a quick flash.

While Impa and Mipha discuss their favorite Japanese athlete, apart from Link of course, Revali and I stay quiet, having nothing to bond over.

If two people as different as Impa and Mipha can hold a natural conversation, there must be something Revali and I can talk about without making things awkward.

"Do you read?" I ask to start some small talk with him.

"Do I read?" he raises a brow. "How else would I be in college?"

Thanks Mr. Smartass, is what I'd like to say but I bite my tongue. "I meant, what kind of books do you like?"

"The ones were little princesses get poisoned by apples and imprisoned in towers." He gives me a haughty grin, looking down on me with Schadenfreude when I roll my eyes at him. "Lighten up, Your Highness."

"Says you, Ravioli," I fire back.

"I'm having fun," he says. "You, however, look like you're in need of a refill," he gestures at the empty glass in my hand.

"I think I'll pass. One drink was more than enough..."

"Should've ordered something that doesn't taste like piss," he says.

"You don't even know what I ordered."

"No, but I can see the disgust on your face every time you take a sip," he gloats. "You suck your teeth and wrinkle your nose. And then your eyes twitch," he laughs amused. 

I don't say anything in return. I allow him to sit there with his arrogant smirk, making fun of me as he always does, because he's right and I have no comebacks in store. I'm just surprised by how observant he has been of me. 

"Let's go to the bar," he says. "I'll order you something you won't feel like spitting back into your glass."

"Seriously, I'm good," I decline.

"Come on, Princess." His smile has left the table and a hint of urgency hangs in the air between us. I feel inclined to accept his request simply because he has never asked me to purposefully, intentionally, willfully spend time with him in any shape or form.

"Alright," I give in. "If we must."

Revali and I scoot out of the booth and head back to the bar together while Impa and Mipha stay put. They are deep into conversation, having found out that the injuries suffered by a patient that Mipha cared for during her internship at the city hospital were actually caused by Impa during an MMA fight. What a small world we live in.

Having reached the bar, Revali waits his turn and orders me a Piña Colada and two beers for himself and Mipha. Once he has paid, I'm ready to head back to the booth, but Revali gets a hold of my arm to stop me.

"Hold on a second," he says and gently pulls me back to face him.

Stopped in his tracks, he is now staring at his feet as if the sticky floor glued him to the spot.

"What is it?" I ask him confused.

"I... I wanted to talk to you about something," he admits.

I'm taken aback by this, but at least it explains why he purposefully, intentionally, and willfully asked to spend time with me. I frown up at him.

"Is that why you offered to buy me a drink? You just wanted to talk to me in private? You could have just asked to speak to me outside, you didn't have to make it so secretive."

"I didn't want Mipha to know," he says, and now I'm growing nervous.

He seems so serious all of a sudden. I'm sure he'd tell me to leave him alone if roles were reversed, but I don't often see emotions slipping through his facade, let alone timidity. His confidence is non-existent right now. I study his face for a moment to see if he is messing with me, but something tells me that he isn't in the mood for jokes. I would be a horrible person if I walked away right now.

"I need to tell you something but... I really shouldn't..." Revali says, sounding more confused than me.

"If you shouldn't, then don't," I simply answer.

"But... I kinda need to."


"Because I think I screwed up."

"I'm the queen of screw-ups," I nod my head in understanding. "Are you sure you want to talk to me of all people? I don't know if you've noticed, but I've been a bit of a wreck in the past. I don't always make the best choices and I seldom have my emotions under control. I don't know if I'll be able to make you feel better or help you in any way."

"I don't know who else to talk to."

Once again, he didn't deny any of it. It's not that I expected him to reassure me or make me feel better about myself, but a little sign of disagreement would have been nice. Still, I put my pride aside and offer him my empathy.

"Go on then," I say.

He clenches his jaw. "It's about my relationship."

"You screwed up with your relationship?" 

They seemed happy to me but hey, most people thought Link and I were strangers until we told everyone that we're not. You never know what kind of relationship two people have unless they tell you. 

"And you are sure you want to talk to me," I point at myself, "me of aaaalll the people in the world," I make a great gesture at the people around me, "about re-la-tion-ship problems?" I question, pronouncing it slowly and drawn out with one eyebrow raised so high that it could touch the roots of my hair. 

I know I'm exaggerating but it's ironic to me that somebody would come to me, again–me of all people, for relationship advice.

"Be serious for a second," Revali snarls.

"I apologize."

"Maybe this wasn't my brightest idea," he shakes his head and waves his hand. "Forget I said anything."

"Oh, come on Revali, I'm sorry for joking around! I will take you seriously. I'm here for you, talk to me."

He is hesitant to give me a second chance, but with a loud sigh and a roll of his eyes, he nods and repositions himself in front of me. "Fine..."

"So what is it you must tell me?"

"I think I made a mistake with Mipha," he reveals. "I've been breaking my head over this for weeks now but... You're the one wh–"

Someone bumps into my shoulder, making me spill my drink over Revali's white shoes. He hastily backs away, nearly spilling his own drink over someone else.

"Oh Revali, I'm so sorry!" I say but he's not focused on me anymore. 

"Watch it, bro!" he snaps at the guy who pushed me.

"My bad," the guy says, his chest involuntarily touching my back in this crowded bar. I turn around, feeling inclined to apologize to him for being in his way. 

It only takes a second to recognize his face and two more to remember where I've seen it before!

"You!" I say in shock, unsure how to feel about seeing him here!

"Oh hey!" He gives me a closed-lip smile that looks genuine, yet every fiber of my body is refusing to believe that there could ever be anything genuine about a Boar! "Sorry about the drink, let me get you a new one," he offers. "Jägermeister?" He jokes with another friendly smile, referencing our first interaction at the Lorule frat party back in March.

"Care to buy me some new Nikes while you're spreading generosity?" Revali growls, aggressively wiping some of my drink from his forearm.

"Man, I'm so sorry about your shoes! Someone shoved me," the Boar points over his shoulder, "And I lost my balance. It's pretty busy tonight. Y'know?"

"An apology doesn't dry my socks," Revali growls annoyed. "Y'know?"

"Uh," the Boar doesn't know how to respond to Revali's rude remarks. "I can get you some paper towels from the bathroom," he offers, remaining calm.

I can't take my eyes off of him. This is the Boar that offered me his drink at the Lorule frat party that I invaded last year. The one who claimed that he was a good guy and that he looked up to Link. I almost fell for his lies and drank from his cup, but thankfully Impa pulled me out of there and slapped some sense into me. 

Impa was my guardian angel that night, and by the looks of it, she is ready to take on that role once more because I spot her in the crowd, charging at us as if her spider-senses told her that a Boar had entered the bar.

As much as I appreciate her for trying to protect me from this guy, I don't ever want one of my friends to get into a fight again. Especially not against a Boar!

Tension fills the air and I am prepared to intervene and prevent Impa from punching the guy who bumped into me. 

When she's close enough for me to see her face clearly, along with the smile she's carrying, her voice calls out "Kiroh!"

And by the time I realize that they know each other, it's already too late to stop what happens next! Impa opens her arms and embraces the Boar in a passionate kiss! 

Suddenly I feel dizzy and nauseous and confused and scared and–I tumble away from them as their lips detach from each other.

With excitement gleaming in her eyes, Impa introduces him to me. "This is Kiroh!" She gives him another peck while my head is racing!

"Nice to meet you," he says as if we had never met before, and I begin to understand that this is the guy she told me about. The guy she's been seeing. 

My best friend has been dating a Boar!

Holding my breath in disgust, I look down at the drink in my hand... Non-alcoholic or not, I think I'm going to throw up.

GUUYSS! We're so close to hitting 1 MILLION reads on Thinking About You!! That's insane, I can't even fathom that number. How should we celebrate that milestone?

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