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THANK YOU FOR 400K READS ON NEVER WITHOUT YOU! <3 every read, comment, and like means so much to me! Your guys' support is what keeps me going :) xx Ace


"And you locked the door, right?"


Lying on my back now, my eyes notice the bathroom door on the other side of the room. I wouldn't think much of it if it weren't for the faint glow of light coming through the slim gap at the bottom.

"Link," I whisper, keeping my stare attached to the door.

When we hear the sound of water streaming into a sink, we stop everything we're doing and quickly get up from the bed. As I try to zip up my dress like a contortionist, the light beneath the bathroom door clicks into darkness, and immediately after, the door opens wide.

A lady in an elegantly tight dress and feathery red mask steps out, eyeing both of us with suspicion and a hint of what just happened. Or almost happened.

"Who are you?" She asks into the dark room.

"Sheik," Link answers before I can even find my voice. Why would he steal my alter ego! Now I have to come up with a fake name on the spot! "And who are you?" Link asks her back.

"The lady of the house," she says, carrying herself in an authoritarian and confident demeanor. "What are you two doing in my bedroom?"

"The zipper of my dress broke," I lie, hoping to sound convincing. "So we wanted to find a private room to fix it."

"I see," she nods, still standing by the door with the confidence of a queen. "Sheik, was it?" she asks Link. He gives a small nod. "Downstairs, two doors to the left of the kitchen, you will find my husband's office. There should be a sewing kit in one of the cabinets. Please be so kind and go fetch it for us?"

Link's eyes meet mine briefly. "Oh," he says, hesitating. "That's alright. We've already sorted it out."

"Get it anyway," the lady smiles, yet there is something behind her smile that says 'Do it or I'll call security.' And so without further ado, Link obliges, leaving the bedroom to search for the sewing kit.

Once he has left the room, the lady approaches me, her touch soft as she cups my flushed cheeks. Her eyes scan my face as if searching for any marks or wounds. "Are you alright, my dear?"

I nod, trying to appear composed despite the embarrassment pulsating through my veins.

"Remind me... How old are you, Zelda?"

My eyes widen, giving away how mortified I really am. "Do we know each other?"

She just smiles, waiting patiently for me to answer her question.

"Nineteen," I say. "How do you know my name?"

Calmly, she asks, "Have you been consuming any alcohol or drugs tonight?"

"No, ma'am."

She lets go of my face and tells me to turn around so she can zip me up. As expected, the zipper glides up smoothly.

"It doesn't seem broken," she notes.

"Like we said, it's already fixed."

"I must say... He did a commendable job repairing your dress." There is a strong undertone of sarcasm laced into her voice.

"You don't believe us at all, do you?"

With my dress zipped up again, I turn to face her. She gives me a knowing smile. "There is no sewing kit in my husband's office."

Thoughtfully, I lower my head. "You sent him on an impossible mission."

"It's a very merciful punishment, don't you think?" Suddenly, her smile conveys an underlying seriousness. "Considering you entered my room without consent and prepared to utilize my bed for activities not sanctioned."

Tears threaten to well up in my eyes, but I blink them away, determined to maintain a facade of calm composure when in reality, I feel deeply humiliated! "I'm truly sorry about this."

"Oh, don't fret," she chuckles lightly. "If I hadn't indulged in a bit of fun like you in my younger years, I wouldn't be the mother of three beautiful sons now."

Unintentionally, I cup my tummy and the image of Link's children appears on my mind. I'm too young for that. I don't even know if I want kids...

"But," she continues, "there is a time and place for everything."

She turns on the lamp on the nightstand, illuminating the room with a warm light. The soft glow reveals a large master bedroom of luxury and refinement. The king-sized bed takes center stage, covered in lavish linens and surrounded by elegant furnishings. Near the large windows, a spacious seating area beckons with chairs and a coffee table, and the walls are adorned with tasteful artwork and photographs.

As I allow my eyes to roam over the captured memories, I spot wedding photos, pictures of her sons when they were little, and snapshots from family vacations—Yacht charter in the Amalfi Coast, luxury safari in Kenya, Heli-skiing in Zermatt, and sailing in the Greek Islands. It's strange to see photos of Ramses in casual clothing when I have only met him wearing suits. But he looks content, wearing a smile on each of the photographs. And so are his brothers and parents.

There are also numerous photos of the family posing with famous celebrities, such as singers and movie stars. It's unclear whether her family is meeting them or vice versa, because among the framed photos I find some images of her alone on the red carpet, wearing extravagant dresses and impeccable makeup.

"You must be Ramses' mother," I note, looking at the woman in the picture. Judging by these photos and the family's wealth, I assume she is famous. Yet I don't recognize her. Granted, she is also wearing a mask. For all I know, she could be a model, a singer, an actress, maybe a fashion designer. None of which I'm very familiar with anyway.

"Yes," she confirms. "Ramses is my youngest," she confirms.

"That's why you know who I am. My father must have told you about me."

She nods, "So did my husband and son."

"I'm sure they each had very different opinions about me."

She laughs sweetly, "They only had the best things to say about you, don't worry."

This is so humiliating. I wish Link hadn't removed my mask earlier. What must she think of me? This is probably the worst first impression I've ever made.

"So... Do I meet your expectations?" I joke with a forced chuckle.

"Not exactly. I remember you were much shyer as a child, but then again, people change over time."

My lips part in surprise. "You knew me as a child?"

"Yes, dear. I was close friends with your father in college."

"Wait... did you go to Hyrule University?"

"I'm a proud Eagle, through and through!" she grins. "I met Penn in my junior year. We fell in love at first sight and got married soon after! Rhoam was our best man."

"If my father was so close to you and Penn, how come our families didn't see each other more often throughout the years?"

"Well, you see, Rhoam was supposed to take over the family business once he graduated. Being the heir to the school's presidency, he eventually had to prioritize work and responsibilities over his friends. Penn, however, had a different agenda—he wanted to enjoy life to the fullest. This worked out just fine until they both became parents. Your father wanted to raise you with a focus on structure and discipline, whereas Penn preferred a more laissez-faire environment, allowing our children to explore various interests freely. Consequently, our families drifted apart over time. But that doesn't mean that Rhoam and Penn stopped being friends. They still share their brotherly bond. After all, they will always be part of the same fraternity."

"Wait! My father was in a fraternity?!"

"Didn't you know?" She chuckles softly. "I suppose Rhoam isn't exactly broadcasting that fact."

"I can't believe this! He always told me he couldn't stand fraternities!"

"That is probably true. He never quite embraced Greek life. But beneath his stern facade, there was always a rebellious streak. And seeing you tonight, it's evident: you're just like him."

"I don't know if that's a good thing," I say.

"It is. Trust me, a mother knows. When you were a child, your manners were always impeccable. You would carry yourself with an air of grace, just like a young princess stepping into society for the first time. Your posture—straight as an arrow, and your choice of words! So poised and articulate. I often thought your Father was too hard on you, and wished he let you make your own choices and play with children your age. That's why I'm not upset to find you in my room tonight. In fact, it warms my heart to witness you stepping out of that shell you once wore so delicately. Life is meant to be savored! You must make as many experiences as you possibly can, so I'm thrilled to see you doing just that."

"I wish my father shared your attitude and approach to parenting."

She shakes her head. "A father's role is to provide guidance with firmness and love, nurturing independence and a sense of responsibility."

Calmly, she picks up one of the framed photos. It's a family picture, depicting Penn and their three handsome sons in front of a private jet.

"Penn embraced a more adventurous, hands-on approach with our sons while Rhoam raised you with a deep-seated desire to provide a sense of security and stability in an unpredictable world. Neither approach is right or wrong. They simply reflect the different ways a father's love can manifest."

Her words make me ponder. I always envied parents that experienced the world alongside their children, like Penn, or Link's and Impa's parents. But I suppose there are endless ways to raise a child. My father may have been gone a lot, and he was strict, but he was working hard to support my future and instilled discipline and structure in me to prepare me for life's challenges.

"Maybe you're right," I say, the words escaping in an uncertain whisper. With my eyes drawn to the family photo in her hands, I contemplate the different ways of parenting. But one detail catches my eye, a detail I can't ignore. In the smallest voice, I utter, "They all look so happy..."

She rests her fingers gently on the glass of the frame. "Ramses is my youngest but ironically also the tallest of the trio," she explains, having noticed my gaze.

All three sons have brown hair, yet each one has unique traits that distinguish them from one another. Ramses is definitely the odd one out; apart from being the tallest of the family, he's the only one with freckles, glasses, and his father's warm chestnut eyes.

The other two sons are their mother's spitting image. Their height is almost the same, and both wear a dimpled smile, as big and white as those you see in toothpaste commercials.

"This is an old photo, my boys were still in high school." Pointing at the guy next to Ramses, she says, "This is Leontes. He's married now. He just turned 26 in August."

"Leontes?" I repeat. "That sounds so familiar. Did you name him after the ruler of Sycilly in The Winter's Tale?"

"I see you are familiar with Shakespeare's plays!" She smiles. "You have really good taste."

"So I've been told," I chuckle, thinking back to Penn and Father commenting on my taste in men.

"Leontes is indeed inspired by Shakespeare. And Ramses is named after the ruler of Egypt."

"Did you name all your sons after a ruler?" I ask.

She chuckles, "My husband and I actually named our sons after their zodiac signs."

"Oh really?"

She nods. "Leontes is a Leo."

"What sign is Ramses named after? "

"Aries," she grins merrily. "Ruled by Mars, Aries is a fire sign, and people born in this time are known to be courageous, independent, passionate, competitive, honest, and loyal."

"Just like my boyfriend," I nod. "He is an Aries as well."

She pauses for a moment, contemplating my words. "You have a boyfriend?" she asks.

"Yes. That lovely boy you met a moment ago. His real name is Link, not Sheik."

"I thought your Father said you hadn't found the right partner yet."

I sigh, feeling disappointed at him all over again. "I wouldn't be surprised if that's how he sees it. But he's mistaken."

"Is that so..." Her eyes wander the framed photograph in front of us. "Does Ramses know you are taken?"

"Yes, he knows. I told him earlier this evening."

"How did he react? Unfortunately, among all the good qualities, Aries also tend to be impulsive at times, leading them to act on instinct without much consideration for the consequences."

"He reacted perfectly fine," I say. "Maturely and respectfully."

"That is a relief," she says. "If you don't mind me asking, when were you born?"

I study her face. Beneath her mask, her full lips play with a smile of anticipation as she waits for me to answer.

"September 21."

"A Virgo!" she cheers. "I should've known. I heard you care deeply for the environment, and it aligns perfectly with your Earth sign nature. Virgos like yourself are renowned for their analytical minds, organizational skills, hard-working attitude, modesty, and meticulous attention to detail. These qualities truly shine through in you."

I nod, acknowledging her observation. "I'm sure Virgos have their downsides too though."

Our eyes lock, and she continues, "Virgos can be prone to worry and may sometimes seem reserved. But," she adds thoughtfully, taking a step back and settling on the edge of the bed, "these characteristics don't necessarily have to be downsides. In fact, they bring a unique depth to your personality."

I shrug slightly. "I don't really believe in astrology, sorry."

"Neither does he," she says, gesturing at the middle child in the family portrait. She tells me tenderly, "It's a pity you're already spoken for. You would have loved him. Virgos and pisces complement each other beautifully. If virgos represent the left side of the brain, pisces embody the right: imaginative, empathetic, creative, selfless, and romantic."

She falls into silence, seemingly lost in her own thoughts and memories until she speaks again moments later.

"Oh well..." she sighs with a bittersweet smile. "He has already found his soulmate anyway. I wish I knew more about his life, but you know how it is with kids these days. Once they're off to college, you don't hear from them until they need something. Usually money," she chuckles and tilts her head to look at me. "I'm glad Ramses is studying at a University close to home. His brothers on the other hand... ever since they moved to the East Coast, our conversations have become less frequent. I still cherish the moments when they do reach out and tell me about their lives. I am expecting Leontes to call me soon to tell me that he is expecting a child. And I'm still waiting for his little brother to announce his engagement with his girlfriend. They have been in a relationship for several years now, so it might happen sooner! Once they get married, Ramses will be the only one left. I worry he is too focused on his studies though. With his head buried in books, I fear he will miss out on meeting the one."

I want to ask why her son's love life concerns her so much, but I worry it would be disrespectful. It's her way of parenting, and like Ramses said, it's a kind gesture to care this deeply about her children's happiness.

"I'm sure all your sons are wonderful young men," I say. "And Ramses, too, will find his true love when the time is right. You needn't worry so much."

"Oh, I know," she says with an understanding smile. "I suppose I just wish for him to get as lucky as his brothers. Or as me and you."

I return the smile. "He is already lucky to have such a caring family. The rest will come later."

She gets up and adjusts her mask, never showing her face. "You're a very wise and sweet young lady. Sheik—or Link—can count himself lucky." She gives my shoulder a gentle squeeze. "It has been an absolute pleasure talking to you. I know my family cares deeply about you and your father, so please feel free to reach out whenever. And please enjoy yourself tonight. Live it up," she laughs.

"I think we'll head home soon, actually."

"Oh no, please stay!" she begs with a hopeful expression. "I hope I didn't kill the mood by interrupting you two earlier."

"You didn't interrupt much," I say, filling the room with awkward laughter. "Nothing was going to happen."

"Of course not," she says with a teasing wink.

"Please don't tell my father about this."

"Your secret is safe with me," she promises. "It's best if we don't tell him anyway. He wouldn't want you to know about his rebellious college phase. So let's keep that between us as well." Before she exits the room, she gives me a last wink, sealing our secret away.

I take a moment to collect my thoughts and take a last look at the happy family in front of me. To have a caring mother and a supportive father... To wear such big smiles... To be together. I hope they all know how lucky they are to have each other.

A soft smile sneaks up on my face. I suppose I should count myself lucky. Sometimes I forget that despite Mother's untimely passing, I still have a loving family. And he is currently searching for a sewing kit that doesn't exist.

I get up to find Link; my partner, my soulmate, my family. He's waiting for me at the bottom of the stairs.

"Did you find the sewing kit?" I ask.

He shakes his head. "I don't know where the kitchen is. And I didn't want to leave you."

"How sweet of you."

"Did we get in trouble?"

"No, everything is fine." I tell him everything: who the lady is and that she promised to keep our secret. The only detail I leave out is my father's fraternity.

Link doesn't show much of a reaction. Neither worry nor relief. Absent-minded, his eyes are calmly resting on the floor.

"Everything okay?" I ask.


"What's on your mind?"

He shakes his head, his eyes still aimed at the shiny gold-marble floor. "I feel bad," he says. "I know you care a lot about your reputation. I didn't mean to embarrass you back there."

"Like I said, everything is fine." With a patient smile, I wait for his eyes to find comfort in mine. "No need to feel bad. We were both acting heedlessly, but I still enjoyed every moment with you."


"Of course! But next time, we should make sure we're alone," I laugh. "Maybe at a more private place?"

Cheeks flushed, he nods. "Sure." Finally, a small smile has returned. "What do you want to do now? Do you want to dance or do something? You hungry?"

"How about we head home instead? Neither of us is very fond of partying, and it's been a long eventful day."

Link is anything but disappointed. He takes my hand and leads me to the exit where our driver is waiting. As we drive home, Link and I discuss how we should react to the whole match-making situation. We come up with a plan to get back at my father for trying to set me up with Ramses. I will make it clear to him that I alone choose whom I marry, and that he must accept and respect that decision.

This will be the last time I have a serious talk with him.

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