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Link's POV

"What about this one?" She asks, showing me the Christmas photo we took at the lodge.

"Christmas," I say with a nod.

"You remember!"

Her smile makes me happy. So happy that I decide not to ask her why my face is so bruised in that photo. Judging by Revali's black eye, I probably got into a fight with him. I wonder why we got into a fight this time. I hate this. It's like waking up from a wild dream and trying to make sense of it without remembering the whole thing.

Zelda swipes to the next photo. It's me and Sidon at the superpipe, wearing our medals.

"Snowboarding competition," I say. She rewards me with another smile. She's really pretty, even in this unflattering hospital light.

"You missed one of your jumps that day and joked about losing your memory," she scolds me. "Ironic how you remember that."

"Right," I chuckle. I don't actually remember making that joke but if she says so. I remember the fall though. I was distracted but I'm not sure why. Something happened that day. But what? My brain hurts from all this thinking.

Zelda shows me another photo. This one has just her and me in it; she looks terrified and her face is all red. Looks like she tried to cover her face but whoever took the photo got her just in time.

"You don't remember this one, do you?" She sighs.

I'm too tired to guess this one. Physical therapy already has me exhausted but the memory exercises are actually worse. I look at the window, wondering how much longer I have to stay at the hospital before I can go back to the frat house. I miss my bed and my PC. And my kitchen. Hospital food sucks.

"It's the very first photo of us together," Zelda gives me a hint, still holding up her phone.

I squint at the picture: we are on the floor, cuddling. Or fighting. Hard to tell the difference with that volleyball net around us. This picture makes zero sense. Screw this, I'm gonna tell her I don't remember this.

I look up at her with an apology ready to go. I'm surprised when she gives me a small smile.

"That's okay. It's been a long day, you must be very exhausted," she says.

"You have no idea. It's like all my body wants to do is sleep."

"Understandable. I will let you rest," she says sweetly.

She's been super nice about this whole thing ever since we talked on the roof the other day. I think she said she was scared that I would stop loving her if I didn't remember everything from our past. It's kinda sweet I guess? I don't know. To be honest, I don't really get it. She worries too much about me not loving her.

"What time will you be back tomorrow? We can keep looking at pics. I think it's helping." It hurts my head but it's a good excuse to hang out with her.

"I have school tomorrow but I can visit you after my last class."

"Isn't it spring break?"

"Spring break only lasts one week."

"I know," I say confused.

"It's been four days since you woke up from your coma. Five if you count the first time you woke up."

"Oh what? Feels like two days tops. But I also don't really remember the whole waking up phase."

"Oh. Okay," she sounds so sad and worried again.

I feel like she thinks I can't remember her at all but I know how I feel about her. I just can't remember some of the moments of our past. I'm actually surprised she wants me to remember how we met. She always seemed to regret how she acted back then. I would have thought she'd be happy those memories are gone. Especially the volleyball net disaster. I was just trying to help her get the net down because she looked like she was struggling but then she yelled at me and--Hold up!

"I remember that day!" I say my thoughts out loud.

"What day?" She asks excited.

"The last photo you showed me. It was your fault we got all tangled up."

"My fault? I think your memories need another nudge," she's trying so hard to keep a serious face. I could kiss her right now. Maybe I should.

"Trying to give me fake memories?" I laugh.

She's blushing. "If I did, I would tell you how charming and athletic I am."

Can't tell if she's flirting. We haven't kissed since that failed attempt on the roof. It's been kind of awkward since then... I can't remember making her my girlfriend so she's been acting like we're just friends. But I know we are more. And I'm pretty sure she's dying to kiss me.

I look at her lips. She does the same to me. She definitely wants me to kiss her. I lean in but the door opens at the same moment and Zelda backs away instantly. Every two minutes someone's gotta walk into the room! This blows. I want to go home asap.

Two girls storm into the room. One of them is Impa, the other one I don't recognize.

"Aw yeah! Check it!" The stranger cheers and holds up her phone. "Got the visuals you asked for!"

"More photos?" I groan. I need a break.

"Linky!" She grins and takes a selfie with me in the background. "Snappity snap!" Who is this bouncy girl? "No, no, no, now's not the time for this," she shakes her head at herself and hands the phone to Zelda. Our eyes meet and I try not to look confused. "Oh! Yes, I forgot to introduce myself! I'm Purah! My apologies, Linky."

Linky? Is Linky my nickname? I can't help but stare.

"So the whole memory loss is true then?" She turns to Zelda and continues without taking a single breath. "I restored most of your pictures pre-theft."

"Wow, thanks Purah!" Zelda lights up.

"Anyway, Linky!" Purah steps closer. "Do you remember any dreams from your coma? You don't look any different. Well, no matter! I'm just happy you're still in one piece."

Are we friends?

"Linky? What's with that look? You do remember me, right?"

I hate that question... and the disappointed look people give me when I say no.

"I remember," I lie. If I talk to her for long enough I probably will remember her so...

"I heard the hesitation in your voice," she pouts. "Even though I was there when they took you to the hospital you don't remember me?"

"I don't remember anything from the accident."

"Really? That is fascinating!"

"Um, okay?" I don't know what else to say.

"Oh snap! You must think I am one of your fans! Worry not, I'm Impa's sister, here to take notes!"

I almost forgot about my fans. Daruk was the first to tell me I'm famous, Mipha confirmed it. I believe them just by the number of cards, flowers, and balloons that are piling up in this room, but it's still hard to really picture my fame or my career in Japan.

"Mind if I ask some questions?" Purah takes a seat next to me on the bed.

"Sure" I shrug. "But I can't promise that I have the answer to every question."

"Shucks, I was just about to ask what came before the Big Bang," she jokes.

"A small bang?" I say, making her laugh even more. I laugh along.

"Wow, you're like a totally different person now! I've never even talked to you for this long before or heard you laugh before. I did read about personality changes in coma patients. Very interesting!" Purah grabs a notepad and starts writing down some stuff.

Zelda's POV

I step outside with Impa while Purah unloads a truck full of questions. I'll give her two minutes before I stop the interview to give Link his well-deserved rest. Impa and I hug as I let out an involuntary sigh.

"What's wrong?" she asks immediately.


"Spill," she demands, crossing her arms.

"I... I don't know. I just want everything to go back to normal as soon as possible."

"You guys were never normal."

"I know but... you can't deny that he is different with his memories gone. Even Purah noticed it and she barely knows him. And what's up with that nickname?"

"Linky?" Impa laughs. "She wanted to test Link and see if he'd correct her or go along with it."

"He's not a guinea pig," I huff. 

"I just think it's funny that he didn't say anything about it. He's so talkative now."

"More than just talkative... His smile and his laugh used to be my favorite thing about him because they felt like they were mine... as if I was the only person who could make him laugh like that. Now I feel this shameful ball of spite sitting in my throat every time he smiles at someone else."

"Huh," is all she says.

"Once he recovers all his memories, he will be back to his old self. It's only a matter of time. In the past four days alone, he has recovered almost 80% of his memories."

"You want him to remember everything?"

"Of course!" What kind of a question is that?

"Wouldn't he be better off not remembering?"

"What? Why would you say that? How could you say that?"

"Look at him. He's talking to people, he's having fun... He's... happy."

"He was happy before."

"Not like this. He's different, yeah, but maybe it's a good kind of different? He used to only think about winning. I'm honestly surprised it wasn't the pressure that killed him. Not trying to rub salt in the wound but the whole memory loss has kinda given him a pass. The golden ticket to quitting sports without looking like an ass to his fans. Do you really want him to go back to how he used to be?"

"Yes," I hiss without hesitation.

"Why?" She furrows her brows. "Why do you want him to feel miserable?"

"I don't want him to feel miserable!" I cry. "I want him to stay this happy and extroverted for the rest of his life and I am terrified of it all falling to ashes when he remembers his past! But he is a totally different person now! And if we can't bring his old self back I fear that the Link I fell in love with is gone. And I am not ready to let him go." I don't want to have another panic attack! Not now! Impa pulls me into a hug, preventing my anxiety from breaking free. "It's selfish, I know, but I loved him the way he was, with all his demons. I loved being the reason for his smile..."

"I get it."

"I'm a selfish arse..."

"Have you told him how you feel?"

"No... Of course not. I don't want him to think that I don't love him without his memories."

"You don't love him anymore?" She backs away to look at me.

"I do, I just don't want him to think that I don't. I could never stop loving him..."

"Then stop worrying so much. You love him, he loves you, you're both alive, be happy."

I nod. "Okay."

"Little more confidence."

I straighten my back and utter another mousy "Okay."

"We'll work on that," she pats my shoulder. "Walk like a princess and keep your head up, otherwise your crown will fall."

"Yeah yeah," I roll my eyes at her with a smile.

We walk back into the room. Purah is standing on the chair, taking pictures of Link from different angles.

"It's getting late," I say to Purah and Link. "Perhaps it is time for us to go."

"Sure, of course, yes," Purah steps down. "Thanks for letting me snap your picture, Linky!"

"Hi, by the way," Impa waves at Link.

"Hey, Impa," he laughs and waves back at her.

"Your bros wanted me to give this to you," Impa says and hands him a card.

"Get your ass home, sissy," Link lets out a chuckle when he reads the card and turns it around. "Oh hey, even Revali signed."

"I may or may not have forced him," Impa proudly cracks her knuckles.

In slow motion, I walk over to the little couch and take as much time as I can to pick up my bag. I think he wanted to kiss me earlier. Maybe he will kiss me goodbye if we are alone. I was hoping that Impa and Purah would leave the room if I take a long time but I just end up looking like a lost sloth with back pain. I pick up my bag and give Link an awkward smile.

"See you tomorrow," he smiles back at me.

"Yes," my smile grows. I could stand here for five more hours, just looking at him and appreciating having him in my life.

"You two are adorable!" Purah chirps. "Aren't they just too cute?" She asks her sister.

"Disgustingly so," Impa laughs. "Let's go before I puke."

Impa drags Purah out of the room, giving me the privacy I wished for. Now what? Should I hug him? Kiss him? Perhaps neither is appropriate. I didn't think this through. I would have to be the one to make the first step since he can't get up. I am not good at being confident...

"You okay?" Link chuckles.

"Great, I'm great," I shrug nervously.

"Okay," he says and waits for me to say or do something other than stare at him in silence.

"So," I start. "I better get going too."


"Great. So, yes, I'll get going now."

"Are you?" he laughs.

"Yes, unless you need anything else," I randomly ask.

"I think I'm good. Do you need anything else?"

"I'm good too."

"Okay cool. Get home safely."

"I will. Thank you. Have a good night and, er, see you tomorrow afternoon."

"Can't wait," he grins.

The second I leave the room, I already regret not having kissed him. I just don't have the courage to do so. Perhaps a more fitting time will arise tomorrow.

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