Make a Wish

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"Do you think about the future sometimes?" I ask, slightly leaning against Link.

"Can't really be avoided."

"I'm good at avoiding it. I think more about the past."

"Mh... true, I guess that makes sense."

"But... lately I've been thinking about the future. I was signing up for classes for next semester and started to wonder what life will look like when I'm a sophomore. It got me thinking about summer break. People our age usually go to the beach or parties during the summer. Not me. I like to spend the time in my room. But this year is different. I have a boyfriend now and I'd like to spend time with you."

Link's mien changes, guilt dresses his face and he decides to cut in before I can say another word. "I'd love to be with you but I'm actually going home for summer break."

"I know," I say calmly. "Don't be mad, but I sort of asked Mipha where you live. I'm not a stalker, I promise! I wanted to find out if there are any hotels close by because–"

"Wait–No way," he interrupts, a smile growing on his face.

"She helped me look up the closest airport and explained how transportation works in Japan–"

"No way," he repeats, his excitement escalating.

"I made a spreadsheet with all expenses and–"

"You're coming to Japan?"

"Well, I haven't booked anything yet. But you had suggested it in the past, so I looked into it. If you'd really like for me to-_"


"Oh, okay," I say under my breath, fighting to hold back the excitement flourishing inside of me. He's speechless and my heart exhilarates. He takes a step away from me, shakes his head with a huge smile, turns around, rubs the back of his head, turns back toward me, cups my cheeks, and presses his lips against mine. Not the reaction I expected but definitely the reaction I was hoping for.

"You serious?" He whispers against my lips, still holding my face. "Can we fly the same day and sit together on the plane?"

"I'd actually prefer that, yes. I'm terrified of flying to Japan all by myself."

"Oh my god," he grins. "You're really coming?"

I nod abashedly. I can't hold back my smile any longer. "I think I've wanted to for a while but my fears were holding me back. I want to change that. Quite frankly, being separated from you for an entire summer scares me even more, but–er–let's pretend I didn't just say that."

He gives me another kiss. "You can stay at my house, you don't have to go to a hotel."

"Are you sure? Wouldn't your family mind?"

"No, of course not. They want to meet you."


"Yeah? Of course."

"I didn't really talk too much when your mother visited. Mainly because we didn't have a way of communicating. When I visit Japan, you'll have to translate everything."

His smile doubles. "I can't believe you're coming to Japan with me. Oh my god!"

"Happy birthday," I smile.

"You're the best!"

Link hugs me and doesn't let go for a couple of minutes. I bathe in the familiar feeling of his warm embrace and enjoy every second of our time together. Now that the sun has set, the air is getting chilly. I cling to him even more and, when our hug loosens, rub the goosebumps on my arms.

"You're cold?" Link asks but doesn't wait for me to answer. He takes off his hoodie without hesitation and hands it to me.

"Thank you." Like a creep, I sniff it before putting it on. It smells so good! "We should get in the car now. I have blankets and snacks in the back."

"No you don't," he chuckles.


"We took my car, remember?"

I make a 180-degree spin to look at the car behind me. Shoot! Not only did I forget the cake but now this? Where is my head at?

"Your car doesn't have a sunroof, how are we supposed to look at the stars?"

"You're not supposed to stargaze from inside the car anyway," he laughs as if my idea was so absurd. "Let's just lay on top of my car." He walks over to his car and mounts it like a horse. Once he is sitting on the roof, he holds his hand out to me.

"Your car is going to dent!"

"It's fine. It's a cheap car with so many scratches and dents, sitting on it might actually reverse some of the damage."

I take his hand and climb his car. This reminds me of New Year's Eve when we climbed the roof. Why do I always have to say no before saying yes? Why not just take his hand and make good memories. Link leans back and uses his arms as a pillow. I lie down as well and look up at the vast sky. Wow! There are already so many stars and dusk hasn't even fully passed yet.

"You said you already signed up for classes?" Link asks after a few minutes of silence.

"Yes, haven't you?"

"Nah, wanted to do it with you. We could have taken a class together."

"Oh, I had no idea you wanted to take a class with me. I only signed up for six courses so I still have room for more."



"What should we sign up for?"

"How about a language?"

"Yeah, sure, let's not do something fun like film studies or ping pong, nahhh, let's learn a whole freaking language in 15 weeks."

"We still have time to decide," I laugh.

"By the way, you never answered. What's the best time to look at shooting stars?"

"August and December have great meteor showers."

"I meant time of day but okay. Sucks I was born in April."

"Part of the charm of a shooting star is its rare appearance. I think April is the perfect time for my first shooting star."

An hour of tranquility finds us. I'm glad we decided to seek a private spot. It almost feels as if we are the last humans on Earth, waiting for the world to end. It reminds me of the song As the World Caves in by Matt Maltese. It's quite romantic.

Only an hour after dusk, the sky is sprinkled with stars. It feels endless, and I suppose in the simplest and most complex way, it is. But just like the word perfect, infinity can't truly exist. When it comes to Link, however, all the knowledge humans have gathered over the spawn of our existence are mere ideas. Theories at best. None of that applies to us. He is perfect and my love for him is infinite.

"How many stars do you see?" He asks quietly.

I turn my head to look at him. "One."

He aligns his nose with mine and gives me the sweetest look. "Then you need glasses," he mocks.

"I was trying to be romantic," I say through my teeth.

He fights my scowl with another bright smile, then he leans in and places a tiny kiss on the tip of my nose. Before he backs away, I kiss him. Kissing under the stars, my heart is beyond exuberant! Perhaps this little trip was more of a treat for myself than for him. I would kiss him all night if he didn't stop.

"We're going to miss the shooting stars if we start making out," he justifies with a quiet chuckle.

We aim our eyes back at the sky. So much space to roam. I keep looking around, switching the areas to focus on with the hopes of looking at the right spot at the right time. I can see the Milky Way streaking the night sky. What an imposing sight! It's breathtaking!

"There, did you see it?" Link asks, pointing his hand skyward.

"No! You saw one?" I whine.

"Yeah, it was small though."

We keep looking. Recognizing some of the constellations I read about in astronomy last year is beyond fascinating. Seeing them in person is a million times better. While I'm admiring M47, a diffuse nebula, it finally happens! Stars embrace a dash of light at zenith! It takes me too long to even process it and it's gone before I can react! I hold my breath unintentionally and grab Link's hand!

"Did you see that one?" He asks thrilled.

Time freezes for a fleeting moment. Those colors! Its brightness! It only lasted for the fraction of a second but it's burned into my memory! That little twinkle was surreal, and the thought of what exactly just happened even more so. A meteoroid just entered our atmosphere! Who knows where it came from or how long it's been traveling! We witnessed its final moment... We saw its light fade out into the night. 

"I saw it," I whisper, not taking my eyes away, not yet. I want my eyes to hold that twinkle for a while longer.

"Make a wish," Link whispers.

All I can think of right now is the philosophy of life and everything that exists in the expanse of the unknown. How am I supposed to shape a thought that involves me, a tiny being on a tiny planet in a tiny solar system? How? I'm nothing compared to everything in front of me.

Since I can't come up with a wish for myself I make a wish for something much greater. The world. Or more specifically, my world. My home. The one person I think about when thinking about my future. The one who taught me that perfection and infinity can in fact exist. My everything.

I wish for Link to be content in life. Wherever that may be, or when, or with whom. I wish for him to reach a moment in his life where he really does have everything he could wish for.

"Okay," I say under my breath and finally close my eyes to cherish the memory.

"I made a wish too."

"I thought you said you already had everything you could wish for."

"My wish wasn't for me," he quietly answers and brings my hand up to his lips to leave a soft kiss on its back. His wish was for me and mine for him...

Oh, how I have fallen for you.

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