Mount Lanayru

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As the sun begins to set, casting a golden hue across the landscape, we leisurely make our way back to the house. The vibrant rose and amber tones kiss the edges of billowing clouds, painting the heavens with strokes of fiery brilliance. The sound of birds harmonizes with the rhythmic clattering of reins and the huffs of our horses.

"Be sure to take the time to soothe your mount," I quote Link as I lean forward to give Shiroiou's neck a gentle pet. "That's the only way it'll know how you truly feel."

My mount lets out a quiet huff in response to my touch. I have come to learn that it's his way of saying "You're not so bad yourself."

I look at Link who is quietly riding next to me. He gives me a small smile when I thank him and tell him that his advice was quite helpful.

"This little one and I are getting along quite well now," I boast merrily. Earlier today, Shiroiou would have disobeyed me and refused to let me lead the way. But we have built a strong foundation of trust now and I have learned to reward him with words, touch, and–of course– apples. The latter being his favorite, I can tell he's a glutton, just like his owner.

We continue on, embraced by a scene that rivals the pages of a tourism brochure. Majestic mountains and expansive meadows sprawl as far as the eye can see, painting an enchanting panorama. The horizon itself becomes a canvas painted with cumulus clouds that carry glowing halos.

My gaze fixates on a mountain in the distance. In its silhouette, memories begin to come back to me. Memories of Mother. It's the echo of a legend from my childhood, a tale Mother used to tell me. I had forgotten all about it. Until now.

"See that mountain?" I say to Link. "Mother used to tell me about a mountain just like that one. It's called Mount Lanayru. It takes its name from the Goddess of Wisdom." My personal favorite of the three golden goddesses. I always strived to be just like her, to lead with knowledge and good judgment. I would dress up in blue, the color of wisdom, and spend my afternoons studying every book in the library just to be a little more like my role model. Mother was proud of me back then. She saw a bright future in me."

Yet, a shadow of doubt haunts me now. I find myself doubting the path I have chosen, questioning whether I have lived up to the standards set by the goddess herself. Mother would likely be disappointed if she saw who I turned out to be... I am nothing like Nayru.

"Lanayru's decree was very specific. It says no one is allowed under the age of 17, for only the wise are permitted a place upon the mountain."

As a kid, I used to pray for courage and power, believing that I was too young to be given wisdom. As a descendant of Hyrule, a family line of successful and accomplished leaders, I always felt like I had the power necessary to put my dreams into motion, and over the past year I've gained the courage to chase them. Now all I seem to need is the wisdom to truly achieve them. Or perhaps wisdom is what you gain once you've accomplished the task. I will know when I know.

That's the thing about knowledge; the essence of knowledge lies not in its culmination, but in the transformative voyage it entails. And similarly, I don't think wisdom could be found at the peak of a mountain, but on the path you take to get there.

"The legends spoke of the spring of wisdom, a place to pray for answers and knowledge," I tell Link. "Growing up, I always set high goals for myself, and reaching the top of Mount Lanayru was one of them."

"Is that why it hurt you so much when Daruk said that stuff about you being a strong personality last year?" Link asks me thoughtfully. "On our first date you stormed off when you overheard how Daruk said you can't always see the range of the peaks. Did that hurt you so much because you were thinking of Lanayru's peak and that your goals might be too big for you?"

I had forgotten all about that, but now that Link mentions it, it's coming back to me. "Daruk was not in a position to offer advice on how to handle me," I confide.

"I don't think that's what he was trying to do."

"It doesn't matter. I was ill-tempered back then and next time someone calls me a strong personality I will thank them, rather than snap at them."

"Personally, I think it's great that you set yourself high goals."

I give him a look of gratitude. "Someone once said, 'If your dreams don't scare you, they're not big enough'. I wholeheartedly believe in the power of ambition. With genuine passion driving us, we can surpass even our own expectations. And as you rightly said, doubt is your greatest enemy. Whether you think you can or can't, you're right."

"Words of wisdom," Link notes. I take that compliment to heart. "You've definitely got the ambition to reach any goal. I mean, take biology for an example. You wanted to major in biology and even though your dad made it basically impossible for you, you're now a Sophomore at a prestigious university, lecturing me about Camilla the Sinning Nun Sis."

"The who and the what now?" I raise a brow in confusion.

"Camilla the sinning sister? The nunning sinner?" He's as confused as me. "The sin sister. The..." He's hoping I will finish his sentence for him but I have no idea what he's talking about. "The... the nun that sins?"

Suddenly it clicks and I fold over laughing. "Are you talking about the Camellia Sinensis leaves from this morning?" I ask him, both brows raised now. "Camellia Sinensis, commonly referred to as green tea?"

"Yes, that's what I said," he claims.

"It has nothing to do with nuns."

"Nun's enjoy green tea sometimes," he says with a complacent shrug.


As the evening wears on, casting a shroud of darkness over the surroundings, we finally make our way back to the comforting embrace of the house. The horses have returned to their stables, and Twilight, our loyal companion, has been fed and showered with pets.

Culinary prowess must flow through Link's bloodline, because the flavors and aromas of the dish that his uncle prepared for dinner still dances on my tongue as we prepare for bed.

"I spent some time reading about Japan's ancient temples," I say to Link, settling onto the plush futon. "As I delved deeper into Japan's history, I stumbled across the captivating realm of spirituality that these mountains are associated with. I would really love to forge a connection with this spiritual world while I am here."

Link's eyes spark with interest. "There's actually a shrine close by," he says. "We could go there tomorrow."

"That would be great! Perhaps we can also visit an onsen," I suggest.

Link arches his brow with mixed emotions. "An onsen?"

"It's a Japanese hot spring retreat, where visitors can immerse themselves in mineral-rich waters amidst picturesque natural surroundings," I explain.

"Thank you EncyclopediaI, I am familiar with the concept. I've spent most of my life in Japan, you know?"

"Then why did you question it?"

A playful smirk plays on Link's lips. "I didn't question it, I questioned you," he says, his voice warm and teasing. "It's common practice to be fully naked in an onsen."

Unfazed, I continue in a calm tone. "I am aware. I still want to immerse myself in the experience while I'm here."

Link's eyes hold doubt and excitement at the same time. "For real?" When I nod, he shifts to a more sincere tone. "In that case, I'll gladly take you to an onsen while we're here. But... again, you have to respect the traditions—nudity being one of them."

"Of course," I nod. "Respecting the customs is paramount."

"Okay then," Link nods, stiffly watching me while I lay down. When I don't say anything else, he tilts his head and joins me on the futons. I think he's still trying to figure out if I'm kidding or not.

"What?" I ask after he's been staring at me for some time.

"You're really serious?" He finally asks.

I look at him, amused by the confusion that is written on his face. "I'm not inviting you to a steamy shower for two," I giggle. "I just want to experience an onsen while I'm in Japan. Who knows when I'll get this opportunity again?"

"I'm sorry for being confused, but you're usually not comfortable with being naked in front of others."

"I know," I sigh. "I don't blame you for being confused."

"If you really want to experience that though, let's do it," he gives me a genuine smile and I lean over to kiss his cheek. They're hot and I think the thought of us visiting an onsen excites him more than he wants to admit. I decide not to comment on his flushed cheeks and just enjoy the tranquil moment before bed.

Not even the hills in California get this quiet at night. It's fascinating and quite frankly a bit eerie. But I love it. The silence is broken only by the occasional chirping of a cricket or the hooting of an owl in the distance. In this quiet and serene setting, I feel at peace, the perfect place to escape the hustle and bustle of the world and reconnect with nature.

It feels like I am miles away from the rest of the world, as if I've escaped the clutches of my problems. It's as if life isn't as daunting as it always appears. With Link by my side, the challenges that once loomed large seem conquerable. Perhaps it is not wisdom I needed, but he who shows me that no mountain is too tall to climb. Hope fills my heart, and I find myself eagerly looking ahead to the future, knowing that together, we are strong enough to overcome whatever obstacles may arise.

Yet, I am not blind to the reality of the road ahead. Though it may seem that Link's graduation is still a distant event, he's already a junior and we have a multitude of decisions to make before he graduates.

Maybe I'm getting ahead of myself, but I'm wondering where he will live post graduation. Without proper documentation, he can't legally stay in the United States. He could get a work visa, or perhaps he could apply for citizenship. But if he decides to quit athletics, acquiring either of those will be near to impossible.

If he's forced to return to Japan, what will become of us? Will we break up after graduation? I refuse to let that happen. Perhaps Father can connect him with people and help him get a work visa... Or maybe... There's another way, a path towards citizenship. Like... marriage.

The thought lingers in my mind: would we be ready to marry after just two years of dating?

One thing's for certain: if we want our relationship to be healthy and strong enough by then, I have to take it seriously and be the best partner for Link.

The journey ahead may be filled with uncertainty, but I refuse to let it break us apart any more than it has. Love has a way of defying odds and surmounting challenges. With each passing day, I fall more in love, even on days of hardship. Because those days only show me how serious I truly am about us and how far I am willing to go for him. 

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