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Now that Link doesn't stay at my house anymore, it would be a tad suspicious if the guest bedroom was still occupied. I had no choice but to let Malice sleep in my bed for the time being.

I can't say I enjoy sharing my room with her, but at least she's shown some progress in the last couple of weeks. No more fevers, and the cravings are getting less frequent too.

"I'm about to leave for school," I say to Malice as I put on my sweater. Autumn is arriving quickly this year and the temperatures have dropped tremendously since August. "I wanted to run something by you before I leave."

Malice puts down Daring Greatly, a self-help book I found in our library downstairs. I gave it to her for 'entertainment' after she kept complaining about being bored while I'm at school. She really is a puppy: can't leave her alone for more than two hours.

"I've been thinking a lot about your living situation," I begin, taking a seat next to her on the bed. "If you stay here with me, you're going to get caught eventually."

"You're kicking me out," she says, showing no reaction to my words. If I told her she had cancer, she'd likely give me the same empty stare she's giving me right now. I wonder what this is about. Is she just scared of showing emotions or does she truly not care?

The book I gave her is about being vulnerable and embracing your authentic self. I really hope Brown's writing inspires her to be more open with me.

"No, I'm not kicking you out," I reply. "I'm trying to find solutions that work in your favor."


"Have you ever considered living at a women's shelter?" I ask, but she shakes her head. "It's a safe place for women who experience domestic violence. They take the privacy of their locations very seriously, so Ganon's family wouldn't be able to find you there."

Malice doesn't seem very excited about the idea. I thought it might be worth bringing up before I tell her about Plan B. "There's another option," I say.

"Now you are kicking me out."

"No, actually I'm moving into my own apartment soon and was wondering if you'd like to come with me."

Out of everything, this is where the slightest reaction can be seen on her face. She looks at me, her eyes finally softening.

"What do you mean?" She says, looking genuinely confused.

"I'm going to be living with Link and some other friends who are all really caring and kind. You could come live with us and wouldn't have to hide in my room anymore. You'd have your own bedroom, with your own things. We'll have a TV in our living room too, so books won't be your sole source of entertainment anymore."

Her eyes escape mine. I don't chase them. I know this is a lot to take in, and she's probably unsure how to react to any of this. I just smile, get up, and grab my bag and car keys from my desk. "Just think about it, okay?"


My first class today is archaeology with Shad. Out of fourteen rows, I'm sitting in the second, taking notes by hand unlike some other people who are engrossed by their laptops, probably distracted by notifications or, like the person sitting next to me, online Poker.

I focus on Shad and the slides on the big screen. He points at the image of an old, peculiar statue.

"What is that?" He asks the class. "Is it a human being or is it a bird?"

I raise my hand, and when Shad gestures to me to answer his question, I respond eagerly, "It's a statue of a creature that was once thought to be an enigmatic ancient race of celestial beings. As depicted in ancient artwork, their form was a curious mixture of bird-like bodies and heads bearing the traits of a human." Shad nods, and I add, "They are even believed to have created their own unique language, which, as our textbooks describe, consisted of jabbering and squawking."

Something that many students probably don't know is that Shad is actually the author of our textbook, which makes me look up to him on so many levels. He embodies everything I aspire to become: a dedicated researcher, a prolific author, and a true intellectual. And he doesn't even look much older than me, which makes me feel like I should be doing more for my career already, like internships or publishing my own research. Biology and archaeology are two different branches of science, but I've come to learn that they go hand in hand. Turns out there's a lot I can learn from Shad, even beyond his field of studies. Maybe I can ask him how to achieve all that he has achieved at such a young age.

"Did everybody hear that?" Shad says, smiling up at his many, disinterested students. "Zelda made an excellent point here." And just like that, half the class is focused again, but not on the lecture. They're all looking at me, as if they just now realized that Link Miyamoto's girlfriend and the president's daughter is taking the same class as them. "She said their features were a fusion of aves and humanoids," Shad continues. "What can we make of this?"

I don't care that everybody is staring at me now. I'm here for the content. And so far, Shad's lectures have been amazing. My favorite class this semester is definitely a tie between this one and Pik's class.

Shad puts down his notes and speaks casually to his students. "My Ph.D. dissertation actually centers on these captivating legends: delving into the intriguing possibility that the Oocca may have represented the closest link to the goddesses and purportedly established a city in the sky. An intriguing theory posits that they might even be considered the progenitors of humanity."

Captivated, I take note of every word while the student next to me loses $50 in online Poker despite a pair of aces.

"I suppose we are out of time for today," Shad announces when the class comes to an end, and at an instant, everybody begins to shut their laptops and pack their things. "One more announcement: I've posted your grades for your essays. Do read the feedback I have provided for you, and schedule an appointment with me during office hours if you have any questions or concerns about your grade."

I push my notebook into my bookbag and get up. As I check my phone, I find a bunch of notifications from Link. Apartment listings mainly.

*This is THE ONE* he said about one of them. I'm about to tap the link when the professor calls my name.

"Zelda," he says, pulling my eyes away from my phone.


"Your essay about unearthing the mysteries of an ancient kingdom was very well written. I must say, I was hooked. The depth of your research and the quality of your analysis demonstrate excellence."

He liked my essay! "Thank you. I enjoyed researching the topic. It's something I'm actually quite interested in."

"Is that so?"

I nod ecstatically. "If I wasn't already double majoring in Biology and Political Science, I would study archeology."

"You know," he pushes up his glasses and smiles, "A student's major shouldn't restrict their exploration of other areas."

"No, I know, I was just saying that I considered majoring in it when applying to HU."

"Ah," he nods. "Perhaps they offer a minor."

"Yes, maybe," I smile. "I should look into that."

"Listen, I've been thinking about discussing an open research position on my team with you. Do you have a moment to chat about it?"

My eyes grow wide in excitement and for a moment I am completely unable to speak. "Uh, er," I stammer awkwardly.

"Is this something that piques your interest?" he asks.

"Me? On your team?" Pull yourself together, Zelda, and stop being so flustered! "Of course," I reply, sounding much calmer now.

"Splendid. When would it be convenient for you to visit my office?"

"I have a lunch break right now," I suggest. "Would that work?"

"That works quite well," he says with a friendly smile.

With giddy anticipation, I followed the professor to his office, located on the third floor of the Life and Science building.

Walking past the biology labs, I can't help but be amazed by everything that is happening inside. The sight of researchers deeply immersed in their experiments evokes a sense of awe and purpose in me. It's so inspiring to me. This is genuinely my dream job! Delving into research all day, every day! Theorizing, analyzing, observing, making discoveries... The idea of working alongside Shad feels like an incredibly rare opportunity, and I'm practically brimming with excitement. He's already a big shot in his field, and getting a letter of recommendation from him down the road could really increase my odds at getting accepted for a prestigious PhD program! 

This could be the beginning of my career as a researcher!

As we make our way up the stairs, our conversation naturally gravitates toward the fascinating realms of archaeology and biology. We touch on topics like the latest discoveries in ancient civilizations and the complex web of symbiotic relationships that govern ecosystems. Shad's knowledge and enthusiasm are palpable, and everything about this conversation makes me feel like this is where I belong!

His office has a large, arched window that floods the room with soft daylight. One wall is lined with shelves, crammed with well-worn books, scientific journals, and more artifacts than I can count, each with its own unique story from a different corner of the world.

"Please, take a seat," he gestures at the chair next to his desk.

The desk space is organized with stacks of research papers, potted plants, and framed botanical illustrations. This office is a sanctuary of knowledge and exploration!

"This illustration," I say, looking at the framed posters on the wall, "it reminds me of the work of Maria Sibylla Merian, the 17th-century naturalist and artist." I try to recognize the plant on the poster. It must be a very uncommon one.

The professor, having noticed my attempt to identify the plant, waits patiently, eager to see if I can guess it.

As I am thinking, my phone rings, interrupting my thought process.

"Apologies," I say, muting my ringtone. "Oh, I've got it! Is it a representation of Calamites?" I ask. "The extinct horsetail relative from the Paleozoic era?"

"Not many recognize it," he says, sounding surprised and proud. "Your knowledge of paleobotany is quite impressive. It's not often that I meet someone who appreciates these ancient wonders."

"Its distinct jointed stems and cone-like structures make it a captivating subject in paleobotany," I explain my enthusiasm.

"I can see you're very passionate about biology," he observes with a knowing smile. Then, with a hint of regret, he adds, "Unfortunately, the internship position on my team does not focus on biology. It is primarily centered around subterranean archaeology, focusing on the exploration of caves and tunnels to unearth ancient artifacts and decipher their historical context."

"I see..."

Shad seats himself on the corner of his desk, placing himself in front of me, and studies my expression for a moment. "What academic year are you currently in, Zelda?"

"I'm in my second year at Hyrule."

"A sophomore? Enrolled in my 5000 level course? Are you aware that this class is typically reserved for upper-level students, such as seniors and graduate students?"

I laugh nervously, "Yes, I'm aware of that. I was fortunate to secure a seat in your course this year. Your work piqued my interest, and I was eager to explore it further."

He doesn't seem disappointed. On the contrary, he seems relieved. "It's a pleasure to have a motivated student like yourself in the class, Zelda. I'm confident you'll find this course both challenging and rewarding." Shad leans, pondering. "Are you considering pursuing a master's degree after your undergraduate studies?"

"I'm planning to obtain my Ph.D."

He nods thoughtfully. "In that case, amassing research experience during your undergraduate years is pivotal. Whether with me or elsewhere, you should look into opportunities to enhance your résumé. If your intended field is biology, you may find a more fitting opportunity as a biology lab assistant. Nevertheless, should you be interested, I'd be delighted to consider your application for a spot on my team."

I consider his words thoroughly before I answer. "Your research may not align fully with my career path in biology, but it offers a unique perspective on the interconnectedness of various fields nevertheless."

"I like the way you think," he chuckles warmly. "I will send the application form to your student email. This position is designated as a Research Assistantship and operates on a semester-based schedule. Meetings can be scheduled on weekends or after school hours, based on your availability." I nod along until he says, "It's important to note that this position is unpaid."

I pause, reflecting on his words. The fact that this is a semester-based and unpaid assistantship presents some challenges. With Malice living at my place, I can't be gone after school, as Father or the maid would eventually find her while I'm gone.

Even if we end up moving into our own apartment next month, a place where Malice could be left alone throughout the day, I'm going to need a job that pays so I can afford Malice's part of the rent. While Father might be paying for me, he surely won't support two people. That goes directly against my speech of independence and adulthood that convinced him to agree to this in the first place.

And as much as I'd love the experience of working on Shad's team, committing to this would mean stretching myself thin with a schedule that doesn't align with my academic pursuits.

I offer him a genuine smile. "I'd really love the experience, Shad, so I'll definitely give it some thought. Though I have to admit, fitting it into my schedule this semester might be a bit challenging."

"Take your time to weigh your options, and don't hesitate to reach out if you have any further questions or need more information."

My phone begins to buzz again, but I ignore it, thanking Shad for his time and understanding before I step out of his office to see who's been calling me.

Link's POV

Back to voicemail... Oof. She's usually not late. I wonder if she's stuck in traffic.

"Come on," I mutter to myself. If Zelda doesn't show up soon, we'll miss our appointment.

While I'm killing time, I check out the rows of townhomes along the road. All different in shape and color. This neighborhood is so clean, peaceful, and quiet. It's perfect for us. But probably on the pricier end. That's why I keep scrolling through more listings online.

I call Zelda again, but still nothing.

I vibe with the salty ocean breeze, leaning on my bike's handlebar, and watching the sun do its thing behind the clouds. It comes and goes. Comes and goes. And then finally my phone buzzes! A text from Zelda at long last.

*Link! I'm so sorry, I totally forgot about the apartment tour!*

Are you for real right now?

Another text from her: *My professor offered me a research internship position, and I got distracted talking about the details!*

Oh that's sick! I send a text back: *Congrats, QT! That's great news. So do you want me to reschedule the tour or...?*

*Just tour the place without me, will you? This townhome looked really promising online and I'd hate for someone else to sign the lease before us.*

I mark her message with a thumbs up.

*Take lots of pictures and videos please! And don't forget to ask Bolson about HOA fees, property taxes, and utilities."

I mark that message with another thumbs up and get off my bike to do as told. I walk up to Bolson, a funny looking dude with a weird outfit for a real estate agent. But who am I to judge? I'm a funny looking fella too.

Bolson is sitting on a stone bench right next to the townhome. He looks like he's been waiting patiently for a while now. I approach him and introduce myself with my full name.

When he gasps at me in surprise, I thought he recognized me or something, but then he sings, "Woah my! Aren't you perky?" which makes me think he's just being sarcastic and socially awkward.

"Need something from me?" He asks casually.


"If you aren't doing anything useful," he gets up, "why don't you see if you can get this dance to catch on? Ready for this?"

What is happening?

He opens TikTok, places his phone on the bench, and performs the weirdest sequence of awkward poses while singing, humming, and squeaking about love and courage. He picks up his phone, fully focused on uploading the video to his 2 followers.

"I'm here for the tour," I say.

"I don't have a Link Miyamoto in my calendar," he replies, distracted.

"Oh, I guess the appointment is under the name Zelda Hyrule," I say.

He gasps even louder than before, "So so! So you are indeed interested in touring this home?"



"Uh... Yes, me."

"Get a load of young moneybags," he laughs. "Can you even afford a place like this? What are you going to do with a 3 bedroom townhome?"

"It wouldn't just be me living here. It'd me and my friends."

"Okey-doo," he says in a sing-song voice. "Let me lay it out for you: this townhome costs $6,980 a month. You sure you and your friends can afford it?"

7K a month?! What was Zelda thinking!

Hold on, let me try doing the math...

If we can convince Mipha to live with us and maybe even Impa, that'd be 7K divided by 5 people. Or 6 people if Malice pays her portion. Which she definitely won't. So it's 7 divided by 5.


Shit, I suck at math but I think it'd be a little over $1000 per person. Which is doable. And if Zelda can get that internship, she'll even have some more money to help with Malice's part of the rent.

"Well?" Bolson taps his foot.

"Yes, we can do it," I tell him.

Bolson sighs dramatically. "Spending so much money on ANYTHING at your age..." he smirks at me, taking out the keys to the house. "It's just so... Studly!"

I raise a brow, not saying anything in response. He keeps smirking at me for the longest 3 seconds of my life, then he unlocks the door and gives me a tour of the first floor.

It's a nice and bright space with wooden floors in the living room and dining area. A guest bathroom to the right and a tiny backyard to the left. The whole place gives beach house vibes.

"Where's the kitchen?" I ask. The kitchen is important. I want to be able to cook both Asian and western cuisine.

"This way," Bolson sings, showing me to the kitchen. It's not very big, but then again, this whole place is kind of crowded. That's why it has 3 stories; it's not very wide but it's tall.

We get to the second floor. Two bedrooms and one bathroom. One window is pointing at the neighbors' walls, the other at a palm tree. The bathroom doesn't have a window at all, but what's new?

The top floor is definitely the highlight of the tour. It's kind of like its own studio apartment. One bedroom with a double vanity bathroom. By far the best room out of all of them. This floor even has a balcony, and holy shit, the view is fire!

I open the glass doors and step outside onto the balcony. The townhome is located right by the beach, which is probably why it's so expensive! Totally worth the price though, you can see the whole Pacific ocean from up here. A bunch of surfers are hitting the waves, and further in are all kinds of boats from to sailing boats  to private yachts.

This actually gives me an idea! I've been trying to come up with an idea for Zelda's birthday next week, and this view makes me think we should have a beach day! We could invite the others too and just go surfing or have a bonfire. I bet she'd really love that!

The door behind me opens again and Bolson joins me. "Breathtaking, isn't it?"

"Yeah, it's really nice," I say. It's facing west, which means we'd see the sunset every night. "How come nobody has signed the lease yet?"

"Times are rough. Not a lot of buyers, y'know?"

"Hmpf," I nod.

"It's old too. If we don't find any suitable applicants, we might tear it down and build a new one."

"That's too bad," I say.

"It really is!" He cries. "Beach houses have so much character. They don't build 'em like this anymore. All these modern homes... Who needs it anyway if you can just renovate the old ones?!"


"Alright, alright, look," he puts on a serious face now. "Here's the deal, just for you." I coolly lean back against the railing, poker face ready. "I'll cut you a special price of $5000 a month."

"5000?" I say, acting unimpressed. Maybe I can haggle with him and talk him down to $3000.

"5000 is a good deal, baby."

That really is a pretty good deal. Especially for the location. It's right by the beach, only 2 miles from campus, and two hours from the mountains. It's a safe area too, unlike some of our other options. And I bet Zelda would love the view. Dibs on the master bedroom, by the way.

"Alright, fine."

"Ehhh?" Bolson chimes. "Really?"

I nod. "Yeah, we'll take it."

"Who would've thought?" He takes out his phone to start the online application with me. "Little go-getter, aren't you? Heh. Reminds me of me back in the day."

"So $5000 a month, right?" I ask to be sure.

"5000 indeed! That's a 28% discount! Nearly 30% off of the original price! Anyway, you understand the terms?" He hands me his phone so I can fill out the details. "Then get to it. And show me what you're built out of." After he nudges me lightly and winks at me, he waits for me to laugh, and when I don't, he says, "That's a construction joke."

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