Chapter 24 - Taken (Again?)

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I had just left Mason lying on the floor, bleeding, he wouldn't be out for long though. I was sprinting through the woods as fast as I could, in the opposite direction to where I had came from.

I'm going to try and find Baelfire. I know it's a long shot but I'm going to find a way off of this island, it's with him. I want to find Hook but I don't know if he would help me.

When he wakes up he'll go to Pan and tell him everything. I'm such an idiot for believing that I could trust someone in the same way I trusted Thomas.

I guess that I just wanted that there was someone else like him, someone who could help me. I wasn't willing to admit it before but maybe I just 'liked' Mason because I missed Thomas so much and he was just there.

It just hurts, he didn't deserve to die and I blame myself. I keep his necklace on me always. I don't want Pan to find it so I keep it underneath my clothes. Pan's so cruel that he might just take it from me.

If I go back to camp, sorry I meant when I go back to camp, I desperately want to talk to Jacob, ever since that argument we haven't spoke. I see him sometimes and he looks at me but I have no idea what he's thinking.

I just miss him a lot and I know that he probably doesn't care anymore but it's got to be worth a shot, what else can I do. If I don't need up finding any help on this little 'escape', it'll be my only option.

My breathing was extremely short now I had been running so long. I had to take a break so I stopped and rested my hand against a tree.

A sudden rustling sound came from the trees beyond me. No no no. Theres no way that Mason is already up, there's no no way Pan could have found me that fast.

I was expecting Pan or a lost boy to come out into the clearing but instead it was two adults? They were both male and dressed scruffy with swords by their side.

"What's this, one of Pans lost boys?", one said in a sarcastic tone as they both had smirks on their faces.

"Not a lost boy, a girl" , the other one said in the same tone.

"Pans girl?", the first one said with an eyebrow raised looking at the other.

"I'm sure the Captain would love to meet you", one said in a sinister tone. Clearly these two had no good intentions for me.

Captain? These are Hooks crew of course! How did I not realise before? But they think I'm with Pan I need to let them know before they do something bad.

They started to both walk towards me with sinister grins on their faces and I needed to do something to stop them from doing whatever they were about to do.

"Wait you don't understand I'm-", I began to explained but was hit on the head by something. I wasn't sure what by my head was dizzy and I feel to the ground as my vision blurred and turned to black.

A.N: Let me know your opinions on the story and any ideas that you have. There will be regular updates, so stay around if you like the story so far. Vote if you really enjoy the story it will be very much appreciated.

Stay safe and well everyone ❤️

Thanks for reading :)

Written - 01.05.20


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