Chapter 29 - Manhunt

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A few weeks had past since Jack and Amy arrived in Neverland. After the promise Jack made I explained everything to him about Pans manipulative ways and how he is not to be trusted.

I explain how we can't just speak out against Pan because there will be consequences. We've fled about getting off the island and that if they don't suspect anything then we'll be able to get away with it.

He also told me how close him and Amy were before they arrived. She now spends the majority of her time with Pan.

He also told me how they grew up together in Boston and how the shadow came for them. It didn't make sense of the shadow came for them both as it should only take boys, shouldn't it? Unless Pan planned it. It was never clear which one of them it was meant to bring but I don't think it was both of them.

Over the weeks, I've spent nearly all my time with Jack. Which also meant him spending time with Hunter, Frypan and Minho as well.

Of course we never had conversations in front of them about Pan, we just acted like everything was normal, I didn't want them to think I was going crazy and spreading more 'accusations' about Pan.

It's not like Pan noticed that I was telling him anything and that Jack's loyalty was an act. He was to busy entering the new girl to notice.

Amy had fallen for his charm and had been manipulated by Pan just like so many others. Me and Jack tried to help her but of course it didn't work.

I felt bad for Jack, he told me he'd known her almost his whole life. It reminded me of my friendship with Jacob.

He tried to help her but we both knew it was too late. He couldn't stand to sit by whilst she was in danger but there was nothing he could do.

I had discussed the plans I had made with Hook and promised he and Amy could come to, even though I was sure she wouldn't come, but he was determined to convince her. I know he doesn't want to leave her behind but she won't come and I think he secretly knows that.

I told him that as soon as I could see Tinkerbell, we would make plans to leave, but I haven't had the opportunity yet. I told him that I'd try when the next game happens.

At this moment in time, me and Jack were sitting on a log in the camp. The others sharping some spears with their daggers. We were looking over at Pan who was practically glued to Amy. It was clear she liked him a lot.

"She's completely fallen for him", Jack says out of the blue.

"I can't say I didn't see this coming from day one", I respond.

"It's all my fault", he says.

"You can't blame yourself, you did all that you could", I reassure him.

"I don't know", he sighs.

"I know you like her, but you can't hold yourself responsible", I say truthfully. It was very clear from the moment they arrived that Jack liked her a lot and so don't think she could see that. He put his head down in disappointment.

"I just don't understand how they can be so loyal to him", he said, referring to the lost boys. It was clear he was trying to change the subject.

"Pan saved them from a bad life, I understand why they are loyal to him. I guess that's why we're not. He didn't save us, he made our lives worse", I explain.

"I don't want to be one of them. I don't understand why I'm here, I never never wanted to be here. I never felt lost", he says, in frustration.

"Maybe she did", I paused.

"Maybe the shadow meant to bring her", I continued. He looks at me in revelation. I see him about to respond but is interrupted.

"I think it's about time we play another game", Pan shouts out, grabbing everyone's attention. I know this game far too well and I hate it. It's usually me who gets hunted and if it's not we have to do teams and I hate that too.

"Boys against girls I reckon", he smirks. I get confused by the word 'girls' until I realised that Amy is here too.

"But there's only two of us", I asked, confused. Usually if Pan does teams it's more than two people.

"Better get running then", he smirks. I look back at Jack as the group joins him. They all give me a slightly sympathetic look. But at the same time Jack knows this is our opportunity and gives me a slight nod, knowing what I have to do.

I roll my eyes as Pan wishes good luck to Amy as she giggles at him. I don't really want to work with Amy, she'll probably get us caught but we start running together into the woods to get as far away as possible. I need to get rid of her though, this may be my only chance to find Tink.


After a while, we become exhausted and out of breath. She seems way to tired to carry on, I knew she'd slow me down.

"Can we stop for a break?", she asks, I nod my head in response. I hadn't spent much time with Amy, I only know what Jack has told me about her. Judging by how much time she spent with Pan, he probably told her a lot of lies about me too.

"I'd like this game a lot more if we don't run so much", she says.

"That's the whole point of the game. They just want the satisfaction of knowing they can caught us", I say annoyed.

"Why do you hate me so much?", she asks.

"I don't hate you. I just think maybe you should listen to the person who actually cares about you", I say, referring to Jack. He had tried to warn her and she knew exactly what I was taking about.

"No I know what this is about. You like Jack, and your just jealous and that's why you hate me", she says in a cocky manner. All I've been doing is trying to help Jack to protect this girl from Pan and this is what she thinks of me.

"No it's not like that. I'm just trying to make you see that he's trying protect you. You've known him most of your life and you just dropped him for pan. Trust me he's not the good person", I explain.

"You don't know Pan like I do", she says. This statement makes me s off but I know there is no point arguing with her.

"What's the point in trying to tell you anything, you're not going to believe me anyway", I respond.

"How can I believe a word you say? You're crazy and delusional", she cries out. I knew that Pan would tell her about everything that happens.

This hits me like a ton of bricks. The fact that Pan can get away with Thomas's murder and paint me out to be the psychopath and I can't do anything about it.

"Fuck don't know anything about me", I mummer, walking away. As I do I hear the lost boys coming, I stop and turn back to her.

"They're coming, we better split up", I explain. I just want to get rid of her now, her comments are annoying me. I can see she is not willing to but it is too late, I'm already running in the other direction.

Unfortunately, I can hear footsteps following closely behind me. Wouldn't be surprised if that was Amy's fault.

Suddenly, I stop when I get to the edge of the land. I see water down below and more land on the other side of it. It's far too far apart to jump and make it to the other side.

I notice a small log reaching from one side to the other. It has obviously been put there so that people can cross. I use it to run to the other side but the lost boys are hot on my trail.

When I'm on the other side, I look back to see they are only a few feet away from the edge. They will be able to cross and capture me if I don't do that. I act fast to move the log and push it ooff the edge so it falls to the waters below.

I look up to see the lost boys frustrated, Felix is there with them also, knowing he's been outsmarted. I smirk at him and pull my middle finger at him as I know he can't get me.

"You little shit", he snarls at me. I turn around and continue to run as fast as I can. This will buy me a few hours. Without passage over the ledge, they will have to go all the way round.

It's time to find Tinkerbell.

A.N: Let me know your opinions on the story and any ideas that you have. There will be regular updates, so stay around if you like the story so far. Vote if you really enjoy the story it will be very much appreciated.

Stay safe and well everyone ❤️

Thanks for reading :)

Written - 05.06.20


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