Chapter 44 - Apologies

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His face still holds an unreadable expression, I can't tell if he is mad at me or not. I don't know what he will say when I talk to him but I think it's best to be gentle, given everything that's happened

"Look I know everything's confusing right now and I don't know even know if you want to speak to me but-", I begin to say but am cut off.

"I'm sorry", he blurts out.

"What?", I ask confusingly as I thought he may be mad at me, not apologetic.

"You we're right about everything, I did loose myself when I became a lost boy. I had this new found power that I never had before. For the first time in my life I could do whatever the hell I wanted and there were no consequences. And I guess I got carried away with myself", he explains.

"You don't need to apologise", I sigh, sitting down next to him.

"I shouldn't of shouted at you, it's not your fault. I was just so angry at everything and everyone that I guess I needed someone to pin it on", I continued.

"It's okay, I understand and it doesn't change anything. You can trust me, I promise", he reassures and I smile at him in response.

"But if I'm going to trust you from now on, I need you to tell me the truth about everything. Who are you Alice Blake?", he asks.

"I don't even know if know the answer to that myself anymore. I wanted to be Liv so badly, somebody else but I realise that no matter what I do, I can't escape my past", I respond.

"Then tell me, tell me everything", he insists.

"I spent my entire life in an orphanage, not knowing who my parents are and where I came from, the only thing I had to keep me going we're my friends", I explain.

"Eric?", he questions me and I nod my head.

"Yes, he was one of them. One night, my other friend Jacob, we heard the sound of Pans pipes and he followed them, so I followed him. It was the biggest mistake of my life, I should of stopped him but the music was too enticing me in", I stated.

"Jacob, is he the one that Eric-", he began to trail off, I'm guessing he didn't want to say the words directly. I nod at him in response.

"Next thing I know I'm in Neverland and I'm Pans new chew toy. Ever since then, I tried my best to escape and I ended up succeeding as I'm sure you know. As soon as I did, I went to the enchanted forest and I met this kind and caring boy", I explained, talking about him.

When he figured out that he was the 'boy' I was talking about he lifted his head up to look at me with a saddened expression.

"I thought I could get a fresh start but Pan was close to finding me so I had to leave. I really didn't want to leave but I had to, I really liked you", I continued.

"Then why did you leave without saying goodbye", he sighed.

"I couldn't do it. I couldn't face the fact that I had something good in my life and I was leaving it behind. I thought it would be easier on the both of us  if I just left. So I went back to the mainland for a couple of years until the shadow found me, I don't know how but it did. Then I was brought back to Neverland and well you know the rest", I explained.

"Why didn't you tell me before?", he asks.

"I don't know, I think deep down I was scared of what you would think of me. I didn't wanna ruin things with my sob story, I wanted a new beginning", I noted.

"You know now that you can tell me anything right? You're not keeping anything else from me, are you?", he questions.

I think about my new found magic and how I can't tell him about it because of Pan's orders. Maybe I will in the future but I can't right now, at least not untill I have it under control.

"No, I'm not", I lie.

"Good", he smiles but it slowly fades as he looks at something from behind me. I quickly respond but looking too and put my guard up by standing up to face the person approaching us.

"What do you want?", I hiss.

"To talk", Alex responds softly. Looks like he's finally healed from the attack.

I look at him confusingly, he looks suprising sincere and his usual smug and arrogant dermear has completely washed away.

"I don't have anything to say to you", I spat.

"Please, it's important", he begs.

"Fine", I sigh.

"Alone", he insists as he sees James standing up also, which makes him sit right back down.

"It's okay, I'll be back in a minute", I reassure James and follow Alex just outside the camp so we are completely alone.

"Look, I don't know what this is about but if you want another fight, I'm not interested", I speak up.

"It's not that, I'm sorry", he sighs.

He's what? What did he just say? No, I dong believe this, Alex would never apologise for his actions. He's a psychopath, just like Pan and virtually everybody else on this island.

"I don't understand", I blurt out.

"I'm sorry for everything. I hated you because I thought you were a weak little girl who didn't belong here but after you attacked me, you proved to me that you weren't weak and that I was wrong", he explains.

"I don't believe you", I hiss.

"I'm telling the truth, I swear", he insists.

"You really mean that?", I say calmly.

"Yes, I do", he promises.

I don't speak for several seconds as I try to process what he is telling me and if I actually believe it. Can people like him really have a change of heart so easily? Think Alice, this boy is a murderer and a liar.

"I'm not buying it", I snap.

And just like that, the 'sincere' Alex is gone and I realise that it was all an act as his usual smirk reappears faster then lightening.

"I had a feeling you wouldn't, that's why these guys are here", he replies as other members of his group appearing into the clearing. I recognise all of their faces instantly and realise that I'm in danger.

"I knew you weren't genuine, people like you never change", I yell. I now know he did all this just to get me some and way from the camp, so no one could stop him.

He doesn't respond but continues to grin evilly at me as me. As I try to get away, they try to stop me and end up hitting a few of them in response but there are too many of them and I end up getting grabbed.

"Whatever your doing, I know for a fact that Pan didn't ask you to. When he finds out, he's going to-", I panted.

"He's not going to find out because you'll be too dead to tell him", he snickers, walking towards me.

"When will you stop trying to kill me?", I shout.

"Pretty soon I won't need to try because today I'm going to succeed", he smirks.

"Why isn't Mason a part of this?", I ask, noticing that he isn't around. I thought he'd want to see me dead for sure.

"I don't know how or why but it's clear that the boy still cares for you, even if he denies it. I couldn't let his feelings get in the way of my plan", he sneers.

"What are you planning to do to me?", I ask, bracing myself to be killed.

Alex pulls out his dagger and I notice a black liquid dripping at the end of it. I immediately start to struggle again as I recognise it as dreamshade.

"Good, you know what this is. Then you know that once I put this dagger through your body, it's going to be a slow and painful death for you", he comments as he begins to stalk towards me.

"Well this is disappointing", Pan says as he enters the scene. For the first time in my life, I'm actually happy to see him. I never thought I'd say those words.

"I've told you before, don't touch the girl without my say so", he demands, calling me girl, which I didn't appreciate. All of them instantly let me go after that.

He walks up to Alex to speak to him personally. "This is the second time you've done this Alex, if it happens agains, you won't get off so lucky. You went against me again, I hope your loyalty isn't slipping", he barked.

"It's not", Alex insists. I'd never seen him actually scared before, he tried to hide it but I could see past it, he was definitely nervous.

"Now leave, your punishment will come later", Pan demands and they all leave apart from me and Pan.

"Is that the third time I've saved your life now?", he grins.

"Okay, no need to brag", I respond.

"You can't seem to stay out of trouble can you?", he says.

"He started it, it's not my fault he has a personal vendetta against me", I argue.

"Can you at least try not to get yourself killed for the rest of the day", he sighs.

"I'll try", I reply with sarcasm.

"Lessons start tomorrow", he says bluntly whilst he walks away.

"What? But I thought you said-", I say confused.

"You need to be able to protect yourself right?", he says, turning around for a second before turning back and walking away.

The shock of what he said made me silent for a second. I can't believe that he's actually going to teach me. As he starts to walk away, I speak up.

"Hey, umm, thank you", I fumble my words together. It didn't feel right actually saying thank you to Pan after everything that's happened.

He doesn't respond but looks at me with an unreadable expression and carries on walking. I wait a few minutes, feeling slightly confused before I travel back to camp myself.

A/N: Let me know your opinions on the story and any ideas that you have. There will be regular updates, so stay around if you like the story so far. Vote if you really enjoy the story it will be very much appreciated.

Stay safe and well everyone ❤️

Thanks for reading :)

Written - 08.08.20


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