Chapter 53 - The Warning

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Here we were, once again trying to save the town. I've learnt that you don't get a break in Storybrooke, there's always someone or something trying to kill you.

This time it was Greg and Tamaras doing. Turns out me and Emma were right about her. She knew about magic all along and was plotting to destroy it.

She stole the beans that we worked months on getting, meaning my chances to see James again had vanished. Whenever I feel like I'm getting somewhere, it gets taken away.

That's not all though. She shot Bae and sent him through a portal. I was devastated of course but the anger only made me more determined to find and stop her.

The big question on my mind was who she was working for. Who wanted to destroy magic? Who sent them here?

Luckily for us, we snagged a bean from them to use to get to The Enchanted Forest before the town would be destroyed. It wasn't where I wanted to go but there was only one bean now and one way to go.

Unfortunately, Hook managed to steal it from right under our noses. After everything we had been through together, he abandoned all of us. I shouldn't be surprised. Once a selfish pirate, always one.

Now we had to find an alternative to save the town. Regina volunteered to use her magic to stop the diamond. But after Emma revealed it would kill her, we had to stop her. We couldn't do that to Henry.

Right now, we had just got to the mines and I could already see the magic being drained from Regina. Thankfully, Emma stepped in to help her. My magic hasn't been used in so long I would have been no use anyway, even if I revealed I had it.

All at once, a blast from the diamond pushes us all back by force. I land hard on the ground but regain motion quickly, standing up and seeing Henry gone even though he was right next to me.

"Henry?", I call out, walking a little further down the tunnel as the others are still motionless on the ground.

Suddenly, I feel a strong hand yank one of my arms from the side. I look to see Greg trying to put something on my wrist.

Before he gets the opportunity, I use what little magic I have to push him away and he falls onto the floor. An object bounces its way onto the ground also, falling out of his grip.

I observe the black item on the ground and discover a cuff, Pans cuff. He created it to take peoples magic away from them temporarily. That's who Greg and Tamara are working for, that's why there here?

I quickly collect it from the ground before he has the chance to retrieve it and shove it in my pocket. It wasn't going to be that easy taking it away.

I stand prepared for what he's going to do next but he as he stands up he looks as if he is debating with himself on what to do. Realising this is not a battle he can win without that cuff, he turns around and exits the tunnels.

"Emily? Henry?", a voice calls from behind.

I turn to see Emma, Regina, Mary Margret and David running towards me and looking panicked. Shit I was so wrapped up in what just happened I didn't even realise Henry was missing.

"Thank god, are you okay?", Mary Margret says as she pulls into a tight hug but I break it off quickly.

"They took Henry, we need to go", I say urgently.

We all start to rush out of the mines as soon as possible. We immediately start searching for them but no hope. Where did they go? What did Pan want with Henry?

"Emma, you don't even know where you're going", Mary Margret says as we search near the docks.

"Doesn't matter. I have to find him. I'll track them down in hell if I have to", she argues. We momentarily spot all three of on the edge on the water.

"The last bean", I state.

"They've opened a portal", Regina shouts.

We all pick up the pace immediately as we start to run in their direction but we are not quick enough and they manage to slip through the portal. Henry was gone.

"No! No! No! We have to follow them! There has to be a way!", Emma yells.

"Not only do we not know where they went, but Hook stole the last bean!", Regina argues.

"I don't care!", Emma cries.

"Without it, there's no way to follow", she argues back.

"There has to be. We can't just let the, take Henry!", Emma says in frustration.

They went to Neverland, I'm sure of it. But they could have got that cuff from somewhere else. Why would he want Henry? It didn't add up, surely it wasn't his doing.

Even if I told them where I think they went, I could be wrong. We needed to know for sure and I know just the person who had the knowledge to tell us, Gold.

"They've taken Henry?", a voice asks from behind us.

"Just the person I was thinking of to help us", I say, seeing Gold and Belle.

"Yeah. You're the dark one, do something", David insist.

"Gold please", Emma pleads.

"There's no way. I spent a lifetime trying to cross worlds to find my son. There's no way in this world without a portal", he expresses.

"So that's it? He's gone forever? I refuse to believe that", Regina argues.

"What is that?", Belle suddenly asks, staring out a the distance at a ship, Hooks ship. He came back?

"Hook", Emma confirms.

Once he arrives to the docks with his ship, we all go to confront him together. He climbs off his ship to meet us.

"What the hell are you doing here?", Emma yells.

"Helping", he states.

"After you abandoned us?", I say with irritation.

"I changed my mind", he responds.

"Well, you're too late", Regina snaps.

"Am I?", he says.

"I thought you didn't care about anyone but yourself", Emma responds.

"Maybe I just needed reminding that I could", he explains, handing over the bean to Emma.

"Enough waiting around, let's go", Regina insists.

"Go? Where? I thought we were saving the town", he says with confusion.

"We already did", I confirm coldly.

"We need to get Henry. Greg and Tamara took him through a portal", Emma explains.

"Well, I offer my ship and my services to help follow them", Hook offers.

"Well that's great Hook, but how do we track them?", Regina asks.

"Gold?", I look over to him for answers.

"Leave it to me. I can get us to where we need to go", he confirms.

"Well, let's do it", Mary Margret says, a boarding the ship as the rest of us follow, a part from Gold who talks privately with Belle.

I can't explain how incredibly mad I was at Hook for leaving and now I was optionally getting on his ship?  At least we had a way to save Henry now.

"It's been a long time since you set foot on this ship", Hook mentions from behind me. I turn around and send him a disapproving face to show my anger towards him.

"I know you're mad but-", he begins but I cut him off.

"No, I can't do this right now Hook. We need to focus on Henry", I insist as I turn back round.

Soon enough, Gold enters the ship without Belle and I notice her saddened face on the docks. He must have told her not to come for safety reasons.

"So, are you done trying to kill me?", Gold asks Hook as the others gather round.

"I believe so", he responds.

"Excellent, then you can live", Gold says blatantly.

He then summons a globe with his magic. He immediately pricks his finger on it and the globe shows a map with an island on it. I'm afraid my fears have been confirmed and a lot of questions needed to be answered.

"Where is that? Where did they take Henry?", Regina questions.

"Neverland", Hook states as he looks me dead in the yes with realisation and fear.

"So who are we up against? Who are Greg and Tamara?", David asks.

"They're merely pawns, manipulated by forces far greater than they can conceive. They have no idea who they're truly working for", Gold explains.

"And who's that?", Emma questions.

"Someone we all should fear", Gold responds.

"Peter Pan", he continues.

Soon enough, Emma hands Hook the bean and it gets thrown into the water to create the portal. Hook begins to navigate his ship and soon enough we had travelled to it.

The ship drops into the sea and causes the water to splash up onto the deck. We all let go of the sides of the ship and stare out at the distance.

"Is that it?", Emma asks.

"Aye, Neverland", Hook replies and starts to navigate his ship towards it.

There it was, the familiar dark presence of the island staring me right in the face. Am I really back? Am I really going to do this?

It's strange how I've spent years trying to get back to this place and just like that I'm here, not only trying to save James but Henry too. What's worse is Pan knows exactly when I'm coming. So much for the element of surprise.

I needed to talk to Hook. Even though he did a stupid and selfish thing, he was the only one I could talk to and who could understand me. I walk up to the top deck to where he was turning the wheel to the vessel.

"Hook we need to talk", I insist.

"That's an understatement", he chuckles.

"But I thought you hated me too much to talk to me", he continues.

"You're the only one I can talk to", I reveal.

"I think I can guess what that could be about", he trails off.

"I'm guessing you're still planning on pretending you don't know Pan and that you've never been to Neverland before, so my biggest question is...", he pauses.

"How?", he continues.

"I'm under no illusion that my secret will stay safe for long but I'm looking for the right moment to tell them and that's definitely not now. If I know Pan he won't tell them directly, he'll make a game out of it. He wants me to force myself to tell them. I just need your reassurance that you won't", I explain.

"You can count on me", he guarantees.

"Thank you", I smile.

"You know you shouldn't have come back here, you should have stayed in Storybrooke", he says suddenly.

"So now you're concerned for my safety? You left me, after everything we've been through and not to mention, you also left whole bloody town to be destroyed", I yell slightly.

"So we're back to that then", he sighs.

"Look, I came back for you lass", he insists.

"Oh come on you came back for Emma, it's obvious you like her", I huff.

"So what's the real reason you don't want me to go back to Neverland?", I continue to ask him.

"I don't know, maybe it's because the last time we saw him, he vowed to kill us both", he says sarcastically.

"It doesn't matter what he's going to do, he already knows we're here. There's no going back now", I state.

"I suppose your right but that doesn't mean we can't surprise him", Hook smirks.

"What's your plan?", I ask intriguingly.

"I'm going to bring us to the far side of the island, link up with the widest part of the river and then we sail right through. It will give us more of an advantage", he explains.

"The irony...", he continues.

"Irony?", I question.

"Oh, I spent more time than I care to remember trying to leave this place to kill Rumplestiltskin. And here I am, sailing right back into its heart with him as my guest of honor", he says in disgust.

Well that definitely makes two of us. However I was able to semi resolve my issues with Rumple, where as I don't think the captain ever will.

"You're telling me. I've spent the majority of my life trying to escape this place", I respond.

"Well it's not quite the happy ending I was hoping for", he says in disappointment.

"I have a feeling your happy ending is closer then you think", I smile, looking over to Emma.

"But you won't get it if you keep being a selfish pirate", I snap.

"You make a good point", he smirks.

"I'm being serious Hook, I need you. On this island, we need to look out for each other. I've seen that you are capable of looking out for more than yourself. You saved me a long time ago and I will never forget it", I express and a wave of confusing emotions cloud his face. A hint of shame possibly, but what for?

"All I'm going to say is just be careful, you never know what he's planning. And whatever you do, don't believe anything he says", Hook warns.

"Don't worry, I won't", I reply.

"Are you sure you're prepared to face him again?", he asks.

He makes a good point. I haven't used my magic in a long time and I think I'm a bit rusty . I should practice below deck before we get there.

"It's okay, I can take care of myself", I assure him as I walk off to go below decks.

Once I get there, I sit down and use all my strength to conjure some kind of magic from my palms. I needed to be strong if we were going to win this fight.

But only tiny sparks where able to form. Maybe when I see him in person, I'll have enough anger in me to be able to destroy the whole island.

"Having trouble with magic?", a voice asks from across the room.

"If you're here to taunt me about it then-", I reply to Gold who is standing in the doorway.

"I'm not", he responds.

"Then what", I say bluntly.

"Isn't it a startling coincidence that you've been trying to get to Neverland for years, then Henry is suddenly taken and we're on our way, just like that", he states.

"If you're insinuating that I had anything to do with this, then you're wrong", I deny.

"I'm just pointing out the obvious, dearie", he responds.

"We've been down this road before. I'm not associated with Pan anymore, I want nothing to do with him", I admit.

"But isn't it true you wanted to go back, to save your little friend", he says.

"I would never put Henry in harms way to do it", I yell slightly, in annoyance.

"I think that you knew that even if you had a bean, Snow and Charming would try to stop you from leaving. So instead of risking that, let's say he offered you a deal and you go along with his plans. Then, you could get to go to Neverland, save your friend and leave the rest of us to rot", he explains.

"That makes no sense. They're my family, I wouldn't betray them for anyone", I insist.

"They aren't truly your family though and I think you'd be willing to betray them to get what you want", he argues.

"You want to know what I think? I think that you're looking for someone to blame because deep down you know that the whole reason we are in this situation is because of you. You are the reason why Pan went to Neverland in the first place. You killed his own mother in front of his eyes. You're the one who turned him into a monster!", I begin to shout.

How dare he excuse me of all that. He doesn't have the guts to responds and stands there, not knowing what to say.

I try to calm myself down and decide to head towards the stairs to leave. Before I do, I turn back to him one final time.

"This is all your fault Rumplestilskin", I spat before I head back up to the top deck.

I walk over to the group, only to realise that Emma, Mary Margret and Prince Charming are clearly in an argument. Oh god, what now?

"How can you two be so infuriatingly optimistic?!", Emma shouts.

"It's who we are", David admits.

"Why? Ever since you got your memories back, ever since you remembered that you're Snow White and Prince Charming, your lives have...they've... well, they've sucked!", Emma yells.

"No. No, we found you", David says.

"And lost Henry and Neal, and countless other people!", she says with sadness and anger.

"Emma, the minute I let go of the belief that things will get better is the minute that I know they won't. We'll find Henry", Mary Margret promises.

"She's right, we will find him", I smile, intervening on their conversation and trying to comfort Emma more.

"No, you won't".

Everyone turns around immediately to see Mr. Gold standing on the upper deck and in different clothing to what he was in before. Guess our little chat didn't put him down too much.

"Oh, that's a great use of our time, a wardrobe change", Hook butts in sarcastically.

"I'm gonna get Henry", Gold states.

"What?", I burst out. Is this because he doesn't trust me?

"We agreed to do this together", Regina says.

"Actually, we made no such agreement", he argues.

"Why are you doing this?", Emma asks.

"Because I want to succeed", he reveals.

"What makes you think we're going to fail?", Emma questions.

"Well, how could you not? You don't believe in your parents, or in magic, or even yourself", he responds.

"I slayed a dragon, I think I believe", she argues.

"Only what was shown to you. When have you ever taken a real leap of faith? You know, the kind where there's absolutely no proof? I've know you some time, Miss Swan. And sadly, despite everything you've been through, you're still just that bail bonds-person looking for evidence. Well, dearie, that's not gonna work in Neverland", he explains. He may actually have a point.

"I'll do whatever it takes", Emma expresses.

"Well, you just need someone to tell you what that is. Sorry, dearie, our foe is too fearsome for hand-holding. Neverland is a place where imagination runs wild. And sadly, yours doesn't", he replies.

He suddenly spins his cane round, which then falls onto the deck. In the next second, Gold disappears from the ship but his cane remains. Great, just great.

After Gold disappears, more disputing continues between us before Emma disappears below deck but Hook quickly walks in after her. Regina and David also leave to control the ship.

"Are you okay?", I ask Mary Margret after that argument with Emma.

"I guess so", she signs.

"You're not", I argue.

"I hate this, I hate that I can't comfort my own daughter because I don't know her well enough to do so", she reveals.

"It's okay, it's not your fault", I try to comfort her.

"It is though. If I didn't tell that stupid secret to Cora than Danial wouldn't have died, Regina wouldn't have had her daughter taken away from her, she wouldn't hate my guts, the curse wouldn't have happened and maybe I would actually know Emma", she explains.

"Yeah maybe but then maybe you wouldn't have met David, or known me and Henry would have never existed in the first place if Emma didn't meet Neal", I argue.

"Everything happens for a reason and I know everything seems to suck right now but it will get better, just like you said", I continue.

"You're right", she smiles at me, which I return.

All of a sudden, The Jolly Roger starts to creak and bang. The ship starts to rock as the waves beside it splash up onto the decks.

"What was that?", Mary Margret asks.

I fearfully look over the edge of the ship to discover the mermaids attacking the ship with force. I swear to god if this is Pans doing...

"Mermaids", I respond.

David and Regina continue to control the ship but struggle to do so due to the sudden weather change. Emma and Hook reappear from below deck.

"What the hell are you two doing?!", Emma asks.

"Trying to keep it steady!", Regina replies.

"Hold on!", David yells.

Hook runs towards the David and Regina, trying to help them control the steering wheel as Emma comes to me and Mary Margret.

"Prepare for attack!", Hook shouts.

"Be more specific", Regina says.

"If you've got a weapon, then grab it", he replies.

"What's out there? A shark? A whale?", Emma asks.

"A kraken?", David adds.

"Worse", Hook states.

"They're mermaids!", I shout.

"Mermaids?!", Emma yells.

"Yes, and they're quite unpleasant", Hook informs.

"You think?", Regina snaps.

"I'll try and outrun them", Hook says.

"How many of them are there?!", Emma asks as more and more mermaids bash into the ship.

"I will not be capsized by fish!", David says as he grabs a spear, a chain, and gun powder. He then puts it into a cannon and aims it at the mermaids.

"Emma!", Mary Margaret calls Emma over to us as we try to gather a net.

"What are you doing?", she asks.

"Fishing", I reply as David fires the cannon and we throw the fishing net into the ocean.

"We caught one!", Mary Margret reveals.

"One? There are dozens of them", Regina says, unsatisfied.

"Enough of this", she continues and creates fireballs and throws them at the mermaids, making them scatter away as the sea water calms down.

"There. They're gone", she reveals.

"Not all of them. What about this one?", I question and Regina immediately teleports the mermaid to the ship.

The mermaid struggles and grunts at her capture. Oh no, this isn't good. What are we suppose to do now? This was a stupid idea.

"Get that thing off my ship!", Hook demands.

"No, now we have a hostage", Regina argues.

"I hate to say it, but I'm with Hook. Those things just tried to kill us", David mentions.

"I agree", I say, butting in.

"And perhaps we should find out why", she argues.

"How? By torturing her?", Mary Margret asks.

"Well, if need be. Sure", she responds.

The mermaid suddenly picks up a seashell and blows into it and we all cover our ears. Well that can't be good.

"What the hell was that?", Emma asks.

"A warning. Let me go... or die", the mermaid demands.

"What is this? What did you do?!", David questions.

"Let me go", she demands.

"Not until you tell us, or we make you tell us", Regina threatens

"Threatening her isn't the way to motivate her", Mary Margret shouts.

"Well, I'm all out of fish food", she replies sarcastically.

"Doesn't matter if you get her to talk, you can't trust her. Mermaids are liars", Hook adds.

"Of course they are", I say.

"Maybe they're just scared of Pan. If we let her go, maybe they'll be on our side", Mary Margret insist.

"Or maybe she and her friends will come right back to kill us", Regina argues.

"Oh, I don't need my friends to kill you. You'll kill yourselves. Now let me go", the mermaid warns. What does she mean?

The storm begins to surround the ship again and the sounds of lightening and thunder appear out of the sky.

"What the hell?!", David yells.

"It's a storm, she called it. Don't let her go. She'll swim off and leave us all to die. At least with her, we've got leverage", Hook explains.

David suddenly grabs a sword and points it at her neck, "stop the storm, then we let you go". The mermaid shakes her head with a malicious smile and David pulls his sword behind her and onto her neck.

"That's more like it, Charming. Filet the bitch" Regina sneers.

"Don't, it will make the storm worse", I cut in.

"No, we are not barbarians", he responds, removing the sword.

"What we're going to be is dead", Regina states.

"Hold on, I'm gonna turn around. I've outrun many a storm", Hook mentions, doing just that.

"Make it stop or die", Regina threatens her.

"We are not killers!", Mary Margret shouts.

"Yes you are and you brought this death upon yourselves", the mermaid responds.

"This is why we should free her", Mary Margret insists.

"That feel-good nonsense Snow, might play in the Enchanted Forest, but this... this is Neverland", Regina says as the ship rocks side ways and knocks us all off balance.

"Keep your grip pirate", David yells at Hook.

"It wasn't me, mate! It was the ship. We're taking on water", he responds.

"Now may I resume killing her", Regina shouts.

"No!", me, David and Mary Margret shout simultaneously.

"You kill her and her kind will have a personal vendetta on us", Mary Margret argues.

"The queen is right. They've already tried killing us", Hook says.

"Stop, that's enough! We need to think this through", Emma insists.

"I already have", Regina says as she uses her magic to turn the mermaid into wood. "There, that should stop the storm".

"Regina! What did you do?!", I shout, looking towards a huge wave in the distance, coming towards us.

"No", she expresses and everyone turns around to see it to.

"What have you done?", Emma yells as everyone tries to stable themselves on the side of the ship and water splashes onto the deck.

"I thought you said you could outrun a storm", I question.

"This isn't a storm. It's bloody damnation", Hook replies.

"Why would you do this?", Mary Margret asks Regina.

"You're going to blame me?", she responds.

"You turned the mermaid into wood", she shouts back.

"I did something about it, which is more than you can say", she argues.

"Undo your spell! Bring back the mermaid!", she commands.

"And what, you'll win her over with your rainbow kisses and unicorn stickers?", she says sarcastically.

"Considering that your plan failed, at least we could try", she shouts back at Regina.

"You're such a naive princess", she comments.

"And you are such a-", Mary Margaret pauses and all of a sudden she punches Regina with force.

What the hell is going on?

"That your best?", Regina chuckles.

"Not even close. I'm so tired of you ruining my life", she yells.

"I ruined your life?", she shouts back.

"Can we not do this now?!", I yell at the two of them.

"I lost my love and my child because of you!", Regina continues despite my efforts to intervene.

"Hey!", David cuts in as Regina and Mary Margaret start fighting and tries to stop them.

"Hey, let the slags go. I need you at the mast", Hook insists.

"Don't call my wife a slag", David yells as he tries to fight Hook and Emma takes a hold of the wheal.

"You've got to be kidding me", I tut.

"Stop it!", Emma shouts.

As the thunder roars and the lightning beams more, me and Emma lock eyes and immediately realise what is truly going on.

"It's not the mermaids, it's us", I tell them all but they continue to fight.

"If you don't stop fighting, we're all gonna die", Emma yells.

"Don't you see, we're causing the storm", she continues.

"Hey! Stop! You need to listen to us", I call out as Emma walks to the edge of the ship.

"What are you doing?", I ask her.

"Getting their attention", she says as she jumps off the side of the ship.

"No!", I shout.

"Emma!", David and Mary Margret yell as they notice what she's done.

As Emma lands in the water, the storm causes a pulley to fall which strikes her right in the head, knocking her unconscious.

"Emma!", Mary Margret screams.

"Idiot", Regina comments.

"Regina! Get her up here", She demands.

"I can't, not in this storm. I can't even see her. I'll just bring up water and half her leg", she disagrees.

"What are we suppose to do then?", I ask as David jumps onto the ledge of the ship.

"Wait!", Hook shouts.

"She'll drown", David states.

"And so will you, let me help", he responds, grabbing a rope. "Here, tie him", he continues as David ties the rope around his body and jumps in the water. He soon arises again, having grabbed Emma.

"He has her, pull", Hook demands as we all struggle to gather our strength to bring them up.

"I've got it", he says, tying the end of the rope to the ship and pulling them up. David lands on deck with Emma and places her on the floor.

"Emma", he says.

"No. No", Mary Margret says as she touches Emma's unconscious face.

Suddenly, Emma jerks up and coughs up water. At the same time, the storm completely clears and the clouds disappear.

"I told you", she says.


After that ordeal, we come close to the island and the ship stops because of the damage from the storm. Then we take a small row boat to the island and step onto the sand.

"We don't have to do it this way. I can fix the Jolly Roger. My magic is powerful enough. We can execute the pirate's plan", Regina insist.

"Sneak attack? Let's not be naive. Save your magic, we'll need it later", I responds.

"She's right, Pan already knows we're here. It's time we stop running. Gold was right, this land is run on belief. All of us have been too busy being at each other's throat to be believers. I was as wrong as anyone else. It's time for all of us to believe. Not in magic, but in each other", Emma explains.

"You want to be friends? After everything that's happened between all of us?", Regina scoffs.

"I don't want or expect that. I know there's a lot of history here, a lot of hate", she responds.

"Actually, I quite fancy you from time to time, when you're not yelling at me", Hook adds and I give him 'the look' in response.

"We don't need to be friends. What we need to know is the only way to get Henry back is cooperation", she says.

"With her? With him?", David asks, referring to Regina and Hook.

"No, Emma. We have to do this the right way", he continues.

"No, we don't. We just need to succeed and the way we do that is by just being who we are - a hero, a villain, a pirate. It doesn't matter which because we're going to need all those skills, whether we can stomach them or not", she explains.

"And what's your skill, Savior?", Regina asks.

"I'm a mother and now I'm also your leader. So either help me get my son back or get out of the way", she says bitterly and pulls out her sword as everyone follows behind.

I decide to take this time to catch up to Regina. She was fuming on ship and honestly, I felt incredibly bad for her. Everyone just sees her as the bad guy but none of us were innocent.

"Are you okay?", I ask sincerely.

"Don't even try that with me", she says harshly.

"What do you mean?", I ask.

"That little act of yours. You don't really care what I'm feeling, you're just scared I might just turn evil", she states.

Back in Storybrooke, everyone treated her like this. As if she was a bomb that would go off at any second. They never gave her a chance so she doesn't think I will either.

"You're wrong Regina. I'm not here because I'm afraid. I don't see you like that", I argue.

"How can you not?", she sighs.

"Because you deserve a chance", I explain.

"The others will never fully understand but I do, more than anyone else. I know what you're going through", I continue.

We had a lot in common really. We had lost both our parents and the people we loved. I wish I could explain it all.

Regina has lost so many people and all that pain has caused her to do the things she's done. I also have done many inexcusable actions.

"How would you know?", she questions curiously.

She wouldn't know what I meant by that, none of them would if they were to hear it. I will always keep my past to myself.

"I just do", I state.

"I know you're hurting but holding onto anger and resentment right now won't bring them back", I add.

"Neither will forgiveness", she states.

"I didn't come to you to tell you to kiss and make up. You don't have to forgive Mary Margret but you have to put it aside for Henry's sake. Otherwise we won't succeed", I explain.

"Henry is all I have. I'm going to to do anything I can to get him back and I won't let anyone stand in my way. If I don't get him back, I don't know what I'm going to do", she says in a bitter tone.

Her words frighten me honestly. I can understand her though. She's made so much progress in the last couple of years. She strong and I admire that. She's manage to put aside her differences with the others because of how much she loves Henry. I can't let all of that can be taken away by Pan.

After that, everyone was walking in silence. They weren't willing to speak after that argument in the ship. We were together but far apart at the same time. I take my residence at the back and am not surprised when I can hear somebody following us. No one else seemed to notice though.

I slow down immediately and eventually stop, trying to make sure the group doesn't notice. I doubt they will, at least for a few minutes anyway. I walk around and try to see who it is, although I think I already know.

"You can come out now", I call out.

"Hello Alice", Felix says, appearing from behind and looking exactly the same as the last time I saw him. Then again, it's not like I've changed myself.

"Felix", I respond.

"Welcome back", he smirks.

"No need, I'm not going to be here for long", I sneer.

"You really believe that's true?", he chuckles darkly.

"I see Pan is still sending you to do his errands, did he not want to see me himself?", I scoff, ignoring his previous statement.

"Oh he can't wait to see you, he's just waiting for the right moment", he reveals.

"So what do you want?", I question.

"I need you to come with me", he says, his tone changing to a serious one.

"And why the hell would I do that?", I laugh.

"Because if you don't you're going to start a war with Pan", he replies.

"How so?", I ask.

"Let's say you have two options, you can either come with me to Pan and get it over with or you can stay with the so called hero's and watch them fail as they try to save you and Henry, dying in the process. But if you choice the second option, you're choosing the boy over him and that makes you Pans enemy. And I'd think very wise about becoming Pans enemy", he explains.

"Pan became my enemy when he took James from me", I shout.

"Alice, I'm serious. If you decide to take this path, things will not end well for you", he threatens.

"Are you threatening me?", I ask.

"No, I'm warning you", he replies.

"And I'm warning you, and Pan, stay away from me and my family or things might not end well for you", I threaten him.

"So what are you saying?", he questions.

"I think you know my decision", I respond bluntly.

"He won't let you stand in the way of what he wants, are you sure you want to do this", he expresses.

"I wouldn't have to if he didn't take the people I love away from me. This is on him, not me", I insist.

"Understood", he states, starting to walk away.

"I expect we'll be seeing each other again very soon", he reveals, exiting the clearing.

I take a minute to absorb what just happened before I walk back to the direction I came from, trying to find the group.

"Emily!", several voices yell as they come towards my direction.

"There you are!", Mary Margret says with relief as she comes up to me and pulls me into a hug, with the rest of the group behind her.

"Sorry for the scare, I thought I heard something", I semi lie.

"And you went of by yourself, well done genius. There's no reason to give Pan more leverage", Regina replies.

"We're in Neverland Alice, not taking a nice family stroll. There's all sorts out here", Emma adds.

"You need to be careful, I thought I lost you", Mary Margret says.

"You're right, I'm an idiot sorry. It won't happen again", I confirm.

"Good. Now come on, we better get moving", she replies and we all start moving again as Hook gives me the same look as I gave him earlier, disapproving me going off. I did wonder how long it would be before I saw the devil himself again.

A/N: THANKS FOR 11k!!!!!

Okay so this is one of my longest chapters ever and it took ages to do so sorry about the slow updates. The other chapters shouldn't be this long in the future, I just wanted to introduce Neverland right so that the story can progress. I promise the next few chapters will be very exciting and Alice will take her own journey.

Let me know your opinions on the story and any ideas that you have. There will be regular updates, so stay around if you like the story so far. Vote if you really enjoy the story it will be very much appreciated.

Stay safe and well everyone ❤️

Thanks for reading :)

Written - 26.11.20 (Happy Thanksgiving 🦃 - if you celebrate it XD)


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