Chapter 61 - Just One Word

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Regina's P.O.V:

I had left that pathetic group of 'heros' after realising that I was better off without them. If we were going to find Henry we needed to put all our focus on him.

Of course there was Emily too. I didn't know what possible reason Pan would want her for but I didn't care. All that mattered was Henry, no matter what. 

The others were clearly not willing to help me find him so it was my obligation to go at it alone. I can't believe they were so easily foaled by the prospect of Neal being alive.

Instead of saving people like they are supposed to, they're wasting there time on yet another trick from that smug little shit.

God how I loathed Pan. How could I be outsmarted and tricked by an arrogant teenager? It was beneath me and frankly embarrassing. But he won't be laughing when I finally get my hands on his tiny throat.

What would be practical is someone to help me who was actually willing and ready to get the job done. Someone who wouldn't be so easily distracted by delusions and Pans pathetic games. Someone like...


But I had no idea where the hell he went. He left the pirates ship as soon as we got here. I guess he had the right idea though. He knew none of them had the stomach for it. But I do.

My ears perk up at a mumble coming from the trees. I turn my head towards it and start walking closer. Whatever it is I'm not afraid to be near it. As long as I have magic on my side, nothing can hurt me.

"You don't know what to do, do you?", a high pitched voice says.

I knew it wasn't Emmas or Snows, they were far from here. And it certainly wasn't Pan or those ridiculous boys who follow him.

"No, I don't", another voice answers.


I would recognise that voice anywhere. Who the hell was he talking to? I peak my head out at the scene, seeing him and Belle sitting on a log together.

"Come home to Storybrooke", she begs.

What the hell is going on? She was in Storybrooke, not here. No doubt it was Pans doing. I guess I was wrong and he too had fallen for Pans tricks. It was so obvious she was not real.

"And just leave Henry and my family behind?", he responds questionably.

"Come with me, and we can start a new family. Our own family. That's what I want, don't you?", she asks him.

"No. You, you can't want anything. You're just a figment of my self-conscious", he explains.

Dear lord.

"No, no, I'm really here. Take my hand", she commands, putting her hand on his lap as she waits for him to do so.

"Believe in our love, and we can go back. Take it, Rumple. Please. Come home to me", she continues to plead as he slowly starts to give in, moving his hand towards hers.

Oh hell no.

I throw my hand up in the air and position them towards her throat, squeezing it hard. I walk towards, out of the bushes and into the clearly. She then starts to choke violently.

"Enough of this", I announce.

"Regina!", he yells in shock, running towards me.

"Are you really going to fall for this?", I scoff, carrying on.

"Rumple, st... stop her", she barley manages to say.

How pathetic.

"Don't listen to him", I command as Gold tries to stop me from hurting her.

Pan really thinks he can fool me with this little act of magic. Well you'll get no sympathy out of me for a fake whimpering Belle.

"What are you doing?", he questions.

"Showing you the truth", I explain, squeezing harder.

"Aah!", she continues to scream as she falls onto the floor.

"No!", Gold shouts at me more.

"Look who you're really dealing with", I state.

'Belle' is then consumed by a thick cloud of smoke and in her place a shadow appears. It's glowing eyes stare down at us.

"Pan", Gold says in surprise as the shadow flies away.

He steps back in complete shock as he tries to process the events that just unfolded. I pat my hand on my trousers, knowing my work here is complete.

I look over at him again as he composes himself and walks over to the fire, putting his hands above it like that didn't just happen. Seriously?

"What is this? Amateur hour? Did you really believe that was Belle?", I ask in annoyance.

"Why are you here?", he spits.

"Well, for starters, it appears I'm saving your ass. You were about to be Pan's lunch", I respond with complete sarcasm.

"Oh, what do you care?", he scoffs, stepping back.

"I care because I've been camping with the Charmings for a week and getting nowhere. All they've managed to do is put us in a worse situation then we were before", I confess.

"How worse?", he asks.

"Well for starters Emily disappeared and-", I begin.

"She's with Pan?", he questions with a weird amount of curiosity.

"Well that's the conclusion I came to. I mean I really don't understand why he would go out of his way to take her, he already has my son", I complain.

"Maybe he didn't", he says to himself quietly.

"What?", I ask, utterly confused.

But he doesn't answer, he's completely lost in his own thoughts. Enough of this, I'm wasting time waiting around for everyone.

"If we're gonna get Henry, I need you. I need Rumplestiltskin", I say in a harsh tone to grab his attention and focus.

"Well, the problem, dearie, is that Rumplestiltskin can only stop Pan by dying", he says aggressively.

"You're not gonna die at anyone's hands but my own", I bark back.

I take a breath for a second and lower my tone before speaking again, "we're the two most powerful practitioners of magic who have ever lived. The Evil Queen and the Dark One joining forces? I'd say we can find another way to handle one smug teenager".

"You've never faced him, I have. And I know what killing him requires. And that is, my life", he states.

I take another breath to think. "Well, as much as I want to, maybe we don't have to kill him. If that's the case then maybe we can find another way, something to contain him, some other fate", I try to explain but fumble my words slightly.

"A fate worse than death", he reveals as if an idea has just popped into his head.

"Now we're talkin'. There's my malevolent imp. Is there a spell you know? Something we can enact?", I question.

"No but back in my shop, I might have just the thing", he discloses.

Really? He didn't think of this option before?

"Well, why didn't you bring it with you in the first place?", I retort.

"Because I came here to kill him and die in the process!", he yells and I can't help but laugh at him, how idiotic.

"Well, I could've told you that wasn't gonna happen. You forget, dear. I've known you a long time. I know all about your survival instincts", I state.

"Yeah, well, they just kicked in", he replies with a much needed change of attitude.

"Good. So now we just need a change of plans. We need to get back to your shop, pick up this magical item, and then all of our problems are solved", I explain.

"Crossing realms? Is that all?", he taunts, mocking my words.

"Yes, that's all", I grin.

He looks at me with confusion, sceptical over my words. But luckily for us, I know just the perfect little mermaid for the job.


Alice's P.O.V:

I eventually pull away from his embrace, feeling slightly more comforted then I was before. However, I was still in pain and it was obvious.

He smiles down at me in an affectionate manner but I look away and back towards the caves I just came from.

"We should leave", I tell him, not looking back.

What was I saying?

I know I needed to go back in there but I wanted to be as far away from it as possible. I didn't want to hear anymore of the truth. I wanted a way out but was going with Pan a good idea?

"As you wish", he eventually responds.

A weird feeling starts to travel through my body but I'm quickly am at ease by it, realising I was leaving the location I was currently in and going to a new one.

I look around is to see a random clearing in the forest and not his camp. I wave of shock and horror hits me as I step away from him and try to process everything that's happened. I sit on a log beside us, burying my face in my hands.

"Do you want to talk about it?", he asks gently.

"What's there to talk about?", I snap.

"My fake mother doesn't see me as her real daughter and the selfish dirty pirate betrayed me for wealth, what a shock", I continue, my voice laced with sarcasm and annoyance.

"I'm sorry this happened to you. I truly am", he speaks up and sits beside me as I bring my head up from the palm of my hands.

"It's no ones fault but my own. I should have seen it coming", I whisper slightly, changing up my tone upon reflection.

"Don't do that to yourself. There is no one to blame but them. That is what I've been trying to show you", he replies harshly.

"Please don't attack me with the 'I told you so'", I plead.

"That's not what I'm trying to do", he insists.

"Then what?", I question.

"Don't you see it?", he asks as I give him a curious look.

"They all pretend they are these mighty hero's but they're not. They've equally done terrible things and to eachother as well. Yet they go around acting high and mighty, like they are above everyone else. But the reality is they are no better", he explains.

"They make people believe this ridiculous narrative to the point where everyone else feels guilty about their behaviour, including you. So much so that you pretended to be someone you're not just so you could fit in with them because you were scared of their judgment. You were afraid to show them who you really and it forced you to held yourself to a high standard but it ate you alive every single day you were with them. You must understand that there is no need to do that to yourself. You shouldn't have to impress people to try and stay by their side. You're family should be the people you accept you no matter what", he continues.

I begin to process everything he is saying and for the first time in a while, Peter Pan is making sense. There is no twisted narrative or menacing manner about him, he is being truthful.

"You see it now don't you?", he asks, clearly seeing my thinking process.

"Alice you know I'm right. If they were genuinely good they wouldn't have said or done those things to you. They don't truly care like you want them to", he states.

"But I do. I care about you more than anyone else ever could. You don't have to pretend to be anyone around me. I would never resent you for being who you are because I love you", he adds.


I look at him with such surprise that I cannot hide my feelings, no matter how hard I try. He said he loves me. He hasn't said that in so many years that I forgot what it was like to hear it.

"You do?", I question, butterflies swarming my stomach. A feeling I had not felt in so long.

"Oh I didn't mean to spring that on you so suddenly", he states, realising what he just said.

"It's okay I guess", I mutter.

What is going through my head? I can't get caught up in my feelings like this. I need a reality check on the situation. I need to focus on doing...I need to concentrate on- what was it that I'm here for?

"Look I know I shouldn't have said that but I can't help it, even if I know you hate me back", he explains.

"You heard that?", I ask, referring to the comment I made before.

"Loud and clear", he says in disappointment.

"Peter I don't hate you", I admit.

His eyes light up at the sound of his name, his real name as he smiles back at me. It is like I am talking to the real Peter, the one I always knew, the I grew up with and the one I loved.

"So what do I do now?", I question him.

"Stay with me", he insists.

"I know things aren't the same as they use to be but they can be once again. I can make it better. I can give you everything you want. Just forget them Alice, forget them all. All we need is each other", he explains.

I keep my eyes on the floor, thinking about his reasonable words before I feel a hand under my chin, lifting my face up. He forces me to look at him as his eyes search mine, looking for an answer.

I don't have a response for him though. At first I felt confused and conflicted but now I feel comforted by his touch yet again. It washes away all the negative thoughts and doubt I had before.

I stop trying to focus on anything else and allow myself to be completely and utterly mesmerised by the moment. His words makes sense. Being with him makes sense. He is the only thing that makes sense to me.

My expression shows it all as he begins to smile at me like we are in agreement. As he continues to hold my face, he starts to caresses it gently with his smooth finger.

He looks at me intensely, thinking about the next move before he tilts his head towards mine. I don't stop him but rather go towards him too. As our lips touch I move with him.

Everything about this moment is perfect to my mind. I can forget about everyone else because he was right, he is the only thing I need.

As we continue to kiss, the moment becomes so incredibly familiar to me all of sudden. Like I have been in this place before. Then it hits me that I most certainly have.

Before the curse broke I needed comfort after the traumatic event that took place and he took advantage of that vulnerability. Even if that kiss lead to the end of my memory loss, it wasn't right.

It's only then that I realise that it's happening again. Events are repeating themselves because Pan had found a way to manipulate me once more.

This isn't right.

"Stop it", I yell as I immediately break away from him. He looks at me with confusion and slight anger at my actions as I stand up from the log I was sitting on.

"What's wrong?", he asks, standing up too as he tries to grab my hand.

"Stay away from me", I shout, walking back further.

"Alice please", he begs, trying to hide his frustration.

"No. I can't", I state.

I walk backwards even more existing the clearing. He slowly attempts towards follow me but I won't allow him. I need to alone.

"Don't follow me", I demand.

He instantly stops and actually listens to what I've said. He looks hurt but I can't believe that it's not an act, that he didn't just do and say those things to get me on his side.

My actions make me hate what I am more than I already do. I can't believe I fell into his trap fully knowing what he does to people. I wanted to believe everything would work out so badly.

I officially turn around and quickly walk away, not baring to be near him any longer. More silent tears roll down my face as I walk and the weather begins to chill.

Out of all the mistakes I've made, that was by far the worst.

A/N: THANKS FOR 24K!!!!!

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Stay safe and well everyone ❤️

Thanks for reading :)

Written - 27.04.21


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