Chapter 65 - The Thinking Tree

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I've been sat in the camp for what feels like forever. I've done practically nothing since they left, other then being utterly useless of course. I still couldn't get over everything that had happened and that I was not trusted enough to help them.

It was killing me. Waiting here and not knowing what the hell was going on. For all I know they could be dead, or worse. I didn't want to think like that but I was beyond worried. I knew Pan better then anyone and I knew he wouldn't give up. After all Peter Pan was not one to fail.

Tinkerbell and Hook have being dealing with the lost boys, who were all still unconscious. I would help them but I couldn't myself to do so. They haven't even asked me to. There was too much tension between us to even speak. I mean, I couldn't even look at Hook.

I had no idea how Tink was managing it. They seemed to be doing just fine apart from the slight hesitation I got from the way Tink was acting. By the looks of it, they must have already talked it out with each other but obviously she was still pissed. Not as pissed I was though.

Even with the lost boys placed on the ground, I still recognise almost all there faces. Some of old friends and some of enemies. I don't know if I can bring myself to stay here when they wake up. They would surly hate me after this ordeal.

I knew I had too much history with them to just stand by and watch. It would crush me. I missed them, I missed how things were before we got into this mess. I missed the days before Rumplestiliskin.

I had wondered to myself where I would be right now if we had never met him. And if that faithful day never happened. But I had no time to focus on the past, I couldn't go back.

James was my biggest concern. I had spotted him first and placed myself close to keep an eye out. I was honestly surprised he was still here. I thought he would have left Pan after he found out the truth.

I mean the last time I saw him he was so distort. I guess I never should have told him the truth without finding a way to get him his memory back. It was unfair. There was no way he would want to see me when he wakes up.

I stand up abruptly and decide it's time for me to leave. I have the urge to challenge and confront Pan. Regardless of what anyone thinks I need to do something.

"What are you doing?", Tink asks nervously.

I turn around to face her. If I was going to do this, the least I could do was assure her I would be okay. Otherwise I would leave her completely worried and that was unfair.

"What do you think?", I sigh, not trying to sound harsh.

"I thought we decided that wasn't a good idea", she says with concern.

"No you decided for me", I correct her.

"Because you're not thinking straight. If you were you would know that we have to stick to a plan in order succeed. That means not running off and doing whatever you please to get yourself hurt", she explains.

"But you know I can take care of myself", I argue.

"Of course I know that! But I'm worried. I've only just found you again and now you wanna run right back into danger", she states as I sigh once again, taking a deep breath and trying to piece my words together.

"Look Tink, it's beyond amazing to see you again, believe me. But I spent years on this island fighting for myself and I managed to survive that. I'm sure I can do it now", I respond.

"We barley escaped back then and when we did he found you again. And now you're here once more", she points out.

"Then the chances are he will find me anyway", I utter, letting out a dry laugh.

"This is serious", she asserts.

"I know!", I raise my voice slightly, then adjust my tone to softer one.

"I know, okay? I just-I can't stay here and let them die", I say in complete frustration.

She sighs in defeat as she realises there is no point in arguing with each other. I have my mind made up and it is something I need to do. I suddenly notice Hook behind us as he tuts in disappointment.

"So what is your plan? You're going to go out there and die instead?", he speaks up.

"I don't need your input pirate", I spit.

"I think you do or you're going to get yourself hurt", he states.

"Oh so we're doing this little I wanna protect you act now? You clearly never cared about me so don't pretend you do now", I respond.

"I do", he claims.

"No. You most certainly do not, so stay out of it or I promise I won't hesitate to cut your other hand off", I snarl.

"Hey stop it! We need to keep calm and focused right now and arguing with each other isn't going to help anything", Tink intervenes.

"You think I want to argue? Well I don't. But if you think I'm going to let him get away with what he's done then you're wrong", I state.

"I understand that but-", she begins but I cut her off immediately.

"No Tink. I am tired of it. Tired of being betrayed and manipulated all the time. Tired of people saying they care about me and doing actions that suggest otherwise. I want people to actually take accountability for what they do", I explain.

"You want me to take accountability? Fine. I made a mistake, I own that", he claims.

"Mistake? You made a conscious decision to sell me out to the person that I saved you from and leave me to rot on this island. Knowing full well what Pan was capable of", I state.

"I'm sorry, I truly am", he insists.

"You know the worst part is? I thought saw a man who was capable of being more than a selfish pirate but I was wrong. It disappoints me the most that I let myself trust someone like you. We were suppose to have each others backs", I explain.

"You may be mad at me Alice but we are both at fault here. You have been lying to me and everyone else all along. I deserved to know the truth", he responds.

"Okay so maybe I should of told you. But it was always my decision to make. You wouldn't want to know the full truth I promise", I claim.

"It was still unfair. Especially since we were both involved with Pan. If I knew about everything then-", he begins.

"It doesn't matter. It it wouldn't have made a difference in what you did to me", I explain.

"I said I was sorry", he states.

"Well I want to believe that you're telling the truth but I know that if you actually were, you would let me do what needs to be done", I explain.

"Guys I'm the safest out of any of you and you know it's true. So please, let me do the right thing. Let me fix this mess", I beg.

"Then anwser me one thing", Hook says.

"Anything", I respond.

"Did you care for him?", he asks.

I am of course taken back by the question. I have already had a constant battle with myself trying to answer it. But it was ironic, despite everything it seemed as if Hook was looking out for me like a concerned parent would.

"Once", I respond simply.

"Do you still?", he questions.

I didn't know the answer.

"It's complicated. But it doesn't really matter, Henry does", I reply.

"Then you should get going", he says plainly.

"What?", I ask, not believing I managed to convince him.

"You heard me. You're right it doesn't make sense for you to stay here", he explains.

"Thank you", I reply sincerely.

"Are you sure?", Tink asks me.

"I have to", I state.

"You better get back here as soon as possible", she insists as I nod in response.

"I will, I promise", I confirm and begin to walk out of the camp without a look back. As I do I hear some of the boys start to stir and know it is the perfect time to make my exit.

Once I'm beyond the boarders I don't hesitate to run as fast as I can towards skull rock. Fortunately it's not far from the camp and I can get there soon but I don't know if there will be enough time.

I still can't get over the shock that they actually let me leave. It shows that they trust me, which was shocking to me as it seems no one did. If Mary Margret and David weren't out to get the water from dead mans peak, there would be no way.

I am stopped in my tracks when an invisible force blows over me and almost knocks me to the ground. I stable myself quickly and look to the sky where a green light appears to be sweeping across the island.

I know exactly what that means. I'm too late. He's done it. He's taken Henry's heart. And I don't make it. I couldn't even get there in time to stop him and save Henry.

What do I do now? There is no point continuing to get to skull rock, I know he would have already left. But where would he go? Surly not back to camp, that's where the others will gather.

It immediately pops to mind exactly where he'll be. That one special place where we could be alone. The pixie tree we claimed for our own.

The thinking tree.


Peter Pans P.O.V:

I was beyond relief now I had the boys heart inside of me. I was no longer dying and I felt more powerful then ever before. It was an extraordinary feeling but not easy to achieve.

I had Henry exactly where I wanted him. After he saw how 'sick' Wendy was it pushed him to the edge. He wanted to be a hero so bad that he was willing to believe in anything.

It's a shame really, if it wasn't for the pressure those hero's put on others, it might have not happened. Luckily for me he was so caught up in my lies that he even doubted his own family when they came to stop me.

Not to mention my father coming to stop me before hand. He fell right into my trap though as I set that protection spell up. I knew he had no shadow and I could draw him in. I told him how much I loathed his existence and how little his worth was to me.

He had too much confidence with that stupid little box. I'm glad I got to see his eyes flicker with complete confusion and terror before I got rid of him forever. It's just too bad that he too couldn't resist the urge to play hero.

Did they really think that would work? I knew everything there was to know about that box. In the past I had already tried to use it on him but I had succeeded this time. Now he was trapped for eternity and out of my way for good.

Now I was just waiting to get rid of the other ones. First to go would be the saviour, the
Evil Queen and the princess. Three of the worst mothers I have ever come across. So pathetic and irritating.

The Evil Queen would be the most satisfying to finally get rid of. She had been a burden to me for too long. The fact she was Alice's mother would not stop me from doing what needed to be done. As long as she never finds out, it shouldn't be a problem.

They knew my location no thanks to a disloyal, treacherous, little lost boy. However, it gave me the opportunity I needed. After I arrived at the thinking tree I placed the box on the side and waited for them to arrive.

My trap was set in place and by the time they realised what was going on, it would be too late. The vines should be enough to keep them in place and get them out of the way. I'm going to enjoy gloating and torturing them.

Soon enough, they begin to enter the clearing. And with complete shock, they spot the box sitting on the rock. They are so gullible, I know they will fall for it. Anything to save their precious son.

"Look", the Queen says in surprise.

The saviour immediately takes out her sword as they all approach the tree. Snow White sets aside her bag of arrow shafts on the ground and moves to take the it.

"Careful", she warns as the princess momentarily stops.

"Pan wouldn't have just left it behind for no reason", she continues.

"It's David's only way home. Without Gold, we're stuck here-", she begins to argue but is stopped when the vines ensnare her from behind.

"Mary Margaret!", the saviour yells.

But she is flung against the tree and tied in place by the vines along with the Queen. They drop their weapons in the process and try to struggle against the vines, but it does nothing. I then walk out from behind the tree with a smirk on my face.

"Are you still at it? Don't you know?", I question, picking up the saviours sword from the ground.

"Peter Pan never fails. I didn't expect you to find me. Then again, I shouldn't be surprised. You're mothers. Quite tenacious about your offspring. But if you're looking to see Henry again, I have to tell you there's only one place you'll be reunited—in death", I continue.

This angers them enough to continue to struggle against the tight vines. They'll never learn. There's no way they can get out of this, no matter how hard they try but it was quite entertaining to watch.

"Having trouble moving? Not surprised, given where you are. You see, what's hastening your demise is your regret", I state.

"What are you talking about?", the saviour asks.

"This tree is the site of a very important event for me. It signifies my arrival here, the beginning of Neverland...", I begin.

"With Emily?", the saviour questions.

Her words make me smile. Knowing that someone spilled the beans on Alices true identity. They must know about our past. All thanks to Rumple I presume.

"Oh, so I see you found out the truth. It's about time", I chuckle.

"You must regret what you did to her too", she continues.

"But I don't. Quite the opposite, actually. Because now I'm getting everything I ever wanted. And you'll all be gone because no one is here to stop me. Not even Rumplestiltskin", I explain and hold up the box to gloat.

"You mean your father?", the saviour states, which makes me chuckle in surprise.

"So the old bastard told you? I didn't think he had the nerve", I grin.

"How can you be so evil as to hurt your own family?", Snow White questions.

Just the type of thing she would say. A naive little princess with the perfect life would know nothing about the struggles of others. She could never relate to Alice or me.

"They are no family of mine", I claim.

"You're a coward. Your magic is weakened. You can't even hurt us, let alone Rumplestiltskin", the Evil Queen argues.

"You're right. But that's why I'm here. This tree will protect me till my power's restored. And then, well... then I get to have some real fun", I smirk as I point the sword directly towards her.

The saviour then tries to lunge at me, but obviously fails. "There has to be another way", she states.

"You're not going to get to me. See, this tree attacks the regret inside anyone who comes here, and you, you've got plenty", I explain.

"I regret not taking a better shot at you when I had the chance", she spits.

"That's not all, is it, savior? No. I have your son's heart inside me. I can feel just how much you let him down time and time again", I tease her.

"Leave her alone", Snow White intervenes.

"Perhaps I should. I can't put all the blame on her when it's your fault. I mean what chance did she have of being a good mother? Look at the example you set. Abandoning her for twenty-eight years. And if that wasn't enough, you have completely rejected the other one but somehow you still claim to care", I state.

"Are you finished?", the Queen speaks up with sarcasm laced in her voice.

"Last words from the Queen, perhaps a deathbed confession from the one who has the most to regret. After all, not only did you curse, torture and murder thousands but you abandoned your daughter too", I reveal.

"Despite you're hatred for one another, you're a lot more a like than you think", I chuckle, pointing the sword between her and Snow White.

"How do you know about her?", the queen asks in confusion.

"I thought you would have figured by now. I know everything there is to know about all of you", I reveal.

"I did not abandon my daughter! She was taken from me", she claims.

"You could have stopped it if you really wanted but you were to weak to stand up to your mother, weren't you?", I taunt.

"Stop talking boy before I rip your throat out", she threatens.

This makes me erupt with a menacing laughter. Even when I am clearly winning she still has the nerve. I guess I can admire that.

"And how are you planning on doing that from there?", I ask.

"I'll find a way", she promises and tries to push herself off the tree with brute force, only to be pulled back immediately. However, this does not deter her as she continues to try.

"If only you had this fight in you when Cora ripped her from your arms", I scoff.

"You don't get the right to speak about her", she shouts at me.

"But don't you want to know who she is?", I ask. At this, she stops struggling straight away and looks at me in confusion.

"How would you know?", she questions.

"I thought I already answered that question", I tut, my grin growing wider at the satisfaction of it all.

"Tell me what you know", she demands.

"I don't think you're in a position to be making demands", I snicker.

"Tell me!", she repeats herself.

"I mean you don't really need me to answer that question, look for yourselves", I reveal.

"Her dark brunette hair matches your own so perfectly and her eyes are so similar to dear old Daniels. She's certainly got your attitude too", I continues.

They all look at me in complete bewilderment. Oh this is way too fun. How could they not see it? It's so obvious if they actually thought about it. I suppose they haven't even considered it a possibility.

"Come on, it's been under your noises for all these years and you still don't know?", I tease.

"No, not her", Snow White speaks up, shaking her head as she doesn't want to accept the truth. Thank god someone finally gets it, it was killing me.

"What are you talking about?", the Queen questions her.

"Regina don't you see?", she responds.

"Emily?", the saviour questions.

"There's no way. It can't be true", the Queen responds.

"Oh but it is", I sneer.

"Why would you tell us this?", the saviour asks.

"Because you'll never get to share it", I chuckle darkly.

"What?", Snow White asks nervously.

"Oh did I forget to mention? That's the best part. You'll be dead before you can finally see you're daughter properly. And trust me when I say I'm going to enjoy killing you", I say in a more aggressive tone.

"I suppose it's a good thing that she doesn't know who you are really. She'd be so disappointed to find out that someone like you could be her mother", I speak further.

"Why are you doing all this?", the Queen questions.

"Call it revenge I suppose", I reveal.

"Revenge? What the hell did I ever do to you!?", she screams.

She didn't know? After what I just told her. All Alice wanted to do was find her mother and I knew that once she did, she would leave me. If the Queen wasn't around it wouldn't have been an issue and ever since I told Alice that her mother was dead, it hadn't been.

But if she ever found out now it would be a problem again and I can't have that. I can't have her going off with the hero's again. I need her to be here and stay put.

"You tried to take away my happiness", I explain.

They look at me in defeat, knowing I have the complete upper hand. I finally feel completely in control the way I like to. Everything is going in my favour.

A sharp pain suddenly erupts through my chest. I recognise the feeling of a hand grabbing my heart and yanking it out. I look up in exhaustion to see Alice standing in from of me with Henry's throbbing heart in her hand.

"You've destroyed more happiness than anyone", she states.

Her glare cuts through me like knife. All I see is pure disgust and hatred. I slowly fall to the ground in agony. She must have heard what just happened but how is she here? Why is she awake? This was not a part of the plan.

As I crumple you the floor I watch her grab the saviours sword from the floor where I dropped it and attack the vines. She manages to kill it with one cut and free them. All three of them look completely speechless as no words are shared.

She then gives the sword back to the saviour and grabs the box from my hand, passing it to the Queen with an uncomfortable look, now knowing their mother-daughter relationship.

"Go", she demands.

"Give this to Henry and get on the ship", she adds, passing the heart to the saviour.

"What about you?", Snow White questions.

"I'll meet you there. I have some unfinished business", she states, turning back to me.

They don't hesitate to leave the clearing and rush back to the boy. However, Alice stays behind and looks at me with nothing but anger.

"You thought you could win. You thought you could lie and trick me over and over again but you can't. It's over Pan. For once you failed.", she spits.

"Please Alice, don't leave me. Please", I plead, trying to reach out to her.

She says nothing, she doesn't even look back for a second as she slowly walks out the clearing in the same direction as the others. My vision starts to turn black as I loose all energy and consciousness.

A/N: THANKS FOR 31k and 32k!!!!!

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Stay safe and well everyone ❤️

Thanks for reading :)

Written - 27.06.21


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