Chapter 67 - Is It Really Over?

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Rumplestiltskins P.O.V:

After a brief encounter with Alice she had suspiciously went off from the rest off the group to who knows where. There was no way I trusted that that girl didn't work for Pan.

She had spent way to many years fighting for him to just let him go. I don't believe for one second that her ripping Henry's heart out his body was anything more than just a part of Pans schemes.

Unfortunately I had no way to prove it and the rest of them had all fallen for her act. I couldn't even have Regina on my side since she was aware of their relationship now.

I tried to celebrate in the fact that my son would no longer bother me but I knew that couldn't be true. I had this uneasy feeling about it that wouldn't go away.

I suddenly feel the aura of another's magic on the ship, confirming my right to be worried. It was dimming so I knew it was him right away, the power was weak and slowly dying out. Baelfire clearly noticed my change of expression as he turns to me concerned.

"What's wrong?", he asks.

"It's nothing, don't worry son", I lie.

"I'm just going to check on something", I add.

His face goes calmer. I discreetly grab a hold of Pandora's box, trying not to alarm anyone, and make my way below deck. I immediately transport myself inside the room Henry is staying in, spotting Pan standing over him with his dagger out.

"What? What are you doing?", Henry stutters.

"I wanted your heart, Henry, but your family took it away from me and left me for dead. Their mistake", Pan scolds as he attempts to pull out Henry's heart but backs away in shock by the enchantment protecting it.

"Ugh!", he grunts, looking at his hand and back to Henry.

"Oh, how clever", he remarks, realising there is magic protecting it. He suddenly tears into Henry's back, trying to rip out his shadow. I get out the box as soon as I realise what's happening.

"What are you doing?!", Henry shouts in surprise, straining in pain.

"Seems like you've been caught off guard, son. I suppose Peter Pan can fail", I announce.

Without any hesitation, I open Pandora's box as the dark red smoke starts to engulf his body. It quickly pulls him away but he still refuses to let go of Henry. Eventually, his grip starts to slip and he's quickly absorbed.

"No!", he yells in panic and disappears into the box as it is closed.

A satisfied smile makes its way on my face as I have him finally trapped forever and unable to do anything about it. It was a far worse fate then death and much deserved for all the trouble he had caused me.

I always felt nothing but hatred for that boy, along with his dreadful mother. And now they were both gone. It's a shame really, if he just stopped constantly trying to get his revenge on me, maybe I would have left him be.

The heavy sound of feet come rushing from above as a pair of legs descend down the wooden ladder from the top deck. Regina comes into the room and reaches to Henry's bedside.

"Henry? Henry!?", she yells, checking on him.

"It's okay. I'm okay", Henry reassures with a gasp.

"Are you sure?", she questions.

"He's a strong boy, Regina. You raised him well", I state as some of the group emerges.

"Henry? Regina?", Emma yells, coming towards them with Baelfire by her side.

"Are you okay?", Snow White questions.

"Yes, yes we're fine", Regina reassures.

"Are you sure?", Baelfire asks with concern.

"I'm fine, I promise", Henry says.

"What happened?", Prince Charming asks.

"Pan was here. He tried to take Henrys heart again but thanks to your enchantment Regina, he was unsuccessful", I explain.

"Where is he now?", Emma asks in a panicked tone.

"Right here", I state, holding up the box.

"And unable to harm us ever again", I continue.

"How the hell did he get on the ship in the first place?", Regina questions, raising her voice in anger.

"Now that is a good question, isn't it?", I say in a semi sarcastic tone.

"You told me that you left him for dead", I add.

"We did", she states.

"Then how can you explain what just happened?", I question in annoyance.

"I don't know! We took Henry's heart and came straight back to the ship", she explains.

"Really? I seem to recall a certain someone was missing when you arrived", I say in a snarky tone.

All there faces light up in shock as they realise exactly who I'm talking about. It didn't need any further explanation, it was plainly obvious.

"What are you insinuating?", Regina spits.

"He must have had help to be able to get here somehow", I state.

"No. There's no way that she would ever betray us like that", Snow White insists.

"How can you be sure?", I ask.

"Because we were the ones who saw her do it. You didn't see the amount of hatred she had for him", Emma speaks up.

"In the moment it may appeared like that but you have no idea how she was feeling when you left. She could have easily changed her mind and felt guilty enough to help him. Or maybe she had every intention of doing so from the beginning", I explain.

"Are we seriously still going to have this debate?", Prince Charming asks.

"How else can you explain her disappearance?", I question.

"Look we don't even know the half of it. We can't just presume that every time she does something we don't fully understand, she's plotting against us", Baelfire states.

"It's simple to understand if you open your eyes a little. You people might not want to believe it but it could easily be true. Let's remember that I knew her before any of you, I know what she's done, which means I know exactly what she is capable of", I explain.

"That barely means anything. Gold we are all capable of doing terrible things", Emma states.

"Yeah especially you. You can't be one to talk about questionable past actions", Regina spits.

"I could say the same about you, your majesty", I respond.

"None of that even matters right now. Judge her by how she is acting now. Can you seriously not see for yourself what kind of state she's in? She's so distressed from this situation, she can't even hide it if she tried. I'm telling you, she's not on his side", Snow raises her voice.

"If you're so confident in that statement, why don't you just simply question her about it and be done with it?", I ask.

"Because I don't need to. I've already had a lack of trust in her before and I won't make that mistake again. I won't lose her because of this petty assumption", she responds.

"Fine. If you don't want to heed my warning then that's your own fault. But trust me when I've say that she's dangerous and the sooner you all realise that, the better", I warn them.

"Who are you talking about?", a new voice speaks up. Everyone looks down at the boy who we forgot was listening to our conversation.

"It's no one you need to worry about Henry", Regina explains.

"But if they're dangerous I need to know, they could hurt me", he insists.

"We won't let anyone hurt you", Emma assures.

"Have you told him about her yet?", I question Regina directly.

"I haven't had the chance", she responds.

"Told me what?", he asks with a concerned look on his face.

"Don't worry, we just have a lot to catch up on, that's all", she reassures in a comforting tone.

"Henry doesn't need to hear all this nonsense, let's leave him to rest", Baelfire announces, encouraging everyone to leave the room, which we do.

Henry is left alone to sleep as we all step out onto the main deck. With everyone uneasy after that discussion, they go off. All a part from a hot headed Regina coming my way.

"Don't you dare question my daughter again Gold", she yells.

"Why? Because now you know who she is? Because she's you're daughter she can do no wrong? Before all that, you were just as distrustful of her as I am but now you're defending her to no end? All that's changed just because she's yours?", I question.

"You need to face the truth your majesty. Our children are a product of us; they're evil. I know you haven't seen it but when they were together it was a nightmare. And if she had the opportunity to have him back, I have no doubt that she would. Just don't underestimate her", I inform her.

After that, she doesn't have much more to say to me as she thinks about what I've said. I know deep down she still doubts Alice even if she doesn't want to anymore.

I soon walk away from the situation, needing a break from the chaos. I should be happy that I've gotten rid of Pan but I was concerned about Alice. I was never going to be properly satisfied with her around.

Speaking of the girl, she was heading straight in my
direction on the deck and it was clear in her manner that she wanted to talk to me. Can I not get a break from her?

"What do you want?", I ask harshly.

"I need you to do something me", she states.

Did I just hear that correctly?

"What?", I chuckle in disbelief.

"Trust me when I say you are the very last person I would ever go to but here I am", she spits.

"And why is that?", I question with a smirk.

"Because I'm desperate and I need your help", she says truthfully

"Why me?", I ask.

"I need your magic", she insists.

"Is your own not good enough?", I scoff.

"Do you think I would be here if it was?", she snaps back.

"Why mine then?", I inquire.

"Well it's like you said earlier, you're the most powerful among us. So if anyone can do this for me, unfortunately it's you", she explains.

"And what exactly is this thing you need doing?", I question.

"Breaking a spell", she states.

"What makes you think I would do you any favours?", I respond in disbelief.

"Honestly, nothing. I know we don't have any deals and I have nothing to offer you but don't you think you owe me?", she declares.

"Owe you?", I scoff.

"You ruined my life and more importantly you ruined your sons, just so you could get your revenge on an innocent women. He wouldn't have taken the path he did if it wasn't for your actions. You caused us both so much pain, so the least you can do is do me this favour", she explains.

"I don't do favours", I state.

"You did for David. You're curing him of dreamshade without him giving you anything in return. Does that not feel better than tormenting and tricking others into doing your dirty work with those sick deals of yours?", she responds.

"Look despite what I've said before, I know that you've changed. I know you have some good in that black heart of yours. You helped save Henry with no deal or exchanges. Just take another step in the right direction and help a girl you wronged to not lose absolutely everything she has", she continues.

"The problem with that dearie, is that you wronged me equally. You spent years trying to hunt me down and kill me, so where's my amendment?", I reply.

"Are you kidding me? I just killed the first boy I ever loved because of the mistakes you made. I fixed your mess and it cost of everything I had in Neverland. I mean, for gods sake he's dead, is that not enough for you? You finally got what you wanted all along and now you get to go home to your happy ending. I don't have that now because of you and I probably never will if you don't listen to me", she claims.

I could tell she was telling the truth. The look in her eyes were full of pure devastation over what happened. Maybe Snow White was right, it was clear to see that her suffering was real and that everything I said was just an assumption like she said.

A tiny part of me felt bad for her situation but I didn't regret anything I did. I had my revenge on both my son and his pathetic mother. I wouldn't have had it done any other way. I didn't trust her still, however I felt that it would be fair to at least hear what she has to ask.

"I'll help you, just this once. But let me make this clear, you don't get a pass for everything you've done to me. So don't think this makes us friendly acquaintances and you can come to me for help whenever you want", I grunt.

"I think that goes both ways. I know you don't like me and I don't particularly like you either so after this is done, we can just stay out of each others way", she states.

"Fine. What do you want me to do?", I spit.

"I have a friend from Neverland. Pan took his memory and-", she begins but I stop her.

"Then I can't help you", I state.

"What? Why not?", she asks.

"If Pan made the enchantment, I can't undo it. His magic was even more powerful then mine and unable to broken by anyone but himself", I explain.

"So that's it? The only person who can help him is gone and he's stuck like that forever?", she questions.

I nod to confirm. I was telling her the truth, I couldn't do what she wanted me too. I had meant everything I said but I was keeping something from her.

Technically, there was a way to help her friend that she didn't know about. Since Pan is trapped in the box and not actually dead, he could be let out to help her. But if I told her the truth, she would want to open the box and let him out, which I can't allow.

There was no way I was willing to risk that after all these years. Under no circumstances can she ever find out that he is alive and I will make sure she doesn't.


Alice's P.O.V:

I was devastated. The only person who could help James was dead and even he if were here, he wouldn't want to. Even worse I had to break the news.

How was I going to tell James that I couldn't fix  something which happened because of me. It was going to be one of the hardest things I've ever done. If he didn't hate me before, he would after this.

I try to gain the strength to go over to him but after our last encounter that was hard to do. His eyes meet mine as I come closer and I see his tired expression.

"I know your mad at me right now but I need you to hear me out for a second", I announce.

"Why are you here Alice?", he asks in a harsh tone.

"To tell you you were right", I sigh.

"What?", he questions looking up at me in surprise.

"Everything you said about me was true. And even though it really hurt to hear I can't deny it. I always seem to be the one to make decisions and everyone else gets hurt because of it. But I don't want to be like that anymore", I explain.

"Really?", he scoffs.

"And how are you planning on doing that?", he adds.

"By doing the right thing even if I don't want to", I state.

"What are you talking about?", he questions.

"We need to stay away from each other from now on. We can't trust each other because you don't know the full truth and you never will now. We both know that being around me isn't good for you and to be honest I can't really be around you with how you are now", I explain.

"What's that suppose to mean?", he asks.

"You're not him. I know that sounds stupid but without your memories, you're a stranger to me. It's not fair for me to treat you as the same person you were before. It's too painful to see you not know who I truly am", I respond.

"I thought you were going to keep fighting? What made you change your mind?", he questions.

"I thought I could undo what Pan did to your memory but I can't, no one can", I explain.

"I'm never going to get it back?", he says in a somber tone, looking down at the ground.

"I'm so sorry. I know it's my fault, I should have never dragged you into this mess. I think the best thing to do now is move on. You should forget about me and Neverland and go find something new. Get the fresh start you deserve", I express.

"Maybe that's best", he says quietly, still not looking up.

Of course I didn't want him to leave but he couldn't stay, there was nothing for him in Storybrooke. I wouldn't be able to cope with seeing him around and knowing that I failed him.

I can't heal from this whole experience if I'm constantly reminded of everything just by looking at his face. I want this new start too. I finally found my real parents and have a family I never had before. But I still needed him and I wanted him to know how hard this was.

"Look, no matter what you've heard before or what anyone says, I do care about you and I always will, which is why I have to do this", I confess.

His eyes finally look back up again for a brief moment after my statement then look back down in despair. This was it. I finally did the right thing and I'd never felt worse.

As I walk away from him for the last time, I feel the tears well up in my eyes as I think about how much loss I've experienced now. The only thing that puts my mine at ease, is that it was over. It was finally over.

Something unusual quickly catches my eyes and pulls me away from my thoughts. As I stare down at the lower deck I swear to god I spot Felix and Henry talking.

What the hell is that about?

A/N: THANKS FOR 35k, 36k and 37k!!!!!

So sorry about how long it's been since the late update! It's been a very hectic month 😅

Let me know your opinions on the story and any ideas that you have. There will be regular updates, so stay around if you like the story so far. Vote if you really enjoy the story it will be very much appreciated.

Stay safe and well everyone ❤️

Thanks for reading :)

Written - 06.08.21


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