Hawthorne x Cadence

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I don't really ship this but I got a request and thought it might be fun. Plus I wanted an excuse to add in a HTTYD line so you'll find that too.

Hawthorne's eyes flew open. He leapt out of his bed and seized his pack of dragonriding things. He slung it over his shoulders and hurried downstairs to his brown door. He grabbed the handle and swung the door open. Mornings in the Swift household were always rushed. Hawthorne had to get to school early each day, without any breakfast, which was why he always gobbled down twenty biscuits during Hometrain. He didn't care what anyone thought of that- he was HUNGRY! Well... except for one person. He cared what one person thought. Which was why THIS morning he was going to muster some etiquette and please Cadence Blackburn. He finished getting dressed, at the last minute grabbing the extra coat he always ignored, and rushed through the second door to Station 919.

"Hey, Morrigan," Hawthorne said as he moved through the seats of Unit 919's carriage to get to his friend. "Hi," Morrigan greeted him, passing the biscuit jar. Hawthorne selected a chocolate cookie but didn't eat it. "Where's Cadence?" he asked, noticing the absence of his friend. Morrigan rolled her eyes. "Seriously, I thought we'd gone through this! Cadence is our friend, the mesmerist!" "Who?" Hawthorne said, momentarily confused. "I mean, I know! Where is she?" Morrigan frowned. She turned and scanned the carriage. "Oh," Morrigan said. "Um, I don't know." She stood up and made her way over to Miss Cheery. Hawthorne got up, too, and followed. "Hey, where's Cadence?" Hawthorne asked loudly. Miss Cheery spun around. "Ah, Swift, you'll be the death of us," she said, not unkindly. "She's sick today." Hawthorne sucked in a sharp breath. "She'll be fine," Miss Cheery added. "Stop the train!" Hawthorne yelped, freaking out. Miss Cheery frowned and obediently grabbed the lever. The train screeched to a halt. "Now, Swift," Miss Cheery said, puffing. "You sit down and have a biscuit, she'll be fine." But Hawthorne was gone.

Hawthorne ran through the streets he knew until they turned into the ones he didn't, at which point he stopped. He considered the area surrounding him for a minute before pelting off again. It took a while, but he finally found Cadence's quiet street and entered her house. It was West to Old Town, further than Hawthorne had been before. "Cadence?" he called. "Idiot," the unmistakably flat voice of Cadence replied. "Go home, you'll catch something," the voice directed as the form of Cadence appeared out of a well-lit hallway. "Cadence," Hawthorne repeated, relieved. "Oh, for gods sake," Cadence hissed. She took Hawthorne's hand and pulled him through the door he'd entered again. In the sunlight, Hawthorne could see her beautiful, sleek hair properly. "Hurry up," Cadence whispered harshly. She kept her voice low and quiet to not mesmerize him. She tugged him down the streets all the way to a beautiful park. "I know you have some idiotic reason for being here," Cadence told Hawthorne. "So I thought, why not get out of the house." She blushed lightly. Hawthorne did too. "Cadence," he said again. "Listen, I-" Cadence punched him. Hawthorne fell back. "Awesome," he said with a grin, rubbing his face. "That's for being an idiot," Cadence said crossly. She pulled him closer to her and kissed him. She pulled away quickly. "That's for... everything else," she said. "Hey, Cadence," Hawthorne said nervously. "You up for... you know, being my girlfriend? Or like... I dunno. I really like you." Cadence laughed awkwardly. "Sure," she said. "If you'll go back to school, dumboi."

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