Chapter 1

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Back in the world of GBN Y/N was back at taking on some quests he wanted to get done. But he got more challenges, which to him his bothersome now. Especially getting lots upon loads of Force invites, he declined them all, he's not much for teams even though he would like to join one. It's mainly the way he fights, he prefers to fight alone because he goes wild in battle, hence why he got the name The Berserker.

After declining all the invites, did a few quests, destroyed his challengers he just explored a few places to pass the time especially him just lounging on a hill top sitting on the shoulder armour of Nightingale. He can't explain it but he stared at the head of Nevermore and some reason he just reminiscently smiled.

Y/N: "You're the best partner in the world you know that."

Even though there was no reply but somehow he just looked ack at the land below and sighed.

Y/N: "Look at me, talking to my Gunpla like some weirdo. But regardless I hope you know Nevermore I ment it."

After a couple more minutes of sitting he stood up but heard something behind him, it sounded like a gunpla coming, he looked back and seen what was approaching. It looked like two Grazes from Ironblooded Orphans.

As they approached the Grazes roughly stopped but Y/N was in Nevermore. When Nevermore made a loud mechanical roar he aimed his beam rifle at them and it started to charge. But then a voice came from one of them....

???: "Hey hey hey hey STOP SENPAI!"

He stopped his rifle charge and lowered his rifle and looked at them confused.

Y/N: "Huh? You sound familiar."

Y/N materialized out of Nevermore and two little Haros rolled in front of him. One Red and the other was Dark Blue.

Y/N: "Oh, are you two new divers or something?"

Red: "C'mon Senpai that hurts!"

Blue: "Yeah that hurts, we're your Kohais!"

After a few seconds of thought he finally recognized the two Haros.

Y/N: "MOMO AND KAI? What are you two doing here?"

Both Momo and Kai are his Kohais both Freshman at the academy they all go to, he took them under his wing when they both were having trouble with their studies. The Seniors of the Nova Academy can or not take in one or two freshman to help them out and guide them through their freshman year. The two like Y/N for his good nature and teaching skills, he may be strict with them but he also gives them good praise and help when they need it. So they both adore him like an older brother.

Momo Tori

Kai Yanase


They cheered and just jumped at him and made their senpie fall on his back but all three of them just laughed from there own little moment of hilarity. Then they just sat on the hill where Y/N was. Come to find out they wanted to try GBN but they didn't really didn't know anybody besides themselves and now they know their awesome Senpai is here that made it all the better for them. For now they are using donar gunpla and using Haros for appearances.

Y/N: "So how are you two enjoying GBN, did any quests yet?"

Momo: "Yeah we just did our first mission together but it's cool you're here too Senpai!"

Kai: "Yep it makes the experience a whole lot better."

Y/N: "That's good to hear you two. So why the Grazes of all things?"

Momo: "W-We picked them because we liked them."

Kai: "Do you don't like them?"

Y/N: "Truthfully I actually like the whole soldier and grunt look, I have my own Graze in my room just customized to how I like it."

Both his Kohais smiled knowing their Senpie liked their choices.

Momo: "We'd like to get our own sometime, we both just started to get into Gunpla because of you."

Kai: "Yeah we seen you messing around with a model at lunch time a few weeks ago, and don't worry we know what we're getting into."

Y/N: "Hmm yeah I hope you do know, for new divers like you two it can get intimidating. Especially if you face off against strong opponents, and you'llbe defeated alot."

Then he patted the two Haros.

Y/N: "But don't worry you two, when you are defeated you get right back up you train and practice and figure out what works for you. Plus like in school you'll have me as your teacher."

Both his Kohais were moved but Momo jumped up and rubbed her face on his metal helmet.

Momo: "You're the best Senpai!!"

Kai: "Yeah you're the best!!"

Y/N: "Oi oi don't get all mushy on me you two hehe."

Thirty Minutes Later

After awhile the three went back into the GBN Seaside Base lobby his Kohais are happily following him around and he decided to find a good quest for his friends to do with him. While looking for a good quest his kohais heard the other Divers around them look directly at their Senpai with fear. They were confused why but after hearing some of them talk how scary he is including calling him the Berserker. After choosing a simple elimination mission they instantly were teleported to the lobby area where their gunpla are stationed.

As Y/N was prepping his machine his Kohais were doing the same. After some waiting they materialized into a grassy field with a far away town. Then the three talked through there gunplas speakers.

Momo: "Ok Senpai what's this mission you have for us?"

The Nevermore turned its massive body to them making noises while it does. Just that alone sends shivers down their spines.

Y/N: "Ok, what I have for you two today is a simple Search and Destroy mission. All you have to do is go into that town below and take out the ten Jesta's attacking it."

Kai: "Ok, what do the enemies look like?"

Y/N: "Hmhmhm just like your Gunplas they're a solder and grunt units. And be careful they have nigh indestructible shields along with grenades, they also have good and accurate beam rifles. Watch out for their beam sabers because those can cut you in two in a CQC fight."

He then showed a photo of what a Jesta looks like into their  Huds and both nodded

Y/N: "Both of you make sure to count out your kills, because each of you have to take on five each. I will step in if necessary. Buy I believe in you guys can handle this, You got this!"

Both of the new Divers in the Grazes cheered but Y/N had one more thing for them to do what the Graze can do.

Y/N: "Oh one more thing before charging head first into that mess you gotta see where your enemies are. There's one thing you two can do in your Grazes, they have what I call MonoScopes."

The two look at their Senpai confused but after some fiddling with the controls both of them set their sites on the city and used one of the Grazes abilities and that's its Scope.

Momo: "I think I got it!"

Then her Grazes head split open revealing its bright glowing eye.

Momo: "Woah I can see the town upclose now, I can almost see everything."

Then Kai activated his Scope.

Kai: "Yeah, I can see all the Jesta's from here. Well Momo it looks like yours are in the western part of town while my group is in the east."

Momo: "Yeah it makes it easier for us when our groups are separated. Ready to do this Kai!"

Kai: "YEAH Let's do this!"

Both of there Monoeyes deactivated and readied up and grabbed there axes. Y/N activated his beam tomahawk and pointed it at the town.

Y/N: "Head out you two, destroy them but most of all have fun!"

Both of the Grazes went down the hill axes up and hyped up for a fight while cheering. Y/N just laughed for a moment.

Y/N: "Have fun you two, it's one of the most important things in GBN."

A song that's for this story.

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