Chapter: 2

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Y/N is at School but his class is almost done, right now he's completing some of his C++ coding assignments that his teacher gave out. But luckily he was able to finish his work before the bell rang. Even as the rest of his classmates are getting out but he's emailing his completed work to his teacher.

(Me and QYONNYJ know the PAIN of coding.)

After a couple of minutes doing all that his teacher let him go. After going down the hallway for a couple minutes to his locker and dropping off a few things there and he was about to lunch but before he can do that he felt a poke on his shoulder. Turning around he saw his friend Mio, when he turned he accidentally looked at her massive chest first then her face.

Mio: "Wanna have lunch together today Y/N?"

Y/N thought about it but he eventually gave in from her bright golden puppy eyes. He sighs and smiles.

Y/N: Oh sure, I don't mind."

Mio smiled and happily hugged his right arm and lightly dragged him to the cafeteria. When they got there they got their food and sat at a table together. Mio took glances at Y/N while blushing.

Mio: "H-hey Y/N I have something to ask you."

He looked at her and nodded.

Y/N: "Sure, what is it Mio?"

Mio too in a deep breath and steeled herself to ask the biggest question of her life.... somewhat biggest.

Mio: "Well, i-its something really important. I was wondering if.."

???: "Senpai!!"

Both of them flinched and the two looked down the cafeteria and saw both his Kohais, Momo speed walking toward them but Kai was holding onto her dress trying to stop her but she's extremely strong and continued to walk towards her senpai while dragging Kai. Both Y/N and Mio had a deadpanned look, for Y/N it's from his Kohais acting like this, for Mio.. she's angry she was interrupted while asking something big. Momo and a tired Kai sat at the table with them.

Momo: "Hey Senpai we didn't see you all day, did you not get any breaks?"

Y/N: "Unfortunately I didn't, we were given heavy coding assignments. Even if we stopped for breaks we wouldn't be able to finish our assignments, just before the bell rung I was able to finish it all..... now my fingers feel like jello."

He put his hands up and the three saw all his fingers were shaking.

Kai: "Sorry to hear that Senpai, all that typing must be rough."

Y/N: "You have no idea."

Y/N slumped his shoulders but Mio put her hand on his holder to reassure him. After awhile of the three talking and eating together momo remembered something she was going to ask along with Kai.

Momo: "Oh Senpai do you still have your gunpla on you?"

Y/N stopped drinking his orange juice and nodded.

Momo: "Can you take it out I really want to examine it."

Mio: "You carry your gunpla with you?"

Y/N: "I do, the reason is because between here and my apartment is the gunpla store is smacked dab in the middle. So I can basically log into GBN and get home within fifteen to twenty minutes."

Y/N grabbed his backpack and took out a box. Opening it it revealed the gunpla that is extremely well known in GBN, The Nevermore Nightingale.

As he placed it on their table Momo looked at it up close with stars in her eyes.

Momo: You're gunpla is so cool Senpai!"

Kai: "you did alot to make this gunpla look good. What's the gunpla it's based from?"

Y/N: "That I did, lots of love and customization went into it."

Mio: "I can tell."

Mio then looked at Y/N while both Momo and Kai were looking at the Nevermore and taking in every detail of the gunpla. Mio thought of something else then earlier of what she was going to ask.

Mio: "Hey Y/N can you help me with something after school? It's kinda important."

Y/N: "Oh sure, but what is it you need?"

Mio: "Oh *looks away* n-nothing really."

Y/N looks at her suspiciously, after awhile longer of talking together to one another. After all their classes Mio saw Y/N exiting the building, she was definitely excited especially Y/N will like it for what she's going to ask. She walked to him and they greeted each other but Mio grabbed Y/Ns hand and dragged him along. He asked on where they are going but Mio blew it off, anyway Y/N noticed the path they're going and it's the path he always takes home. But after some more walking the two finally end up at their destination, infront of the GBN building he always goes too.

Y/N: "Ok, why are we here?"

Mio: "Well..... today I want to get a Gunpla."

Y/N: "Wait.... what?"

Ok that cought him off guard.

Y/N: "I thought you wouldn't be interested in this type of thing."

Mio: "Well I wanted to try the whole Gunpla thing for awhile, but I'm just stuck on what to get for my very first Gunpla and hopefully, get on GBN and play with you."

Y/N did some thinking and she'll definitely need some help with choosing her first Gunpla, he remembers his first time his old man took him to an old hobby store and bought him his first gunpla a Hi-Nu Gundam. And till this day that gunpla is still precious to him because it's what got him into this, but when GBN came round it made it even better with GBD.

Y/N: Well..... I can definitely help you with choosing your first gunpla, it can get really head racking at first."

The couple entered the store and let's just say, Mio is overwhelmed on what she saw Gunpla....... EVERYWHERE.

Mios eyes went all over the place. Just seeing all the gunpla to choose from she almost fainted from gunpla overload. After lightly holding up Mio Y/N walked with Mio and they both looked around for Mio to get. But unfortunately she can't really choose, but Y/N decided to let her wander around for awhile after letting her take a quick breather. She looked and looked, till she had an odd feeling that couldn't escape her. Almost zombie like she walked to an lane that was near the end of the hall and showed lots of Perfect, Master Grades along with two Mega Size gunpla but she didn't pay them any mind but she walked down an isle and she was out of her stupor. Looking around confused but she was holding a box that she didn't even know she grabbed, when she examined it she fell in love with what it was.

She smiled and found Y/N holding a box too, but it was something else ong with a pair of nippers and a hobby knife.

Y/N: "Nice, the Wing Gundam. Nice choice there Mio."

Mio: "Thank you, just grabbed it all of a sudden. Can't really describe it. Umm what's those you got there?"

Y/N: "Oh, I thought I'd grab you your first pair of Nippers and knife you'll definitely need."


Ok that scared her.

Y/N: "Both are necessary for you, mostly removing nubs. But don't worry I got these for you, including your Wing Gundam."

He grabbed her box and held it along with her new Prototype Guncannon along with the nippers and knife.

Mio: "Oh you don't have to..."

Y/N: "Don't worry about it, consider these my gifts to you."

Mio: "But why that other one though?"

Y/N: "You can build this first so you can get a feel for building, *smiles*  plus gotta start somewhere before building your favorite one."

She smiled at Y/N's generosity and he bought them. He decided to pay it forward from his dad. Instead of a child he bought them for a girl that he likes and has a crush on. But unfortunately when she saw the price her head almost exploded because the nippers he got her are God's Hands Nippers and they are expensive, but he waved her off and said it was okay and bought it all anyway. He has lots of extra money from working with his auntie at photo shoots, most are extra tips because alot of girls like him, but his auntie approves Mio more then with all the other girls she works with.

(An IRL update: Well even with my grandpa passing away I played some games with friends and talked with some family members. My gamer buddies all made feel better by having some laugh in Dying Light 2. So I decided to update this and finishup this chapter. But tell me what do you guys think of this story so far?)

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