Chapter 13

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"I'm sorry we didn't tell you, Will." Mabel sighed. "I didn't think you cared about my brother that much."

"I always have seen Dipper as a brother." William whispered. "We were close."

"I never saw it." Mabel said, gripping the mug of tea Wil had brought her with both hands. "He always seemed so....independent."

"You're talking about him like he's already gone." Will pointed out. "He isn't gone."

"Well at the moment he's missing."

"I told you where he is." Will mumbled. "He's at the Mystery Shack."

"Hey Will?" Mabel suddenly said.


"Do you like working for us?" She gripped her mug tighter.

"Believe it or not, I actually do like working for you two." Will took a sip of tea from his mug. "You two seem to need all the help you can get."

"Because of our situation?" She questioned.

"Because you both act so independent but it's obvious that you both need help, but you won't admit it, or want to get help." William explained.

"Huh," she mumbled. "Never saw it that way."

"I didn't expect you to, I didn't expect that at all." He chuckled. "You two always act way too independent for your age."

"We were forced to be independent." Mabel admitted.

"Why?" Will asked, Mabel suddenly getting curious.

"Well, it all started seven years ago."


"How is it hilarious?" Pacifica questioned. "It doesn't seem that unbelievable."

"A thirteen year old blonde girl hits famous psychic with a golf cart in the middle of the woods." Dipper quoted. "Sounds like a wonderful headliner, don't you think?"

"You're not putting that in the newspaper are you?" Pacifica bit her lip hard.

"I don't know, yet." He said, trying to stand up, but failing to do so.

"Did I hurt you...bad?" Pacifica winced at Dipper's condition.

"Oh uh, only a little." Dipper said, but Pacifica noticed how he said it. He sounded like he was reading from a script and it didn't sound natural.

Something was up.




“Unnatural, It Sounded”

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