Chapter 21

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"Gideon, how many days are in July?" Pacifica asked.

"Hmm, thirty one." He said, not looking up from his tv show.

"And same with August?" She asked.

"Mhm, why?"

"No reason." She looked down at her feet. She had sixty two days not to fall for Dipper Gleeful.


Day 1:

Pacifica walked with Gideon to the store that was a couple blocks away from the Mystery Shack, because Bud had sent them for some food. Pacifica yawned and looked in the store. Pacifica wondered, as she was looking through the boxes of cereal, if Dipper was counting the days, just like she was? She shook her head and cleared him from her mind, until he decided to show up.

"Hey Paz," he said, smirking devilishly.

"Hello, Gleeful." She tried her best to ignore him, but it's hard to ignore someone when that certain someone wraps an arm around you and pulls you to them. "What are you doing?"

"Spending time with my girl." He explained, "have you fallen for me yet?"

"In your nightmares." She muttered, "of course I haven't."

"Darn, it's a bummer." He mumbled. "But, I've still got time, but I won't wait that long." He let go of her and walked out of the store right as Gideon came back with some candy. "What happened, Paz?" Gideon asked.

"Nothing happened." Pacifica frowned, and started to walk away.

What did he mean when he said that he still had time?


Day 2:

"This sucks!" Dipper exclaimed, as he paced around his bedroom. "She's playing hard to get, I know it."

"Uh-huh, sure." Mabel muttered, looking at her nails instead of her brother for once.

"She is, Mabel, I know it." Dipper frowned at his sister.

"Why are you focusing on getting her?" She asked, finally looking up at her brother.


"Why are you flirting with her so much?" Mabel asked.

"Because I'm gonna die anyways, so I can flirt with whoever I want." He explained quickly. "I mean, it won't mean anything later."

"So you're playing her?"

"Something like that." Dipper lied.

"Okay...." Mabel sighed.


Day 3:

Pacifica sat in front of the tv in the Mystery Shack, watching some Cash Wheel with Gideon. She had tried to forget about Dipper and all of his flirting but it was hard when he kept showing up. The doorbell rang, "not it!" Gideon cried, so he could continue watching the show.

"Ugh fine," Pacifica rolled her eyes and got up to answer the door. She walked over to the door and saw Dipper Gleeful standing there. "What do you want, Gleeful?" She asked, putting her hands on her hips.

"Just wanted to see-"

"Your favorite girl, I know." Pacifica sighed and shook her head.

"You got it." He chuckled, "so how about we go away from here for a little while, what do you say?" He gave her a grin.

"What do I say? I say no." She slammed the door in his face before he could protest.


Day 4:

"She's frustrating me." Dipper complained to Will as he fell onto the couch. "She keeps pushing me away."

"Maybe she actually wants to keep the Journal and maybe she doesn't like you." Will shrugged.

Dipper looked up at Will, "yeah I'll believe that when pigs fly." He turned on the tv and started to watch the news.

"Breaking News!" The tv announcer said, "in the woods in our beloved town Reverse Falls, we have spotted flying pigs! There are flying pigs in Reverse Falls!"

Will gave Dipper a look and Dipper frowned. "Okay maybe I won't believe it, even if pigs fly."


Day 5:

"He's so arrogant!" Pacifica exclaimed, pacing around the Mystery Shack Gift Shop.

"Uh-huh." Robbie said, reading his magazine.

"He thinks I'll fall for him instantly!" Pacifica grumbled.

"Right." Robbie murmured.

"He just comes here and starts with his-"

"Paz, maybe the only reason you find it so annoying is the fact that you're actually falling for him?" Robbie interrupted.

"What?!" Pacifica shouted. "I am in no universe falling for Dipper Gleeful!"


Day 6:

Dipper was standing outside the Mystery Shack and he waited patiently for Pacifica to open the door. He checked his watch and sighed. How many days had gone by already? How much time did he have left?

Instead, Gideon opened the door. "What do you want Dipper?" He asked in a cheerful tone.

"I'm here for Pacifica, is she around?" He asked.

Gideon was about to reply, but someone behind him must of said something, and Dipper knew exactly who it was. "No she's not around." Gideon said slowly, and Dipper knew he was lying.

"Aw Paz, you really want to hide from me?" He asked, knowing that Pacifica was standing right behind Gideon.

"Leave me alone Gleeful!" Pacifica exclaimed.

"Why won't you just admit it?" Dipper asked. "Admit that you like me!"

"I do not like you!"

"You say that now!" He shouted back to her before disappearing in a cloud of smoke.


Day 7:

Pacifica sighed and sat down on her windowsill, looking up into the almost night sky. The sunset looked so pretty, she knew that she wanted to get a closer look. She got down from the window and walked outside to where the ladder was. So Pacifica could go onto the roof. She smiled and watched the sunset but she heard someone come up onto the roof. She turned to see Dipper. "Dipper-"

"Relax, I'm not here to flirt with you, I just wanted to watch the sunset." He explained, sitting down next to Pacifica.

Pacifica wondered, "Dipper why are you watching them here? Can't you see them from your Manor?"

"It's not as pretty as it is here." He explained, quickly.

"Oh," she mumbled and looked away from him.

Maybe it was the calmness, maybe it was the sunset. Maybe it was the fact that they were just sitting there without saying a word. But Pacifica felt a tug on her heart.


Day 8:

"Dipstick where have you been?" Mabel asked, "you've missed tea."

Dipper sighed and walked upstairs ignoring Mabel. He knew that Pacifica wanted nothing to do with him now and he figured he should just stop.

"It's that girl, isn't it?" Mabel asked from the doorway.

"Yeah, it's her." Dipper sighed.

"Why are you so attached to her?" Mabel frowned.

"Because she's different." Dipper snapped.

And she hit me with a golf cart.


Day 9:

Pacifica looked between Gideon and Robbie with disbelief. "You two both think that I like Dipper?!"

Gideon said 'mhm' while Robbie said 'no'.

"You two are mad!" She shouted walking upstairs.


Day 10:

"Okay, I've stopped caring you can stop this." Dipper said as Will made him tea. "She doesn't like me Will, you were right."

"I doubt it." Will chuckled.

"How do you mean?"

"I honestly think Pacifica likes you, like when you two were watching the sunset, she liked it because you weren't throwing yourself at her like you usually do." Will explained.

"Huh....maybe you're right." Dipper murmured.





“Days Pass”

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