Outcome of Who are you?!?

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If you picked A
"Y-YN" You say with a stutter as you were being held tightly by your wrist by the wolf. "Tch, Name's Roxanne. You know where you are?" Asked Roxanne with her now you know Jersey accent. You shook your head,"Your in the place of Damned Souls, Welcome to Hell DipSh*t"Countined Roxanne. "H-H-Hell!?!"You said as you almost passed out but thankfully you didn't. "How do I get out?!"You asked afterwards,"Beats me,But try talking to him" Answered Roxanne. "Who's him?" You asked. "You'll find out....soon"Answered Roxanne again." So..... Roxanne,I want outta here so....bye"You said as you tried to escape. "Hold the f*CK up!"She said as she dragged you into what seemed like her changing room, Roxanne then sat you down on a chair as she locked the door. You can't just go out there!?, "Your a .....A-N-G-E-L.....I think"Said Roxanne as she pointed at your back,you turned around but saw nothing. "Ya... I'll leave now, please"You said as you got up,"Fine....BUT you have to win your freedom. Make the demons love you, Darling"Said Roxanne as she pointed to a closet as she looked away. So then you opened it and put on a dress/ suit

After you dressed up , Roxanne unlocked the door and stepped out as you followed and walked onto the stage. The Demons began whispering about you and then you began to sing for your own freedom..... Everyone loved you and soon you may have done three whole shows. You walked off stage with a small smile, Roxanne looked ecstatic as her tail wagged as she followed you. "So you earned two things,One my friendship and two your freedom. Also keep the clothes!" Said Roxanne as you walked out of the club and to wherever fate took you

If you picked B

The wolf growled lowly at you,"Well!?!!"She barked as she glared at you,you were still silent as she barked for someone to come over then a wolf that looked exactly like her except that it was a male came over. "Do what you please with them"She said. "Yes Roxanne"Said The make wolf as he flung you over his shoulder and walked off as you struggled to get away. Soon you two reached a allyway with a symbol on the wall that showed a pentagram with the...holy cross. "Name's Robin"Said The male wolf in a Texan accent. Robin then walked into a old building with holy items in it,"Y-YN"You say as he set you down. Alright,Angel,Your in hell and you need to either help the rebellion against him or escape or work for him. I..... choose (insert choice). "Very well then"Said Robin as he wrote down a address on a slip of paper. "Go see Bane/ Corbin/ Ashley"He said as he handed you that paper as you walked off. (Tell me what you choose)

If you picked C.

You quickly but her arm and ran twords the exit as you heard, three or four people running behind you. You kept running until a smooth voice spoke, "That's quite enough"They said as the footsteps stopped. "Young,Lady/Man, pleas forgive them,my grace"Said The voice . You turned around and we're greeted by this

"Your Grace,I am Jo. Your new friend"Said Jo as he grabbed you by the arm and pulled you somewhere.

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