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For the first time in two years, Nickolas slept peacefully. More than that, he slept like a rock and woke up smiling. No grinning. He was finally free. He could finally do what he wanted with his life. He could wear his makeup, go on dates and kiss boys in public without having to care about what anyone else thought and it felt marvellous.

He went about his morning routine, careful not to smudge his eyeliner or lipstick. He wasn't wearing much makeup, he was just going to school after all, but it felt nice to wear it out in public. St. Dymphna's didn't count, people like Betty were paid not to care. Just as he stepped out of the bathroom, hair flawlessly done and eyeliner draw, the air got sucked out of his chest, and he was in a completely different place.

Nickolas was pressed up against a door, the doorknob biting into his back painfully but he barely noticed. Someone, well not just anyone a guy, who was taller than him by a few inches with short, tastefully messy brown hair, had him pressed up against the door. His legs were wrapped around the taller boy's waist his eyes shut tight. One of the taller boy's hands was even cupping his ass, supporting his weight and the other was tangled in the Nickolas' curly hair as their lips moved together hungrily.


He pulled back, catching his breath against the door, legs still wrapped around the taller boy. Both their eyes were open now, and Nickolas gazed into the taller boy's electric blue eyes, he opened his mouth to say something and-

The vision cut of leaving him back in his new bedroom with its baby blue walls, grinning slightly. It looks like his plans would come into fruition sooner than he thought. He wasn't bothered by the vision, things like that happened all the time. He was Gifted and not in the prodigy sense. He was 'gifted' with the power to see flashes of the future. Zoe and Daniel were Gifted too, but Nickolas didn't know their abilities.

He glanced at his bed, eyes growing wide when he reached out to pick his shirt of his bed. He wasn't wearing much, just a simple pale blue t-shirt, dangerously tight jeans and blue converses to match. They were new; he'd gotten them on Tuesday when he'd gone shopping with Zoe, who'd tried to shove him into any black piece of clothes she got her eyes on. The only thing remarkable about his outfit was the fact that it happened to be the exact one he was wearing in his vision.

He turned to his dresser and begun to debate with himself over which nail Polish to use. Hey, if he was going to meet another cute gay boy, he might as well go all out.


Nickolas sat in the back of the car, holding his blue fingernails in front of the car Ac to dry. Zoe was in the front and her boyfriend, Alec, was driving since it was his car. Alec was tall and lean with blue hair, mischievous silver eyes and one nose ring, which was the one piercing that Nickolas could see on him. He was cute, in his own way, but he wasn't Nickolas' type. Besides Zoe already had him locked down, the two of them were Mates, and Alec didn't even seem a little bit queer.

Los Angeles was sunny, so sunny it almost burned Nicholas' eyes, but he loved it. It was such a big change from dreary St. Dymphna's or cramped, close-minded Hollis, his old town. It was so big, he was just a drop in the ocean of people who couldn't give a shit about his sexuality, and he loved it.


Isaac stepped through the crowded halls, trying to find the source of that scent. He'd been pretending to listen to one of his teammates, Jake he thinks, rambling on about their last game when he'd smelt it. And fuck he needed to find them, they smelled amazing. It kept drifting away, grating on Isaac's nerves. As Isaac turned another corner, still looking for that elusive scent, he heard a shrill voice trying to get his attention. Sighing, he ran his fingers through his messy short brown hair and turned.

"Yes, Brittany." Why couldn't she leave me alone?

Brittany was short and pale, with bubblegum pink lips and large blue anime girl eyes. Her messy, straight hair was dyed a bright artificial cherry red. She was in her cheerleader uniform; pompoms clutched in her left hand.

"Are you coming to Daisy's party?" She trailed her empty hand up his arm. "Oh, have you been working out?" She spoke in a tone Issac assumed was supposed to be seductive, but he felt nothing.

Yes. But that was beside the point. Brittany was a nice girl, but her constant flirting was starting to become annoying. She didn't seem to handle rejection well or get the fact that he was gay. Although, he'd only admitted about a month ago.

"I might go." He extracted his arm from her as nicely as he could. "Excuse me." He stepped around her, continuing on his way down the hall as she stared after him, confused as to why her feminine wiles hadn't worked.

The source of the scent had stopped moving, and Isaac started walking faster, almost running now. The bell rang, and the halls were almost empty now, most people were heading off to classes or to the Library as Isaac should be.

He turned a corner into a hall that came into a dead end. It was less crowded than the others with only five or so other students. The source was closer now; he could almost feel them, electricity flowed right under his skin as he got nearer. He got to the end of the hall and paused, awed by what he found.

Nickolas wanted him the moment they locked eyes on each other. How could he not? He was handsome, and Nickolas could tell he was well built. When they locked eyes that only confirmed his suspicions. He found him.

The boy with the electric blue eyes.

The boy from his vision.

His mate.

Nickolas grinned, walking forward to meet the taller boy, who was frozen in place and staring down at him, millions of expressions flashed across his face. Nickolas only picked out a few, namely joy, awe and lust. His grin turned into a sly smirk; he liked that look.

Isaac doesn't think he's ever seen someone so beautiful before in his life. He was tall, only shorter than Isaac by a few inches, with dark skin and dark black curls of hair; when they locked eyes a jolt of electricity ran down Isaac's spine. The beautiful boy's eyes were warm brown pools, ringed in black with flecks of gold, light and magic swimming in them. Did he wear eyeliner? Isaac didn't care.

The beauty stalked over to him a catlike smirk graced his delicate features and plush lips. He stopped in front of Isaac, and it took him a few seconds to recognise that the beauty was waiting for him to speak.

"H-Hi?" It came out sounding like a question. Isaac doesn't think he's ever been so tongue-tied since his first day of kindergarten.

The beauty shook his head and giggled; Isaac loved the sound. He came closer and stood on the tips of his toes, bringing his face closer to Isaac's.

"My name's Nickolas," It took Isaac a minute to realize he'd just spoken to him. His voice was soft, with a slight lift. "What's yours?"

"I-Isaac." He managed to sputter out. He must look like an idiot, barely able to make coherent sentences. People were starting to stare now, most where humans who didn't know what was going on and magic users who were annoyed they were blocking the halls with their couple crap.

"Well Isaac," Nickolas stretched his name out sensually. It sounded ridiculously erotic coming from between his lips.

So that was what Brittany was trying to do.

"Come with me; we need to... talk." Nickolas held his hand out, and Isaac took it. Nickolas pulled him along, seemingly looking for a specific class to 'talk'.

Isaac just watched his hips sway and let him guide him through the halls. Was it weird that he looked just as beautiful from the back as his front? Probably, but Isaac wasn't thinking straight; the blood meant for his brain was rushing to a very different head.

Isaac followed Nickolas the beauty.

Nickolas, his mate.

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