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Meet me in front of the school, Isaac.
- Isaac the shy hunk.

Nickolas wasn't remotely surprised when he read Isaac's text. He grinned staring down at his phone that was balanced precariously in his lap. He was in homeroom right now besides Zoe, who was reading The picture of Dorian Grey. He wasn't supposed to be using his phone right now, but their homeroom teacher had her nose buried in an old romance novel.

Nicholas' sketch pad was opened up on his desk, a pair of electric blue eyes sketched across a page. What can he say? They were pretty eyes.

- You

Nickolas put his phone away, suddenly even more excited for school to be over. He must have been grinning because Zoe looked over at him, eyebrow raised in a perfect arch.

"Was that him?" Zoe had heard through the grapevine what happened.


"I can't believe you moved on so soon."

"I already did ages ago." He rolled his eyes. He'd moved on from Josh, the bastard, and Peter too. He didn't talk to anybody from Hollis aside from Gabi, who'd been there for him when he thought his life was over. "Besides it's not like I wasn't expecting it."

"You had a vision?" He nodded, and she punched his shoulder. Hard. "And you didn't say anything? Why not?"

He shrugged. "I didn't know for certain, I just had a sneaking suspicion." He picked up his pencil, going back to sketching. "Besides, I don't like talking about my visions." Not since Josh. "I want to live in the moment now and not worry about the past or future."

"That's good, I'm glad you're getting better." She gave him a toothy grin, lip piercing flashed. "So... What did he say?"

"Nothing much, he just wants to meet me after school."


Isaac swayed on the balls of his feet, nervous. Nickolas would be here any moment, he could feel buzzing under his skin at the thought.

"Hi." Isaac whipped around at the sound of Nicholas' voice. Nickolas gave him a cat-like grin, stalking over to Isaac like a predator to its prey. Isaac wanted to push him up against the side of the school and kiss him senseless. He shook it off. They needed to talk first, not make out. They could make out later.


"You learned how to speak." Nickolas teased.

"Um, yes?" He spoke, completely unsure so it came out sounding more like a question. "Sorry, about that I was just so shocked."

"I understand silly, you're nervous it's cute on you." He cocked his head to the side. "So...?"

"Oh, right do you want to go out for a coffee now or...?"

"I'd love to."

"Great." Isaac held out his hand for Nickolas, unduly embarrassed. After all, they'd done a whole lot more than just hold hands. Nickolas took his hand, and Isaac marvelled at how delicate it looked in his. "My car's just over there." He used his empty hand to gesture vaguely to were it was.

"Is it sexy?"

"My car?" Isaac asked; his cheeks tinted red.


"I'm not sure how to respond to that."

Nickolas shook his head, but he didn't look disappointed, in fact, he looked like he was struggling not to laugh.

"Oh Isaac, it's not that difficult. Just ask me a question, any question." Nickolas leaned in so close Isaac couldn't help but notice the birthmarks on Nicholas' left cheek. "Summon up whatever courage you used to grab my ass."

Now Isaac was mortified, but he noticed the sketchbook Nickolas had clutched against his chest and asked about that.

Immediately, Nicholas' eyes lit up, and he opened up the sketchbook, revealing stunningly realistic drawings of random things, the sky, a bus stop, Isaac's eyes (he'd blushed at that, making Nicholas giggle).

Then Nickolas asked what Isaac did outside of school, prompting him to mention his robotics class and his workshop at home.

They ended up in Isaac's car, which Nickolas deemed was sexy, but the conversation continued, moving on to normal things like favourite colours and birthdays. Nickolas froze up when the topic of family was mentioned, so Isaac dropped it, and they flowed seamlessly into chatting about music. As it turns out, Nickolas was a Matt Fishel fan, so they just talked about that instead.

They got to the cafe soon, and Isaac rushed to Nicholas' side to help him out.

"Well, aren't you a perfect gentleman." Nickolas teased as he took Isaac's hand.

"My mother didn't raise a hooligan." Nickolas shook his head, shoulders shaking from laughter. Isaac leaned down to press a kiss on Nicholas' cheek, right under his beauty mark. He pulled away, blushing furiously. It felt nice kissing him public, not that anyone seemed to mind or care about them.

"Aww, your blushing." Nickolas stroked his cheek, and Isaac just blushed more. "I am going to have lots of fun with you."


Isaac was at the counter ordering their coffee, a chocolate chip latte for Nickolas and a plain one for Isaac, while Nickolas was at their table, drawing in his sketchbook. Right now, he was finishing up the sketch of Isaac's eyes.

Isaac returned with lattes and Nickolas tucked his sketch pad away in his bag pack. Plenty of time to draw later.

"Do you paint too?" Isaac asked as he sat down, handing Nickolas his drink before he did.

"Yep, and I sculpt and make pottery too, although I haven't been doing a lot of that lately."

"Why not?"

"Don't have the right equipment and I don't want to ask Daniel, Zoe's dad, for more." He sighed. "They've done more than enough for me."

"You could always come over to my place, my mom has a pottery wheel." His mom was into art too, she was a curator now though so she didn't make much of her own art now. "In fact, she has an entire studio, I'll ask her if she doesn't mind."

Nicholas' eyes lit up, golden flecks shinning. He had to stop himself from squealing.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you." He leaned in to kiss Isaac, right on the lips, and Isaac almost growled when he pulled back.

"You're welcome." Isaac grinned, his cheeks red. "So, what type of stuff do you paint?"

"Abstracts and surrealist stuff mostly, real life tends to bore me, but I do portraits sometimes." He sipped his coffee, sighing. "That's good, anyway enough about me. What kind of stuff do you make, in your workshop I mean?"

"As I said, robots mostly, automatons and the like." Isaac scratched the back of his neck, he was always nervous when people asked about his work. Although, when was he never nervous? "Most of them are magically infused, mostly in the computer's 'brain' and-"

Isaac stopped, noting Nickolas' puzzled expression and furrowed eyebrows. He glanced down at the table, mortified. Great, he'd started ranting. Nickolas must think he's a huge nerd. "Sorry, I didn't mean to rant."

"What are you talking about?" Nickolas asked, eyes wide as he reached out to hold Isaac's hand on the table. Isaac couldn't look at him directly, he just stared down at Nickolas' bright blue nails. "I like that you're so into it." He leaned across the table until he was barely a breath away. "It's kind of sexy."

Isaac gaped at him like a fish out of water before managing to stutter out: "C-Can I kiss you?" Because with Nickolas so close how could he not want to? Especially since Isaac could almost feel himself being engulfed by Nicholas' scent, like chocolate, cinnamon and, as of now, coffee.

Nickolas didn't say anything else, he just leaned in and pressed his lips to Isaac's, nibbling on Isaac's bottom lip so he would open up for him, which Isaac gladly did. Isaac took over soon, gently at first but he sped up quickly. Nickolas just let himself sink into it, his hands roaming up and down Isaac's chest. Nickolas almost took of Isaac's shirt then and there but decided against it since they were in a public space and already getting some looks.

Nickolas pulled back, almost entirely out of breath. His hands were still on Isaac's chest, he didn't want to let go.

"We should probably get back to the car."

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