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"Thanks for tonight." Nickolas stood in the doorway, clutching Theodore to his chest. That was his teddy, he finally decided on a name.

"It's my pleasure." Isaac sighed, leaning in to press a kiss on Nickolas' lips. He responded quickly, grabbing onto the collar of taller boy's shirt with both hands. Theo landed on the floor, Nickolas barely noticed. Isaac's hands trailed down to the beautiful boy's waist, pulling him closer to his chest. Nickolas moaned into Isaac's mouth when he bit down on Nickolas' plush bottom lip, parting his lips to let the taller boy's tongue through.

Isaac pushed the beauty up against the wall, trailing kisses down his neck. Nickolas moaned, stretching his neck to give Isaac better access. Isaac's hands moved to cup his ass, lifting him of his feet. He giggled, wrapping his legs around the taller boy's waist.

Isaac nipped at the base of Nickolas' neck, causing him to let out a deep groan and arch his back, pressing into the taller boy, who growled, arching back into Nickolas in return. Nickolas could feel Isaac's, hardness against him, rubbing up on his own. As Isaac captured his lips in a heated kiss again, Nickolas knew now was probably the best time to end the kiss, before things got too heated.

He pulled back and Isaac growled again but didn't move to kiss him once more. Instead the taller boy pressed into him, making his head loll back as he whimpered, his resolve almost breaking.

"We should stop." He managed to say between heavy pants.

Isaac snapped out of his daze. "D-Did I do something wrong?"

"No, definitely not, in fact you did something a little too right." Nickolas glanced down meaningfully at their hips where they were still squashed together.

Isaac blushed, helping Nickolas back onto his feet. He landed gracefully and in one swift movement bent down to pick up Theodore. Isaac can't believe he named it.

Nickolas glanced up at Isaac. He was covered in lipstick stains, his sun-kissed skin was flushed red, either from kissing or embarrassment. Maybe both. His wavy brown hair was a mess and so were his clothes. Nickolas grinned, mildly proud he was the reason for Isaac being so dishevelled.

"Good night Isaac."

Isaac gave him a small smile then leaned in to plant a kiss against the beautiful boy's cheek. "Good night beautiful."


Nickolas stared at the white board, waiting for class to be over. He was stuck in an intro to geology course because the school had a science requirement, so he was stuck learning about rock formations. He had French last period and P.E tomorrow, much to his chargin, but aside from that his courses were mostly electives like drama, pottery, history, philosophy, literature and of course art. He had drama next thought, so he wouldn't be bored.


They sat in a circle on the hardwood floors of the raised stage at the end of the auditorium, twelve of them in total, lights hitting them harshly. Their drama teacher stood in the middle of them all. She was a small woman with cornflower blue eyes hidden behind thick, round spectacles and blond, waist length hair with flowers stuck in them. Nickolas thought she looked like she was transported from a 1960's hippie colony.

"Now darlings," Spoke the woman whose name Nickolas had already forgotten. Miss. Daisy? Miss. Buttercup? He just knew it was a flower. "Introduce yourselves."

What followed was a series of names, most of which Nickolas forgot immediately. He needed to get better at this. Once he introduced himself could feel someone else's gaze burrowing into his forehead. He looked up and followed the gaze to its source. The source was tall and lanky with messy, black hair and dark brown eyes.

Nickolas turned away in a huff. The boy was cute but Isaac was hot and smart and adorably shy.

I kinda miss him already.

"Ok darlings." Miss. Dahlia called to get their attention. "Pair up for your first exercise."

Almost immediately brown eyes made a beeline for Nickolas, who was too slow to find someone else.

"Hi." Brown eyes greeted Nickolas with a sly smirk. "My name's Marcus."

"I knew that." No I did not. "Mine's-"

"Nickolas." Marcus finished for him. "Trust me, I know."

"Ok darlings, for your first activity we're doing a trust fall." Miss. Lily announced, arms spread wide. "You must learn to trust one another."

Marcus went first and Nickolas almost let him fall. He hasn't done anything yet, so Nickolas caught him begrudgingly. They swapped after a while, once Miss. Blossom told everyone to flip roles.

"Your turn." Marcus reached out, ready to catch him.

"I swear to god if you drop me..." Nickolas trailed of, letting Marcus fill in the blanks.

"Trust me, I'm not going to drop you. I wouldn't want to ruin such a pretty face."

Nickolas huffed and turned around. "Ready."


Nickolas fell and not a second later Marcus caught him, hooking his lanky arms under Nickolas'. The brown eyed boy helped him up to his feet.

"You can move your hands now." Nickolas said as he glared down at Marcus' hands which were still latched on to his hips.

"You said that in the conditional tense so I'm going to keep them there are little longer."

"Ok, I'll rephrase that: Move your hands." Unless you want to loose them.

His hands flew of Nickolas' hips, he stepped back. "Sorry, why didn't you say something Angel?"

Nickolas huffed, arms crossing over his chest. "Stop flirting with me. I have a boyfriend."

"Dammit, the cute ones are always taken." Marcus sighed dramatically. "Please tell me he's not going to come to my house tonight with a baseball bat."

Nickolas burst out laughing, marvelled that this creep- that Marcus managed to make him laugh. "No, he's not the type." Isaac could barely kiss him without blushing first. Nickolas couldn't imagine him beating someone up.

"Thank god." He sighed in relief. "Sorry for coming on to you, thought you were single." He apologised then added. "I should have gone for the blonde talking to Miss. Rose."

Miss. Rose, who was- Oh, the teacher.

"What makes you so sure he's gay?"

Marcus grinned. "Not sure, but that won't stop me from trying."

"What made you so sure I was gay?" Nickolas asked, knowing full and well he wasn't exactly the most subtle. He just wanted to know what specific part of him screamed GAY the most.

"The makeup." Marcus pointed at Nicholas' knoll lined eyes. "Not that straight boys can't wear makeup but... They just don't."

"Now darlings." Miss. Rose called out. "Pick a new partner for our next exercise."

"Aww, I don't get to hold you again." Marcus fake sighed melancholically. Nickolas thought he sighed to much. He really needed to be less judgemental.

"Watch it or I might convince my boyfriend to become that type." Nickolas half joked.

"Fine, no need to sick your boyfriend on me. I'm going." He ran of with his tail between his legs and right up to the blond. "See you later."

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