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Nickolas ran his brush over the blank white canvas, staining the canvas with a light blue streak of paint. He'd finally settled on painting the blue and purple tulips Isaac had gotten him yesterday. Right now he was in the middle of his room, a giant white tarp was spread out under him to keep his floors clean. He was wearing overall, a paint stained apron and not much else. His hair was packed to the side, looking like a giant poof ball of curly hair.

The painting finished quickly and he stepped back, admiring his work. It was good but he didn't really feel anything from them. They didn't represent any emotion they just represented flowers. Not that that was a bad thing, some paintings just didn't have much behind them.

Not like the paintings I left behind.

Nickolas shook his thoughts of, the past was the past. No point digging things up. Removing his apron and taking of his shirt, Nickolas walked to the kitchen. He hadn't had breakfast yet and his stomach was eager to remind him.

The kitchen wasn't empty. Thomas was at the stove, poking at a frying pan full of sausage patties, while Zoe and Daniel were at the kitchen counter. They were all talking and laughing over something, looking like a picturesque family.

I feel like an intruder.

Nickolas stepped into the kitchen. Zoe looked up and waved him over with a wide eyed grin. Soon enough they were all engrossed in conversation about school and work and life in general. For the first time in a while Nickolas felt welcomed, like part of a family.

Maybe I'll be able to call this place home soon.


The drive back to St. Dympha's was quiet. Thomas and Daniel were up in front with Nickolas in the back. He'd originally planned to go back by himself, he had barely enough for a taxi drive back and forth, but Daniel had insisted on driving him. Thomas just tagged along. The two of them seemed to be joined at the hip, always holding hands or bumping shoulders.

I feel like a massive third wheel. 

Soon enough they pulled up at St. Dympha's and after some quick goodbyes Nickolas ran in. He never thought he'd be eager to come back.

Angie was already in the waiting room, bouncing on the balls of her feet and grinning. She had two nurses behind her, watching her every move like a pair of sharks. She let out a shriek once she saw Nickolas, rushing forward to trap him in a hug. She was surprisingly strong for her age, she was just 15 compared to Nickolas' 17, but Nickolas shrugged her of easily.

"Damn Angie, I missed you too." He said as she released him. "How have you been?"

They just talked less than eight hours ago over the phone and Nickolas doubted much could happen over night but he still asked anyway.

"Good but I missed you." She grinned up at him, swaying on the balls of her feet again. It was a nervous habit of hers. "I'm being moved to the blue rooms tomorrow."

"Really Angie? That's great." St. Dympha's was divided into multiple sections: Green for those on low suicide risk and red for those with the highest. Nickolas never saw the insides of those red rooms. Angie used to be in the pink rooms, somewhere in the middle. He'd met her in the grey rooms. "I'm glad you're getting better. You'll be into the green rooms and out of here in no time."

"Thanks." She beamed then grabbed onto Nickolas' arm, tugging him along. The nurses followed silently behind her. "You need to help me pick out what to wear tomorrow."

Nickolas followed her, grinning as she took him down twisting hallways to her old room, which was filled with boxes of her things for her big move tomorrow.

This was the only part of this place I missed.


Nickolas watched as Angie tossed one outfit after another onto her bed. He wasn't really much of a help because, contrary to popular belief, he didn't really understand female fashion.

"The pink one or the blue one?" She held up two shirt, one was a pink, sleeveless cop top and the other was a blue, long-sleeved V-neck.

"The blue one? You know I'm not good at this."

"For once in your life why can't you be that kind of gay." She smiled, letting me know she was just joking. "I think I'll go for the blue one."

She put the shirts away in her closet then turned back to me, hands clasped together as a maniacal grin spread across her face.


"There's something you're not telling me."

"Which is?"

"You have a boyfriend."

"How did you even..."

"Gabi told me."

"I should never have introduced the two of you." I sighed dramatically, trying not to break out into a grin. "What else are the two of you saying behind my back?"

"She thinks you spend to much time on your hair."

"Understandable." I ran my hands through my curl. "But it takes time to reach this kind of perfection."

"I don't doubt that." She flopped down on to the bed next to me. "What's he like?"

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