New Beginnings!

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Within the Pocket.

An: that what Adam domain look like.

Everything was quiet until a crack in reality appear and exiting this crack is Adam himself who is smiling insanely.

Adam: "Ten years! I been imprisoned in William Meaux mind and now I am free!" He said a bit happy before frowning as he looks around the Pocket then he snap his fingers causing a few beings to appear.

Insanium: "What the hell? Where am I?" He ask.

Discord: "This place is emitting malice and insanity" he said a bit afraid.

Bill cipher: "This is far worst than the Nightmare realm" he said.

Four Shades: "Woah" they said.

Joker: "Why am I shaking in fear?" He ask as he is a bit afraid.

Alastor: "My word this place is nothing I have see" he said.

What happened next shock the readers as Adam open his mouth and absorbed Insanium, Discord, Bill cipher, Joker, Alastor, The Bats that laugh and a few others into himself. Leaving only the Four Shades to witness the complete erase of the most insane beings ever to exist.

Adam: "Mm~ delicious~" he said wiping his mouth with a napkin then look at the Four Shades with a disturbing gaze.

Hetz: "gulp so why are we here?" He ask a bit terrified.

Adam: "Simple you four will witness the new age of insanity~" he said as his body glow then he slam his fist into a wall causing a massive merge with all Omniverses, Realities, dimensions and more into his Pocket.

Everyone from Deities Pantheon, Malicious Regime, and others are completely horrified at the malice and insanity this new place is giving off however it wasn't long until Adam face appear throughout the Pocket.

Adam: "Greetings everyone! I am Adam~ And starting from this moment on you all will witness the beginning of this new age~" he said snapping his fingers which causing several people to appear but in cages that is preventing them of using their powers including writer system.


William Meaux.


Mastermind and Elegia.

Amara and the other heralds.

Ninjacomix and his family.



Elsword800 and his family.


Pksp04 and his evil self.



And many others including Union.

W M: "Adam!" I yell slamming my fists into the cages but wince slightly.

Adam: "Oh don't bother as those cages were designed to prevent your powers of being used including the writer systems" he said shocking the other writers.

Pksp04: "How did you escape William Meaux mind!?" He ask after realizing there was never an explanation of Adam escaping.

Adam: "Oh that simple it because of the massive energy spike of real life which was just enough to set me free~" he said surprising everyone minus a few.

Elsword800: "wait why aren't you villains freaking out?" He ask after noticing that the villains ain't trying to escape.

Mastermind: "We villains can't beat him so we just gonna wait until Adam is beaten the unexpected" he said pouring his wife some wine.

Elegia: "Plus our powers are being nullify by these designed cages so we can't escape" she said.

Adam: "Hehe yup~ however that doesn't mean you all can't sense what gonna happened next~" he said gaining everyone attention until their eyes widen in horror.

W M: "No! You leave them alone!" I yell with fear in my tone as Adam have all my adopted children and biological children inside a orb of space.

Malka: "You lets us go!" She yell.

Adam: "Mm~ nope and why? Because this is the day William Meaux will lose what makes him, him!" He said holding out a writer system which shocked the writers and villains as Adam press a button.

W M: "No!" I yell as everyone eyes widen in horror as my adopted children and biological children are erase from existence.

Adam: "Hahahahah!" He laugh insanely as everyone look at me as my eyes became empty and lifeless.

Hatred: "That ... Worst than what I went through" he said.

Waldron: "... May Nothing protect us all" he said as he is completely horrified.

Adam: "Hahahahahaha, see that everyone! The champion of balance has broke! Hahahahahah" he said.

















Aspen: "Look like the time has come" they said surprising everyone including Adam as they look at William Meaux boss who isn't alone as standing beside him is Entity.

What shocked everyone is that both Aspen and Entity are releasing their true powers which can wipe out all of Wattpad.

Adam: "Why are you two doing here!? You two wouldn't be here unless ... No that shouldn't be possible!" He yell a bit terrified which everyone look at him in confused until they look at my cage only to gasps as they are shocked at the newly Omni energy that I am releasing.

W M: "... This is the end for you Adam" I said touching the cage which shattered as I charge at him while giving him the death glare as my eye glow

Thus I begin to punch him fast and strong as blood cover my fists.

At the same time Aspen set everyone free while Entity is keeping them in a barrier to prevent them from my wrath.

A few minutes later.

It wasn't long until I stop punching Adam who is barely able to breath.

Adam: Cough "That the William Meaux I remember" he said smiling weakling.

W M: "... That boy you remember has grow up" I said reversing everything thus restoring all Omniverses, Realities, dimensions and others back to their original places.

Adam: "Heh no matter where you go you would always be the child I know" he said weakling as he vanish into Nothing.

W M: "..." I didn't say anything except causing the blood to vanish and bringing back my adopted children and biological children.

Children: "Dad!" They shout and dog pile onto me as they hug me like they haven't see me in years.

Entity: "Now then lets bring you lot home" he said as both himself and Aspen teleport everyone back home.

Aspen: "look like without Adam the Pocket is no longer exist" they said as the Pocket devoured itself.

Entity: "Like all things should be and it seems your champion has fully completed his trial" he said watching as the Pocket no longer exist.

Aspen: "Indeed he had but the future holds many unknown" they said as both Aspen and Entity are floating in emptiness.

Entity: "Well then let's hope that everyone learns that messing with William Adam Meaux or his family is basically the end of their existence" he said vanishing into the emptiness.

Aspen: "... I couldn't agree more" they said vanishing.

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