The 3 Crystals out of many {Chapter-3}

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The incident that happened with a girl named Raven was the weirdest one ever until now. Jade today again sat next to the frozen lake next to the stone statue. Jade was telling the stone statue about what had happened yesterday when..

A girl who looked 18, Who wore an huge coat up until her neck and who had a huge hat on top of her came up behind Jade the girl muttered something and the frozen lake wasn't frozen anymore.

Jade still didn't know that there was a girl behind her, the girl went back a few steps and then ran up to jade and pushed her into The now Unfrozen lake.

The place Jade lived in was very cold place it was snowing all the time so of course Jade didn't know how to swim and now the water above her froze forming a layer of ise above her not letting her to come out of the lake.

Jade struggled to go out of the water the water was very cold but then she remembered the blue light. Jade then forced her thoughts towards the blue light and then something happened.

Jade was getting lifted upwards by some mystical blue force. the water above her that was frozen until now became normal warm water which was letting her to go out of the water she was lifted upwards above the water and then she landed on the ground.

"Looks like you fast the first test you chose the blue light eh? Ok well here we are again on that little town Street So here you go" said the girl in the coat while she lifted her right hand towards jade. she was holding something in her fist.


Without answering the girl open her first which revealed a blue crystal, a shiny blue crystal.

"I will only answer some of your questions alright? and yes I could have killed you but I didn't and that's what matters" said the girl in the coat.

"Ok so first question who the hell are you"? Jade asked.
"I am you're worst nightmare and you're best daydream combined. Stop wasting you're questions jade" replied the girl in the coat.
"How did you know my na- Oh forget it! Just tell me why this is happening to me and what's the legend or secret or whatsoever!" Said jade angrily.
"Jade, Oh jade. I can't answer all of that can I? It's not my place to explain everything but I can't leave you here with nothing can I?" Replied the girl in the coat.
Jade scoffed "Just answer my question".
"Fine! The legend is you and that's all because of that necklace and an huge enim- The girl would have continued if a boy who was also 14, who had her black hair which was in a spiked up hairstyle, Who wore blue gloves and a light blue t-shirt with jeans had not just cut her off.

"Shut the hell up ivy or else you're crazy fandom will be left in tears when they find out that you're a fraud!" Said the boy.
"Okay okay! Why do you have to ruin everything like draco? Oh and the necklace you're wearing that's a- ivy would have continued if she wasn't just cut off by a girl who was also 14, Had wavy curly deep pink hair. Who wore a pink and purple crop top and a glittery pink and purple skirt who was levitating had just appeared behind ivy. The pink girls eyes were now Lazer green.
"STOP MAKING FUN OF DRACO AND DON'T YOU EVEN THERE THINK ABOUT TALKING TO MY FRIEND IF YOU ARE GOING TO RUIN HER LIFE" Screamed the pink girl. She looked furious and then she tied up Ivy's hands from the back and made ivy kneel down.

"Oh my gosh! Why are you all crazy!? What's the big deal!?" Said ivy.
"Oh shut up!" The pink girl and the boy in blue and Raven who had just appeared said together.
"CAN YOU ALL JUST SHUT UP FOR A MOMENT!?" Screamed jade to all of them.

Raven just teleported ivy to a underground asilum and then she came back.

"I know you're name". Said jade pointing her hands towards Raven. "It's Raven isn't it? What are your names?" Asked jade.
"My name's Rosalina, You can call me Rosa. I have the pink crystal which is my element, it states Heat and fire. Oh and the bonus is levitation and Lazer eyes." Said the pink girl.
"My names jack. I have the real blue crystal which is my element. It states Air and wind. My bonus is teleportation and electrical powers.

"And she's Raven. You might already know her". Said Rosa pointing her hands towards Raven who was adjusting her hoodie. " Ray's a Salemer and her crystal is purple and Raven, Yes she gets two crystals. Her elements water and ice and the bonus is telekinesis and mind control" answerd Rosa

"What's a Salemer?" Asked jade looking at Raven.

"Salemers are half demon half angel and quarter normal hybrids children. We have the ability to make our and some others invisible to the normals or any other species that we want. And yes that also means that I do have a bit of evil inside me." Answerd Raven looking at me.
"I like a little evil. Evils fun" said jade looking at Raven. Smiling.

"And salemers have angelic singing abilities if they don't act like they know everything and they don't care about anything that happens, And this is directly towards you Ray." Said jack laughingly.
"You son of a war-"Raven would have snapped at jack if she didn't see a blonde/light brown frizzy haired woman dressed in all black like she was out of a spy movie, Heading towards them.
"Rosa! Idiot! Come fast to me! Mary's coming!" Said Raven
Jack and Rosa ran to Raven. Raven muttered something and then all three of them Turned invisible.

Then jade quickly sat back down next to the statue and acted as if she was talking to herself.

"Jade! There you are! I was so worried about you yesterday! You weren't in your room last night and my book was gone! What did you do"? Asked Mary who looked very worried now.
"I was umm.. practicing songs nearby this lake and the statue.." replied jade.
"Oh..okay then. Please don't take my book without asking me jade."
"Bye. It's almost time for dinner so be back inside soon jade" said Mary as she left.

As soon as Mary went back inside all three of them turned back visible.

"Okay I get it! You guys have powers and crystals that do something and all but what's that to me? Why am I connected to this! I have no crystals or powers!?" Asked jade to all three if them.

"Do I have to explain everything abo-" Raven would have continued if she had not just been cut out by Rosa.
"-WE ARE GETTING LATE!?" Screamed Rosa.
"Wait you guys can't leave without explaining again!!!" Said jade.
"Actually we can and we just did. We will be back soon" said jack and just a second later a huge blue light appeared and all three of them were gone.

Thanks for reading again! I am really happy that you read this. Leave the suggestions in the comments and vote if you liked it. Today's shout-out again goes to LilyTheRiddler7 for helping me come up with the name of Rosa. We will be back soon, Until then stay safe and stay hydrated

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